View Full Version : Hellknight Signifer Magus- Worth it? [PF]

2012-09-11, 05:53 PM
So is jumping into this prestige worth it for a Magus? I know you miss out on the arcane pool & everything but is there any prestiges more worth it?

2012-09-11, 05:57 PM
Magus is really one of those classes you want to stay in all the way. Looking over the Hellknight Signifier, it really doesn't look like anything spectacular. Not terrible, surprisingly, but not worth losing what the Magus is already giving you.

2012-09-11, 06:23 PM
I just wish they would come out with a few solid prestiges for the Magus :(

2012-09-11, 06:26 PM
I can't think of any, offhand. A Magus gets so much in the way of good stuff, that you would be losing a lot to convert to most other classes. That said, a lot of the archetypes do offer some good variation. Some of it I'd even consider to be better then the base Magus class, such as the Kensai.

2012-09-11, 06:27 PM
I actually adore the Magus for being such a perfect gish-in-a-can. In 3.5 there are so many convoluted builds for making a decent gish, but Magus does better than those without any finagling. It is perfect in its elegant simplicity.

2012-09-11, 07:44 PM
I can't think of any, offhand. A Magus gets so much in the way of good stuff, that you would be losing a lot to convert to most other classes. That said, a lot of the archetypes do offer some good variation. Some of it I'd even consider to be better then the base Magus class, such as the Kensai.

The Kensai is really bad.

2012-09-11, 07:47 PM
So is jumping into this prestige worth it for a Magus? I know you miss out on the arcane pool & everything but is there any prestiges more worth it?

THIS prestige? No.
You would have to waste 2 feats on Arcane Armor Training/Mastery.
Maguses already can cast in Light/Medium/Heavy Armor, so these feats are worthless (yes, there are some Magus Archetypes that could benefit, but still).
And the abilities you'd gain are roughly as powerful as what you'd gain from more Magus.

About the only Prestige class I can honestly recommend would be Eldritch Knight, and that's more for the Bab boost to get you to 16 Bab at/before level 20.
Even then, probably skip that too.

2012-09-11, 07:58 PM
The Kensai is really bad.

How do you figure? INT and DEX to both initiative and AC, some free feats, int bonus to confirming crit roles, int-based combat reflexes, and the ability to draw weapons and act in the surprise rounds as highlights.

He loses some useful secondary abilities and a spell per level, but they are all easily compensated for with judicious application of gold.

2012-09-11, 08:19 PM
I actually adore the Magus for being such a perfect gish-in-a-can. In 3.5 there are so many convoluted builds for making a decent gish, but Magus does better than those without any finagling. It is perfect in its elegant simplicity.

I love it too, I just wish it had some prestiges made for it so you could find interesting ways to enhance your power

Akal Saris
2012-09-11, 08:28 PM
Power-wise, I can't see it being too worthwhile. Prereq feat and some spell failure related abilities also don't help the magus too much.

I think kensai's a good trade if you have very high stats in Int along with str or dex and con for some reason (rolled stats, for example, or perhaps 25 PB or higher).

I'm more of a fan of the bladebound archetype personally (which can also be combined with kensai, if I recall).

2012-09-12, 02:11 AM
Also, the INT to AC is offset a tad by your total loss of armor proficiency.

2012-09-12, 07:35 AM
Also, the INT to AC is offset a tad by your total loss of armor proficiency.

*cough* haramaki *cough*