View Full Version : Ghostwalk PF Conversion?

2012-09-14, 06:46 PM
I love Ghostwalk. If you haven't heard of it, please, look into getting this book (http://paizo.com/store/v5748btpy7b33). Its glorious, and the book is definitely worth reading for the fluff alone.

Here's the gist: when you die, you have the option of continuing play as a ghost. There is a city called Manifest where ghosts can walk around as living beings again in bodies of ectoplasm. Ghosts have a whole new suite of abilities that they gain through taking Eidolon (non-spellcasting) or Eidoloncer (spellcasting) class levels.

I have been working on a Ghostwalk-esque setting for a bit now, with the only roadblock being that I lack a bit of content. My players have moved onto Pathfinder for the most part, and it seems like a logical jump to switch over to that system for this setting.

That being said, the question I have relates to some of the crunch content. I couldn't find much in the way of Pathfinder-era content for this setting. The main thing I need would be feat conversion, and maybe updated base and prestige classes. The base classes are bare-bones due to the fact that you want any character of any class to take them once they become a ghost, so I imagine that they would transfer over fine on their own. That said, Pathfinder has endeavored to make all classes less boring, and I feel like a class progression with just bonus feats and spell casting levels might be less appetizing. Being a ghost shouldn't be boring compared to being a base class.

Should this be something I build up, perhaps with the help of the GitP community, or do these resources already exist?
