View Full Version : [3.5] Help make this Dragon Encounter work

2012-09-14, 12:23 PM
I'm planning way ahead here, so I'm not trying to rush this...

With a previous group I DMed, I ran an encounter we referred to as the Flame Brothers. Supposedly twin Kobolds that were powerful Sorcerers, specialized in pyromantic effects and teleportation. In actuality, it was 4 kobold brothers that were much lower level (splashed with some Rogue). They would have two active in the foreground while the others would perform tasks behind the scenes, then use combination of Invisibility, Benign Transposition, and simple Hide & Move Silently to switch out in order to heal, get better position, & reset traps.

The encounter relied heavily on the assumption that it is hard to tell Kobolds apart, especially if they dress & behave similarly. I can't remember what the Spot DC was that finally tipped the PCs off, late in the encounter. It was a pain of an encounter for me to run, but ended up being a real crowd pleaser.


I'm DMing a new game soon. Tier-based Gestalt (4&5 or 3&6), starting at 3rd level. I'd like to start planting the seeds of some Dragon encounters, with one using the same concept as the Flame Brothers. These people are a little more rules savvy than that old group, so I wanna make sure I did my homework right (the advantage is that these guys are used to running Pathfinder, so going 3.5 might limit picking apart details I miss).

I want to go another direction with the rumors this time, with the PCs expecting a pushover of a Red Dragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue.htm#redDragon). I want them to expect to face a single Very Young Red Dragon, when in fact they are up against 2 clever Juvenile Red Dragons that also have an extra level or two of spellcasting (not sure if I wanna use a PrC, or just assume Sorcerer levels stack).

The first problem I'm having is hiding a Dragon. I'm not entirely sure Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/invisibility.htm) works on a creature of their size & weight (rules confirmation?), and even so, it wouldn't last long enough for my needs. I don't think I can get a Hide check to work.

I'm considering secret passages with hidden openings in their lair, maybe throughout the general region, that give larger bonuses on Hide checks. But there is an issue of how such passages could reasonably have been made. That could create new opportunities, but I'm drawing a blank with the world I created. If pressed, I could include some Redspawn Arcaniss(s) that serve them, to do the grunt work & Item Creation, though it wouldn't be the best fit.

More options would be better than less options. What kinds of spells am I overlooking to pull off this job?


The next issue concerns performing the actual "switch" of the two Dragons. During the Flame Brothers encounter, switches were made with a distraction of some sort, and I made secret Spot checks while doing the rolls. Not sure if I can pull off the same tricks here, though. Single Large creature the whole party would be focusing on, probably not going to be able to make Sleight of Hand checks to fake pulling out arrows or the like. Benign Transposition may only be a level 1 spell, but I don't want to burn through spells too quickly.

Ideally, I need to be able to distract the whole party, all at once. Perhaps instead I could use Fog Clouds & its relatives, and use Blindsense & such?

What other ways could let me pull this portion off?


The final issue is trying to set the Spot DC to notice that the Dragons are two separate entities. These twin Dragons are going to be hatched from the same egg, and should inherently look very similar. I'd want them to play this up, decorating themselves identically, perhaps even enduring the same injury to maintain the guise (ala The Prestige). But the party has to have a chance of noticing the difference.

I have no idea what would be appropriate here, though. Wish I could remember what I set the Flame Brothers DC at, and why.

2012-09-14, 12:39 PM
1) The size and weight restrictions for Invisibility only apply to casting it on inanimate objects, so the dragons would be fine.

2) What kind of treasure do these dragons have access to? If they can afford it, giving each dragon a ring of invisibility could solve the issue of how to hide the inactive dragon. Alternatively, they could use natural features, i.e. caves, clouds, etc., to disguise the switch. Or, perhaps they use mirror image as a double bluff, with the two dragons hiding among the illusions.

3) I'd probably set the Spot DC fairly high (25 to 30) modified by distance, but that's just me.

2012-09-14, 01:05 PM
As has been said, any creature casting Invisibility will be effected. There are no limits on the caster's size.

I think the idea of fog clouds and the like are a much better option than some kind of sleight of hand.

With these being Red dragons, you could have some steam geysers in their caves that throw up big clouds of steam and block LoS. Then 1 dragon could try to hide behind some rocks, or simple cast invisibility...though casting could be detected via sound so perhaps Silent spells or an item that does it would be better.

Then the second dragon could pop out somewhere else and pick up where the other one left off. You could even add a somewhat randomness to when the geysers go off and which ones if you had a map with a bunch of holes, if a PC happened to be too close to one that went off they could take some steam damage. Plus, it doesnt completely stack the deck in the dragons' favor.

I like adding in environmental conditions that are not geared towards one side or the other and simply help shape how the encounter plays out.

2012-09-14, 09:01 PM
No useful advice here, though your post reminds me of this old 'wyrms of the north' article, and though it may be worth a read. :smallsmile:


2012-09-15, 04:57 AM
That link is interesting...

I'm giving the pair a total of 108,000 gp worth of treasure, to use as I see fit. If I were to use the Redspawn, I can get an additional 5,600 gp per Arcaniss, but I'd rather not dip into that. Its already a lot of play from a DM perspective, but I want to be sure to spend it well.

A Ring of Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#invisibility) for each could solve a lot of problems, and may well be within the budget (especially if I have a Redspawn craft it to reduce the cost). I also definitely wand a pair of Friend Shield Rings (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#friendShield) for the both, to extend longevity and as a buffer for surprises/lucky rolls. Knocks me down real quick, to 38,000 gp.

I'm normally a big fan of tossing Armor on a Dragon, to pick up some good enchantments & use Augment Crystals. I don't think I have enough cash left to make this a priority, instead having to focus more on the general strategy.

I think two Enduring Amulets (and well-timed switches) may do a lot to convince the PCs that the Dragon isn't vulnerable to cold, so I'll need a pair of them (have them crafted as well to reduce the costs). Its also hard to go wrong with two Healing Belts. Down to 35,000 gp.

What would the most efficient Skill Boosters be within my remaining price range, specifically for Bluff, Disguise (how I calculated the Spot check last time, now that I did more research), Sense Motive, Hide, and Move Silently? Limited uses per day may work for my needs, as there is plenty of smoke & mirrors going on with this encounter as-is.
Or, perhaps they use mirror image as a double bluff, with the two dragons hiding among the illusions. That could be the ultimate Ace-in-the-Hole move, if the fight begins to go badly. Excellent idea.