View Full Version : God Save the Queen, Indeed: Let's Play Long Live the Queen!

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2012-09-14, 09:54 AM
Hi there, and welcome to another LP by Deme. Now, this isn't going to be one of my normal story-driven LPs, because then I'd have more than my already 'way too much' to deal with. This is just going to be a for-the-lols little LP primarily run by your votes. Think of it as being like an Oregon Trail LP.

...Actually, it's a lot like that.

But let me back up. What is Long Live the Queen? It's a game produced by Hanako Games available for PC and Mac and...
Well, this is what the game's site says it is:

Being a Princess is not an easy job. Being a Queen is even harder. Especially when you're only fourteen years old, and the reason you've inherited the throne is that your royal mother has just met an untimely end.
Now power is up for grabs. You may be the official heir, but much of the country's nobility would love to steal the throne for themselves. Aggressive neighbors will take advantage of any weakness to enlarge their borders at your expense. And that's not even mentioning the magical dangers which are lying in wait...

Can you survive long enough to reach your coronation?

And this is a pretty apt description. Here's my best effort.
You know life sims, where you take a cute character and raise up stats and skills to help get them through a set period of time, interspersed with events both scripted and random? Well, it's a lot like that. But you know Roguelikes, where you're expected to die and have to try it again *a lot* because of all the BS the game throws at you? Well, while it's not oriented around combat (there is combat, but in decision and skillcheck forms) or treasure, it's a lot like that. Or, even better, a point-and-click adventure game of the Sierra fashion, where because you didn't get the stick to throw at the cat to save the mouse who can gnaw your ropes off, you're going to die in the back of a dirty old inn? Because while you don't have an inventory and don't really get to move around on your own...It's really very much like that.

Long Live the Queen is a game about building up your princess's skills in such a way that you can make it to your coronation alive, in spite of the fact that after a relatively brief period, everyone and everything is out to get you. It's frustrating and addictively fun, with so many paths and choices that I've completed the game 3-4 times, but still haven't seen even half of what there is to see.
Which is why I'm enlisting you guys to make all my choices this time! Join me, won't you, for Let's Play... Long Live the Queen!

Chapter 1, Week 1: Mood: Depressed
The Batman Option's Still on the Table, though, Right?

Why, yes, that *is* our lead character in a magical girl outfit. It's also our title screen. "Checklist" is actually a checklist of some of the accomplishments you can do in this game; if you'd like to see mine, just ask.

Meet our dad. It seems that Nova, our country, doesn't really allow much special power to the spouse of the inhereting monarch, so with our mother sadly passed, he's stepping back once we become legally of age in about a year. We technically rule but we're not actually queen. Or maybe we are. The game's sense of his is slightly wonky, maybe because all writing instinct says that a princess shouldn't become a queen; queens just sort of pop up.
Meet our dad's profile! I do find it a little funny that his portrait's crown is so tall that, since you can only bring this box up while he's speaking, you can't not see his crown intruding into his own profile.
Dad's actually pretty young, for having a 14-year old daughter. I think this must be a country where royalty does its marrying and heir-having young. Which makes sense, what with death lurking around every corner.

Our main character, everybody! What sort of girl Elodie is is largely detemined by our choices...But right now, she's just a sad little girl whose mom just died.
And now everyone's out to murder her, just as soon as they determine their plan of attack. Someone's going to do the rest of her growing up very quickly, or not at all.
In a bit more detail. I'm not sure why it lists her uncles, but it's handy.

And by tutors, I guess he means you guys! Deciding what she learns and stuff.
"You'll have to work hard this year to prepare yourself before your fifteenth birthday, but I know you can do it. You'll learn quickly and you'll make a wonderful queen. It's what your mother would have wanted."

Yeah, but we could also become some sort of avenger. Or a previously friendly neighbor could suddenly attack us, and we could become the main character of a Fire Emblem game. Think of the possibilities!
...By the way, explain to me again why a videogame can almost never allow a princess to become a queen? I mean, we're sort of, like, half-queen now, which is at least a step in the right direction...

See, Elodie's behind me on this! Go forth and avenge your momma, sweetie!

"She wouldn't have wanted to die and leave me."

"All of Nova depends on us. On you."
Just so we know. No pressure, or anything.


What this means is that when we screw up, Dad's just gonna go "Very well" and let the consequences land, often fatally, on our own head.

"Come, your maids are waiting."

Welcome to the meat of Long Live the Queen! Raising up our nervous-looking princess right up in there.
Let's start the big explanation by explaining this screen. You won't have to ever see it again, but let's just talk our options, since most of the week-to-week voting is about stuff on this screen.

Skills is a big list of our skills. It keeps track of the skills, the skill groups, their levels, and any modifiers to learning skills we may have. We'll be getting back to this.

Mood is, of course, the mood of our fair princess. Mood is divided into several continuums, divided in half to make several "moods." Each mood gives bonuses and penalties to the rate at which we learn skills. Mood can be modified by weekend activities and in-game events.
*mood planning can be essential.*
Since it's less complicated than skills, let's take a look-see right now.

As you can see, our mood is depressed, since "depressed" is the most extreme point on the chart. We're a little bit afraid, but it's less extreme, so it's not the dominant mood. In general, you want to keep your mood close to -- but not at -- equilibrium, so you can change moods very quickly to snag your preffered bonuses.
Now, a note about moods. The priority of equal levels of a mood (IE, let's say... We have Afraid two away from center, like it is, and Depressed two away from center. Afraid is to the left of depressed, so it takes our priority, and Elodie's mood would be Afraid. Moods to the left take priority over equal moods to the right. You could say the same even if the moods are equally extreme, but on the opposite ends of their respective spectrum: my example works equally well if I had used Afraid and Cheerful, or Angry and Yielding, or what have you.

In my playthroughs, working the Willful-Yielding spectrum has been most important. But this is just me.

Outfit Is what outfit we're wearing. If you get 25 or more points in all three skills in a Skill Group (I promise that will make sense later), you get an outfit for that Skill Group that offers a bonus to all three skills. These outfits can be very handy, and have saved Elodie's life in my playthroughs more than once.
Right now, we just have the Boarding School Uniform Elodie's got on here. Did they burn her clothes when she went, or something?

Classes Is our big voting opportunity during the week. Basically, we have two classes in a skill, morning and evening, that we take all week. While the screenshot I'm about to show you doesn't show it, there is a class for each individual skill, and not just the skill groups you see here, so please vote by Skill Name.
Now, taking a class for a week, without any learning modifiers from our mood, earns us about 10 points in that skill: 2 per class, with 5 morning and 5 evening classes per week. When you reach 50 in one skill in a group, that skill can't be advanced until the other 2 skills in a group are at least 25. So that's a thing. We can also, if I didn't mention it earlier (I forget what I'm typing the moment it goes offscreen), double up on a skill, making it both our morning and our evening class, for twice the points. Yaaaay, numbers going up!

The rest of the basic menu is not yours to worry about, it's saving and datalogs and junk. I'll be saving once a week, so when the time comes that we die, we can pick exactly when we want to go back to to try and avoid it.

...And now for the meat of the game. Skills. *deep breath*
This is our skills screen. And you are probably about to panic. I'm about to panic trying to explain all this, so feel free to ask questions. I am not confident in my ability to explain this.

Let me start with this: You do not need to worry about every skill to have a successful playthrough. You can go a playthrough without ever being asked to use every single skill, and definately not needing to use all of them to survive. This doesn't make some of the skills useless: they're just not all used at once, or on one path, or you might find that having one skill means you won't need another in certain situations -- or the other way around.

As you can see, all skills are divided up -- first into big catagories I never really worry about (IE, "Social," "Intellectual,") but the big catagories do get small learning bonuses as you learn different skills in that catagory, so that's a thing. They're really too small for me to worry about.

Second, they are divided into what I've been calling Skill Groups -- sets of three related things, like how Herbs, Poison (really curing poison, but maaaybe you can poison people? I've never tried) and Battlefield Medicine are all a part of Medicine.
Those yellow or orange -1.00, -2.00, and +1.00 are the bonuses you get to learning these skills. They add whatever they say to the points you earn *per day*, not per week, when you take a class in that skill. So we'd gain 15 points in any of the expression skills if we took one, instead of the normal 10...But we can get no points in a Conversation skill while we're depressed. Now, there are two ways to get these bonuses: The first, and usually more relevant, is our mood.
Each mood has its own sets of bonuses and penalties, though not all skills are boosted by the same number of moods -- Royal Demeanor is penalized by almost every mood (but there are moods that grant a bonus, like yielding), and Economics isn't bonused or penalized by any mood.
The other way to get skill learning bonuses is to learn skills from that group. As you take classes in a skill, a small but permanent and stackable bonus to learning from any skill in that group begins to gather. This eventually can even mean you can get a bonus to learning a skill-group even when your mood says you should have a penalty!

But what are skills good for? Well, this game basically runs off of skill-checks. Don't have a high enough rank in a skill, and you fail. Failure can have consequences from just missing out on things to Elodie's painful death. The right skills literally win you the game.
some skills give you more knowledge about what's going on, often vital clues. Some skills give you new options in a scene, allowing you to take different paths. Some skills make you look better in front of your people and nobles, preventing trouble.
Some skills save your life, simple as that.

So let's talk about what each skill group, generally-speaking, does. Most of them are self-explanatory, and the individual skills especially so.
Royal Demeanor
Generally, how to be Imperious. How to look, move, and CONVINCE like a queen. Composure is holding it together, Royal Presence impressing people that YOU ARE THE QUEEN, GOSHDARNIT, and Elegance looking and moving in a regal way to impress folks.

Dealing with people and the atmosphere of court, the non-violent way. Court Manners, in particular, is how to behave in court so as to not make a fool of yourself.

Arts, basically. Decoration is making things pretty, Instrument and Voice are musical skills. They're not quite as useless as they sound.

I think these are exactly what they say on the tin.



Animal Handling
Horses means horseback-riding. Dogs may help with hunting, but also just being friends with dogs (which isn't as useless as it sounds). Falconry is both a relationship with birds and also the majestic and noble art of falconry, sport of kings.

This is a more informational skill, but it'll sometimes help with giving you choices.
Novan is the name of our country, and therefore the history of our country.
When History gives you info, it's about...Well, the past. Though, I should add, this is a fantasy story: the past is closer than you think...

Did anyone call for Skullduggery? Well, you should have. It's a fun word.
Intique is all about plotting, and knowing more about your enemies than they know about you. When an Intrigue-based skill is used to give you information, it's more about the present and near-past: who's related to who, who's next in line for what, how people got into their positions...But that's not the only stuff intrique is good for.

Fixing wounds, curing poison (but maybe you can poison people? I've never seen it, but there's a lot I haven't seen), knowing about stuff.

Running our country into financial stability! Making our 14-year old leader better than the bulk of leaders in the real world!
There's never any bonuses or penalties to economics, making it a stable (and useful) if someone plodding, skill.
Trade and production only occaisonally go out without the other one -- they're like little twins.

You can guess what this is, right? Logistics is the only one you may not know -- it's about moving troops and supplies efficiently and safely.

These are all skills relating to the spiritual. Lore is about information about legendary, mythic, or magical things. Divination is, in essence, the game offering you an early warning system -- if Elodie is trained well enough at recognizing omens, the omens she understands will always be accurate, so you can get a sense of what's to come.

It's magic! Unfortunately, you can't have any yet. There's a sidequest you need to go on to unlock Lumen as a skill (I'll give you guys a hint: Accounting. And/Or Presence).
More on this later.

You got all that?

I hope everyone followed that. If you didn't, please ask as many questions as you need, though I may plead the fifth when it comes to strategy questions, if I think they're too much of a spoiler.

Voting Time: What are our first two classes?

Oh, a few other things to note:
Skills range from 0-100, with things like Weekend activities based on them (for a few skills, more on weekend activities next time) opening around 50, when competence starts to kick in.
We do have a few weeks before death rains down on us...But I do plan on saving seperately every single week, so that when we die (let's be honest; it'll happen), we can decide exactly how far back we want to go to try and fix things.
Generally, multiple skill checks will be offered in life-or-death situations, and you will (generally) only need to pass one of them to survive. So bear that in mind.

2012-09-14, 11:23 AM
Voting Time: What are our first two classes?

Oh, a few other things to note:
Skills range from 0-100, with things like Weekend activities based on them (for a few skills, more on weekend activities next time) opening around 50, when competence starts to kick in.
We do have a few weeks before death rains down on us...But I do plan on saving seperately every single week, so that when we die (let's be honest; it'll happen), we can decide exactly how far back we want to go to try and fix things.
Generally, multiple skill checks will be offered in life-or-death situations, and you will (generally) only need to pass one of them to survive. So bear that in mind.

PUPPIES! ^_______^

*ahem* I mean, dogs. Also, either swords or strategy.

2012-09-14, 11:25 AM
Classes I vote for:
Falcon Handling and Royal Demeanor, Composure.

2012-09-14, 11:36 AM
Just so we're clear, I did make it clear enough that we're basically getting half-points on that composure, because Depression saps our ability to learn Royal Demeanor skills, yes?

I'm just asking so you won't be surprised/dissapointed when we only end up with 5 composure for a week's study.

Oh, and since I'm not sure if Lycan'll post here, I may as well add his IM votes:
Weapons - Swords
Royal Demeanor - Composure

Which gives us some basic majorities even if no one else votes, I guess.
But come on -- don't we all want to guide some destiny?

2012-09-14, 01:45 PM
Lets make our little Princess a math whiz: Accounting and Logistics.

2012-09-14, 01:53 PM
Yaaay, another Deme LP!

Royal Demenour - Presence: Our mother is dead, and now we are Queen. We have to make sure that people realise this.

Intrigue - Internal Affairs: For rooting out the people who don't realise it. Or who think they could do the job better.

2012-09-14, 01:59 PM
Intrigue - Internal Affairs, because the first step of not getting assassinated is knowing who is trying to assassinate you, and Agility - reflexes, because the second step to not getting assassinated is being able to dodge the poisoned daggers.

2012-09-14, 02:02 PM
Just so we're clear, I did make it clear enough that we're basically getting half-points on that composure, because Depression saps our ability to learn Royal Demeanor skills, yes?

I'm just asking so you won't be surprised/dissapointed when we only end up with 5 composure for a week's study.

Oh, I didn't notice that, changing my daemenor vote to Polearm use.

Sila Prirode
2012-09-14, 02:02 PM
Internal Affairs, and Swords. Let's stick those would-be assassins.

2012-09-14, 02:30 PM
I'd suggest actually putting those bonuses to use.

Dogs should be useful as hunting is not only a good way to make nobility happy and respect you, but being friends with dogs might help give you early warning and a muscular, toothy guardian should assassins show up.

An expression skill probably wouldn't hurt either as not only can all sorts of whacky situations where it's used crop up in a fantasy setting, but it is again something that can win positive opinion in court.

As such I say:

Animal Handling - Dogs
Expression - Instrument

2012-09-14, 04:07 PM
Train- Faith and polearms.

2012-09-14, 05:01 PM
Which faith skill specifically?

Anyway, it looks like unless I get another vote for something like Dogs or Polearms (or multiple votes for other things) before, say, the hour's up, we're going with Swords and Internal Affairs.

I'd suggest actually putting those bonuses to use.

I should add that this is, in fact, a good portion of the actual strategy of this game. So Terraoblivion gets a cookie.

Edit: Ok, so I was going to post, and then Photobucket had an attack of dumb. We'll be back shortly.

2012-09-14, 10:19 PM
Imageshack to the rescue!

Chapter 1, Week 1, Mood: Depressed
More Tutorial! We're Done Now, Promise

Time for everyone's favorites: spying on people and stabbing them. Hooray!

As you can see, whenever you hit a multiple of 10, you get some nifty info. Including who has most to gain from our deaths :)

After our classes, we'll sometimes get little events. These usually contain choices or skillchecks, but...Not today.
"Oh, it's my cousins! And my aunt and uncle!"

I neglected to get dialogue alone, so here's her dialogue and her portrait. I may do that more often...
Anyway, so she's related to those people we were just reading about: the ones who are immediately behind us in position. But surely our beloved auntie only means us well.

"Thank you."

I have no explanation for how someone related to this guy + Joslyn = Elodie. Now, admittably, what we just learned from our Internal Affairs course gets mentioned here, but these things will get more useful.
Also, man but this guy looks spineless.

Charlotte being Elodie's cousin, though, I can see. Maybe technicolor hair is...I dunno. A solid genetic explanation fails me. Recessive, but Joslyn and our aunt and uncle all carry it secretly? A terrible mutation resulting from noble inbreeding? Someone help me out.
Anyway, that is a seriously smile-y girl.

"Hi, Lottie. I haven't seen you in ages! Will you be staying long?"
...Hey. Wait, if they just arrived now, when was the queen's funeral? We just got home, there isn't one planned, and they just arrived.
Did no one attend the funeral of our monarch? Seriously?
Man, I'm glad this isn't a story LP. I'd have to invent an explanation for that.

"Yup! Mummy said we'd be here all month."

As you can see, events can affect our mood, too. We're a bit less depressed now, bringing us closer to equilibrium.

And now that we're done with that...
We come to our weekend activities list! This list will expand as we play: certain events and choices will unlock new options, but so will getting certain skills (or, in one case, skill groups) to 50.
Many activities vary depending on our current mood, and I'll try to note them as possible. Here is a list of our current activities:
Attend Court: +2 Yielding, +1 Depressed, +1 Pressured
Attend Service*: Our first Variable. It generally subtracts one from the current extreme, so it's - 1 Depressed for now.
Explore Castle: +1 Lonely, +1 Afraid
Play with Toys: +1 Yielding, +1 Lonely, +1 Cheeful.
Sneak Out: +1 Lonely, +2 Willfull
Talk to Our Father: ??? (Sometimes weekend activities that involve talking with people are like this. They may advance events and/or affect our mood and/or give us information. They may even include skill checks.
Talk to Charlotte: ???
Visit Dungeons*: Another variable. If you've got a point in Willful or Yielding, it will push you further in that direction and in the same (up-down) direction with Angry/Afraid. But we're nuetral, so it has no affect.
Visit Tomb: +1 Depressed, +1 Afraid
Walk in the Gardens: +1 Lonely, +1 Cheerful.

Now, I'm not going to ask you to make the mood choices blindly. I think it's more fun if you guys can do the best you can on whatever path you want to walk. So I'll tell you what moods boost what skill groups.
Oh, it's worth noticing you you can get Elodie into a totally neutral mood, with no bonuses or penalties. If you like.

These are taken from the wiki, so I can't garuntee accuracy, and they don't say what's a -2 penalty. Sorry.
Afraid Boosts: Agility, Faith
Afraid Penalizes: Royal Demeanor, Intrigue, Military, Weapons.

Angry Boosts: Military, Weapons
Angry Penalizes Royal Demeanor, Expression, Medicine, Animal Handling

Depressed Boosts: Expression, Animal Handling
Depressed Penalizes: Royal Demeanor (you sensing a theme?), Conversation, Athletics

Cheerful Boosts: Conversation, Athletics
Cheerful Penalizes: Intrigue, Military, Weapons

Willful Boosts: Lumen, Intrigue, Military
Willful Penalizes: Royal Demeanor (surprise, right?), History, Economics (huh, apparently something does penalize economics. But nothing bonuses it.)

Yielding Boosts: Royal Demeanor (At last!), Faith, History
Yielding Penalizes: Weapons, Lumen

Lonely Boosts: Conversation, Medicine
Lonely Penalizes: Royal Demeanor (Here we are again. It's always such a pleasure.), Intrigue, Faith

Pressured Boosts: Faith (Wow, is there nothing good about Pressured?)
Pressured Penalizes: Conversation, History, Economics

Got all that? Ask questions if you're not, good if you are.

With that out of the way, what shall we do with our weekend?

And what should we do with the week? If your vote is contigent on the weekend activity vote going a certain way, to get a certain mood or the like, do say so, and please try and provide an alternative for otherwise.

If you want to start multi-step plans to get certain bonuses to help meet certain goals, you can say that, too. Gives people some nice and organized votes. This'll probably become more common later in the game, especially when we die some.

2012-09-14, 10:47 PM
Let's talk to Charlotte, we need to stop being Depressed, Depression sucks. Of course, playing with our toys or taking a walk in the gardens could also work. Actually playing with our toys might be better as Yielding is a pretty good mood; it's only real weak point being that it's on the same tack as Willful which is also really good, though since people seem to want Royal Demeanor we probably won't want Willful, at least not until we get the Lumen Crystal. Still, I'll vote for Charlotte, it just seems the right thing to do. As for Classes, it depends. If we stay Depressed we should train Strategy and Logistics. I want to have the option to go to war later. If we shift over to Afraid go for Accounting and Courtly Manners. I want that Lumen Crystal, and Courtly Manners is just nice to have. Though Courtly Manners could be replaced with Reflexes to make use of the afraid bonus.

Does it show that I downloaded the demo and have played through it several times?

2012-09-14, 11:51 PM
Hmmm, if we play with toys, we should become Afraid, I believe. That one extra cheerful would push Depressed and Afraid to be equal and then Afraid takes over since they would both be more extreme than Yielding and Lonely. While getting a slight amount of Yielding going so we can get the Royal Demeanor people seem to want seems useful, ending up Afraid doesn't look terribly useful, so trying to work things out so we end up something else instead would be better. Let's just talk to Charlotte for now. For skills I once again vote for doggies and instruments.

2012-09-15, 04:16 AM
Chat with Charlotte and during the week train Medicine: Poison (Charlotte's mother looks evil and perfectly willing to be queen) and Intrigue: Foreign Affairs.

Sila Prirode
2012-09-15, 07:03 AM
I vote for increasing Yielding (so, Attending the Court), because Presence is nice to have.
If we stay Depressed, got for Voice and Dogs. Othervise, Accounting and a skill that gets boosted by whatever mood we are into (a no-vote, mainly :smalltongue:)

2012-09-15, 07:20 AM
Chat with Charlotte and during the week train Medicine: Poison (Charlotte's mother looks evil and perfectly willing to be queen) and Intrigue: Foreign Affairs.

One to keep our eyes on, that Lucille lady. I'll second the Poison vote and add Voice, to take advantage of that Depressed mood bonus.

2012-09-15, 07:33 AM
Hmmm, if we play with toys, we should become Afraid, I believe. That one extra cheerful would push Depressed and Afraid to be equal and then Afraid takes over since they would both be more extreme than Yielding and Lonely. While getting a slight amount of Yielding going so we can get the Royal Demeanor people seem to want seems useful, ending up Afraid doesn't look terribly useful, so trying to work things out so we end up something else instead would be better. Let's just talk to Charlotte for now. For skills I once again vote for doggies and instruments.

Is that skill vote assuming Charlotte doesn't mess with our mood scores, so we stay depressed? Or is it "Doggies and instruments, regardless."
Anyway, I'll probably play in an hour or so, so last effort to get votes in. Charlotte's the clear winner for activity, but the majority for Poison and Accounting (if afraid, but if we stay depressed, it's a split between Poison, Voice, and Dogs) is still small enough to swing by a morning reader.

2012-09-15, 11:05 AM
Man, do I like being able to go from 0 to update in about 30 minutes. So cozy.

Chapter 3, Into Week 2, Mood - Spoilered
Maybe we should compare her weight to a duck!

I'll take your word for it, honey. I'm never allowed to see your room outside of the floorplan.
"...Something like this."
So apparently family reunions are contingent on personal tragedies in this family. I wonder who had to die the last time they met.
"I know your brother and sister are still too young, but why haven't you come to school?"

Silly lady...Doesn't she realize that, at least for us, only home is safe?
By the way, for any of you playing along at home for the 'this lady looks and sounds evil' Bingo, we can add "Smothering mother," I suppose. Or is that good?

"I understand. I'm probably not going to be allowed to leave this castle until my birthday."
The correctness of this statement is up to you, the voting audience!
...Also, it's adorable she thinks that's sufficient to keep her safe.

And now we're officially terrified for our life. Yay?

Her fear face.
Our current skills, with bonuses and penalties. You can already see the bonuses we got from learning some Intrigue and Weapons lowering the penalties on Intrigue and Weapons. Yaaay!

However, this week, our agenda is Accounting and Poison.
Huh, nifty. Well, just be sure to keep some Charcoal with you at all times, honey.
Princess Luna would be so pleased, I'm sure.

And, as usual, there's commotion outside. Let's see what we've got this week.

Lumen is both the word for magic and the word for a person who wields such magic. In other words, she's a witch!
The question is, do we burn her...
Oh my. This sounds pretty serious.

My thoughts almost exactly, Elodie.

"I am a lumen, as was she, and like every Lumen I am willing to give my life if necessary to protect our domain."
"Your line has been traitors for two hundred years. I won't have you corrupting my daughter."

I wonder if we'd have known about this had we studied Lore, or if that comes later? Well, anyway, the short version is: No one likes Lumen. I think Julia is the only currently 'out' lumen in our whole kingdom...Though not the only one.
But please, let's get back to that whole 'killed our mom' thing.

See what happens when you tell us the choices are ultimately ours, dad? We get allowed branching decision paths.
"Elodie, your mother trusted me, and I have much to teach you."

Well, looks like we have a choice to make. We can hear what she has to say, we can lock her up, we can ask her to please leave.

Since all of these outcomes affect our mood in different ways, we'll hold off voting for weekend activity until next time.

Ok, so, voting!

#1: What do we do with Julia?
#2: Next time, should we do voting like we did last time, with the activity and the classes for the next week in a single vote? Or does that get too chaotic, since you don't know exactly where our mood will be?

2012-09-15, 11:38 AM
I'll votes let her stay. Locking her up is also good, but we definitely don't want to send her away.

As for the second bit, I'm not sure.

2012-09-15, 11:57 AM
I vote we let her stay. Because friendship is magic and all.

2012-09-15, 12:16 PM
Yes, let her stay, we must find out how she caused our mum's death.

Sila Prirode
2012-09-15, 01:52 PM
Stay, of course, this is a Magical Princess Game after all.
And as for skills, well, since it depends on the mood so much, I guess it would be best to find some other way of voting. But I don't have anything smart to say about that right now, sadly.

2012-09-15, 02:04 PM
Yeah, let her stay. It might mean that we can learn magic and become a magical girl like on the title screen!

Also, for skills maybe we could vote on a general set of priorities we want to take Elodie in and then you pick the exact skills learned based on that. Votes would probably be every few weeks for it to have meaning.

2012-09-15, 02:06 PM
Voting for Stay too. Sure, she looks kinda evil, but I'm pretty sure it's a "we wanted you to THINK she was evil but she's actually just grumpy with a good heart" sort of evil look. Friendship, magic, etcetera.

And as for skills, well, since it depends on the mood so much, I guess it would be best to find some other way of voting. But I don't have anything smart to say about that right now, sadly.

We could split up the chapters to vote knowing the mood, but I worry it would slow things down too much... Can't think of a third option right now.

Lycan 01
2012-09-15, 02:15 PM
Let her Stay.

Also, I think we can (usually) safely guess what our mood will be based on the weekend activities, so voting for the weekend activity + week's classes shouldn't cause too much disaster. Hopefully.

I mean, I'd be fine with voting for those things separately. But I'd hate for you to be bore waiting for enough votes, and the pace of the game/LP suffer as a result. But if that won't be a problem, then splitting the voting stuff is fine.

2012-09-15, 02:34 PM
Let her stay so that she can teach us magic and then when she betrays us we can trounce her using what she taught us.

2012-09-15, 02:56 PM
This reminds me of the (in)famous Princess Maker 2 LP with Gendou. And that's always a good thing.

2012-09-15, 03:01 PM
Ok, so I have an idea about the voting thing; tell me how this sounds:

First, the update happens that calls for the weekend activity and study vote (like the next one will). At this time, everyone only votes for activity.
After some time/votes, I'll close the voting for that and declare a winner.
Unless the activity involves choices (like some of the 'talk to so-and-so ones do), I'll then clear up any mysteries about what it does to our mood if there are some (due to talk to so-and-so)
...And then open voting for our study, and then show these things all at once in an update with the events or whatever.

Lycan 01
2012-09-15, 04:33 PM
So, X amount of time voting for the activity, then you tell us what it did to the Princess' mood, then Y amount of time voting for the lessons, and then you do an update that shows us everything that happened?

Sounds good. :smallsmile:

2012-09-15, 04:37 PM
Plus, it says she is Duchess of Ursul, bears! Of course, you can trust bears. Not trusting bears can be grizzly.

2012-09-15, 05:00 PM
Ok, so I have an idea about the voting thing; tell me how this sounds:

First, the update happens that calls for the weekend activity and study vote (like the next one will). At this time, everyone only votes for activity.
After some time/votes, I'll close the voting for that and declare a winner.
Unless the activity involves choices (like some of the 'talk to so-and-so ones do), I'll then clear up any mysteries about what it does to our mood if there are some (due to talk to so-and-so)
...And then open voting for our study, and then show these things all at once in an update with the events or whatever.
I vote this. Also, this thread intrigues me.

2012-09-16, 06:56 AM
Chapter 4, Weekend 2, Current Mood: Afraid
Hallo. My name is Elodie Nova. You keeled my mother. Prepare to teach me magic.

When we last left our pink-haired princess, she had decided...
To let the Lumen who supposedly killed her mother (but apparently not in a legally culpable way) stay and teach her things.

Take that, daddy! That's basically what Willful is in a sentence.
That, or "screw your rules, I do what I want."

But when he said 'as you wish,' what he really meant was 'I love you.' /Princess Bride.

Anyway, now it's time for activities!
Talk To Our Father: ???
Talk to Charolete: ???
Talk to Julianna, the lady we just saved: ???

Attend Court: +2 Yielding, +1 Depressed, +1 Pressured
Attend Service*: [/b] - Afraid
Explore Castle: +1 Lonely, +1 Afraid
Play with Toys: +1 Yielding, +1 Lonely, +1 Cheeful.
Visit Dungeons* +1 Willful, +1 Angry
Visit Tomb: +1 Depressed, +1 Afraid
Walk in the Gardens: +1 Lonely, +1 Cheerful.
Sneak Out: +1 Lonely, +2 Willfull

And, of course, our current mood, for reference:

Voting time: what shall we do this weekend?
I'll let this run, let's say, until Noon or... About 5 hours from now, and then we'll vote for activities.
I'll see how this works and how this time works. Things may be extened if no one's awake to vote.

2012-09-16, 07:06 AM
This is an interesting game.

I gotta vote for:
Talk to Julianna, the lady we just saved: ???

If we just saved her to listen to what she says, we gotta hear what she has to say.

2012-09-16, 08:03 AM
Agreed. Julianna Ho! After all, she knows something about our mother.

2012-09-16, 08:16 AM
Yup. Talking to Julianna is the obvious choice here.

2012-09-16, 09:35 AM
Indeed, doesn't make much sense to say we want to talk to her and then not talk to her.

2012-09-16, 12:48 PM
Alright, that shall be our course of action! It creates no mood changes, so it's time to decide what we're studying with our mood of Afraid!

2012-09-16, 01:35 PM
I know you said its not going to be story driven, but can we get the gest of what happened? Did she tell her side of the story? Does she know how the mother died? Did we unlock magic cause we let her stay?

2012-09-16, 01:52 PM
I know you said its not going to be story driven, but can we get the gest of what happened? Did she tell her side of the story? Does she know how the mother died? Did we unlock magic cause we let her stay?

As I understand it, we vote for a weekend activity, she tells us how it changes our mood so we can make an informed decision on classes. Then after we decide on classes we get the update. Which will show us everything. I can tell you this however, we've only taken our first step on the road to unlocking magic. That's why we need more Accounting.

Accounting and Court Manners, get my vote. I doubt anyone else is gonna suddenly change there mind and vote for the latter, but I like having the options those first ten points give.

2012-09-16, 01:56 PM
As I understand it, we vote for a weekend activity, she tells us how it changes our mood so we can make an informed decision on classes. Then after we decide on classes we get the update. Which will show us everything. I can tell you this however, we've only taken our first step on the road to unlocking magic. That's why we need more Accounting.

Accounting and Court Manners, get my vote. I doubt anyone else is gonna suddenly change there mind and vote for the latter, but I like having the options those first ten points give.

Ah ok, I missed that part then.

I support your votes with my own.

2012-09-16, 02:02 PM
Accounting sounds good, but I still think that using bonuses is a good idea. So I say we take Reflexes as the other one.

2012-09-16, 02:08 PM
Ah ok, I missed that part then.

I support your votes with my own.

Right. I'll be showing what she says when I do an update...But taking time and doing an update for that scene alone bothers me, particularly for later weeks, when we won't even get a talking scene, but just
"We went somewhere. We felt X."

And then doing another update. That is wasteful.

2012-09-16, 02:15 PM
Accounting sounds good, but I still think that using bonuses is a good idea. So I say we take Reflexes as the other one.

I'll second this. Bonuses good.

Lycan 01
2012-09-16, 03:02 PM
Agility-Reflexes sounds like a good class we should take. Why are we voting for taking Accounting, though? Shouldn't we try to learn the more directly useful skills first, like courtly behavior, weapons, and other things that will probably prove very useful to survival? :smallconfused:

2012-09-16, 03:31 PM
Agility-Reflexes sounds like a good class we should take. Why are we voting for taking Accounting, though? Shouldn't we try to learn the more directly useful skills first, like courtly behavior, weapons, and other things that will probably prove very useful to survival? :smallconfused:

Deme mentioned somewhere it was one of the key skills for getting access to Lumen. Since we seemingly strongly desire to be Magical Princess Elodie, we study Accounting.

2012-09-16, 04:16 PM
Deme mentioned somewhere it was one of the key skills for getting access to Lumen. Since we seemingly strongly desire to be Magical Princess Elodie, we study Accounting.

This is true. You need either a Good Accounting Skill or a Good Presence skill to unlock Lumen. And we are currently taking a penalty to learning Presence. There is also the option of trying to kill the guards, but I've never tried that, and it seems like it could possibly end in Elodie's death.

2012-09-16, 04:29 PM
Accounting sounds good, but while we stimulate our brain we should not forget to exercise so Reflexes is my other vote.

2012-09-16, 04:39 PM
And without Accounting we won't be able to make the spreadsheets we need to keep track of all the people trying to kill us!

2012-09-16, 04:54 PM
Also, if you're good at managing the finances of the kingdom, you have a better chance of winning the loyalty of people who can protect you against assassins. Every little bit helps...though I'll admit, that it's kind of a stretch in the short term.

2012-09-16, 10:30 PM
Sometimes odd things can save you.

Chapter 5 - Week 3 - Mood: Afraid
It had our name on it!

So, we have selected to go visit Julianna. Let's get talking, lady.
She looks pretty aprehensive about it.

"What crystal?"
Exactly what I said.

So, our mom had a crystal...Ergo, our mom was also a Lumen.
..And now there's an unused magic crystal floating around.

"The Royal Crystal has been passed down from ruler to ruler for generations. It belongs to you, now - except that the King may be keeping it from you."
Man, what's our old man got against us being a magical girl? It's our birthright! You can't support an absolute monarchy and not support this whole 'birthright is destiny' concept.

"Do you have a crystal?"
"Of course."
What part of this concept have you been ignoring, Elodie?

Pretty shiny...Do want.

You reach out to touch it, and it dissolves away into nothing.
My thoughts exactly.

"It belongs to me. No one can take it from me until I die."
So...If we kill you, we get a crystal?
Oh, I kid, I kid. No sense wasting a magical lady when we have a crystal lying around.
"You need to find the crystal that belongs to you."

And...That's the scene. Where do we find it? That's for us to find out. She seems to think Dad knows something about it.
But now it's time for classes! We're doing Accounting and Reflexes, as you demanded!

So we spend a week of people poking us? Really?
...Ummm... Ok.
I'm assuming that's good, then. Numbers go up, is all I know.

And we open to our weekly event with our chipper cousin.

Kids these days...Err...Those days... *tear* So young.
"Not really. I just like to play with the flowers."

Goshdarnit, Julianna! We thought you were going to help us!
"Princess! Don't move!"

Now, we have a choice...But with our skills, it doesn't matter. All the effects are the same.
So let's pick the one with a skill check: "Hold Still."
There's no check for the other choice, and the affects are the same in every way.

You look down where the sword is pointing.
Well. If that were a snake, it would have bitten me.
It kind of still could.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this LP of Long Live the Queen.
I kid.
We kill her instead!

Yeah, still kidding. The game's still got its kid gloves on.

Well, at least it can't bite us. Good work, Julianna. I guess we were right to trust you!

Your daughter was fine, but then she took a snake to the knee.

"Your daughter's been bitten by a milk viper. They're poisonous. Get an herbalist, right away!"
But if it bit us, you can garuntee we'd have had to treat it ourselves or die. That's how this game things.

...You do that. Yooouuu just do that, Lucille.
"I'm sorry..."
"I don't feel good."
That's called 'poison.'


That snake was meant for us.
"Someone may have tried to kill you."
Quickly, add this to the spreadsheet!

"Will Charlotte be okay?"
Focus on the bit where someone wanted you dead, will you, Elodie?
"I don't know."

Welp. Nothing to do but relax for the weekend.
As you can see, talking to Charlotte is gone.
Everything else is the same as last time: if we want to manage fear, we'd be best visiting dungeons or attending service.
Talk To Our Father: ???

Talk to Julianna: ???

Attend Court: +2 Yielding, +1 Depressed, +1 Pressured

Attend Service*: -1 Afraid

Explore Castle: +1 Lonely, +1 Afraid

Play with Toys: +1 Yielding, +1 Lonely, +1 Cheeful.

Visit Dungeons* +1 Willful, +1 Angry

Visit Tomb: +1 Depressed, +1 Afraid

Walk in the Gardens: +1 Lonely, +1 Cheerful.

Sneak Out: +1 Lonely, +2 Willfull

Our mood currently.

Voting Time, until I wake up tommorow morning: What will we do this weekend? After that, we'll follow it with for what we'll be learning in Week 4!

2012-09-16, 10:31 PM
Don't you see?! They'll be suspicious if we start obviously practicing Elodie's self-defense techniques! No, the proper way to survive in a court is to seem totally uninteresting until you are ready to strike. Elodie already has far too much attention, being the next monarch and all, so we need to play this conservatively. And what could be more uninteresting than Accounting lessons? :smallamused:

2012-09-16, 10:42 PM
I guess we should try and do something about that fear. So let's put talking to dad about the crystal on hold for now and go to the dungeon instead.

2012-09-16, 10:50 PM
I guess we should try and do something about that fear. So let's put talking to dad about the crystal on hold for now and go to the dungeon instead.

I concur. We'll probably need the extra time to increase Accounting anyway.

2012-09-16, 11:04 PM
Talk to Father, maybe he will give us the Crystal.

Lycan 01
2012-09-17, 01:09 AM
I vote we visit the Dungeons. :smallcool:

2012-09-17, 01:22 AM
Hey, about these dungeons: Are these the RPG-style dungeons with monsters and giant treasure chests, or does "visit the dungeons" literally mean "go downstairs and watch some poor guy get shoved into an iron maiden"?

2012-09-17, 01:33 AM
Hey, about these dungeons: Are these the RPG-style dungeons with monsters and giant treasure chests, or does "visit the dungeons" literally mean "go downstairs and watch some poor guy get shoved into an iron maiden"?

I'm pretty sure it's closer to the latter.

2012-09-17, 01:39 AM
Then I vote for the dungeons as well!

2012-09-17, 08:09 AM
Alright, Winner is dungeons!

We'll still be Afraid, so vote for what we're doing with our fear!

2012-09-17, 09:07 AM
Train in medicine poison (after seeing it hurt or friend we must) and public speaking.

2012-09-17, 09:52 AM
Train in medicine poison (after seeing it hurt or friend we must) and public speaking.

I agree with the public speaking (assuming we get the full 10 points despite being afraid?)

I don't know about medicine though. Using your logic, if we had composure then the snake might not have even attacked and no one would have gotten hurt, and it could have more direct benefit in terms of being like Royalty cause I can't imagine the Queen of England looking down if someone she knew told her to.

So I am going with public speaking and Royal Demeanor.

2012-09-17, 09:59 AM
This looks quite an unusual and interesting game.

I vote that we study 'Lore' and 'Reflexes'.

2012-09-17, 10:36 AM
Dublock, you do realize we are taking a penalty to Royal Demeanor skills right?

Anyway, I vote Accounting and Reflexes.

2012-09-17, 11:41 AM
Dublock, you do realize we are taking a penalty to Royal Demeanor skills right?

Anyway, I vote Accounting and Reflexes.

Nope, I don't know the game and there isn't a list of what penalties for what mood (and I have a bad memory).

I change it to Accounting then.

2012-09-17, 12:17 PM
Elodie could probably use some Divination. Could be nice to have some mystical powers trained up before she becomes a Lumen, and we've currently got that nice bonus to Faith.

Remind me, since Faith and Lumen are both "Mysticality" skill groups, do you get a bonus to Lumen for learning Faith, or does Divination only enhance other Faith-based skills?

Either way, I'd still like to see some Divination. The other vote is still for Accounting.

2012-09-17, 12:40 PM
i'll second that with another vote for accounting and divination.

2012-09-17, 02:17 PM
Nope, I don't know the game and there isn't a list of what penalties for what mood (and I have a bad memory).

I change it to Accounting then.

It's in the second chapter, and I'll probably take that and put it in the first post.

Also, yes. Learning divination and other faith-skills will give us veeerry small bonuses to learning Lumen skills, and the other way around. It also will boost other faith-based skills, and it will do so by a much larger percentage.

2012-09-17, 02:27 PM
Well, now, this seems interesting. I'll vote Accounting and Divination.

2012-09-17, 04:19 PM
It's in the second chapter, and I'll probably take that and put it in the first post.

I am sorry...I didn't remember it was there :smallredface::smallfrown:

2012-09-17, 04:45 PM
Accounting/Divination looks fine, yeah.

2012-09-17, 06:51 PM
Train in medicine poison (after seeing it hurt or friend we must) and public speaking.

Negatory. We clearly need to train in Reflexes so as to prevent ourselves from being bitten in the first place. Therefore, I vote Reflexes and Reflexes.

Lycan 01
2012-09-17, 07:34 PM
Wait, we can take the same class twice?

I agree. Reflexes and Reflexes.

In the immortal words of Piccolo from DBZ Abridged... "DOOOOOOOOOOOOODGE!!"

2012-09-17, 08:11 PM
Chapter 6 - Week 4 - Mood: Afraid
Princess of Tennis
Alright! Let's go look at all the people our kingdom has locked away!
We're not happy about the whole 'people rotting or awaiting punishment in dark cells' thing.

Our skills, for the curious.

Wooh! Wallball!
Wooh! New unlockable activity! Remember how I said that sometimes we'd get new activities by leveling up skills? Well, this is one of them. Yay.
I thought this happened at 50, but I guess Sports happens earlier.

And we're trusting druids for finances because...?

I guess?
"It's certainly not empty, though. It seems like we get more servants every day."
Coulda fooled me, honey.
"I was so worried about Charlotte, after that snake bit her..."

Well, hopefully, what we don't know can't hurt us.
"Maybe she has a guardian angel!"
...Believe as you like, honey.

Anyway, it's weekend time!
Our current mood.

And our activities options. As you can see, Sports has been added!

Talk To Our Father: ???
Talk to Julianna: ???
Attend Court: +2 Yielding, +1 Depressed, +1 Pressured
Attend Service*: -1 Afraid
Explore Castle: +1 Lonely, +1 Afraid
Play with Toys: +1 Yielding, +1 Lonely, +1 Cheeful.
Visit Dungeons* +1 Willful, +1 Angry
Visit Tomb: +1 Depressed, +1 Afraid
Walk in the Gardens: +1 Lonely, +1 Cheerful.
Sneak Out: +1 Lonely, +2 Willfull
And new....
Play Sports*: +1 angry

Until I go to bed in 3 or so hours: What shall we do this weekend?

2012-09-17, 08:33 PM
Talk to the Dad, he has that crystal still. Also I don't know if we really need to work on the mood. (do we?)

Lycan 01
2012-09-17, 08:34 PM
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let's Sneak Out! :smallbiggrin:

It should make Willful the dominant personality trait, if I'm not mistaken, which should help to mix things up a bit.

2012-09-17, 08:57 PM
I also vote we sneak out. Preferably while humming the Mission: Impossible theme.

2012-09-17, 09:07 PM
I'm thinking we talk with dad. We need that crystal.

2012-09-17, 09:08 PM
Let's take it easy for now and just play some sports. Then we can attend service next week and we should be done with the whole Afraid/Depressed mess for the time being. Those two don't seem like terribly useful moods. Sneaking out would too, but that'd push us deep into Willful which would be annoying when or if we want to switch to anything else.

2012-09-17, 09:23 PM
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let's Sneak Out! :smallbiggrin:

It should make Willful the dominant personality trait, if I'm not mistaken, which should help to mix things up a bit.

By quite a margin; it'd make it hard to move back from it, especially if we want to become Yielding at some near future point.

2012-09-17, 09:54 PM
I say we visit Dad. I don't want to end up Willful yet as it will give us a penalty to learning Accounting. Once we have our Lumen Crystal I'll be all for it since it gives us a bonus on Lumen Skills, but for the time being Afraid/Depressed is better for us; assuming of course we are still going for the Lumen Crystal.

2012-09-17, 10:06 PM
Visit dad sounds right for me too.

2012-09-17, 10:07 PM
We just failed a poison check. We need to train medicine: poison people. Some Diviniation too?
And visit dad I guess.

2012-09-17, 10:35 PM
I say we visit Dad. I don't want to end up Willful yet as it will give us a penalty to learning Accounting. Once we have our Lumen Crystal I'll be all for it since it gives us a bonus on Lumen Skills, but for the time being Afraid/Depressed is better for us; assuming of course we are still going for the Lumen Crystal.

I hate to rely on spoilers, but do we need to seriously focus on Accounting as much as we have been, or can we delay it a bit? Because being Willful would give is a bonus to Intrigue, and I'm a bit worried about Elodie not having that.

Though, really, just getting out of Afraid would help on that front.

Oh, and is it just me, or did Charlotte just die off-screen? Or was she just horribly scarred and traumatized, so that she'll return later on as a hideously disfigured supervillain?

2012-09-17, 10:53 PM
I hate to rely on spoilers, but do we need to seriously focus on Accounting as much as we have been, or can we delay it a bit? Because being Willful would give is a bonus to Intrigue, and I'm a bit worried about Elodie not having that.

Though, really, just getting out of Afraid would help on that front.

Oh, and is it just me, or did Charlotte just die off-screen? Or was she just horribly scarred and traumatized, so that she'll return later on as a hideously disfigured supervillain?

To get the Lumen Crystal you need a 50-70 Accounting, I'm not sure on the exact amount as by the time I got the Crystal in the demo I was getting huge amounts of Accounting per week. If we don't want the Crystal Accounting isn't an immediate concern. During the course of the demo, 10 or so weeks, that was the only Accounting Check I saw.

As for Charlotte, I have two theories on that front, both based on information we didn't get so I'll spoiler them.

If Elodie gets bit by the snake Charlotte magically heals her. It is possible Charlotte could use such magic on herself and be fine.

The 50 point poison tip explains that it is possible to inoculate someone against the poison of a snake, but only against one species and not permanently. Combine this knowledge with Lucille wanting to leave immediately and her confidence that her child will be okay despite being poisoned by a deadly toxin with no known antidote and it suggests that she may have been trying to kill Elodie. After all, her husband is second in line for the throne.

2012-09-17, 10:58 PM
Also, there really does seem to be a large number of valid ways through the game, as well as some interesting choices that would come up soon if we had trained the right things.

It is also amusing to see how unfocused an Elodie we're making. If we really wanted to, we could pretty much have maxed out Economics completely by now. :smalltongue:

2012-09-17, 10:59 PM
Also, there really does seem to be a large number of valid ways through the game, as well as some interesting choices that would come up soon if we had trained the right things.

Yeah, like Court Manners. *Grumble, grumble.*

2012-09-17, 11:02 PM
It's 60 Accounting, I think. Since someone's spoiled the sort of numbers.

Lottie's totally alive. I know this because there's stuff -- I haven't done it, but I've heard of it -- that can involve her later.

Anyway, getting magic is totally optional, though there are benefits for getting and training bits of it (I reccomend sense) as early as possible.
Of course, there are also benefits for different subjects, so it's a tricky call...

The number of ways through the game is what excites me about this playthrough -- I tend to be conservative and make somewhat similar choices each time, and I'm hoping other brains will produce blind territory for me.

2012-09-17, 11:10 PM
You know what, I want to change my vote. Let's play Sports. That should get rid of our penalty to intrigue so we can boost Intrigue Foreign Affairs and Court Manners up to 10 this week so when one of the next couple events(possibly the next) comes up we can make an informed decision.

2012-09-18, 12:14 AM
Since there seem to be some people mulling things over, I'll let this run for the night.

(I am also totally amused by the lack of focus for Elodie, but come on -- she's learning by committee. Focus is a crapshoot)

2012-09-18, 12:54 AM
Weekend: Play sports

Morning: Court Manners

Evening: Poison

2012-09-18, 01:18 AM
Yeah, let's just say that the Elodie's I made after getting the game were a lot more focused. I just won with my second one who was a rather rude, undiplomatic and thoroughly unathletic girl who handled things purely through magic, espionage and military and economic dominance. The epilogue rather strongly hinted that she might go on the offense later.

So for contrast I'm gonna try to make a thoroughly diplomatic Elodie this time.

2012-09-18, 02:20 AM
Okay, after I saw this thread a few days ago I ended up going and getting the full version of this game, and having a fair bit of fun with princesses dying all over the place (or more, one place over and over).

I'm not sure how much I should vote now that I've played it about seven times (and made it to coronation once!), but my advice would be going to see dad, since that actually gives a bonus to willful anyway (also depressed isn't a very useful emotion right now, I don't think).

Oh, and thanks Deme, for introducing me to a new awesome game.

2012-09-18, 03:53 AM
I believe I've tried seven or eight times myself as well. I reached coronation on my second attempt, but after that I've died on all sorts of different spots. Once I even managed to run away rather than die. It's really fun and for the price of a Danish movie ticket, it wasn't a hard decision to make to buy it.

2012-09-18, 07:35 AM
I'm glad I've introduced some people to this fun game. I wonder what your checklists all look like. I've gotten to coronation about 4 dstinct times, and died...A fair amount.

Anyway, anyone dissappointed in our Elodie could always push to start it from the top should she die...Or we could keep working with what we've got! We can do it!...Probably. When deaths start occuring, I'm basically leaving you the point to which we go back to fix things totally up to the vote -- you could even go back and make totally unrelated choices differently (though that might result in it taking more time to recover, or 'recover' differently). I'm still hoping you guys pull out a surprising game for me.

Ok, so we're going to Visit Dad. This gives us a point of willfull, so we are now officially Willful. From our reference...
Willful Boosts: Lumen (still not an option), Intrigue, Military
Willful Penalizes: Royal Demeanor (surprise, right?), History, Economics (huh, apparently something does penalize economics. But nothing bonuses it.)

2012-09-18, 08:39 AM
I vote Internal Affairs and... Public Speaking.

2012-09-18, 10:06 AM
Internal Affairs and Foreign Intelligence

2012-09-18, 11:21 AM
I vote Internal Affairs and... Public Speaking.

I second this :smallsmile:

2012-09-18, 03:03 PM
I vote for Internal Affairs and Swords.

2012-09-18, 03:54 PM
Foreign Intelligence and Court Manners.

Lycan 01
2012-09-18, 05:57 PM
Lets go with Intrigue - Internal Affairs, and Agility - Reflexes.

I'm a little worried about all the metagaming towards Accounting. Yes, that's cool that y'all want to make her all magical and stuff.... But shouldn't we be worried about skills that will be needed in the immediate future, not further down the line? :smalleek:

2012-09-18, 06:13 PM
Lets go with Intrigue - Internal Affairs, and Agility - Reflexes.

I'm a little worried about all the metagaming towards Accounting. Yes, that's cool that y'all want to make her all magical and stuff.... But shouldn't we be worried about skills that will be needed in the immediate future, not further down the line? :smalleek:

I don't think anyone actually voted for Accounting this week.

2012-09-18, 07:32 PM
Chapter 7 - Week 5 - Mood: Willful

Last time, we decided to ask Dad for our allowance crystal.
We're refreshingly direct about this.

But it can be in a safer place. With us.

"Can I have it?"

This whole thing is really, really direct about that.

"Meddling with magic killed your mother. I don't want that to happen to you."
But...But...What if *not* meddling with magic kills us?
Also, so apparently it wasn't Julianna in a direct sort of 'smoking crystal' way. Just sort of being all magical, which Julianna's involved in.

Dad, you usually don't stop us from doing what we want anyway. Why only now?

Anyway, to classes. I broke the tie between Foreign Affairs, Courtly Manners, and Public Speaking in favor of Courtly Manners.
Shown: Willful face.
Also Shown: some stuff about Aunt Lucille. Basically, she said she had right to Merva, so...Actually, I'm not sure I understand this. But what it sounds like the game's saying is that Lucille thinks she should be duchess in her own right, not duchess-consort. Good to know.

And some stuff for dealing with snobs!

We don't know about that place.

We had several ways of knowing about that place, but failed wholly. Had I broken the tie the other way, we'd have learned where that is. However, we'd not pass another, more important, check today.

We do, however, look rather silly.

Maid:"They have brought you a letter, and a gift."

Sounds like a standard "Sorry your mom is worm-food" letter.

"Oh! What a beautiful necklace!"
Aaaaaannnd.... We passed a check! Hoorah!

And for it, get a choice. We can either wear the necklace, making people suspect things of us that we may or may not be able to confirm or deny...
Or we can not wear it.

Your call, folks!

Well...What shall we do about our present?

2012-09-18, 07:39 PM
Don't wear it!

Sure, Elodie is wilful enough now that maybe the opinion of the court wouldn't matter much to her. But if she wore the necklace the Duke of Sedna might think that Elodie owes him something or that he has staked some sort of claim on her.

Elodie is a free and independent spirit, darn it!

2012-09-18, 07:41 PM
Let's wear it. Could help build inroads with Talasse.

2012-09-18, 07:47 PM
Don't wear it! We're done for if people think we can be bought and used!

2012-09-18, 07:55 PM
People, if we enter into a courtship with the Duke of Sedna that means he has a vested interest in keeping us alive and on the throne. Where as if we don't wear it we might offend him.

2012-09-18, 08:15 PM
Wear it. It was sent to us as a gift, so we might as well wear it.

Lycan 01
2012-09-18, 08:20 PM
Don't wear it! It will hurt our image, and we don't know if he's actually trying to court us, and it may be cursed! :smalleek:

2012-09-18, 08:27 PM
I'd say wear it. Having an ally, even if he's a foreign duke, would help make Elodie's life a lot safer, even if it means marrying him later.

2012-09-18, 10:25 PM
Don't wear it! We're done for if people think we can be bought and used!

If people think we can be bought and used, then they will attempt to buy and use us, instead of just killing us and doing whatever they want. I vote we wear it.

2012-09-18, 10:31 PM
If people think we can be bought and used, then they will attempt to buy and use us, instead of just killing us and doing whatever they want. I vote we wear it.

You know...he has a point.

Personally I like being showered with gifts instead of acid.

Lets wear it, whats the worst thing that can happen? (I know, death but go with me :p)

2012-09-18, 10:32 PM
Wear it:
Haters gonna hate, lovers going to love; we don't want nun' of the above.
We just just want to wear jewelry. Yes, we do we wear them jewel.

(sung to the theme of "piss of you" from Chapelle Show)

2012-09-18, 10:42 PM
Wear it (how do they even know it's from a man, anyway?)

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2012-09-18, 10:45 PM
(how do they even know it's from a man, anyway?)

Because its from a Duke.

Go ahead and wear it.

2012-09-18, 10:48 PM
But if she doesn't say who it's from... oh wait, the maid...

2012-09-19, 12:16 AM
Interesting game.

You have to love our princess start with 0 in every stars and has apparently learn nothing in her boarding chool, not even mathematics or geography. How much you think they payed for tuition ?

Don't wear it, I'd say.

It seems we may finaly be in the right mood to learn a bit of intruigue, we probably should consider learning some more. (Internal apphairs seems the one with the mst gerneral usage but I'm kind of curious about 'cypher')
And some Composure at some point too, we can't have a queen that faint and can't kep her cool at every assassination atempt (why do I suspect there'll be many many more ?)

2012-09-19, 12:21 AM
Maybe because she said things like that would be happening. Yeah, we're screwed.

2012-09-19, 05:33 AM
I say don't wear the necklace. Wearing it will make it look like we're looking to foreigners for support, which will provoke the local nobility.

2012-09-19, 08:29 AM
Ok, so... The scene more-or-less ends with our choice and cuts to weekend activities. It occured to me that if I just did that, I'd end up with a 3 screenshot long update. And that's dumb. So we're going to jump to our weekend activity voting and stuff as normal, and I'll compile it all in one update.

Our choice gives us +1 Willful, so you know where our mood's at.

So, until I say otherwise...
We are now even more Willfull, weekend options same as last time, what do we do?

2012-09-19, 08:37 AM
I think Elodie should Attend Service and Walk in the Gardens. (We don't want to be 'Willful' at this point in the game, do we?)

2012-09-19, 08:39 AM
You can only do one activity at a time, so I'm assuming that's a multi-week plan... (It depends on what skills you want to learn.)

2012-09-19, 08:47 AM
Um... I'll choose something else.

Er.... Attend Court, then. (Sorry, I didn't understand the limit on the number of actions.)

I think we should try to make Elodie more Yielding, then improve Elodie's Royal Demeanour.

2012-09-19, 09:49 AM
Agreed with above.

2012-09-19, 09:59 AM
Um... I'll choose something else.

Er.... Attend Court, then. (Sorry, I didn't understand the limit on the number of actions.)

I think we should try to make Elodie more Yielding, then improve Elodie's Royal Demeanour.

I agree with the logic and the plan as well.

2012-09-19, 10:26 AM
I'll go with the majority here and say Attend Court. It should be easy enough to return to being Willful after we have the Lumen Crystal, but until we get it, it's more of a hindrance than a help.

2012-09-19, 10:36 AM
And it's probably a good idea to at least make it look like we care about the country.

Lycan 01
2012-09-19, 11:50 AM
Attending Court sounds good.

2012-09-19, 12:06 PM
Attending court sounds fine for now.

2012-09-19, 12:46 PM
Alrighty, then!
This will, I'm pretty sure, make us depressed -- what are we going to do for classes with that in mind?

2012-09-19, 12:50 PM
Attend Court. Got to keep the people in mind of who's in charge, after all.

2012-09-19, 12:50 PM
If depression is currently Elodie's dominant mood, maybe she should take advantage of the bonuses to Animal Handling: Dogs and Expression: Voice?

2012-09-19, 01:12 PM
Dogs and Accounting.

2012-09-19, 01:15 PM
I agree with dogs and accounting.

2012-09-19, 01:43 PM
Dogs and More Dogs. We're going to need those Dogs, everyone... mark my words.

Lycan 01
2012-09-19, 01:54 PM
I'll toss a vote for Dogs, and a vote for Reflexes.

(New vote further down)

2012-09-19, 02:27 PM
Dogs and Accounting sounds good. I think, unless that makes us hit 50 in either. So can I check that first, Deme?

2012-09-19, 03:35 PM
Dogs and Voice.

2012-09-19, 03:49 PM
Dogs vote reinforced, unsure about other.

2012-09-19, 04:19 PM
If depression is currently Elodie's dominant mood, maybe she should take advantage of the bonuses to Animal Handling: Dogs and Expression: Voice?

I second this, might as well take advantage of depression!

That can sound bad out of context.

2012-09-19, 04:19 PM
Are we talking Bene Gesserit Voice here, or just competitive singing Voice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Voice_%28TV_series%29)?

2012-09-19, 04:23 PM
Are we talking Bene Gesserit Voice here, or just competitive singing Voice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Voice_%28TV_series%29)?

I say we assume it's Bene Gesserit Voice until proven otherwise.

2012-09-19, 04:29 PM
Are we in the right mood to learn some history ?
I can't help but feel that since this game apparently has never head of a ruler having advisors or such, the princess knowing a bit about her own country history wight stop her from doing horrible mistakes later. (Unless internal affairs cover for this as well ?)

I'd say Novan history and reflexes
Or if we aren't in a good mood for history, then reflexes and dogs.

Lycan 01
2012-09-19, 04:31 PM
I'll change my Reflexes vote to History.

2012-09-19, 04:37 PM
I'm gonna vote dogs and dogs again. They're just so useful.

2012-09-19, 04:41 PM
To be frank, Dogs can and will save our life at one point.

2012-09-19, 04:45 PM
I'll change my Reflexes vote to History.

Yes, this.

2012-09-19, 06:38 PM
Dogs and Accounting sounds good. I think, unless that makes us hit 50 in either. So can I check that first, Deme?

Neither will hit 50 today, though Accounting would hit a healthy 43.

2012-09-19, 06:40 PM
I change my 'Voice' vote to Accounting.

2012-09-19, 09:11 PM
To be frank, Dogs can and will save our life at one point.

I haven't seen/played this game before, but the vibe I'm getting is that 'X can and will save our life at one point' is rather the idea- no matter what we study, there is some event where it will be critical (although whether we take a path that leads to us making use of the things we chose to study is a rather different question, as it does us no good at all if we study poisons and then get offed by a pack of dogs in a 'hunting accident'.. as a theoretical situation that I have no idea actually happens in this game.)

2012-09-19, 09:47 PM
Dogs and Accounting!

2012-09-19, 09:58 PM
Chapter 8: Week 6: Mood: Depressed

That's the spirit, Elodie! We want pretty shinies!

Anyway, for the weekend, we decide the attend court!
And things that are good for our future are not fun.

Anyway, here are our current skills.

And man. The vote for dogs was huge. But first, more math.
Well, that's good. A country is basically like a business, right?

And now...
PUPPIES. Man, I wish we could visit the kennels in this game.

Ooh, what's this? A person... I mean, actually, we can't spot her. Because we only ever see the background.
But Elodie does. Care to fill us in?
It's our dear teacher Julianna!

And she's holding hands with some lady.
Well, that's cute.
...Get a clue, Elodie.

This scene is actually kind of filler -- had we made different choices regarding Julianna, we'd be getting a different scene regarding her or her priestess special friend here.
As it stands, this at least says the priestess exists, and foreshadows some possible stuff. If Julianna wasn't our mentor, the priestess would be. Or something like that.

Anyway, our current mood...

What shall we do this weekend?

Talk To Our Father: ???

Talk to Julianna: ???

Attend Court: +2 Yielding, +1 Depressed, +1 Pressured

Attend Service*: -1 Depressed

Explore Castle: +1 Lonely, +1 Afraid

Play with Toys: +1 Yielding, +1 Lonely, +1 Cheeful.

Visit Dungeons* +1 Willful, +1 Angry

Visit Tomb: +1 Depressed, +1 Afraid

Walk in the Gardens: +1 Lonely, +1 Cheerful.

Sneak Out: +1 Lonely, +2 Willfull

Play Sports*: +1 angry

2012-09-19, 10:20 PM
Play with toys, we need to cheer up.

2012-09-19, 10:27 PM
Agreed for toys. That'll also balance us out for pressured and get wilful back in line.

EDIT: Dogs and accounting for classes again, which should get us to 50 for accounting, whence I suggest we grab a new class.

2012-09-19, 11:04 PM
On the one hoof, I wanna say play with toys. But on the other hoof, I kinda want the Depressed bonus to Dogs so we can get that up to 30. Hmmm ... choices....

2012-09-19, 11:08 PM
If we do Accounting again this week we will be wasting some points, so I say Trade and Production.

Edit: :smallredface: Wrong Thing. Let's Play Sports, then do what I said.

Lycan 01
2012-09-19, 11:14 PM
Play with Toys.

Dogs and Reflexes.

2012-09-19, 11:31 PM
Hmmm, we don't really need to be depressed at the moment. So play with toys for now, which will leave us angry.

2012-09-20, 12:28 AM
Afraid, not angry.

2012-09-20, 02:31 AM
Right, afraid.

Also, I won for the third time just now getting what I'd say is a rather good end. Julianna and Selene married, Nova became a center of innovation and I ended lumen persecution, just to name a few bits of the outcome. In general, it's pretty impressive how many different paths the game can take depending on your decisions and what skills you train, though there is one point which kinda annoys me in how it seems to make you rely on one of three skills to survive. I will, however, not spoil what the point is, where it is or which skills are the ones in question.

2012-09-20, 02:39 AM
Well then, we're screwed. I vote we all vote for whatever Terra votes for.

2012-09-20, 02:52 AM
Won't work. Like Deme I'm trying to see where this takes us. Also, we're likely to head down a strange, weird path where completely different options and events happen compared to what I've had.

2012-09-20, 03:39 AM
Elodie should play with toys this weekend.

2012-09-20, 04:38 AM
In general, it's pretty impressive how many different paths the game can take depending on your decisions and what skills you train, though there is one point which kinda annoys me in how it seems to make you rely on one of three skills to survive. I will, however, not spoil what the point is, where it is or which skills are the ones in question.

If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, there's at least five ways to avoid it that I've found. It's still gotten me more than once, though...

2012-09-20, 07:12 AM
Right, afraid.

Also, I won for the third time just now getting what I'd say is a rather good end. Julianna and Selene married, Nova became a center of innovation and I ended lumen persecution, just to name a few bits of the outcome. In general, it's pretty impressive how many different paths the game can take depending on your decisions and what skills you train, though there is one point which kinda annoys me in how it seems to make you rely on one of three skills to survive. I will, however, not spoil what the point is, where it is or which skills are the ones in question.

That is my favorite ending of the ones I've gotten, though "Saving the Day Through The Power of Music" produced a cute ending, too. Still. I have a few goals for my next couple playthroughs, but I don't want those to start before we're done here; I wonder if we'll be able to meet any of them...

2012-09-20, 07:22 AM
Okay, I vote play with toys, then dogs and reflexes.

2012-09-20, 07:58 AM
I'm gonna promote trade and production for this study session. If we want to get the crystal we need to get both of those above 25.

2012-09-20, 09:39 AM
Technically you can get the crystal using Presence or Drastic Action as well.

2012-09-20, 01:16 PM
If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, there's at least five ways to avoid it that I've found. It's still gotten me more than once, though...

I've found four ways to avoid what I'm referring to, but two of them are based on the same set of skills. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if there are other ways around it that just doesn't come up without having the relevant skills at high enough level or based on choices you made earlier that I didn't make.

And I unfortunately haven't gotten the ending, you mentioned yet, Deme. It kinda came out of nowhere the first time I learned about it and since then I've mostly focused on a different solution.

2012-09-20, 03:11 PM
Ok, so we're playing with toys! Now, I'll let it go for a bit with any last-minute votes for what we should do for classes given that we'll likely be afraid again.

2012-09-20, 04:18 PM
Okay I just took a peek at another LP (jsut a sall one, promess) and snerk.. we have to get more intrigue, it's *cough* vital, it's *snerk* ... oh who am I kidding, i just want us to get the intrigue costume, it's just so bwahahha ....perfect.

2012-09-20, 04:28 PM
Lots of costumes are fun. I mean, if we study the right things we can get a fox hunt outfit or a tweed suit.

Also, I'll abstain from voting from now on and join the peanut gallery in just commenting whenever.

Lycan 01
2012-09-20, 04:58 PM
fox hunt outfit


Seriously, that'd be so cool. XD

Mobius Twist
2012-09-20, 05:42 PM
You know how when you get better at something you most likely end up doing more of it (easier positive feedback + feeling of mastery)? Yeah, I'm voting for reflexes and accounting production (edited based on Deme's feedback). It's not min-maxing if it's justified by armchair psychology 101.

2012-09-20, 05:45 PM
I would like to point out that Accounting will end up with wasted points -- you can't gain more than 50 points in a skill without getting the other two skills in the field to 25 or more...So I think I may just add any accounting votes to Production or Trade. Probably Production.

2012-09-20, 07:57 PM
Chapter 9: Week 7: Mood: Afraid

It's called being young at heart, Elodie! Or else I'd feel odd playing pretty princess.

Anyway, onto our classes. While the votes were slightly tricky to count, I think... The winning vote is Production and Reflexes. It was sort of a tie once I shunted the accounting votes between Reflexes, Dogs, and Production.
Oookkkay. I'm sure you understand that better than I do, Lodie.

So we just ran around. Good, wholesome stuff!
This is about as far as we can go with reflexes without going into...What, Dance and whatever? Darn that 50-point cap.

Oh noes!
Oh yes!
We are victorious over the forces of random maids!
Look at us, passing all these tiny skillchecks.

This is also a good example of something I mentioned earlier: the game will give you multiple, redundant checks in several skills sometimes, and only care that you can pass one of them. We fail our elegance check and that's OK because we also have reflex, for example. And that's...Really a rather nice feature, and adds a lot of room for variety in your gameplay.

But...It sadly makes this week kinda dull. So here's our mood, let's do some stuff.

Anyway, usual weekend stuff:
Talk To Our Father: ???

Talk to Julianna: ???

Attend Court: +2 Yielding, +1 Depressed, +1 Pressured

Attend Service*: -1 Afraid

Explore Castle: +1 Lonely, +1 Afraid

Play with Toys: +1 Yielding, +1 Lonely, +1 Cheeful.

Visit Dungeons* +1 Willful, +1 Angry

Visit Tomb: +1 Depressed, +1 Afraid

Walk in the Gardens: +1 Lonely, +1 Cheerful.

Sneak Out: +1 Lonely, +2 Willfull

Play Sports*: +1 angry

Same as usual, weekend activities debate until I go to bed, or until I wake up if there's a lot of debate.

2012-09-20, 08:11 PM
I say we Visit the Dungeon. That change our mood to Depressed, but it will also make it an easy jump to Willful once we are ready to get our crystal.

2012-09-20, 08:48 PM
We're already willful. Maybe walk in gardens?

2012-09-20, 09:07 PM
We're afraid, actually.

2012-09-20, 09:52 PM
Talking individual sliders, not general mood. Or is that all that counts?

2012-09-20, 10:27 PM
General mood is all that counts for bonuses, and its effect is static: Being Afraid with 1 off the baseline is the exact same, in terms of bonuses, as being afraid to the max.

Lycan 01
2012-09-20, 10:29 PM
Let's Talk to Dad.

Mobius Twist
2012-09-21, 12:13 AM
I think it'd be easier to generate a consistent personality if we knew what we were ultimately aiming for (committee or not).

My impression was that people were expecting the longer-term goals to be Agility, Weapons, Animal Handling, Intrigue, and Economics (as a means of directly boosting magical competency when that is available).

That seems like a semi-decent Master of Spies concept. I have no idea how useful this would be in-game, but is that the general idea?

If these are the goals, we'd be well-positioned to get more Willful (boost: Intrigue), Depressed (Animal Handling), or Angrier (Weapons). Staying Afraid as we are will allow us to keep training in the other two Agility skills and unlock higher skill potential, though historically court assasinations don't all happen by means of a couple of drunken knights fresh from the Crusades (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9xqu0qwo-M).

Edit: Oh yes, Talk to Julianna to get some more info on our dead maternal unit, barring better ideas.

2012-09-21, 01:24 AM
Congratulations, Deme, you've sold another copy of Long Live the Queen! (Perhaps Hanako should hire you . . . :smallamused: )

Anyway, since we're Afraid, we might as well improve our Agility. I'll vote for Flexibilityx2, since it sounds useful for escaping from being restrained. (I have no idea whether Lodie has any need to worry about such things, but it seems like a plausible occurrence - if she's in danger of assassination, she's probably a kidnapping target as well.)

I suspect that talking to Julianna would just lead to a repeat of the "Do You Have the Crystal?" conversation; I'm curious about what Talking to Dad would do, so I'll vote for it.

2012-09-21, 06:11 AM
I think it'd be easier to generate a consistent personality if we knew what we were ultimately aiming for (committee or not).

Personally, I'm trying to make her Vetinari. The commitee seems to be angling for Magical Vetinari with Rottweiler Minions, and I'm largely OK with that.

I vote Visit the Dungeon, the Depressed mood will let us train Dogs (which we need for the Fox Hunting costume, I presume) and Voice, and then with a bit of luck hit Willful and pump our Intrigue/Lumen skills the week after that .

2012-09-21, 06:28 AM
I vote dungeons and doubling up on trade

2012-09-21, 06:46 AM
Attend Court. I still would like to improve Royal Demeanour.

2012-09-21, 07:22 AM
Personally, I'm trying to make her Vetinari. The commitee seems to be angling for Magical Vetinari with Rottweiler Minions, and I'm largely OK with that.

I vote Visit the Dungeon, the Depressed mood will let us train Dogs (which we need for the Fox Hunting costume, I presume) and Voice, and then with a bit of luck hit Willful and pump our Intrigue/Lumen skills the week after that .

The week after that? We still can't access the crystal...

But yes, people working out some sort of personality or goal, even if they have to take a death or two to do so, is a good idea: Long Live the Queen rewards focus. Not single-minded focus, but focus all the same.

Anyway, it's a tie, so I'll let it wait a bit before checking what mood we end up in.

2012-09-21, 08:22 AM
So, I downloaded the demo and ran with it a few times so this thread would make more sense. I'm probably registering the game tonight. You getting a finder's fee\comission for us, Deme? :smallbiggrin:

I have some questions I'm going to spoiler since this is supposed to be about playing the game.

1> In the demo the events are following the same chain as here, and have followed the same chain each time I've done it. So I take it the events are fixed?

2> The skills seem to be much easier to raise in the demo than I'm seeing here; I've had weeks where I got nearly 20 points from one class. Is this just a case of "it's easier in the demo to get you to buy the game" or a case of "we nerfed it on further consideration" ?

3> I'm a little confused on the "events" screen, especially since it seems that some of the events change from week to week.

4> Is there somewhere in game where I can get the info on what moods affect what skills, or am I facing a test of my GoogleFu?

2012-09-21, 08:30 AM
> Not fixed exactly, but early in the game, before you make a lot of choices that affect the future events,

> I have no idea. I never played the demo. This may be a difference of 'how focused are you?' since you get bonuses to learning a skill from learning the skill.

>....Events screen? You mean the weekend activities screen? What's confusing you?

> It's google-foo. Oh, there's a wiki, though.

...I wish I got a commission. Still, sharing the love will have to be payment enough.

Mobius Twist
2012-09-21, 09:58 AM
Fine, fine, let's go talk to dad and pump our various agility skills twice in classes.

2012-09-21, 10:48 AM
Alright. For those of you who have not yet voted for classes, Talking to Dad leaves us still Afraid, with the bonuses to the stuff we'd had bonuses to.

Mobius Twist
2012-09-21, 11:46 AM
Personally, I'm trying to make her Vetinari. The commitee seems to be angling for Magical Vetinari with Rottweiler Minions, and I'm largely OK with that.

I vote Visit the Dungeon, the Depressed mood will let us train Dogs (which we need for the Fox Hunting costume, I presume) and Voice, and then with a bit of luck hit Willful and pump our Intrigue/Lumen skills the week after that .

Okay, it just hit me. We're making BATMAN. Ace, the batdog. Stealth and intrigue. Preternatural physical ability. Combat training. Little-to-no social skills. Moody, angry, and depressed.

Yep, it fits.

Lycan 01
2012-09-21, 12:59 PM
I'm gonna vote for Dogs and Dance.

Dance may come in handy if we have to attend a ball or something, and try to look like we know what we're doing. And unless I misunderstood, but raising Dance or another Agility skill, we can then go back to raising Reflexes.

2012-09-21, 04:33 PM
I'm gonna vote for Dogs and Dance.

Dance may come in handy if we have to attend a ball or something, and try to look like we know what we're doing. And unless I misunderstood, but raising Dance or another Agility skill, we can then go back to raising Reflexes.

We need to raise dance and...Flexibility to at least 25 before we can go back to reflexes, yes.

2012-09-21, 04:42 PM
I'm gonna vote for Dogs and Dance.

Dance may come in handy if we have to attend a ball or something, and try to look like we know what we're doing. And unless I misunderstood, but raising Dance or another Agility skill, we can then go back to raising Reflexes.

We can dance if we want to. If you can't dance, then we leave your friends behind.

I vote Dance and production.

2012-09-21, 05:13 PM
>....Events screen? You mean the weekend activities screen? What's confusing you?

> It's google-foo. Oh, there's a wiki, though.

...I wish I got a commission. Still, sharing the love will have to be payment enough.

The Wikia answered my other questions, thanks for pointing me there. And yes, it was the weekend activities screen throwing me because of the way some of them change different moods dependent on your existant mood.

2012-09-21, 08:20 PM
Seconding the Dogs and Dance vote.

2012-09-21, 08:31 PM
If it's not too late to vote on weekend stuff, say we visit the tomb: +1 Afraid and +1 depressed, which should end up boosting both Dance and Dogs a bit. Plus, it's only natural for batgirl a grieving princess to visit her mother's grave.

The classes I suggest are Dance and Dogs.

2012-09-21, 10:07 PM
Chapter 10: Week 8: Mood: Depressed

I apear to have miscounted the votes! Well, that's a relief...
I'm not good at holding numbers in my head, OK?

We maybe also learn that criminal justice doesn't have a good solution for criminals, who are a superstitious, cowardly lot.

Wanna know what talking to our dad would have done? Nothing. I mean, we'd get some background, but it'd do nothing for our mood and it'd do nothing towards getting the crystal. He'd just explain why he doesn't want us touching anything magic.

So instead of afraid, we're depressed. Luckily, everyone wants us to train up on dogs and some form of agility, dance taking preferance. So this still works.

Now, how do we command a dog to put on a mask (to hide his special forehead mark that identifies him as our dog) and fight crime with us?

This is not yet dancing, honey.

Aaaah. Dudes asking for money.
"Remember, the treasury is not unlimited. If you choose to invest, you will have less money to work with later."
...I've never actually run into too much financial trouble in my files, so I don't know what Joslyn's on about here. Then again, I usually only have one or two expenses a game.

Hmmm...This sounds oddly familiar. We are intrigued. Go on.
"I need to borrow 875 lasi to assemble the metal and a factory to mold and cast the type."
I'm going to assume that this is a lot, since only our royal treasury can do it.

"With this system, we will be able to create new books in a fraction of the time it takes now, and make copies to send all over the world."
Well, that sounds like it would create more literacy and knowledge, as well as popularize written fiction, poetry, and religious text on a previously unimaginable scale.

"We are not interested."
But we've only got one economic skill, so we don't see the beauty in this, and the printing press as an idea dies on the vine.

Eh, well.
I promise to try not to miscount next time...
What should we do?

Talk To Our Father: Just Some Knowledge

Talk to Julianna: ???

Attend Court: +2 Yielding, +1 Depressed, +1 Pressured

Attend Service*: -1 Depressed

Explore Castle: +1 Lonely, +1 Afraid

Play with Toys: +1 Yielding, +1 Lonely, +1 Cheeful.

Visit Dungeons* +1 Willful, +1 Angry

Visit Tomb: +1 Depressed, +1 Afraid

Walk in the Gardens: +1 Lonely, +1 Cheerful.

Sneak Out: +1 Lonely, +2 Willfull

Play Sports*: +1 angry

Sorry about the technical mishap there, folks.

2012-09-21, 10:26 PM
I think we should stay depressed a little while longer. So lets Play Sports.

2012-09-22, 12:39 AM
Could you maybe show off our skills currently?

How much we have in trade, production, etc.

2012-09-22, 04:33 AM
Playing with Toys will make our mood more managable, and we can clear up the point of lonely with sports next week. I vote for that.

2012-09-22, 07:26 AM
Could you maybe show off our skills currently?

How much we have in trade, production, etc.

Sure. I'll just do a non-thing on the weekend to get to where I can access the accurate version. Basically, you can't look at your skills after you've done a class until the next week starts. It's kind of silly like that.


2012-09-22, 11:09 AM
Playing with Toys will make our mood more managable, and we can clear up the point of lonely with sports next week. I vote for that.

I vote this, but in the reverse order, so we can get a bonus to Dogs. I then proceed to cast a vote for Dogs and Dance.

2012-09-22, 11:55 AM
Play with toys.
Dogs and voice, we need to learn to sing.
How can we be a magical girl without music?

Lycan 01
2012-09-22, 12:05 PM
Uh, hm. I'm not sure. I guess Play With Toys, to balance out the emotions better, so we can better veer into and out of certain ones? :smallconfused:

2012-09-22, 12:10 PM
We should watch out in not getting too scattered.
From looking around about this game, I understand the tresholds for skills checks are actualy quite high for the most of them, so focuss is good.

Dogs, definitively since we have a good bonus for it right now and Dance since we already have some half decent reflex.

2012-09-22, 12:10 PM
Being close to neutral is generally a good strategy -- it lets you change quickly, so you can pick up bonuses to exactly what you want, not just "Uh, well, I guess we'll wait a few weeks at this..."

2012-09-22, 12:34 PM
I vote this, but in the reverse order, so we can get a bonus to Dogs. I then proceed to cast a vote for Dogs and Dance.
This is good idea. I second all of this.

2012-09-22, 12:43 PM
Don't mind me, just depositing fanart.


Hope you weren't expecting quality.

2012-09-22, 01:59 PM
Yeah, that sums it up pretty well.

2012-09-22, 07:15 PM
Play with Toys, Dogs, and Dance.

2012-09-22, 09:19 PM
Chapter 11: Week 9: Afraid

Ok, so. Time for some Toys! Everyone likes toys.
Unless you liked sports. Oh, well.

Puppies! It may be sliiiightly worthwhile to ram into the 50-point cap with dogs, but only if you don't care about Riding or Falconry.
If we don't care about dance for its own sake, we're good on it for now. Or we can care and be a dancing queen.

Anyway, what's up this week?
It's this incredibly smug guy! Lord Smugger McSmugson, Duke of Smugee.
"Thank you."
Why can't people be nice without wanting things from us? Oh, duh. In charge.
For once, Elodie knows more about what's going on than we do. However, it's still not much.

Aww, come on, Lodie! War is fun!
"There must be a peaceful way to settle this. I will send for diplomats from Ixion and try to come to some arrangement."
And since we're going along with his wishes, we get some more yielding.

"Your Highness, if I may ask...That necklace you're wearing. Where did it come from?"
This bit is, of course, reliant on us wearing this necklace we got.
"It was a gift from the Duke of Sedna."
"Then you have made arrangements with him?"

Yaaay checks for basic social skills!
...This, of course, is an interesting question.
Because we haven't decided ourselves.

Well, folks? What do we think about our status re: the duke of Sedna?

2012-09-22, 09:24 PM
We are considering it of course.

2012-09-23, 12:39 AM
We jus' likes teh shinies. http://i315.photobucket.com/albums/ll460/bayb0o/emoticons%203/cat-face.jpg

2012-09-23, 12:45 AM

Also, for future planning, I think we should boost Riding, as without cars the Closest we can get is the Bat-Horse.

Lycan 01
2012-09-23, 12:54 AM
She just likes jewelry.

Don't want to discourage potential suitors just yet. :smallwink:

2012-09-23, 01:30 AM
It's important to keep our opponents guessing. If we announce that we're just wearing engagement jewelry because it's pretty, it should throw everyone off.

2012-09-23, 02:11 AM
Shiniez! That way he gives us shiniez, too!

2012-09-23, 04:37 AM
Yeah. Play the ditz card and pretend we just liek pritty jem tee hee.

2012-09-23, 09:09 AM
OK, that grants us +1 willfull, balancing out that +1 Yielding.

Our current mood is still afraid, with:
Afraid: 1
Depressed: 1
Willful: 1
Lonely: 1

Things to note while making the weekend choice, which is the same as ever, is that
"Attend Service" gives us -1 Afraid,
And "Play Sports" gives us +1 Angry (so -1 Afraid) and -1 Lonely.

So let's talk weekend stuff and classes.

2012-09-23, 09:24 AM
Never tried doing this. I wonder how messing around about the necklace works out.

2012-09-23, 09:38 AM
I'm curious, too. I've worn it and said I was considering it once...And I didn't wear it a lot... But I've never known what was what, worn it, and said I liked shinies. I hope it does something interesting.

2012-09-23, 09:54 AM
Just to say it again, we're screwed.

2012-09-23, 06:25 PM
So long as we're still Afraid, I still want to boost Elodie's Faith skills. I vote for Exploring the Castle with a double dose of Divination.

2012-09-24, 08:32 AM
So, we just doing that? Mewthario wins by default?

2012-09-24, 08:34 AM
I vote we sneak out, explore, and a double dose of falconry.

2012-09-24, 08:37 AM
I support sport. Gotta flatten out that bar. As far as skills go, lets boost up a double dose of Trade.

2012-09-24, 08:42 AM
I support sport. Gotta flatten out that bar. As far as skills go, lets boost up a double dose of Trade.

I say we go with this.

2012-09-24, 09:32 AM
I support sport. Gotta flatten out that bar. As far as skills go, lets boost up a double dose of Trade.

I third this as well.

2012-09-24, 09:43 AM
Sports. double dose of Novan history or Foreign affairs
(You know we just send a diplomat to ixion because of duke whatever, might be a good thing to know what this is all about.)

2012-09-24, 11:32 AM
Chapter 12: Week 10: Mood: Depressed
Wait, I forgot a snarky title last time!

We just like jewelry. Screw a complicated web of social manipulation -- we're Bat-Elodie!

"But I appreciate presents. Doesn't everyone?"
Not helping the whole "grim avenger" thing, hun.

We did just say so, Sir Smuggles.

Earliest concensus has us doing sports. Sporting awaaaay!
And we're not playing forever alone. Yay!
(Also, the music for the Sports is really odd.)

Our skills.

Wow. Elodie knows nothing about trade. What sort of boarding school did she go to?

But, if we're just trying to work on the last bits of accounting, we're done with Trade! If we want to learn more about trade, that's cool, too.

Oh. Right. Time to do that whole 'avoiding war' thing.
And we've got the earl of Smug and his sister to back us up...Want to bet they won't be useful?
At least she's less smug-looking...Also, isn't she about our dad's age? She looks maybe a few years older than Elodie...Silly anime artstyle.
Deme of the Future Says: Yeah, she's the exact same age as The King Dowager.

...What? Were we supposed to know something about the amicableness of this meeting?
...Dang, game.

"Let bygones be bygones, no? We will forget about your unprovoked attacks on us, and you will transfer the rights to this little province."
Now, is this a failed background knowledge check, or a failed sense motive check? Think it over. I leave it to your imagination to determine all the things we don't know that he might *really* be saying.

We also failed an additional Foreign Affairs check. I guess we don't know what he wants, and so...We have a lot of options. A *lot* of options.
This is also the first time we have the option to start killing people, so that's a thing.

So, what do we do with this situation?

2012-09-24, 11:44 AM
Let's play to our strengths. Namely, accounting. Buy him off.

Mobius Twist
2012-09-24, 11:53 AM
I wonder what skills we would use if we chose to bluff/intimidate?

I tend to agree that we should stick to things we've already learned here and try to finance our way out of this. Keep in mind that our funds are not unlimited and millionaire-princess Bruce Wayne would be better-trained by now, sadly. I am concerned that offering money for a section of land we're not familiar with will do two things: Overvalue the land (to our detriment) and set a precedent that the kingdom is full of appeaseniks who can be intimidated into emptying the treasury at even the slightest hint of resistance.

2012-09-24, 11:57 AM
If we are going Dark, execute.

But otherwise Bluff him.

2012-09-24, 11:58 AM
Bluffing doesn't come down to skills, oddly enough. Or, at least, not by much. It's a choice that's reliant on other choices we've made for its success or failure, if that helps.

2012-09-24, 12:26 PM
Well, we have no clue what Ixion is or why they want the province, so bluffing is right out. Likewise, we don't know the fair value of the province, so we can't hope to buy it back from him. And simply handing him the province will make us appear weak and could spook the nobles.

There's really only one option here: Send that pathetic messenger's head back to his masters!

2012-09-24, 01:09 PM
Bluff could work except we have no idea what this is all about (and even if it doesn't rely on skill much, it's still likely too much for us seeing as we still have no talky skills whatsoever. Maybe having the jewelery might count in our favor, if we bluff that we're enggaed with the powerfull duke of whatever, they'll be thinking twice before attacking.)

We may be able to buy him if we hope it'll be an 'acounting' check but it might be seens as a sign of weakness, so will be surrendering the province. (and you can bet as hell its going to please our own nobles if we do that so yep, out of the question.)

So I say either bribe him or ... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eobuu-IexvI)
(Might be a good idea to boost our combat tactics skills on the dozens then, something tells me that kind of answer is not goign to do wonders for peace.)

Can we get a savegame here Deme so we may try again later, maybe ?

2012-09-24, 01:15 PM
Well, if we go for combat our Military skills stink - that'll cost us soldiers. I for one would rather overspend on the money than the dead bodies.

Side question about the path we're taking, spoilered for spoilerage.

In my own playthroughs with the real game now, I've made it up to the second assasination attempt. So I know why we're taking Accounting.

I'm just curious as to why everyone favors Accounting over Presence. Presence seems much easier to raise, at least in the games I've tried it. I know there's a taxes check on Accounting later as well, but there didn't seem to be any consequences that I noticed. Is there more to that taxes check, or is there some other reason we went Accounting?

2012-09-24, 01:16 PM
Offer money. This gives us another choice where one of the options is to come back and choose something else.

2012-09-24, 02:33 PM
It's a tough choice between bluffing him and buying him off, but I'm going to go with buying him off.

2012-09-24, 02:54 PM
Ooh, we've gotten past the demo, I now have officially no idea what's going to happen. Yippee!

Let's buy him off. Use the money we could have invested in the Printing Press.

Lycan 01
2012-09-24, 03:14 PM
Uhhh... Uh... Uuuhhh.... :smalleek:


2012-09-24, 03:36 PM
Well, if we go for combat our Military skills stink - that'll cost us soldiers. I for one would rather overspend on the money than the dead bodies.

Side question about the path we're taking, spoilered for spoilerage.

In my own playthroughs with the real game now, I've made it up to the second assasination attempt. So I know why we're taking Accounting.

I'm just curious as to why everyone favors Accounting over Presence. Presence seems much easier to raise, at least in the games I've tried it. I know there's a taxes check on Accounting later as well, but there didn't seem to be any consequences that I noticed. Is there more to that taxes check, or is there some other reason we went Accounting?

Accounting is easier to raise at first, since you don't have to get to Yielding for it. And now we're on it, so we may as well stay on...But had we focused, we could have been a Lumen by week 6, apparently.

I've always done presence, but I've never gotten any of the early sense magic checks.

2012-09-24, 03:55 PM
Bluffing doesn't come down to skills, oddly enough. Or, at least, not by much. It's a choice that's reliant on other choices we've made for its success or failure, if that helps.

Well, in that case *looks at how many failed checks right before*....yea...might not be the best option. Perhaps we should have put foreign affairs instead for a week. Oh well.

So I agree with the trend, accounting...I mean bribe him!

2012-09-24, 04:23 PM
"My mom taught me a valuable lesson... lying on that cold stone floor... shaking in deep shock... dying for no reason at all. She showed me that the world only makes sense when you force it to."

I vote we force it to make sense. Execute him.

2012-09-24, 06:04 PM
"My mom taught me a valuable lesson... lying on that cold stone floor... shaking in deep shock... dying for no reason at all. She showed me that the world only makes sense when you force it to."

I vote we force it to make sense. Execute him.

I am posting, only because I view that as an great response.

2012-09-24, 06:09 PM
Before I get to work (which'll probably happen after dinner), I do want to respond to one thing in particular:

Can we get a savegame here Deme so we may try again later, maybe ?

I'm creating a seperate save file for every week in-game. Should we make this choice, continue on, and eventually die... We can go back to this moment and re-make this choice, and any choices after it, in any way we want along with learning new skills for our survival. Because sometimes, you can avoid a bad end without learning different skills by simply making choices that don't cause you to end up needing those skills in the first place.

So yes, yes you can get a savegame here, but you can only use it if we die.