View Full Version : Djinni's Lamp

2012-09-12, 10:12 PM
What is a djinni's lamp? I'm DMing the World's Largest Dungeon and there is an efreeti named Baltazzar in the dungeon. He possesses a lantern which "functions exactly as a djinni's lamp". The problem is that I can't find any info on what a djinni's lamp is. I don't see anything in the SRD or core books. It's not a new item in WLD. As WLD uses the OGL it should be in an open source, if it actually exists at all. I'm begining to think it's another WLD SNAFU. The item in question isn't a refluffed Efreeti Bottle as far as I can tell.

Does anyone have experience with this region(J) of WLD or any ideas about what a djinn's lamp is? Did I miss something?

2012-09-12, 10:23 PM
I'm not certain about this, mind you, but if I had to guess, it's probably an efreeti bottle that's been reflavored.

I'd bet that a careful reading of the WLD manual would reveal the stats for the lamp somewhere.

ps: you've double-posted this topic. If you delete the other before anyone posts to it, you could save the mods some trouble, I think.

2012-09-12, 10:49 PM
I'm not certain about this, mind you, but if I had to guess, it's probably an efreeti bottle that's been reflavored.

I'd bet that a careful reading of the WLD manual would reveal the stats for the lamp somewhere.

ps: you've double-posted this topic. If you delete the other before anyone posts to it, you could save the mods some trouble, I think.

The more I reread the encounter it might be a reflavored efreeti bottle. The problem is that it's not only reflavored, it's also mechanically different. There are no mechanics given, but considering the efreeti in question, it can't function as an efreeti bottle. He's not trapped in it, he can come and go as he chooses.

Regarding the double post; it's not actually a double post. I edited the original thread title from lantern to lamp and it created a whole new thread. I've deleted multiple posts on this site. The option to delete a thread starter doesn't seem to exist.

Edit: The option to delete a thread starter does not exist. I can delete this post as an option. There is no option for me to delete the thread containing 'lantern' in the title.

2012-09-13, 03:51 AM
The more I reread the encounter it might be a reflavored efreeti bottle. The problem is that it's not only reflavored, it's also mechanically different. There are no mechanics given, but considering the efreeti in question, it can't function as an efreeti bottle. He's not trapped in it, he can come and go as he chooses.
Well, "Efreeti Bottle" is basically the D&D term/equivalent of djinni's lamp (or genie's lamp), as we know it from the story of Aladdin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aladdin). That's an oil lamp, otherwise known as a lantern.

Without knowing anything about the World's Largest Dungeon, I'd bet that Baltazzar's lantern simply contains another efreeti, and functions as a D&D Efreeti Bottle. (If you want to tinker with it, you might have it contain a djinni instead, for variety. That's up to you.)