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Henry the 57th
2012-09-12, 01:53 AM
OOC Thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255517)

You are on board the Word Bearers' Despoiler-class battleship Inevitable Damnation. More specifically, you have been gathered, along with a large group of your fellow heretics of all shapes and sizes, into a vast, open chamber that resembles nothing so much as a dark parody of those of the False Emperor. Stained glass windows depict images of Lorgar, of daemons, of the famous leaders of the Word Bearers Legion, and of the Legion's triumphs, particularly over the loathsome Eccelsiarchy.

You were called here nearly half an hour ago on the pretense of some important announcement, but as of yet the Word Bearers guarding the exits and cracking down on the most extreme violence are the only ones to be seen.

2012-09-12, 02:43 AM
Not so caring of the mishmash of heretics that filled the vast chamber, Katria crouched on a ledge of the edge of the room, half shrouded in shadows. Sharp eyes scanned the room all the time, seeking out those of possible interest, as her fingers drummed on the hilts of her swords with a faint metallic sound.

She didn't know why she was there, but if the Word Bearers remained true to form, it would be vicious, bloody and very dangerous. Her lips curved into a savage smile at the thought.

2012-09-12, 07:33 AM
Curious as to what kind of announcement these Word Bearers would bring, and slightly annoyed about waiting for the same announcement, Setesh probably seemed rather patient to onlookers as he stood there unfazed by the random violence around him. The same could not be said about the weapon on his side, the daemon weapon Vra'tzaen, which Setesh could tell was hoping for some kind of slaughter - which would probably be troublesome heretics in the eyes of the Word Bearers. Why else would they call upon outsiders, and not handle it just themselves, he thought.

Wondering a little what kind of people were gathered in the location, Setesh focused his mind and tried to find anyone with psychic talents or active powers used nearby, a little doubtful there would be any of his interest. But there seemed to be none in his vicinity.

Psyniscience test: [roll0] vs 45

Henry the 57th
2012-09-12, 07:46 AM
Setesh's attempt to locate those who follow the way of the psyker in the room proves to be a dismal failure. He can't sense anything in particular. A pair of Astartes stride in front of him, encased in blue, red, and gold armor.

Make a Forbidden Lore (Horus Heresy and the Long War) test.

Katria's eyes sweep over the room, seeking objects and people of interest.

Make a Perception check.

2012-09-12, 07:53 AM
Zasz had been standing still for the last half-hour, comfortable in his armour and happy to wait. There had been little else to do, and he hadn't wanted to do anything that might draw attention to himself. You didn't survive for millennia by faffing about and becoming a firm target! Besides, there was no reason not to be patient. Papa Nurgle was the most patient of them all, and Zasz sought to emulate that.

Activating the auto-senses, he glanced about the hall, searching for familiar faces or any interesting sights.

[roll0] v 100 for awareness, presuming it's a test involving sight.

Also, [roll1] v. 10, for tech-use to observe anything like hidden gases or radiological signatures. Using an auspex, in other words. I'm not expecting much, though.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-12, 08:03 AM
The two Astartes continue walking past Setesh. He thinks hard, but cannot for the life of him seem to remember the name of the warband of the Astartes in front of him.

Zasz looks around, noting that the heretics in the room are mostly human, with Astartes scattered throughout. He can count at least 6 different color schemes, with one band bearing the symbol of Papa Nurgle on their blue-green armor. By his estimation, there are two unaligned warbands, one dedicated to Papa Nurgle, two dedicated to the Blood God, and one dedicated to that awful Tzeentch. Turning his head slightly, Zasz also notices an oddly familiar-looking sorcerer just standing around.

2012-09-12, 08:22 AM
Nurglings danced across the neurons in his brain, but Zasz couldn't place the face from this distance. There was definitely something familiar about the sorcerer in spiked armour, but he couldn't quite recall the name. Unable to rub his chin, the elderly fellow began to make his way through the crowded hall, gently pushing those in his way out as to avoid trampling them. So many delicate followers of Chaos! It would be misery to maim them -- what chance would they have to embrace Papa Nurgle if they simply bled out?

His target was the sorcerer. Perhaps as he closed the distance Zasz would be able to determine who it was -- or have a jolt of memory.

2012-09-12, 09:08 AM
The small, slight figure that appeared at Zasz's side was a leaf, in comparison to the massive Astartes and the terminator armour he wore. Dressed in a simple, brown robe that covered her armour and weapons, and offered her a plain appearance compared to most in the room, Katria walked quietly alongside the chaos marine, her posture appearing somewhat demure and her eyes downcast.

2012-09-12, 09:16 AM
"It is good to see you again, little one. Did you have fun on your sight-seeing?" Zasz spoke softly, not turning his head to look towards her. The heads-up display within the terminator helmet provided information on the woman beside him.

2012-09-12, 09:33 AM
Katria nods meekly, a light, cheery smile on her face. Her voice is quiet, not too much above a whisper and might almost seem timid. "So many fighting, over small scraps. It means I can watch, enjoy, no need to shame my blades for small things."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-12, 12:34 PM
Zasz and Katria make good time moving towards Setesh, Zasz moving most obstacles to the side before they have time to object. Finally, one man does not so easily move aside.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" snarls an Astartes in the colors of the old World Eaters Legion.

2012-09-12, 01:10 PM
Katria gave a frightened sounding squeak and stumbled backwards from both marines, seeming to shrink as she buried her hands in her robes and hunched her shoulders, her footsteps moving her out of immediate view of the World Eater, unless his gaze followed her.

2012-09-12, 02:39 PM
"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

Presuming the individual didn't push the issue, Zasz wouldn't worry and would continue. If the World Eater did insist on not stepping aside, Zasz would sigh and speak these words. "Brother, there is no reason for your anger. I apologize for my actions. Now, if that is all, I request that you move aside slightly so that I might continue on my path."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-12, 04:32 PM
The World Eater does not seem to be paying much attention to Katria, and she is able to slip out of his field of vision with relative ease.

"And why should I?" the Astartes growls testily. "Why don't you just move around me?"

2012-09-12, 08:53 PM
"And why should I? Why don't you just move around me?"

"Look there, space has been made. I shall move around you then -- it was merely the path of least resistance." Zasz smiled underneath the helmet and continued on his merry way, moving to go around the World Eater. Presumably he would be stopped?

Henry the 57th
2012-09-12, 09:01 PM
"Look there, space has been made. I shall move around you then -- it was merely the path of least resistance." Zasz smiled underneath the helmet and continued on his merry way, moving to go around the World Eater. Presumably he would be stopped?

"Good." he grunts, with a slight hint of smugness in his voice.

The Word Eater makes no move to stop Zasz, instead going back to what he was doing before, which is fiddling with a data slate.

2012-09-12, 09:19 PM
Continuing by, Zasz the Ancient eventually arrived within a few dozen meters of the Sorcerer. He wasn't, as rule, fond of psykers. They were usually aligned with Tzeentch, who opposed the gifts of Papa Nurgle. But psykers had their uses. They weren't all bad. It was simply their God who was.

He gave the individual another glance-over, trying to place where he had encountered the man in the past. Could it have been some sort of rivalry? Of course not!, Zasz chided himself internally, I don't do such silly things as rivalries. Hmm... but why did the armour seem so familiar?

Stealthy Edit

Zasz's eyes went wide in recognition. "Why, could it be -- Setesh?"

2012-09-13, 06:02 AM
Hearing a familiar sounding tone of voice through the external vox of a terminator armour coming from the side, Setesh turned and faced the voice's originating direction. In front of him stood a large unassuming marine clad in terminator armour, which strangely enough didn't seem at all out of place. It was most peculiar, the sorcerer thought.

"Hm, is that Zasz? Of the Death Guard? I've heard of some of your exploits after the corpse-god's betrayal." he uttered, still perplexed as to why a Death Guard would looks so... normal. So alike when they had first met so long ago. There could be only one way Setesh knew, and that was sorcery. He focused his perception to see the flow of warp around the old acquintance infront of him, but his warp sight failed him at this point in time. But that didn't change the fact that he knew something was wrong with this picture, it must just have been quite some powerful sorcery to be a challenge for him. Or perhaps it was the Lord of Sorcery playing a prank on him.

Psyniscience test to notice IoN: [roll0] vs 50 (+5 from 1 gift)

2012-09-13, 07:06 AM
Katria again, hovered at Zasz' side like a waif, her head bowed respectfully, and humbly to the sorceror.

2012-09-13, 07:19 AM
"And I see you have picked up a stray?" he continued upon noticing the little woman dwarfed at the Death Guard's side.

2012-09-13, 07:31 AM
"There is something to be said for the waif, Setesh. This is Katria! I found her on one of the many small, desolate planets around the rim of the Vortex, and much to my surprise, she was surviving on it! Well, it didn't take long for me to acknowledge the craftiness and will one would have to possess to perform such a feat, especially a human -- and the rest, as they say, is history. But what of yourself, sorcerer! Putting spikes on your armour with such wild abandon!"

2012-09-13, 07:53 AM
Katria raises her head, giving Setesh a bright, almost too wide smile of greeting. Her slender eyes blinked briefly, as she took the Thousand Son in. "Hello. Do your spikes collect blood?"

2012-09-13, 08:09 AM
"Ah, that does sound like something you'd say I suppose, following the bloated one." he said, trying to refrain from sounding too insulting toward Zasz's patron god, however much he disliked that "Papa Nurgle", with respect to an old companion. "Sometimes humans can be fascinating." he continued, mostly refering to what some individuals' minds might contain as he'd delve through them like an open book. "Concerning the spikes, I felt it would be suiting at one point. Who would expect one of my kin to flaunt about with spikes?" He chuckled a bit, as Zasz already knew of his legion origins and would probably understand the deceptive qualities such things would offer.

"And look at you, nothing at all you'd expect from one of the Death Guard! I never knew you to be one to employ deception nor sorcery." refering to his eerie, way too normal appearance, but not quite knowing if it was the work of Zasz himself or perhaps his patron god. Whatever "it" was, as he couldn't notice any signs of sorcery before.

The question from the little human surprised Setesh a little, in a good way. "Only when someone gets too close to them. But usually it is this sword on my side which collects the blood." he said with a little smile under his helmet, noding towards Vra'tzaen.

2012-09-13, 03:10 PM
"Is that so?" Zasz asked, his voice mirthful but subdued. "Perhaps your eyes have finally been eaten out by the warp, Setesh!" He chuckled before turning to glance at the crowd, seeing if there had been any new developments after his lumber over here. "Have you heard what the purpose of our gathering is, brother?"

2012-09-13, 03:51 PM
"I do hope not! That would be a minor inconvenience, I fear." Setesh said, trying to sound like he'd be afraid of it being so. "Other than observing all these savage scuffles around here, you mean?" Looking around he could see several small skirmishes that guards tried to put an end to. "I am curious about that myself. The Word Bearer who contacted me gave no specifics."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-13, 04:18 PM
The Word Bearers simultaneously snap to attention as a voice booms out over the amplifiers in the chapel.

"All direct your attention to the podium. His holiness, Dark Apostle and Bearer of Lorgar's Holy Word, Akaduros comes! All praise!"

Loud footsteps can be heard coming from the small hall behind the podium.

2012-09-13, 04:21 PM
"We might soon find out." Setesh adds with his external vox a little lowered in volume than before.

2012-09-13, 04:22 PM
Katria didn't seem to hear the other two with her, or even the annoucement. She simply stared with wide, almost greedy eyes, at Setesh's sword.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-13, 05:51 PM
An enormous Terminator strides forth from the hall and takes his place behind the podium. His armor is painted in the colors of the Word Bearers, and finely polished to a sheen. Thousands of verses from the Book of Lorgar are inscribed on every inch of the armor, which has clearly been lovingly maintained. There isn't a scratch or dent on the whole thing. His helmet's eye lenses glow green, and a pair of tusks jut out from the sides, curling to almost meet directly in front of his face. Their tips are covered in polished silver.

In his right hand, Akaduros holds an elongated crozius. At the tip is a Chaos Star, with a screaming, flaming daemon head of the Word Bearers in the star's center. His left hand hangs at his side, empty.

Akaduros raises his hands for silence, and the noise level immediately drops to zero. You feel almost supernaturally compelled to keep quiet and let him talk.

"My friends," says Akaduros in an unexpectedly affable-sounding way, "As the book of Lorgar says, "The Gods welcome all who are willing into the knowledge of the Truth." And all who are welcomed by the Gods are welcome here. Welcome, my brothers and sisters in Chaos!"

A cheer goes up in response. Again, you feel almost supernaturally compelled to join in.

2012-09-13, 08:13 PM
Amidst the cheering crowd, trying to remain inconspicuous in the shadows of the great columns, a reminder of just how the sons of Lorgar were merely devotees of another side of the coin, Slathissin lays in the shadows. He pulls his cloak tighter over the great bulk of his power armour, doing his best to remain hidden by reflex.
All the same the Apostle's words were fiery as all those of his kin were. He smiled to think that once upon a time they were known as Chaplains and idly wondered if this one remembered such a time. No matter. He ran a hand through long, lank grey hair grown out to around his shoulders since his power helmet remained maglocked to his waist so often these days, stretched his biomechanical wings a little with a rush of adrenaline and prepared to know why they had come here.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-13, 09:02 PM
After the cheering dies down, Akaduros begins speaking again.

"Brothers, I suppose you must be wondering why we hired you for a secretive mission while offering to pay you so well? Well, here is your answer: we have a group of apostate heretics on our hands."

There's actually a mild amount of surprised chatter from the crowd. It's hard to believe any Word Bearer would betray the Legion.

Eventually, Akaduros raises his hands for silence again. "Yes brothers, I know. It shocks me to the core that any would betray the blessed Legion of Lorgar as well. But nonetheless it has happened. The traitors speak unimaginable blasphemies about Holy Lorgar, and about the revered leaders of our Legion, the Dark Council. Thus, we have no choice but to discipline them." He chuckles darkly. "That's where you come in. The renegades are great in number and power, and the Legion does not have enough loyal forces in the area to ensure victory in an acceptable period of time. Thus, we are prepared to pay you well for your assistance in putting down the apostates. As a token of my honesty, after my speech here you may at any time visit cargo bays 3 and 4, where a fine feast of blood and souls await any who desire it. You are free to make use of these facilities at any time throughout our journey. Our journey should take perhaps 4 days. On the third day, you will be called as groups for tactical briefings and assignment. One last thing," he clears his throat "Any questions?"

2012-09-13, 09:25 PM
Setesh had questions. But none he'd ask here among everyone else, as he felt that would diminish knowing the answers. He wondered what the reason for such a large quantity, as it sounded like, would splinter off from the Word Bearers. His mind pondered over possibilities. An artifact? Xenos brainwashing device? Archeotech? Mass reprogramming? Though he did not know of any telepath powerful enough for such a feat, especially not on the fanatical Word Bearers. In any case, it must be something worth knowing. And perhaps possessing. And that made Setesh very interested in lending his powers for this task, as just monetary or material gains seldom convinced him to do so.

2012-09-14, 12:23 AM
Zasz had resisted the urge to cheer, to be silent -- all of the impulses that were not his own. He had taken in the information, compiling it in his brain, thinking about the plan at hand. Apostates, they had been called. Questions, though... did the elderly Nurgleim have any questions? None that he could think of at the moment. There would be time enough to ask questions during the 'group' phase in three days. No, for now there was nothing but to see who on the ship knew of him, and who would be willing to offer him bullets. He hadn't brought along any gigantic cases of bullets, much to his chagrin. No, Zasz would need to investigate the armory and the veritable army of traders that could be found in the underbellies of most of these vessels. Flea markets of sorts -- often more literally so when on a vessel belonging to the Grandfather of Plagues -- tended to crop up when so many disparate forces converged.

Zasz made sure Katria was nearby. It wouldn't do to have her get lost or taken.

2012-09-14, 07:02 AM
Katria on the other hand, is transformed into something of a ball of energy at Zasz's side, dancing up and down a little and clapping her hands as she cheers. The movement causes her robe to flow open briefly, revealing carapace armour beneath it, and the hint of a sword on either hip.

She asks no questions, but murmers to Zasz. "It's good for us, yes? Much to see and learn, and gain."

2012-09-14, 07:07 AM
Slathissin grins, showing off a set of perfectly white teeth. It seemed it would always be a constant that humanity would fight itself, and where there was fighting there would always be need for fear. He had always despised the Word bearers craving for approval in the eyes of omniscient and ever-absent father figures, but where there was faith there was always somebody with more wealth than they deserved. And here was an excellent opportunity to help them part with it without having to twist their heads off.
He pushed a space clear free of those around him, his camo cowl forming a pool of shadow across his pale Nostraman features.
"The thing of relevance is not how many, but where they are. Name the nest of these maggots that vex you so, great Apostle." he lowers his head respectfully. Even though he had no respect for their insecurity through faith it was wise to keep in the good graces of one's employer.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-14, 11:23 AM
Akaduros tilts his head towards Slathissin. "An excellent question, brother. They are based upon a planet discovered and claimed by the Legion. It is called Darvon III."

2012-09-14, 11:57 AM
(Assuming we don't have CL: Vortex as standard, and that Slathissin has not heard of the world...)

The Night Lord nods once. "Thank you, Apostle. I would rather not further this congress with additional prattle of the mission..." and not give other, less-deserving heretics more of a fighting chance, he thought to himself. "...so how might we go about collating more information about this world?" he asks. He would learn everything he could about this place and the task at hand, as was their way during the Great Crusade in bringing worlds into compliance, so was their way now.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-14, 12:14 PM
"You will be given the information you need to know when the time is... appropriate."

2012-09-14, 12:18 PM
He nods, stroking his chin thoughtfully. He did not agree with what he saw as the Apostle's duplicitous nature, nor did he understand why the Legion needed help uprooting a nest of vipers amongst a world it counted as its lambs. Still, a job was a job.
"As you wish, Apostle. Which way to the mortal morsels?" he asked. As soon as he found the table, he would see if any were still living, and check which, if any were natives to Darvon III, so he interrogate some information from them, or if all else failed, he would feast upon their flesh and extract their memories that way.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-14, 12:32 PM
Akaduros chuckles darkly and points at a door on the right side. "That way, brother. Feel free to make use of them as soon as we're done here." He looks back towards the crowd. "Any further questions?"

One of the World Eaters, surprisingly enough, speaks up. "You mentioned an "acceptable amount of time". Tell me, what makes a greater amount unacceptable? What are they going to do?"

"We cannot tolerate their heresy to spread to others amongst these stars."

"Very well."

"Anyone else?"

This time it is a member of an unaligned band who steps forward. "And what exactly is this heresy they speak?"

Akaduros' voice noticeably darkens. "That is... A Legion matter. Your only concern tips that we want them dead, and will pay well for it. Anyone else?"

No one speaks up.

"Then dismissed, brothers." He turns around and begins walking back towards the tunnel he came out of.

2012-09-14, 01:39 PM
This was quite uninformative. he thought to himself. The bulk of the information needed were to be had at this "group meeting" in three days, he felt.

As the people in the room seemed to disperse after the Apostle declared the gathering over, Setesh looks down upon Katria. "Where to now little girl?" he asked her, curious as to what kind of reply he'd get. He found her behaviour strangely amusing. Perhaps it was the same reason Zasz seemed to like her so also.

2012-09-14, 01:49 PM
She smiled up at Setesh, tilting her head in thought. "Do you think any of the slaves can run? It's not good if they all just want to sit around. I'm not sure where to go, but I like exploring the ship."

2012-09-14, 02:11 PM
"I am sure the Word Bearers have all their slaves in chains." he replied. "Just like they have chained themselves to their word of Lorgar" he continued with his vox slightly lowered as to not draw attention from too easily offended Word Bearers. He assumed Katria wouldn't understand what exactly he was refering to, as a little girl would probably not know too much about the practices of different Legions. However he felt there was more to this mortal than meets the eye.

"Then shall we explore, Zasz?" now looking at the terminator-clad Death Guard at the side of Katria, who would probably object to Setesh deciding things for his protégé.

2012-09-14, 03:17 PM
"I wouldn't dream of stopping little Katria from having her fun. I myself am interested in finding their armories, or perhaps any market. Perhaps I might find them in the underhulls, or about the slavepens."

He stretched a little and looked about for the tiny human before heading to attempt to find the market and slavery.

2012-09-14, 03:31 PM
The little human nods in quiet agreement. "Markets are nice. Lots of things to see and to take." She smiles. "And I'll like talking to the slaves too, they always have lots of stories."

2012-09-14, 03:33 PM
"I doubt whatever market this vessel houses might have a trinket I would be looking for, but I suppose it would not hurt to find out." he said as he slightly moved his hand as to illustrate Zasz or Katria lead the way. It would be more practical for him letting the large one go first and deflect any potential hostilities away from Setesh.

2012-09-14, 03:44 PM
Slathissin heads off amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd, attempting to find the place where the slaves where being found. In doing so, he requests from whomever holds them that he have a slave from Davora III brought to him that he might indulge himself.

(Infamy test for a Slave is normally an Abundant resource at +50. A single slave is +10, and Forsaken add +10 to resources that are Rare or more common. This puts the effective Infamy for the roll at 102, so a roll is not required as it is considered beneath his contempt. Provided this is the case, see below:)

Man, woman or child, it mattered little to him as long as the feckless creature was from the world. He tore the mortal's arm straight from its socket and chewed the bicep while it was still fresh and pumping with blood, listening to its pitiful screams as he chewed thoughtfully, attempting to absorb any information he could about the world below. While the Night Lord was a patient hunter of his foes, his patience ran short when he was caged in a place such as this at the mercy of others. It was not long before he tore into the mewling human's ribcage for the heart to finish them off. So it was he looked about for more noteworthy people heretics to speak to whilst he licked the blood clean from his gauntlets.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-14, 04:09 PM
The Word Bearer who seems to be overseeing the slave distribution in Bay 3 replies to Slathissin. "We don't have slaves from Darvon II, brother."

2012-09-14, 04:21 PM
He nods his assent. "Very well, brother.". He was fine helping himself to some dead meat without the need for torture just now. Instead he looked about for other, more worthy heretics that might be worth conversing to.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-14, 04:44 PM
Throughout the bay there are large numbers of heretics doing various things with slaves. Several World Eaters have actually given some of the more muscular ones weapons, and are attempting to get them to put up a decent fight, with little success so far. There is a sorcerer laughing psychotically while hurling bolts of psychic energy at a terrified slave, apparently for the hell of it. The slave is desperately running for her life. A pair of Nurglite marines are injecting a handful of slaves with various unhealthy-looking syringes and observing the results. There are several human heretic engaged in a little cannibalism. And finally a large assortment of Astartes and humans just chasing slaves around for fun.

2012-09-14, 04:58 PM
Looking around he asks for drink of cheap alcohol, not really caring for what manner. Upon finding the bottle he drinks whatever cheap swill contained within and crushes the glass into a pouch, slipping it within the confines of his robes for later.

2012-09-14, 05:01 PM
"Such a waste of human lives." Setesh uttered to his companions "They're all perfectly viable sacrifices! Pft." He finished his sentence feeling scorn toward the khornates and nurgleims' pointless torture and slaughter. Either you extract information from them or save them for rituals, or possibly both, he thought.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-14, 05:04 PM
Slathissin receives a bottle of extremely inexpensive alcohol made of gods-know-what, which he drinks before crushing the glass and taking it.

Make a Perception check.

2012-09-14, 05:06 PM
Slathissin receives a bottle of extremely inexpensive alcohol made of gods-know-what, which he drinks before crushing the glass and taking it.

Make a Perception check.

[roll0] Basic success

If not interrupted, Slathissin will make his way over to Setesh, not talking at first.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-14, 05:15 PM
Slathissin gets to Setesh and the others without m uch difficulty.

2012-09-14, 05:48 PM
The Night Lord claps the Sorceror on the pauldron in a comradely way. "These Word Bearers are great lovers of display and theatrics, no? They make the peacocks of Fulgrim look practically humble!" he smiles cheerily.

2012-09-14, 06:07 PM
Setesh was surprised someone there would actually lay a hand on him unprovoked. He faced whoever it was, and saw it was an Astartes with grey hair in the colors of the old Night Lords Legion. Looking at his armour it seemed he hadn't experienced much of the chaotic aspects in the vortex as of yet. But he must be rather fearless or careless to approach Setesh like that, the sorcerer figured. "Yes, quite so. Which might be a reason they would have others handle their dirty work for them, too." he replied. "I would not figure one of your kin", refering to the unknown Astartes' Legion allegiance, "to aid the fanatical Word Bearers."

2012-09-14, 07:03 PM
He shrugs at Setesh's comment. "I go where the work is, and it is certainly not with my Legion anymore. Still, don't you find it suspicious that they are unable to contain an uprising of a misbegotten cult within their own borders?" he refrains from mentioning much about faith, since an argument on that would be pointless. Despite no longer feeling like a part of the Night Lords as they were now, he still held true to their lack of allegiance to any being that claimed itself a god.

2012-09-14, 07:29 PM
While Slathissin butchered some poor individual, Zasz had walked through the area, perusing the wares. Someone with a few crates of tox rounds had been interested in what Zasz had to offer, but the deal ultimately fell through -- a slight Zasz would remember, had he been the type to hold grudges. The same happened further down the market, where a series of beautiful polished skulls had been stolen out from under him by a dastardly little heretic, who had offered the seller three rare and interesting pieces to Zasz's one.

But then he clapped eyes upon a fellow Astartes, who appeared to have two items in particular that were interesting. One was a beautiful phial of muscle, thick and misshapen, truly a piece of Papa Nurgle made flesh. They floated in an abysmal green liquid, and parts of the muscle were blackened. The other was a piece of thin metal, clearly quite durable, that had been polished to a shine. Brass whorls traced across the top of the small plate without any discernible pattern. Zasz recognized it immediately as cranial armour, a sort of last-resort for head wounds. The Astartes gestured to them.

"I got these off of a Terminator," he said, giving a grin. "Trophies, but useless trophies to a specimen like myself. As for you, perhaps you would be interested in these items? You might otherwise die in the upcoming raid."

Zasz crossed the arms of his armour and tapped, deep in thought. "You will want something in return for these, I am sure."

"Certainly. You have the sprightly look of a neophyte about you. Surely you've no need for some of those old weapons? Hand me the bolter and the chainsword, and we shall have ourselves an accord."

"You think I would simply part with these items? They are my livelihood! You cannot expect--"

"The weapons, or I will take this as an insult. Surely you do not wish for that to be the case."

Zasz sighed and shook his head, unhooking the centuries-unused bolter and chainsword and throwing them to the ground at the feet of the Astartes. "I have no desire to insult you, no. Here, the weapons. I trust that concludes our business?"

The Astartes, in his orange armour with the black rims, nodded. He collected the weapons greedily while Zasz obtained his muscles and skull cap. Leaving, cradling the items in one arm, the Ancient moved to find one of the Word Bearer's medicae. The price would be steep: his bolt pistol. Saying he would return momentarily, Zasz went back to find Katria, presuming she hadn't been following him.

2012-09-14, 07:32 PM
Setesh nodded. "Those are my suspicions too, yes." He looked around for potential eavesdroppers, not liking being overheard when speaking truth. Which was the opposite when he practiced half-truths and deception. "There is obviously something else they're not telling us. Something I expect to find out soon enough."

2012-09-15, 12:04 AM
Zasz returned to Setesh, noting the new arrival as well. If Katria had been following him, Zasz would have spoken to her --"Little one, I will be having surgery for the next two days. I hope you will watch over my belongings, to prevent thieves from obtaining them. But when I am conscious and able to look over these things on my own, I have a task that I ask of you. There are sorcerers devoted to Tzeentch across this vessel. Search for them, other than Setesh. If I am to work with him, the Plaguefather will require some satiation to prove my loyalty -- and to that end, I intend to sacrifice to his Garden several champions devoted to the Changer of Ways. If you could perform this reconnaissance, I would be most grateful, darling granddaughter." -- and if not, he would search for her once he approached the group. If he found her, he would gesture for her to come closer, although he wouldn't speak his piece yet.

Once he was near the group, regardless of whether he had spoken to Katria or not, Zasz would speak to Setesh and the new-comer. "Setesh, I've a question for you! Do you see that sorcerer?" He would gesture to the sorcerer who had been torturing the slave from before, presuming he was still within eyesight. If so, Zasz would continue speaking. "Tell me, does he appear to be a worshiper of the Changer of Ways? I am not as well versed in the information on Psykers, but as I recall from some time ago, you were. Is that still the case?" He smiled beneath the helm, aware that no one could see it but happy to smile anyhow. The chance to slay a champion of Tzeentch was too great an opportunity to simply pass up! "But while you think on it, brother, I wish to extend a hand to you, newcomer. Welcome!" Forbidden Lore test to see if Zasz recognizes Slathissin from the Good Ol' Days. [roll0] v. 30, probably a failure.

"You'll have to forgive me, brother, I cannot recall your name. I am Zasz, sometimes called the Ancient -- do not trouble yourself if you have not heard of me, I am an unremarkable fellow. But I wish to greet you heartily, and with open arms!"

2012-09-15, 01:30 AM
Katria had been watching some of the chased slaves wistfully, her head tilted in thought and with an amused smile showing. She seemed to tire of it fairly quickly though, their state of health providing little challenge or interest in the events and when Zasz found her, she returned her attention to him, speaking back in a hushed tone.

"I'll watch them and take care. My swords will help me." She nods with a warm smile. "The sorcerors? Can some be my hunt? The slaves are booooring."

She keeps quiet as they reach the other two chaos marines, her head ducked humbly to both ancient warriors.

2012-09-15, 01:32 AM
As they walked towards the pair of warriors, Zasz replied quietly."If you are interested in chasing after them, yes. But we mustn't simply assassinate them, no matter how great the thrill might be. Enraging our hosts would be a poor end to our story, darling granddaugther. We must be cautious and patient. Such is the way of the Plaguefather."

Once they arrived at the pair of warriors, Zasz rested a hand on Katria's back, patting her extremely gently.

2012-09-15, 01:54 AM
Katria nods quietly, though she pouts a little.

2012-09-15, 01:56 AM
Not sure if the Death Guard was mocking him or not, Setesh nevertheless shared the answer of the allegiance of the sorcerer Zasz had gestured towards. "No, it's not one of the Lord of Magic's devoted. However, all psykers are The Changer's, no matter they know it or not. Even your Bloated One's psychic disciples spreading disease and rot." Like he wouldn't be able to tell a sorcerer's devotion from but a glance. "Why do you ask? You should be aware you would not have to look far if you were searching for one." he said. What kind of intentions did he have asking specificly about one devoted to the Changer of Ways? Setesh's curiousity had caught on fire, and he felt the rising urge to still it, as he subtly reached out with his own mind toward's that of Zasz', as he talked to his companion. Annoyingly he wasn't able to delve far. The Ancient's willpower proved to be too strong at the time. Maybe it was the little girl strengthening his mind, somehow.

Subtle use of Mind Probe without the target noticing
Half Action, Fettered, Mind Probe, -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll0] vs 65
Full Action to sustain, need 5 rounds to break mind fully. Pages 223-224 for effects.
Round 2: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll1] vs 60
Round 3: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll2] vs 60
Round 4: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll3] vs 60
Round 5: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll4] vs 60

One – Initial Contact
The psyker makes initial contact, and learns basic information about the target, such as his name, mood, and his approximate state of physical and mental health.

2012-09-15, 01:59 AM
Opposed willpower test! [roll0] v. 40

Zasz's name was Zasz the Ancient. He was placid and happy, with a tinge of anticipation. His mental health was as expected for a 10,000+ year old devotee of Nurgle, and the same could be said about his physical health. Still, he was a tough old loon, that was apparent.

"Oh Setesh, you know me! It is always worth knowing who your enemies are. While I do not particularly fear your sword in my back, there are always a hundred others devoted to your God who would gladly perform such a task." He looked around again and nodded. "For the time being, however, I have a surgery to attend. Katria, if I could steal you away? I do hope to run into you fine gentlemen again, brothers!"

2012-09-15, 02:32 AM
"On that I agree on. Knowledge is power. That phrase was a core in Setesh's belief. "And you have no reason to fear my sword in your back unless you give me a reason to, which I presume you would not be stupid enough to do, no matter which God you call your own or what that God might think of mine and vice versa." Atleast Setesh had some measure of honour, despite using deception as a standard tool. "Yes, and most likely I sense, too."

2012-09-15, 03:51 AM
Katria offers a formal, elegant bow to both of Zasz's brothers before nodding up at him. "Yes grandpa, I'd like to come."

2012-09-15, 07:33 AM
Slathissin reached out to the one who called himself Zasz, offering a clattering of gauntlets, in the manner battle brothers would. "Unremarkable fellow indeed. Why, trying to focus on you, it feels as though my mind is trying to grip an eel. That is truly a talent worth knowing." he shakes his head a little as though to clear it, finding the effect of the Ancient's gift somewhat maddening. "I am Slathissin of the Night Lords, though there are few that know the old ways anymore."

FL: Horus Heresy test to see if I know Zasz the Ancient. Int is 35. Hoping Ancient Warrior gives me a modifier, but if not it's a basic test.
Ok, probably not. I'll do an Awareness test on my wrist-mounted auspex to scan him for signs of Astartes nature, like the power supply. Perception is 40+30 for Best-Quality Auspex. [roll1] 2DoS

2012-09-15, 11:12 AM
"We will have to speak later, then. Good day, Slathissin of the Night Lords!" With that, Zasz moved to the medicae bay again, handing over the bolt pistol and starting all that jazz.

2012-09-15, 12:21 PM
"I assume you overheard Zasz calling me by my name before?" Setesh asked the Night Lord. "It is Setesh, if you were not paying attention." He had little knowledge about the Night Lords, as they had never interested him in particular, even less so after the corpse-god's betrayal. Their fear-mongering was an unsubtle tactic he seldom employed himself. But all to their own. If they cannot wield sorcerous might they may as well try other less refined ways to accomplish their goals.

Setesh looked around for something to catch his interest. Maybe some other tzeentchian wielders of sorcery to discuss the arcane arts to pass time, and perhaps collect valuable rumours or information. "Now it is time for me to take my leave as well, Night Lord. We may meet again. However, next time you would be wise to not touch me as you did before." he said with an overly diplomatic tone, and walked off to explore some for himself.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-15, 11:22 PM
As Zasz and Katria turn and walk towards the exit, Slathissin's auspex reveals what his eyes failed to see - Zasz is clearly Astartes, and wearing Terminator plate at that.

Setesh's efforts to locate fellow devotees of Tzeetch bear fruit, and he senses no less than 5 fellow sorcerers of the Great Changer aboard the ship. 3 of them seem to be weaker in the ways of the Warp than he, showing merely as dim candles to his witchsight. One seems to be perhaps his equal, showing up more clearly in his mind. Finally, the last one shines like a bright beacon in the Warp, majestic and terrifying in his psychic potency.

2012-09-16, 06:35 AM
Slathissin shrugs to himself. Given that nobody seemed willing to interact with him just yet, he would follow them unseen and see what they got up to. Stroking the patterns of his cameleoline cloak, he faded in amongst the shadows that inevitably gathered on an ancient ship like this. It would make good practise for stalking their quarry on Davron III, he reasoned to himself as he made to follow them, feeling his twin hearts thrill even from this little play-stalking.

Stealth Test, Agility 60 +20 for Stealth due to Camoleoline Cloak. Stummer provides +30 to Stealth for the purposes of being heard, and for ****s and giggles I'll spend an Infamy point to add +10 to the roll. [roll0]5DoS on moving stealthily,7DoS on moving silently.

2012-09-16, 10:24 AM
After a few hours of observing the multiple warbands present, Setesh had an estimation of how powerful the Tzeenchian sorcerers among the heretics were. One of the largest warbands on the vessel was devoted to the Changer of Ways, which made them distant kin, but nonetheless not below his caution or suspicion. If there was something to be said about those devoted to the Lord of Lies, it was that they shouldn't be trusted so easily and Setesh knew that all too well. But he wanted to find out if they had knowledge of something interesting he wanted to know, not to offer up to his God as that would be moot, but to further his own goals -- and where better to find something like that than from followers of his own Dark God.

Setesh approached one sorcerer he had estimated to be weaker than himself, whom also wasn't with any others from his warband at the time, in hopes he could glean some information. "Fellow follower of the Lord of Magic. I see you are part of quite some warband! You must have a powerful leader, yes?" He tried to sound impressed, as to make himself seem more humble and have him feel less cautious of Setesh. "I am Setesh, a humble follower of our Lord of Sorcery as well, despite all these spikes." he jokingly added, assuming the seemingly recent chaos-inducted wasn't aware of who he was. "What grand promises of rewards have the Word Bearers given you all to bring your whole warband out here to squash some splintered heretics?" It seemed unlikely a Tzeentchian warband would be swayed by just monetary gains for something as brute as the task it seemed like they were to perform.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-16, 01:16 PM
The sorcerer Setesh finds is wearing blue, red, and gold armor, minus a helmet, which dangles by a strap from his waist. "Our leader is... eccentric." He raises an eyebrow at Setesh's question. "And why should I tell you?"

Zasz and Katria are able to make it to the apothecary and iron out a price for the desired surgery without any notable complications.

2012-09-16, 01:44 PM
Once they were within the medicae bay, Zasz spoke to his granddaughter softly."Darling granddaughter, I haven't been out of my armour in... years. I will need your help in getting out, I think. But when you are searching for what I asked you before, if you can bring me a... memento of sorts, something you might consider a trophy, I would be appreciate. But you mustn't risk yourself, do you understand? Be safe, little one."

2012-09-16, 02:05 PM
Katria's eyes widen and she nods eagerly. She keeps near Zasz to help him, seeming utterly untroubled at the risk of illness in the air.

As soon as he seems content though, she races out of the room, hood down and long hair streaming in her sprint.

Katria'll seek out the thousand sons herself and then track one of their more important looking servants until he/she is somewhere nice and secluded.

Stealth. Base 60+20(cloak)+30(stummer)

2012-09-16, 02:20 PM
Slathissin satisfied himself with stalking Setesh, finding him easier to pick out in the bustle of others than the Terminator, given his unremarkable appearance. He eyed him with interest to see what would happen between him and this other sorceror.

2012-09-16, 02:46 PM
"Ah! Eccentric can be good!" exclaimed Setesh. Of course he expected one of a Tzeentchian warband to not divulge information to anyone who asked, especially not to an unknown Lord of Lies devotee. "I see no fault in a little curiousity, and I did not mean to pry in warband matters of course. It just struck me as odd to see such a large and powerful warband wanting monetary gains from the pious likes of the Word Bearers. But maybe it is due to an eccentric leader as you said..." As Setesh was conversing with the sorcerer he made sure as to subtly try to probe his mind, to glean what he was thinking of as they spoke. He knew it would not be easy to overpower a fellow's mental strength, but as he had chosen a sorcerer weaker than himself it could prove fruitful.

Use Mind Probe without the target noticing
Half Action, Fettered, Mind Probe, -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll0] vs 65
Full Action to sustain, need 5 rounds to break mind fully. Pages 223-224 for effects.
Round 2: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll1] vs 60
Round 3: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll2] vs 60
Round 4: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll3] vs 60
Round 5: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll4] vs 60

Henry the 57th
2012-09-16, 03:43 PM
Katria has an uncanny feeling of being watched, even as she stalks the human serf.

Zasz begins his surgery.

The sorcerer replies to Setesh "Yes, our leader can seem a bit... off at times. Nonetheless, he knows what he is doing."

2012-09-16, 03:45 PM
The Ancient's skin was a horrific color due to the centuries of being confined within the same suit of armour, floating in the same horrific accumulation of fluids. Luckily, that didn't matter thanks to the gift from Papa Nurgle, which made him as normal and unremarkable a patient as ever. He hummed sonorous hymns to himself as they performed the surgery, keeping his eyes on the pile of armours in the corner of the theatre. It wouldn't do to let someone steal one of those things!

2012-09-16, 05:07 PM
"So you say, yes." Setesh was a little annoyed that he was not able to glean anything from his subtle use of his telepathic powers. Of course, it is a very difficult task to do such feats unnoticed, but he was expecting more from himself. His attempts at manipulating the sorcerer had failed as well, he felt. His disposition seemed more suspicious now than before. Could the Lord of Lies be preventing him from using his powers on a fellow devotee? It must be so, or else he would not fail like this. It could be some scheme of His Setesh couldn't disturb if he tried. "No matter, it was a pleasure speaking to another follower of Him." he said before he left to once again find something to glean from someone. He felt a hunger for some information. Any information. Almost like a predator who had gone too long without a killed prey. "hummmmmmmmmmm..." He looked down at Vra'tzaen. "You too? It has been a while since you last tasted blood. Patience. Soon."

Setesh continued exploring the vessel and observing the heretics on board. He was now on a hunt, a hunt for knowledge. If he could find someone out of the way of others who he could deal with without anyone noticing, then that would be optimal. Maybe someone asleep or already unconscious. It would be best not leaving any witnesses, as the Word Bearers might bother him if someone would see him and reporting his actions. Forcibly mind probing and then killing someone to avoid having him found out could probably be an possible outcome, which would help sate both himself and Vra'tzaen.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-17, 11:04 PM
Zasz finds that his surgery seems to be going off without any real hitch, unless you count the dozen or so human sacrifices that went on during the procedure, along with plenty of cult chanting. But hey, what could go wrong?

Setesh comes across a lone human serf wearing robes in the colors of the Tzeentchian warband.

2012-09-17, 11:19 PM
Zasz finds that his surgery seems to be going off without any real hitch, unless you count the dozen or so human sacrifices that went on during the procedure, along with plenty of cult chanting. But hey, what could go wrong?

While the chanting was going on, Zasz turned to look at one of the Medicae. "What's all that about?" he asked with a booming laugh.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-17, 11:33 PM
"Merely an aid to assist in the success of your surgery great one. The bodies of the warriors of the True Gods are not known for their stability, and as you might imagine, that renders medical practices... difficult."

2012-09-17, 11:34 PM
"Oh fantastic! I was simply wondering if there would be any children of the Gods prancing about shortly, but I suppose not. Carry on, gentlemen!"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-18, 12:23 AM
Zasz slips into something of a dreamlike haze, in which he remains for the next two days. However, he does observe that he is not the only one the Word Bearers are performing this bizarre chanting ritual on during surgery.

2012-09-18, 03:31 AM
Katria, for her part, used the two days to study the movements of the Thousand Sons, as much as she could.

2012-09-18, 08:27 AM
First stalking the serf Setesh came across, followed by simple conversation out of view or hearing of anyone else, he felt that it was time. It did not matter that the serf was a member of a Tzeentchian warband, that would even make the probabilty of the serf knowing what he should not greater.

"Relax." Setesh said as he grabbed and prevented the serf from making any loud sounds. He started digging at the barriers of the serf's mind, and violently ripped open his mind and hungerly consumed all he could. When he was done, he drew the excitedly humming Vra'tzaen and swiftly slew the serf in a shower of blood, as to not leave any traces of a probing taking place. What was one dead serf onboard a vessel with hundreds upon hundreds of heretics and astartes.

But once again, his hunger was still not sated. He needed more. The serf had given him nothing of value. His hunt continued.

Half Action, Fettered, Mind Probe, +0 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll0] vs 85
Full Action to sustain, need 5 rounds to break mind fully. Pages 223-224 for effects.
Round 2: +0 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll1] vs 80
Round 3: +0 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll2] vs 80
Round 4: +0 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll3] vs 80
Round 5: +0 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll4] vs 80

2012-09-18, 02:56 PM
Slathissin stalks behind him, at one point taking a piece of the shattered corpse and taking a taste to see if his Omophagea could yield any information.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-18, 09:22 PM
Katria observes that the Scourged (as she comes to find out this warband is called) appear to be mostly clustered around their assigned quarters, with only a few leaving at any given point. Many times they leave, only to walk around the ship seemingly at random for several hours, before coming back, having seemingly accomplished nothing.

Setesh senses the powerful presence seemingly appear out of nowhere a few halls away.

As a matter of fact, the man's flesh does give several pieces of information:

1. The band is called the Scourged.

2. It's lord is known as Adrios.

3. He has never been known to refuse a request for audience.

2012-09-19, 09:57 AM
As Setesh senses this presence, he get both curious and weary. He moves towards this hall it's coming from to find out what or who might be there. His hunt to sate his hunger has to wait. Or maybe this presence might be what he's been searching for.

2012-09-19, 10:32 AM
The Night Lord stalks behind his Sorceror companion, his fists clenching in anticipation of what they might find. If nothing else, he was learning that he had not lost his touch at remaining hidden from prying eyes.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-19, 10:05 PM
The prescience seems to move towards Setesh as he moves towards it. Soon enough, Setesh rounds a corner and enters the hall where he sense the presence. In the center of it stands a sorcerer wearing blue, red, and gold armor.

"Howdy." he says, in an extremely thick Texan accent (for some reason).

2012-09-20, 08:11 AM
This must be the same sorcerer which dwarfed Setesh in psychic strength from before, he thought as the sorcerer greeted him. Was this meeting pre-ordained or was it a result of the act Setesh had carried out just before? Would be strange if their presumed leader took notice of a lowly serf, he thought.

"Hello." Setesh said as he moved through the hallway. He did not desire a conflict, but he was ready for it. He focused his warpsight to see any active psychic signatures or powers coming from the immediate area of the sorcerer, to be sure he hadn't any surprises up his sleeve. It appeared there was none, but considering how powerful he seemed to be, he could have masked them somehow.

Psyniscience: [roll0] vs 45

Henry the 57th
2012-09-20, 09:58 PM
"So, what might you being doing here?" Setesh observes that his accent has suddenly shifted to heavy Russian.

2012-09-21, 12:23 AM
This must be the "eccentric" leader that weak sorcerer was refering to he thought. Setesh would probably have worded it differently. "I am on a... hunt, you might say. Or quest. Or investigation. Whichever you may prefer." It was not like he was speaking untruth. "And you, if you do not mind me asking?" he continued, wondering why the appearant leader of the Tzeentchian warband would be here. Maybe he had known who Setesh was since the large gathering where the Apostle spoke. If Zasz could recognize him it would not be too unlikely that someone else did too. It was not as if he was some unknown, more that he quite liked it when people he was interacting with did not know who he was. If a situation would prove more advantageous to Setesh if his identity was known, he would make it so.

2012-09-21, 02:00 AM
Katria lurks, concealed in shadows as she silently listens to the unusual conversation.

Stealth: [/roll]1d100[/roll]. Target 110

2012-09-21, 02:03 AM
Properly this time.

Stealth: [roll0]

Henry the 57th
2012-09-21, 09:42 AM
The sorcerer tilts his head to the side slightly. "A giant electrical magical floating cockroach told me to do it." he says in his now Brazilian accent.

Katria gets the idea that the sorcerer has some idea she's here. As does Slathissin.

Sorry, but he beat you on his own Psyscience test with 6 DoS.

2012-09-21, 03:06 PM
"Ah, of course." he said, wondering where this conversation would take him. Maybe he had prophetic dreams and this form was some aspect of their patron Dark God. Or maybe he was just insane - but he was a powerful threat whom Setesh did not care to provoke unnecessarily. He wanted to know more of these visions. "That description sounds oddly familiar."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-21, 05:42 PM
"My eyeballs smile when the leprechauns dance to the sound of children's screams." he says in an oddly phisophical manner.

Suddenly, his voice changes dramatically. "Idiot! It's my kidneys that smile with the toucans dance ballet!"

"Shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"No, you!"

"No you!"

"Adrios, dinner's almost ready." he says in a much more high pitched tone of voice.

"Not now mom!"

His voice becomes much more hoarse. "And if you interrupt me again I'll slit your throat and gouge out your eyes and drink the blood from your veins-"

"-And sing a song about a traveling bear! he says without missing a beat. "The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountaaain, to see what he could see..."

He continues humming the tune rather cheerfully.

2012-09-21, 06:03 PM
Setesh had troubles imagining the obviously insane sorcerer leading an entire warband like that. Unless it was on purpose to throw him off. While Setesh had never feigned raw insanity before, he was not unfamiliar with the practice of a milder variant of the same type of manipulation. But he had no time for such behaviour now, in the middle of a hunt to sate his hunger. "I must be on my way now, fellow devotee of the Lord of Magic. Unless you have some specific business with me?" he said, unsure as to what the assumably insane answer would prove to be.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-21, 07:20 PM
He turns to look at you. "Why yes, I do! he says in an extremely cheerful tone that one does not expect from a sorcerer of Tzeentch. "But first, limbo time!"

He releases his grip on the staff he's holding and it turns onto its side and floats in the air. He actually does the limbo underneath it, bending rather remarkably in the process. It's rather impressive that an Astartes in full power armor can contort himself like that.

"Your turn!" he says cheerfully, indicating the still-floating staff.

2012-09-21, 08:41 PM
Setesh just stood there silently and looked at what was transpiring in front of him. The request he had just gotten was just so very alien to him. After a while of not responding he finally spoke up. "No, I am afraid I do not... share your.. agility, so to say. I will have to decline your offer." He was starting to have troubles keeping his polite facade up. Usually he had no issues with insanity and insane behaviour, but that was because he could usually just deal with anything which started to annoy him. Now he was seemingly the weaker one. He did not see himself as weak, but he was aware of his limitations, though intent of breaking through them again and again. But being dead makes that much harder to accomplish.

"So what is this business you have with me? Are you in need of my assistance in some way?" A warband amounting over a hundred would probably have most bases covered already, he thought.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-22, 03:57 AM
"Awww..." he says in a disappointed tone.

"But very well," he now says in a far more serious tone. "I have a warning to deliver."

"After a song!" he says, back to his cheerful voice. "It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small, small world... He whirls around and indicates what looks like thin air. "Dance along Fluffy!" He yells.

Nothing seems to happen as he stares at empty space for a few minutes. Suddenly, he speaks up again. "Oh gods you are so talented Fluffy." He actually sounds somewhat jealous.

He turns back to you. "Now whe were we?" He says, back in his serious tone. "Ah yes." He clears his throat.

"Beware he who comes when the clock strikes thirteen.
He changes his ways.
But the Changer betrays.
And but one shall come out again."

2012-09-22, 06:38 AM
Beneath her hood, Katria's blue eyes blink slowly as she takes in the comments and commits them to memory. The sense that her presence isn't hidded remains, and so the thought that such a message might not be meant for Setesh tumbles through her scatty brain. It's even possible it was aimed at the other marine, who's closked and lurking nearby.

Carefully, studying the Night Lord, Katria moves her hands to the hilts of her swords.

2012-09-22, 10:41 AM
"A warning?" he has time to ask before the sorcerer goes into his song and dance number. When he finally, at least to Setesh, makes a little more sense he is somewhat relieved. As he thought, a prophetic message, not too clear at first but not impossible to make sense of.

"I assume it is refering to something related to this 'task' the Word Bearers have gathered us for. I already have my own suspicions, but this would solidify them." If the message wasn't a ruse, and indeed a true one from the Changer of Ways, it was still unclear as to what or whom it was refering to. It was referencing a someone who changes, perhaps a follower of Tzeentch, and assumably betrayal by Tzeentch for that change. The part about only one would come out again made him worry a little. But Setesh had faith in Tzeentch. Even if it was a part of a Grand Scheme, he would not deny himself of taking part or leading the way.

"So I take it your business with me is finished? If so I have to be on my way." He did not expect the seemingly insane sorcerer to have any more information from him. If he knew who or what the warning was referencing to he would probably have said so by now. And even if he knew, it would be unlikely he would share that information. Setesh knew he himself would not.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-22, 12:34 PM
"Nope! Nothing else! he pauses for a minute and looks around. "You know you've got a grox playing Solitare on your head, don't you?" He whispers conspiratorially.

2012-09-22, 12:53 PM
Slathissin licked his lips as he watched silently. The Sorceror other than Setesh was clearly mad, but in madness was often knowledge. But there was also the potential for violence, so he remained vigilant.

2012-09-22, 01:31 PM
"I was not aware." Setesh said as he started to leave the hallway, intent on going past the insane sorcerer.

The cryptic warning had not changed much. He was now once again on the hunt to sate his hunger. Perhaps some of the slaves would know something. There is always chatter to be overheard near those one does not even give notice. Or maybe he would find something interesting on the way.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-23, 05:08 AM
Setesh wanders throughout the ship's corridors for some time before he finds another living soul. A pair of Word Bearers are guarding a door inscribed with thousands of verses from the Book of Lorgar. In the center of the door is their flaming daemon head symbol. It is worth noting that most of the rest of this hallway seems to be in general disuse and disrepair (though not nearly as bad as it gets on some ships).

The two Word Bearers regard Setesh stoically, keeping a tight grip on their bolters but not saying anything.

2012-09-23, 11:07 AM
These Word Bearers were obviously guarding something. He kept his distance as to not to provoke an attack for just moving too close. The Word Bearers were not know for being tolerant when it came to scripture. "I take it this area is off limits?" he said to see how they responded. "Or can I go through here? I think I am a little lost."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-23, 05:55 PM
"No unauthorized personel beyond this door." says one Word Bearer gruffly.

"That depends. What are you seeking?" says the other.

2012-09-23, 06:52 PM
Any area that's restricted is interesting to Setesh. It would be unlikely that he would get in there though. Atleast not without violence or alerting more Word Bearers. "What is in there? I did not know there was unrestricted places here." He wanted to check how secret this place beyond those doors were. "I was on my way to the slaves, but I am not too familiar with the layouts of this vessel. Where am I now?" If they did not answer his direct question, maybe they would let one indirect slip past. His questions were not that important to him though. They were merely a means to conversation and stir up their thoughts. He was at this point subtly picking at the mental barriers of one of the guards as to see what his mind contained, without being able to break through.

As soon as he failed his attempts on the first guard, he focused on the other. Once again, he was unable to manifest his powers strongly enough. He was at this point wondering why most of his attempts to probe during the day had failed. Was there some force on this vessel providing some manner of mental protection from his powers? Was it all just a part of some Grand Scheme of the Weaver of Fates? Whatever it was, Setesh was not pleased. His attempts at subtle mind probing were all failures, and it made him frustrated to no end. He was not this weak. His powers were not this prone to failure. He felt like striking out in anger with Vra'tzaen, letting him taste blood. But no. He has self-control. He would not lose it.

If he was not trying to hide his attempts at probing, there would be no chance he would fail. Normally he would not hide it, but this was a Word Bearers vessel, and they were Word Bearers. They would kill him if they knew he had been digging around in their psyches. That he did not want, so he kept his hunger in check as much as he could around them.

Mind Probe without the target noticing, on the leftmost guard.
Half Action, Fettered, Mind Probe, -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll0] vs 70
Full Action to sustain, need 5 rounds to break mind fully. Pages 223-224 for effects.
Round 2: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll1] vs 65
Round 3: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll2] vs 65
Round 4: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll3] vs 65
Round 5: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll4] vs 65

If he is unable to break the mind of the first guard, Setesh will try to see what he can find in the other during the conversation.

Mind Probe without the target noticing, on the other guard.
Half Action, Fettered, Mind Probe, -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll5] vs 70
Full Action to sustain, need 5 rounds to break mind fully. Pages 223-224 for effects.
Round 2: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll6] vs 65
Round 3: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll7] vs 65
Round 4: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll8] vs 65
Round 5: -20 Opposed Willpower Focus Power test: [roll9] vs 65

You suck forum dice roller. You suck. So bad. :smallfrown:

Henry the 57th
2012-09-23, 10:07 PM
"What is in that room is Legion business, not that of outsiders." says the first Word Bearer with undisguised scorn.

"The slaves should be that way." says the other, pointing down the right-side corridor. "One hardly has to be a seer to find them if you take that path."

2012-09-23, 10:49 PM
His attempts at probing their minds having failed, and deception being more than likely impossible at this point, Setesh did not think there was much point in lingering. But he did remember where he was now, in case he wanted to investigate the place at some later point. "Very well, thank you." he said as he left in the direction he had been given. He did of course not mean a word of it. Ignorant brutes of the Apostles, spouting ignorant "truths". Setesh found it distasteful.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-23, 11:17 PM
Setesh walks in the given direction for a few minutes. The hallways seem to be in general disuse around these parts.

All three of you, roll a perception check. +10 for Spess Mahreens because it's to hear something.

2012-09-23, 11:29 PM
Slathissin has followed with interest so far, becoming more confident that his sneaking skills are finally back to more like they were in the peak of his performance.

[roll0] Aaaand he's oblivious

2012-09-24, 01:52 AM
Katria mooches along after the two chaos marines, remaining curious of their future activites.


Henry the 57th
2012-09-24, 09:36 AM
Setesh and Slathissin hear nothing, but Katria catches brief flashes of words coming from an adjacent hallway.

Voice 1: "...shouldn't be here. Dark Apostle Akaduros-"

Voice 2: "What he doesn't know won't hurt us. Come brother. We have a-."

Voice 1 (in a low, hissing tone): "Shut up! It's bad enough we're going to do it. Don't say it out loud - the walls have ears."

2012-09-24, 10:23 AM
The former assassin tilts her head, and then beams under her cloak's hood at the thought of something new to delve into. The two chaos marines are quickly forgotten as she makes her way towards the source of the voices, hands gripping the hilts of her concealed swords for reassurance.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-24, 10:36 AM
Katria moves stealthily towards the sound of voices, creeping through the dark hallways. When she gets close, she can make out a pair of Word Bearers with their backs to her, walking in the opposite direction to Setesh and the Night Lord.

2012-09-24, 11:38 AM
Cloak not at all swishing in the silence, Katria follows, a bright, curious smile on her face.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-24, 12:55 PM
The Word Bearers walk down the hallway for several minutes in silence, bolters gripped and ready. Eventually, they halt at a seemingly random spot and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Finally, a voice seems to come out of nowhere.

"You are alone?"

"We are."


A piece of the background seems to move forward. A blue gauntlet with silver edges shows beneath a cloak.


Setesh and Slathissin find a bay full of slaves with little trouble, their superhuman senses easily detecting the sounds and smell of so many before they even come close.

2012-09-24, 01:01 PM
Patience is a taught virtue to any skilled killer who wants to stay alive and Katria settles contently in place, simply observing the coming conversation for nlw, even as her eyes search out more of the new figure.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-24, 01:31 PM
"You brought the codes?" says the cloaked figure, extending his gauntlet expectantly.

"Of course." The second Word Bearer removes a small chip from a pouch on his belt and places it into the figure's hand, which rapidly closes around it.

The figure examines it for a moment, then stows it beneath his cloak. "Good, gentlemen. Very good. The Alpha Legion thanks you for your service."

The same Word Bearer who handed over the chip extends his own hand. "Our payment."

"Of course." the figure reaches into his cloak slowly. With a sudden burst of speed, the figure whips out a pistol and immediately fires a blinding plasma shot at the other Word Bearer's head. Before the second Word Bearer has time to blink, his companion's head is vaporized.

"Treachery!" hisses the remaining Word Bearer, rapidly moving his hand to his belt. A chainsword whirs to life, and he hurls himself at the figure.

"Really now, what did you expect?" says the figure calmly as he tosses aside his pistol and cloak. Katria can now clearly see his dark blue armor with silver rims. Decorative green scales coat the lower half of his leg armor. A green Chaos Star decorates his left pauldron, a curling green hydra his right.

"I expect you to die!" the Word Bearer screams as he swings his sword. It bites into the marine's left leg, and he staggers.

The blue marine draws his own spinning chainsword. "For the Emperor!"

2012-09-24, 02:18 PM
Seeing a chance while both remaining marines are still focused on fighting, Katria darts behind the newly revealed figure and prowls closer, cloak shifting as she attempts to retrieve the small chip he'd just been given.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-24, 02:38 PM
Katria smoothly removes the chip from the marine's belt pouch as he concentrates on the Word Bearer.


The Word Bearer looks at Katria and screams. "NO!"

He staggers back as the other marine unleashes a flurry of attacks on him, but most of them fail to penetrate his armor.

"Not me, you fool!" he snarls. "That mortal has the codes!"

2012-09-24, 02:46 PM
Ah. She'd planned flight in any case, but that only added a touch more motivation to her reaction. Katria spun gracefully, and then shot off down the corridor like a fired arrow, hopefully before either (or both) marines could focus on her a little more.

Full run!

Henry the 57th
2012-09-24, 03:01 PM
"You will not deny me my prize!" screams the blue marine as he breaks off to seize his pistol and cloak from the ground.

Whirling around, he fires it wildly.

[roll0] vs. 41

The Word Bearer doesn't go for any gun, instead opting to charge after Katria screaming with rage.

2012-09-24, 04:17 PM
At the slave pen, Setesh acquires 2 slaves for himself to sate his hunger. At this point he has little else on his mind than to break the minds of these two slaves open and consume anything there is. He takes the slaves to a run down hallway a short walk from the pens, away from the crowds. With his large gauntlet he grips he head of one of the slaves, closes his eyes, focuses his mind and penetrates the mental barriers of the weak-willed slave easily. How different it is when he's not forced to use this power subtly. To him, this feels so much more... right. Not before long he has completly broken the mind of the slave and he wades through all he can find. Maybe the slave had overheard something interesting. But no, there was nothing that stood out in particular. But all knowledge had a place, and there was no telling if something would be useful in the future or in one of the Great Schemer's plots.

Still gripping the head of the slave, Setesh forcibly thew it to the side, disregarding it like it had no more value to him, and moved on to the other slave. Once again, he firmly gripped the head, this time with the slave letting out a muffled shriek of pain. His mind stabbed at the slave's outermost mental layer, and like piercing a sheet of leather with a knife, he was through. Digging deeper and deeper, Setesh ripped his way through layer by layer until he had broken the slave's whole mind. It was now an open book to him, and he drank from the well he had forced open. In this slave there was not much of interest either, but he found something curious. The slave had noticed that the World Eaters seemed to be getting along with the Word Bearers better than other heretics on the vessel, which Setesh found a little strange. Maybe there was some deal on the side, or special task for the World Eaters, for this to come to be.

Having consumed all he could from the slave, Setesh crushed the head of the slave with his gauntlet still firmly around it until he could hear a mushy kind of crack and pop, and threw the slave to the side, done with it. "Hummmmmmmmmmm... Hmm..." Vra'tzaen had started humming, as to protest not having the pleasure to taste the blood of the slave Setesh had just killed. "You shall have yours, do not worry." he said, gripping Vra'tzaen in his hand and walked over to the still alive first slave he had thrown to the side before, who was lying on the floor. With a fast slash he clove the slave in two diagonally over the ribcage with Vra'tzaen, who was humming almost frantically and with multi-hued warpfire flaming over the bloodied, now teeth-filled, edge of the sword.

Setesh could feel his hunger almost sated, which was enough for the moment. He no longer felt the urge that he had to rip someone's mind open, that was good. Now he could concentrate. He walked away from the area to the slave pens, not caring for the mess he had left behind.

2012-09-24, 04:46 PM
Katria threw herself sideways as the gun sounded, a hole ripped into the floor behind her. She had little time for a pause though, the other marine pounding towards her. Keeping her cloak in place to obscure her face, she darted forwards, holding to her full out run and aiming for a more populated part of the ship, where she could hopefully lose her pursuers in the crowds.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-24, 05:05 PM
"Damn you girl!" screams the enraged marine who shot at her. He sweeps his own cloak over his body and seems to disappear beneath it the same way Katria does.

The Word Bearer continues to scream curses at her, but seems to be falling behind.

2012-09-24, 05:08 PM
Apparently safe or not, the recent thief doesn't stop in her retreat until she's in a nice, safe crowd. Moving quickly through the people, she lowers her hood to better blend and to appear less noticeable, her steps carrying her towards the relative safety of the medi-bay.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-24, 05:13 PM
As he sees he is falling behind, the Word Bearer halts in his tracks. Moving with the superhuman speed only possible for one of the Astartes, he jams his sword back in his belt, swinging his bolter around on it's strap instead.

"Feel the wrath of Holy Lorgar, whelp!"

Half Action: Aim

Half Action: Semi-Auto Burst

[roll0] vs. 50 (40 + 10)

The Word Bearer screams in frustration and hate as he watches his bolts fly harmlessly by the ex-assassin.

"Mark my words, girl! This isn't over! I'll find you, and your soul will be devoured!"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 10:15 AM
Two days pass aboard the Inevitable Damnation. Two days of waiting, preparing, planning, gathering, and even doing nothing in particular.

Zasz spends those two days in the medicae bed, Katria at his side for most of the time.

Slathissin opts to spend the time searching for new weapons for his arsenal, but has no success in this regard.

Setesh winds up being somewhat more successful. A Brass Butcher, one of Khorne's warriors, proves to have a force field he is willing to give up in exchange for a new bolter. Setesh thinks this obviously imbalanced trade is just the stupidity natural to those that refuse Tzeentch.

He acquires a lovely set of grenades from the very same Slaaneshi sorcerer that he met earlier. He and the sorcerer wagered over a game of chance. Both sides attempted to cheat of course, but Setesh did it better and so won a small clutch of hallucinogenic grenades.

Finally, on the third day of the trip, Zasz awakens from his dreamy haze. Word Bearer artificers help him back into his armor, and a slave in Word Bearer robes walks up to him.

"This way, my lord." she says softly, before turning and escorting him to a large chamber filled with warriors.

Setesh, Slathissin, and Katria all find that a slave of the Word Bearers somehow manages to find them all as well, and they are lead to the same chamber.

In the chamber are numerous members of the World Eaters, the Scourged and the Sons of Hekesh. There are also at least several thousand relatively unaffiliated heretics and scum, mostly humans, but with a few xenos and a handful of Astartes, including the same Slaaneshi sorcerer from earlier. As always, numerous Word Bearers are at hand to keep things civil.

There is a large screen on the wall, showing an overhead view of what looks to be a damaged cityscape.

2012-09-26, 10:55 AM
Zasz looked around the auditorium, searching for Katria. She was the single most important person aboard the vessel, and now that he was mobile and sentient again, he would not allow her to be harmed. He flexed his right hand, deep within the chainfist, and felt his new muscles flex. It felt good to subvert the Corpse-King in this way, to use the Loyalist Astartes' literal strength against them. It had been an interesting fit, getting back into the armour, but Zasz didn't mind. Soon the fluid would accumulate again, and another few centuries would pass before he removed the armour again.

[roll0] v. 100 and minus any detriments for the attempt. This is an Awareness roll, and Zasz is searching for Katria in the crowd.

2012-09-26, 11:34 AM
Setesh looked around in the crowd of heretics, some looking quite restless or impatient. Setesh himself felt quite calm, having not long ago consumed the knowledge of a slave. In his hand he fiddled with a small brass-colored amulet with a green gem in the middle of it, which was the Refractor Field he had gotten his hands on before, having to settle for it as he was not able to acquire a stronger force field. It was surprising a khornate would have such a thing in his possession, but Setesh guessed it was due to it being brass. It was obviously not for its protective purposes, considering how easily the khornate traded it away.

He had not seen Zasz since the day of the initial speech, and couldn't seem to see him in the crowd either. Maybe if he could find that interesting little girl. She amused him, and he strangely felt like being amused instead of having to be bothered with Word Bearers and the inevitable speech coming their way. However, Setesh could not see the little girl in the crowd either. Maybe she had gotten herself killed, he thought. "That would be a pity." he uttered to himself.

Totally cannot find Zasz in a crowd. :smalltongue:
Awareness Test to spot Katria: [roll0] vs 55

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 11:49 AM
Zasz is able to spot Katria, while Setesh fails to find her in the large crowd.

Suddenly, the lights dim a bit more (they weren't particularly bright in the first place) and a booming voice echoes across the auditorium.

"Welcome, my brothers and sisters!"

2012-09-26, 12:00 PM
Now it starts, Setesh thought as he let out a sigh. He hoped it would be over fast, as he had gotten quite tired with Word Bearers over the previous few days. How much his dislike for the Word Bearers was due to their preaching and devotion to the Unaligned Chaos and how much of it was still lingering feelings from before the great Betrayal over how the Word Bearers Legion would destroy vast libraries and collections of knowledge was hard to know at this point. But it was there nonetheless.

2012-09-26, 12:42 PM
Katria is settled on a ledge for one of the massive viewpoints, her cloak currently nowhere in sight. She gives Zasz a cheery wave and smile, her eyes then darting around the room as she tries to pick out the particular Word Bearer she encountered earlier.

Perception. (Target 42) [roll0]

2012-09-26, 12:52 PM
Slathissin sighs as he begins to listen to the briefing within the confines of his cloak. The crew of this ship were infuriatingly aloof in their dealings with him, and he had been able to find little to improve his arsenal. No matter, he thought to himself, they would be off soon, and back onto ground where he might rip gear from the dead.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 01:01 PM
Katria observes what she thinks to be the same Word Bearer standing in one of several groups on the side of the room, ready to swoop in if violence starts.

The voice continues. "It is good to see you all well. And so few incidents over the past few days? Truly Holy Lorgar blesses our mission!" A Word Bearer with the identity markings of a high commander steps from a group of his fellows onto a small stage below the screen. He, unlike the Apostle, is wearing ordinary power armor. It has dozens of small battle scars gouged into it. As with most Word Bearers, it is covered in inscriptions from the Book of Lorgar. Various passages seem to flare with unholy flames at seemingly random intervals. "I am Captain Zanian of the Blessed Seventeenth Legion. I will be leading this portion of the battle. As such, I will be briefing you on the tactical situation."

2012-09-26, 02:18 PM
The Night Lord disengages his Catalepsean Node, coming out of half-sleep as he prepares to commit the briefing to memory. The ship was beginning to be most unwelcome to him.

2012-09-26, 04:02 PM
Zasz moved through the room, gently nudging people or maneuvering when possible to try and get to Katria. He could move and listen simultaneously.

2012-09-26, 04:19 PM

Katria studies the chaos marine as he holds the shard out towards, eyes sparkling as she studies it with a wide smile. Then her power sword is suddenly slashed upwards to try and send it spinning out of his hand and into hers.

Making use of the disarm check from earlier. I presume we'll be hitting initative after she does this, so.

Init: [roll0]

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 04:36 PM
"Listen brethern, and listen well. The heretics we have come to expunge haves holed up in a ruined city. Because of their defenses, an orbital bombardment is impossible. Therefore, we will launch a ground assault. The exact strategy is beyond the scope of this briefing. I speak now of what we ask of you." He indicates the overhead view on the screen. "This is a southeastern section of the city. On the flank of our main assault line. Obviously, it will not do to have the heretics able to threaten our main thrust at their center. Therefore, their position here will need to be pinned down and eliminated even as our frontal assault occurs.They are holed up in this compound." He indicates a section of city, which is highlighted on the map. "It is well defended. At least 150 Astartes, 1000 humans and xenos, and perhaps a dozen tanks, all arranged for intense street-to-street fighting. Nonetheless, we should be able to take it. Here is our plan: the honored sons of Angron and their engine will take the most straightforward path, right into the teeth of the enemy." An arrow marked with the World Eaters' emblem appears pointing directly at the base. They seem to be quite pleased with the idea and cheer vigorously. Once they quiet down, the good captain continues. "As the do so, the Sons of Hekesh will circle around to the right flank. The Scourged will take the left." Two corresponding arrows appear, showing the pincer. "Once the enemy is assaulted from both sides, myself, my Word Bearers, and our more independent allies will circle around to attack from the rear." More arrows appear. Notably the Word Bearers symbol is behind that of the independents. The message is clear enough: "We'd like you to die first, please." "Not the most complex plan in the galaxy, but given our relative lack of experience at coordinating together I felt simple was best. Now then, any questions?"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 04:41 PM

Katria studies the chaos marine as he holds the shard out towards, eyes sparkling as she studies it with a wide smile. Then her power sword is suddenly slashed upwards to try and send it spinning out of his hand and into hers.

Making use of the disarm check from earlier. I presume we'll be hitting initative after she does this, so.

Init: [roll0]

The marine moves his own bizarre icy sword back down at her.

Opposed WS check:

[roll0] vs. 55

Katria knocks the weapon out of his hands and grabs it before it touches the ground.

The marine snarls at her. "Bad idea, wretch."

Katria hears what sounds uncomfortably like a pair of cloaks being thrown to the ground.

"After what happened last time, did you truly think I'd be so foolish as to come without backup?"

2012-09-26, 04:54 PM
Before he'd even finished speaking, Katria rolled forward and past him. And then she was running in a now fairly familar pattern.

Full action run!

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 05:02 PM
The marine simply snarls as he draws his pistol and draws a bead.

Marine 1: Full action: Aim

Marine 2: Full action: Aim

Marine 3: Full action: Aim

2012-09-26, 05:12 PM
Katria continues her dead run, alert eyes scanning for a twist in the corridor or any possible cover as she continues to move.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 05:22 PM
There's such a twist up ahead. Shouldn't take more than a few seconds to reach it.

The marines fire.

Marine 1: Half action: Standard attack (plasma pistol): [roll0] vs. 42

Marine 2: Half action: Semi-auto burst: [roll1] vs. 40

Marine 3: Half action: Semi-auto burst: [roll2] vs. 40

2012-09-26, 05:25 PM
Dodge check. Target 80 (Infamy point spent). [roll0]

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 05:37 PM
The marines snarl in frustration as Katria dodges their well-aimed shots. Even as she disappears around the corner, they fade under their cloaks.

End Flashback

2012-09-26, 05:41 PM
Still waddling through the sea of individuals, attempting to find his wayward granddaughter, Zasz listened to the remarks and observed the plans. Interesting -- they weren't even trying to hide their disdain any longer. He put it to the back of his mind and continued to move through crowd. Surely little Katria would be somewhere!

2012-09-26, 05:45 PM
Setesh hadn't heard anything unexpected during the briefing. That the biggest warbands took a flank each wasn't strange. That the Word Bearers used the "independants" as a shield was sound strategy, something Setesh would considering himself if he had to develop a "full assault" plan - as was the case here. Of course, he would not. And especially not when he was himself part of that particular group.

Instead he'd probably divert the attention of the defenders in some way. Maybe use infiltration tactics, or some other means of weakening the forces. Turn them against each other. Create confusion, chaos or disarray. But that would take time. Word Bearers were not patient.

He was not very keen on spearheading some assault for the Word Bearers, but he could sense Vra'tzaen would not mind in the least. As expected of the daemon within his force sword, who had probably heard the briefing. But maybe there was something in the city for him too. And he was still a little curious about the whole reason for this ordeal and the Word Bearers' seemingly hurry to deal with it, and the need for so much help. There couldn't possible have splintered off so many Word Bearers without any interesting reason.

2012-09-26, 05:47 PM
And she's suddenly there, smiling brightly and innocently as she hugs his arm (as much as she can). "Grandpa! Are you better now? I kept out of trouble." She nods earnestly.

2012-09-26, 05:51 PM
Zasz smiled at the little human and nodded as best he could. "I have many new tricks, thanks to the Word Bearers! They went to great efforts to make sure your grandfather was safe -- there were many sacrifices! And their care was not simply for me, either -- it was an impressive display across the medicae bay! Their dedication to the survival of their brothers fills me with joy!"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 06:12 PM
"Well, any questions?"

"What exactly is this "engine" the World Eaters are bringing along?"

The captain nods towards a prominent-looking World Eater, who answers with a hint of smugness.

"A Brass Scorpion."

2012-09-26, 06:15 PM
A Brass Scorpion! Zasz was legitimately impressed. There was a beautiful craftsmanship involved in the Brass Scorpions, and once upon a time it had been his job to oversee the repair and maintenance of machines of war. His skill had disappeared in the millennia since, but there was still an appreciation for it.

2012-09-26, 06:30 PM
Setesh activated the vox caster in his helmet and spoke up. "What intelligence are there of what kind of tanks they are employing?" Setesh was more curious about what kind of defensive positions and tanks the defensive forces had than some khornate daemon engine. At least when, not if, it blows up it will take a fair chunk of combatants out with it. And until then, it would count as a distraction from himself.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 07:09 PM
"Primarily Chimeras, with at least 5 Leman Russes, and 2 Rhinos."

2012-09-26, 08:02 PM
How reliable their intelligence was, is of course another matter. Atleast only one side had a daemon engine, assumably. Of course, tank-busting was not any of Setesh's particular talents, as he had not yet learnt or manifested any offensive damage dealing spells or powers of that magnitude, so those were for someone else to handle.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 09:20 PM
"That seems to be the end of the questions, then." says the captain. "In that case, it also ends our short briefing. Report to docking bay 5 at 0400 hours tomorrow. You'll receive the immediate tactical briefing on your way down. Dismissed!" The captain begins climbing down.

2012-09-26, 09:49 PM
Hmm. Zasz had thought they would be split into smaller groups, but it seemed 'smaller' here meant something on the scale of 'from thousands to thousands, but slightly less.' Oh well! He would still be with Katria. And perhaps...

Curious, Zasz searched for his old compatriot Setesh. He had heard Setesh's voice asking a question, so Zasz knew the old sorcerer was around. Perhaps it would be best to go into this with someone he already knew. The Word Bearers had no intention of acting cautiously, and in face of death Papa Nurgle beamed widest, but it would be foolish to throw away his life for Chaos Undivided. No, working with someone he already knew would increase the recipients of Papa Nurgle's diseases -- after all, someone had to deliver them all, and that someone might as well be the Unremarkable Zasz the Ancient!

[roll0] v. 100, Awareness check to see Setesh in the crowd. Minus any modifiers for the crowd, plus any modifiers for having heard Setesh's question.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 10:14 PM
Zasz spots Setesh not too far off from his current location.

2012-09-26, 10:16 PM
Ushering Katria with him, Zasz began to make his way over to Setesh, keeping his eye out for that great warband devoted to the Changer of Ways.


Seeing one of the Astartes, he diverted from his path, moving to the Astartes he had spotted.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 10:30 PM
The marine looks Zasz over. "And what do you want with me, slave of the Plague Lord?"

2012-09-26, 10:34 PM
Huh. It was always interesting to see whether someone would know who he was and who he worshiped or not. "I seek a champion of the Changer of Ways, brother. Your warband is magnificent, and surely stocked with such champions! Surely you or one of your brothers would engage me in combat, to determine tomorrow's battle!"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 10:46 PM
Huh. It was always interesting to see whether someone would know who he was and who he worshiped or not. "I seek a champion of the Changer of Ways, brother. Your warband is magnificent, and surely stocked with such champions! Surely you or one of your brothers would engage me in combat, to determine tomorrow's battle!"

"And why should we waste our strength indulging you on the eve of battle? Our champions have much work ahead of them."

2012-09-26, 10:59 PM
"It would be an admission of weakness. And besides, wouldn't the blood of a champion of Nurgle be worth the effort? Your Lord prefers compacts sealed in the blood of Papa Nurgle's followers, does he not?" Zasz let out a boom laugh and cracked his neck, audible through the vox. "Either a champion will answer my call, or this assembly will know the way of things -- and the weakness of you, my brother."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 11:06 PM
The marine bristles. "I shall see what I can find." He tromps off.

A little while later, the marine returns, a sorcerer following in his wake. The sorcerer walks up to Zasz's face.

"You wish to face a champion of the Scourged? Well, here I am."

2012-09-26, 11:07 PM
"Yes, brother. I wish to engage you in a duel, to determine the outcome of tomorrow's battle. My compact must be signed in the blood of my enemies, and I am sure your God demands the same of you. Come then! Will you face me in honorable battle?"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 11:17 PM
He stares at you for a moment. "Honor. You really don't know much about Lord Tzeentch, do you?"

2012-09-26, 11:21 PM
"Honor. You really don't know much about Lord Tzeentch, do you?"

Zasz's tone remained as jolly as it always was. "No, dear brother, I have as little knowledge about that cowled sorcerer as I can possibly. But I know of the hosts aboard this vessel. I know they will fall upon murderers with the tenacity and joy of a plaguehound. I know they will be on the watch now, as we approach the peak of our bloodlust and pre-battle frenzies, watching to make sure their chattel and chafe doesn't fall to the floor before they might have their machinations completed. Now come, you will not suffer an insolent follower of Nurgle challenging you and your God, will you? Are you so weak that you fear the exertion it would take to reduce me to a corpse?"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 11:30 PM
"...You're on, little man." The sorcerer turns. "Follow me." He strides out a nearby exit and makes towards the slave bays.

2012-09-26, 11:33 PM
Zasz motioned for Katria to stay where she was. As soon as they get out of the immediate assembly area, however, Zasz would open fire on the Sorcerer!

Half action aim, half action semi-auto burst.

[roll0] v. 60 BS, +30 for Surprise/Unaware, +10 for Aim, +10 for Short Range. So test against 110. Only jams on a natural 100. I do hope that doesn't happen.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-26, 11:44 PM
The sorcerer's field flares in response.

[roll0] vs. 50

[roll1] vs. 50

[roll2] vs. 50

Two shots are absorbed, but one makes it through to slam into the back of his left leg.

He staggers.

"You little bastard!"

2012-09-27, 12:08 AM
Pressing his advantage, Zasz took another semi-automatic barrage into the shielded sorcerer. "I'm rather large, actually."

I think Tzeentch is throwing these 503 errors at me to prevent Zasz from setting this Sorcerer on fire! :smallfrown:

Half action aim, half action semi-auto burst.

[roll0] v. 60 BS, +10 for Aim, +10 for Short Range. So test against 80. Only jams on a natural 100. I do hope that doesn't happen.

EDIT: Ha! Nope, not a hit. Pity. Should have gone with the +10 from Twin-Linked.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 12:17 AM
"You'll be rather dead when I'm through with you!"

Half Action: Pushed Psychic Scream: [roll0] vs. 85 (+10 Psy Focus, +35 Psy Rating, -20 WP test)

Psychic Phenomena: [roll1] + 10

Half Action: Unfettered Thought Sending: [roll2] vs. 130 (+10 Psy Focus, +20 Psy Rating, +40 WP test)

2012-09-27, 12:32 AM
The psychic power hit Zasz, but his years of shrugging off damage allowed him to withstand the ringing in his ears. With a jolly laugh, Zasz continued to unload bullets into the general area of the Sorcerer, attempting to obliterate the Tzeentchian Champion before he could get another of those painful blasts off.

"Perhaps, my brother, but what a glorious death it might be!"

Using my second infamy point of the day on regaining 1d5 wounds. Nurgle means I get back all 5, putting me at 15 at the present.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 01:29 AM
The sorcerer laughs as his field absorbs and deflects four of Zasz's shots. "Ha! Is that all you've got?"

Half Action: Unfettered Compel: [roll0] vs. 80 (+20 Psy Rating, +10 Psy Focus, -10 WP test)

Half Action: Pushed Psychic Scream: [roll1] vs. 85 (+10 Psy Focus, +35 Psy Rating, -20 WP test)

Psychic Phenomena: [roll2] + 10

2012-09-27, 01:35 AM
Another barrage. "This is a rather bracing duel though, is it not?" Zasz gave a chuckle and continued the rapid assault.

Half action aim, half action semi-auto burst.

[roll0] v. 60 BS, +10 for Aim, +10 for Short Range. So test against 80. Only jams on a natural 100. I do hope that doesn't happen.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 01:45 AM
The sorcerer flings himself to the side to avoid one of Zasz's bolts.

"Quite." he says dryly.

Half Action: Pushed Psychic Scream: [roll0] vs. 85 (+10 Psy Focus, +35 Psy Rating, -20 WP test)

Psychic Phenomena: [roll1] + 10

2012-09-27, 01:52 AM
"That last one almost got you, you know. How long will that little field keep you safe from me?" Zasz asked before unleashing another barrage.

This is the most exciting duel ever from the perspective of on-lookers, although each round there're photon grenades going off due to his conversion field.

[roll0] v. 60, +10 for Aiming, +10 for Short Range. Test against 80. Only jams on a natural one hundred.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 01:58 AM
The sorcerer chuckles as Zasz's latest attack flare harmlessly off his field. "Long enough, I think."

Half Action: Pushed Psychic Scream: [roll0] vs. 85 (+10 Psy Focus, +35 Psy Rating, -20 WP test)

Psychic Phenomena: [roll1] + 10

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 02:08 AM
Zasz and the sorcerer are both afforded a brief and horrific glimpse into the true nature of the Warp. The sorcerer being more experienced in such matters, manages to resist the corrupting influence that washes over him. Zasz isn't so lucky.

2012-09-27, 02:10 AM
Zasz doesn't let it worry him, however. He's more flustered with the lack of ammunition, and switches to regular rounds. "We shall see if that is a true statement, my dear brother!" Another jolly laugh.

[roll0] v 80

Third infamy point to regain 5 wounds, putting me back at 10.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 02:33 AM
Two of Zasz's shots punch into the sorcerer's chest, which explodes in a spectacular spray of gore. Organs, blood, bone, and other assorted bodily fluids (many of them unnatural) go flying throughout the hallway. The sorcerer is dead. Really, really dead.

Zasz hears the sound of rapidly approaching boots.

"Just what in the hells is going on here?!"

2012-09-27, 02:35 AM
Zasz trundles over to the Sorcerer's corpse, obtaining the force field before anything else. "A duel, my brothers," he said after grabbing the item. "I have witnesses who can attest that I challenged, fairly, a champion of the Scourged. And we have now settled a question, as old as time. If it is the same, I believe it is my ritualistic duty to consume his flesh, now."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 02:39 AM
The force field turns out to be a small rod attached to the man's belt.

Zasz can now see that there are 10 Word Bearers on the scene, looking at him suspiciously. "That's not our information. We heard that you shot him in the back unprovoked."

2012-09-27, 02:42 AM
"Then your information is incorrect, brethren. If you wish to examine the corpse, you will find no shells in his back, only his legs and, ahem, the front of his torso. But the challenge itself was witnessed by both one of the Scourged and a human. I can produce the human, although it would be a miracle to find the particular Scourged who witnessed it. And this fellow," Zasz said, gesturing to the dead sorcerer, "will speak no more, I'm afraid. Except for what is held in his genetics, which I will soon be learning. Perhaps his memories hold the challenge? I will soon know."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 02:44 AM
The Word Bearer in the fore raises his hand to halt Zasz.

"No need." he says. "We can get it out of him." He turns to one of his men. "Summon the First Acolyte."

2012-09-27, 02:46 AM
"My brothers, I have committed no wrong here. I will not be denied the consumption of this fallen's flesh. If you wish a portion, I will gladly share, but unless you intend to seek the witnesses, I will continue with my rites of victory."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 02:48 AM
"We intend to seek the witness of the dead man. Leave his corpse for now. If all is as you say, we will leave it to you when we are satisfied. If not..." He trails off, taking a knowing glance at his bolter.

2012-09-27, 02:49 AM
"We intend to seek the witness of the dead man. Leave his corpse for now. If all is as you say, we will leave it to you when we are satisfied. If not..." He trails off, taking a knowing glance at his bolter.

Zasz sighed. "Find the human, she is nearer. Katria!" he bellowed, expecting his granddaughter to be nearby.

While he waited for Katria to come, he looked at the Word Bearers. "You trust the words of a Tzeentchian over that of a Nurgleim. I find that particularly interesting -- of the two, which group is known for honesty?" A low chuckle, followed by a shaking of the head. "I, Zasz the Ancient, who fought beside Mortarion, who was trained by my primarch personally before the Betrayal of the Anathema, who carries both sets of armour as to always epitomize the philosophy of being ever ready, who has carried both sets of armour for over ten thousand years, who has cut through the hulls of space hulks and brought victory to the Death Guard, who was there when we were caught in the Warp and asked for salvation and succor from Grandfather Nurgle -- I, who have spread disease across planets, who have witnessed countless atrocities across this realm of existence -- I am to be treated with more suspicion than a sorcerer of the Changer of Ways, Astartes who purposefully twist and lie for the sake of their malevolent god?

"Not a minute ago I asked the sorcerer if this was a bracing duel, and he said the word quite. For it was a duel! If he thought it unprovoked -- truly unprovoked, and not an attempt to slander and accuse me as a last-ditch effort to see me dead -- would he have agreed to such a statement? And you call upon a member of his warband to prove him correct? The warband who has lost honor to me for the death of their champion, you believe they will tell the truth about the proceedings?"

2012-09-27, 05:32 AM
A moment passes, then Katria pads into sight, yawning and shaking her head, once again wrapped in her robe. "Maah.. I was napping Grandpa, I was having such a nice dream." She then spots the body and then looks over the assembled Word Bearers, blinking. "Oh! Hello!" She smiles and waves. "It looks good Grandpa, fine work." She beams up at Zasz after glancing at the body again.

Is a certain Word Bearer in the group here?

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 07:35 AM
"I... I... Very well." He sighs. "Let him go."

Katria observes that her old friend is not with this squad.

2012-09-27, 07:40 AM
Zasz nodded with a smile before performing the various ritual required for removing his helmet. Once that was done, he would sample the Sorcerer's flesh to see what memories lingered within -- and after that, he would see what other items the Sorcerer had. Although the armour had been damaged, it wasn't Terminator armour -- someone on this ship would be able to repair it, and potentially the subsystems within would be useful to move into the secondary set of power armour.

Any weapons the Sorcerer had, as well, would be useful. For trading, moreso.


"I apologize, Katria. I thought our hosts would be unreasonable, but they are a credit to their Holy Father."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 08:03 AM
Zasz takes a bite or two of flesh. It actually hurts a bit - the sorcerer's body is infused with the power of he Changer of Ways, which resists being consumed by one of Papa Nurgle's flock. Still, he does gain a little bit of information. Specifically, the rumor that these guys hear voices in their heads telling them every lie man speaks? True.

The chest armor is pulped quite beyond repair, the the left leg appears to be rotting, no doubt the work of Papa Nurgle. Otherwise, the rest of he armor looks salvageable, though Zasz might have a hard time getting it off in such thick gloves.

The sorcerer was also carrying a force staff, a bolt pistol, an unholy icon of Tzeentch, and a small book covered in Tzeentchian runes. Zasz feels an intense urge to destroy the icon and the book.

Papa Nurgle demands that you destroy those hateful artifacts of wretched Tzeentch.

2012-09-27, 08:12 AM
Katria smiled meekly, bowing her head as Zasz tasted the marine's flesh and searched his belongings. She waited, quietly, humbly, but couldn't prevent a slight shifting as a result of suppressed excitement at what she had to tell her grandfather.

2012-09-27, 09:31 AM
Zasz took the various items up, leaving the armour and the Tzeentchian artifacts for a moment. "Darling Katria, will you help me with this armour? My fingers aren't nimble enough for the various seals and locks." Regardless of her answer, Zasz would kick the book and icon far from the body. Presuming it was at least 30 meters away, he shoot the items from afar, obliterating them. Part of him was interested in knowing what was in the book, but knowing what he did of the Changer of Ways, it would either be lies or some daemon attempting to possess him.

That wasn't a particularly enticing thought.

2012-09-27, 09:34 AM
Katria nods and kneels by the body, deft fingers unsealing and removing the finer bolts and locks holding the armour together. She seemed unbothered by any blood that got onto her hands, though she avoided any contact with the diseased left leg.

As the item and book were destroyed she gave a small pout, but made no other contact, glancing about to see if the Word Bearers were still watching them.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 09:36 AM
Zasz can feel Papa Nurgle's pleasure as the artifacts go up in flames. The Word Bearers look at each other and whisper nervously.

Zasz gains 2 Corruption and 1 Infamy for his destruction of Tzeentchian artifacts!

Katria sees that yes, the Word Bearers are still watching. They seem unsure about what to do about Zasz's destruction of the artifacts.

2012-09-27, 09:40 AM
Reloading his autocannon, Zasz returned his attention to his adoptive granddaughter. "Katria, come here for a moment. I've a gift for you, little one."

2012-09-27, 09:44 AM
Earlier during the duel:
The briefing having ended and the gathered heretics being scattered, Setesh had no real destination in particular. He lingered, observing how people had reacted to the information and trying to overhear anything of note. All of a sudden his senses picks up a psychic signature from the direction behind him. Had some combat broken out? Maybe it was some sorcerer having fun with a slave. He did not recognize it as that Slaaneshi who spent time throwing bolts at slaves, this one was one of The Scourged's sorcerers he had seen before, one who was about the same psychic strength as himself. But the powers were more powerful than at that time. Which must mean he was pushing his powers to the limit. That was not without risk, and a sorcerer doing such a thing without a good reason was foolish. He was curious as to what was happening and started walking towards the locale of the sorcerer when he picked up another instance of a psychic power being manifested. This one was as strong, meaning another push. Setesh continued in the direction from where he had sensed the manifestations.

2012-09-27, 09:48 AM
She nods and smiles, dipping her head as she walks over to him and paying no more attention to the muttering Word Bearers. "A present for me, Grandpa, really?" She claps her hands together, beaming and doing a little skip. "I always love presents!"

2012-09-27, 09:53 AM
Zasz removed the force field from his belt, and held it out to her. "Take this trinket, little Katria. You mustn't ever part with it, you understand? It will keep you safe. It is a portion of your grandfather's love for you, and it will protect you even if I cannot. In time, it may grow over-enamored and fail. If that happens, there are many who can repair it properly. But you mustn't ever part with it. Do you understand?"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 09:56 AM
Setesh walks in to find 10 Word Bearers, the messy corpse of a fellow sorcerer, Katria, and a wounded Zasz cramped into the relatively small confines of a hallway.

2012-09-27, 09:59 AM
Her eyes lit up and she took it revenately, nodding and fastening it to the armour she wore beneath her cloak. "You'll always protect me grandfather, always." She nods. "This'll just help even more." She clasps her hands together. "I promise, I'll always keep it with me, and I'll look after it."

2012-09-27, 10:03 AM
"Good!" he roared jovially, moving back to the task at hand. "Now, if you'll sling the armour over my shoulders, nestle it against what's already there. We'll get more rope and secure it shortly, unless we find someone who might wish to take it off of our hands before then. Now, let's see, while you do that... is there anything else that needs doing in this particular situation... I have consumed the flesh, taken the spoils, destroyed the dangerous artifacts..."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 10:06 AM
The Word Bearer suddenly seems to be speaking to his comm. "What?" he waits for a second. "Right away!" He and the others head back towards the briefing area at a rapid pace, leaving the trio alone in the hallway.

2012-09-27, 10:11 AM
Katria points at Setesh. "Hello." She smiles as she begins roping parts of the armour to Zasz's back. "Maybe you'd like something? Grandpa might give it to you if you're good."

2012-09-27, 10:12 AM
"Who is that, little Katria? I don't want to turn and undo your darling work," he said, his back towards Setesh at the present.

2012-09-27, 10:14 AM
(If allowed, considering this seems to be coming after the latest post Henry made)
Walking to the location Setesh had taken out and activated his Comm Leach, as to try to find out if there was any chatter regarding the seeming battle going on in the hallways.

(Is the Comm Leach integrated into Setesh's vox system and thus have the option to be always active if he wanted to listen in on chatter all the time? He hasn't had it on until now though, due to the speech, in that case.)
"Destroyed what artifacts, Zasz?" Setesh said with a somewhat serious tone. He was not one for liking such things, unless they were artifacts which his patron god did not see fit for existing. But artifacts could be powerful arcane artifacts still, and such things were important. The bloody husk of an armour the human girl was helping him with was obviously that of the Scourged he had sensed. So they were having a duel? Or a random battle? Evidently Zasz had come out victoriously. Such a disgrace to Tzeentch, that sorcerer. he thought.

2012-09-27, 10:14 AM
"Oh! It's that old friend of yours, Setesh!"

2012-09-27, 10:16 AM
"Ah! It is Setesh! The dangerous artifacts, brother. Most likely daemons bound within, trying to possess whoever touched it. I have done away with them. Would you care to sample some of this sorcerer's flesh? I wasn't able to discern much at all! And perhaps a trip to the apothecarium again. Setesh, did you know they're remarkably keen on their service? They sacrificed scores of lives to ensure my operations went properly. Can you imagine!" Zasz gave a boisterous chuckle.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 10:20 AM
Setesh did not pick up any chatter from the Word Bearers on the battle. He did pick up something about reporting back to the briefing room right away to break up some World Eaters and Sons of Hekesh, but that's it.

He does however, sense a powerful and all too familiar presence near the entrance to the hall, coming this way and making no effort to hide it.

2012-09-27, 10:38 AM
"I can assure you dear Zasz, that is not really how it works. I would advice you would refrain from needlessly destroying artifacts in the future as they are valuable. As tradable items they would be quite... good to have, even for you. Because as far as I can remember, you do have a liking for the material things." As it was a sorcerer of the Scourged, it would likely have been artifacts of Tzeentch. This fact almost infuriated Setesh, as he would himself have wanted to get his hands on whatever they might have been. He had seen a few of them with books of lore or arcane knowledge, he had assumed, before. The comments about sacrifices he did not pay much attention to at this point, but it did sound strange for a surgery of sorts.

"I take it this was a duel? As the Word Bearers have not cracked down on you yet, and you seem to be... looting." He wondered what Zasz had gotten his hands on. Evidently not artifacts. Setesh, who was walking a little towards them as he was talking, suddently stopped as he felt the familiar presence of the insane sorcerer - the leader of the warband the dead sorcerer belonged to. "It would seem this sorcerer's leader is approaching this locale as we speak." He was unsure as to what would happen. Considering the seemingly insanity, anything was a possibility. He refrained from being too close to the follower of the Plague Lord, as to avoid being collateral in the event of any overt hostility.

2012-09-27, 10:42 AM
"There are some risks that are not worth the reward, Setesh. If there are artifacts I encounter in the future that pose a risk to myself or Katria, I will obliterate them. And yes, this was a duel! Katria can attest to the challenge -- although those Word Bearers you just saw weren't particualrly keen on waiting for her side of the story. It seemed they were convinced by my simple argument -- why would you believe a follower of Tzeentch over a follower of Nurgle?" A great laugh.

"As for the Scourged's leader, he may wish some sort of retribution. If that is the case, Katria, you must remove yourself. I won't have you come to harm for my little duel."

2012-09-27, 11:05 AM
"I would rather you removed youself from the artifact in that case, so I could collect it for safety purposes. That way we both get what we want. You protect yourself and the little girl, and I can investigate the artifact." He was not surprised about the statement of destroying anything like that. He would not have the knowledge to conceive what it was he was destroying, he was not learned about such things as Setesh was.

Setesh chuckled a little. He somewhat agreed with Zasz regarding the level of trust you could put in an unknown Tzeentchian, but they were still his far-related kin you could say. "Yes, who wouldn't?" His twisting of words was more than intentional. He assumed Zasz would appreciate the sentiment. "But I would advice not to unnecessarily combat this foe, if you see worth in your existance. He is much more powerful than even I, I am afraid." Zasz was still an old compatriot from times past, and he could almost feel a little nostalgic around him - whatever little of those times he can still remember. It would be a pity if he would perish so soon after meeting again after this long.

2012-09-27, 11:06 AM
Zasz beamed before putting his helmet back on. "Brother, your preference in how I treat artifacts is delightfully cute. But thank you for the information on the sorcerer who approaches. Katria, has the armour been secured?"

2012-09-27, 11:59 AM
Of course, Setesh was not expecting to persuade Zasz on the value of artifacts that easily. It would take time, if it was even possible, to prod him into the ranks of those who valued such items and lore often contained within.

Setesh kept quiet, still listening in on any chatter with his Comm Leach, which was connected to his helmet's vox sub-system. He moved to the side, distancing him a little from Zasz and the human girl, curious about what would happen. He had had an encounter with the insane sorcerer before, and he wondered how Zasz would handle such an odd personality.

2012-09-27, 12:12 PM
Katria nods firmly. "Yes Grandpa, it's all settled in place. I'll leave then, just in case." She smiles and ducks away, quickly moving around a corner in the opposite direction from the approaching sounds.

As soon as she's there though, she triggers her stummer on, casts her cloak's hood over her head and vanishes. Unseen, she peeks around the corner, waiting to see what happens next and if she might be needed.

Stealth test. Target 120. [roll0]

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 12:13 PM
The trio hears the sound of armored boots approaching from the way they came. An armored figure in a light blue robe appears. His armor is red and blue, with gold rims. Countless gently glowing sigils of Tzeentch are carved into it. The sorcerer's helmet features an elaborate headress, with a pair of golden horns curling, looping, and interlocking in bizarre and nonsensical patterns. On the sorcerer's right shoulder guard in the symbol of the Scourged. In his right hand, he clutches an impressive and elaborate staff formed of numerous twisting and interlocking golden rods. A symbol of Tzeentch forms the crest of the staff. A beautiful-looking sword is sheathed on his left side, along with a pair of pistols.

The figure walks up rather close to Zasz the body before abruptly stopping. He looks briefly at the body, then at the Zasz and Setesh. He tilts his head slightly to the side.

2012-09-27, 12:39 PM
Zasz stands up, hoisting the additional armour with him. "Hello, brother," he says, before beginning to walk down the hallway.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 12:52 PM
He nods. "My cat likes to eat mincemeat porridge." he says in a philosophical tone. He seems to ponder that statement, as if it means something. Suddenly, his head snaps up. "Where are you going? And why are you leaving me?" he says in a rather dejected tone.

2012-09-27, 12:53 PM
"No one said you couldn't come along, friend," Zasz added conversationally, continuing to move down the hallway opposite the Sorcerer.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 12:58 PM
"Nah, I gotta go back to my buddies." He looks down, before jerking his head up in seeming recognition. "Hey! That's my buddy's outfit! Did you steal it from him?"

2012-09-27, 01:03 PM
"Nope," he replied, continuing down his path, probably some distance away from the sorcerer at this point.

2012-09-27, 01:05 PM
Katria stretched as she settled into a combat crouch behind the sorceror, still concealed within her robe.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 01:10 PM
"YOU'RE LYING!!!" he booms in a much more serious voice. "Get back here right now or I'll break open your skull and eat your brain and make trophy of your jaw and use your eyes for spells and-" he pauses for a moment. "Write a poem about the day me and my buddies met some nice guys called the Grey Knights!"

2012-09-27, 01:41 PM
Setesh moves with the two, keeping about the same distance as from before Zasz had started moving away from them. The insane sorcerer seemed to be more aggressive than when Setesh had interacted with him. He seemed to more or less be trying to intimidate the nurgleim, in his own insane way.

Upon entering the hallway before, Setesh's warpsight had noticed that Zasz had actually been affected with a psychic effect all along. More specifically, a psychic effect which Setesh had identified as a Gift of the Plague Lord to make Zasz seemingly unremarkable and having his true form look "normal" to onlookers. His armour now looked a little more in disuse, not of the prestine condition Setesh had attributed to it before. Under the armour he imagined Zasz looking like a stereotypical Death Guard, covered in wounds, swimming in pus and fluids. Not that he really cared. It was quite a handy "mutation", if you would call it that. The insane sorcerer would probably have seen through this deception too, he assumed, but doubtful many more on the vessel would have been able to as you would need to have a capable warpsight to notice it.

2012-09-27, 03:48 PM
Zasz moved to one of the walls, putting his chainfist against it. "A worse man than I might begin to be upset by these accusations of lying," he said softly, his peculiar voice carrying the distance of the hallway. "I do not lie."

He turns to look at the sorcerer before doing anything, though. "The body is there, with the progenoids within. Your champion accepted the challenge. I have claimed his wargear as my own, as per the rites of combat, but I have not claimed his body. That seemed too great an insult to your warband. So please, take our fallen brother and see to it he receives a fitting cremation, and create anew a Scourged from his innards."

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 03:56 PM
"Get over here. I want to examine his armor."

2012-09-27, 03:59 PM
"For what purpose?" Zasz asked, moving away from the wall and turning to face the sorcerer finally.

2012-09-27, 03:59 PM
Katria bit her lip, fingers curling around the blade of the Shard she'd collected earlier. If the marine attacked her grandfather..

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 04:02 PM
"A giant flaming magical floating head to me to do it."

2012-09-27, 04:03 PM
"That isn't cause for me to surrender my prize to you. Is there anything in particular you search for -- a marking, perhaps?"

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 04:09 PM
"I'll examine it. Then we shall see what becomes of the armor."

2012-09-27, 04:10 PM
"No." Zasz turned and continued down the hallway. "The armour is no longer his. It is now mine. Perhaps when I give it to someone else, you will be able to view it then. But for the time being, I will continue on my way. Good evening, brother."

2012-09-27, 04:15 PM
Setesh had been listening to the exchange, waiting for something to... happen. He finally spoke up. "The follower of the Plague Lord has a point. It would seem the armour is his rightful spoils as of the conclusion of the duel. The Word Bearers who were here when I came to the scene accepted that fact and left just before you got here." Setesh did not know why the sorcerer would want to examine the armour, but Zasz had the favour on his side in this matter, and Setesh did not care much for an altercation due to their argument, as he might himself be swept into it.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 04:22 PM
"I'm afraid that isn't an option, brother."

Half Action: Unfettered Compel: [roll0] vs. 125 (75 base + 45 Psy Rating + 10 Psy Focus + 5 Psychic Hood - 10 WP test

"Come. Over. Here. Now."

2012-09-27, 04:25 PM
[roll0] v. 50 to resist.

EDIT: A perfect hundred! Fascinating.

Zasz, despite himself, took a few steps forward.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 04:30 PM
The sorcerer walks a bit closer to Zasz. "Are we going to do this the easy way or am I going to have to force you to take every step?"

2012-09-27, 04:33 PM
"Fine." Zasz undid the rope that Katria had put on the new armour and let it fall behind him. "Now, I am leaving. I doubt the Word Bearers will care about your indiscretions, sorcerer. There are more important things to worry about than the destroyed armour of a fallen champion." He turned around and began down the hall. Again. Eventually he would reach a corner, or an end. It was inevitable, despite the nondescript hallway that they were in.

Henry the 57th
2012-09-27, 04:36 PM
The sorcerer takes a look at the armor, tracing the bloodstains with his finger and muttering something under his breath. Suddenly, he burst out laughing. Sounding incredibly happy, he shouts to Zasz. "The armor is yours if you wish it! I have what I wanted." With that, he turns and strides back the way he came.

2012-09-27, 04:38 PM
Setesh looked on as Zasz seemed to not be bothered enough to argue with the insane, and evidently stubborn, sorcerer and left the armour on the ground and started to leave. And then the sorcerer inspecting the bloody armour. "What is so important with that armour?" he asked the Scourged's leader. "I would argue the fallen sorcerer's body is more important than some mangled armour."

2012-09-27, 04:42 PM
Zasz turned right back around and stood beside the armour, his eyes closed. He was tired, for the first time in centuries. Truly tired. Between the mental assaults and the surgery, he was tired of it all. There was strength to be found in the love of Papa Nurgle, but it compared to this... the indignity. He was a champion of Nurgle, but Zasz would never state he was the greatest. He knew his limits. And he had witnessed them during the fight with the sorcerer. But now he had faced some impudent whelp capable of forcing him to do things against his will. There was no defense against it. There was no sitting before the storm and bearing it by force of will. It was an aggravating, insulting maneuver.

Where were the plaguehounds? The daemons? Where were the great warbands devoted to the Grandfather of Plagues to rip this man to shreds?

He closed his eyes and stood for a few moments, waiting for Katria.