View Full Version : Larger than Large PC Races?

2012-09-15, 04:05 AM
I was just looking at the Athosian Dragon King epic PrC from Dragon #339 and it basically turns you into a dragon over its course, including a full natural weapon set and two size increases.

It reminded me that I'd always wanted to play a Colossal or Colossal+ dragon as a character, but made me think: if I'm only getting two size increases out of the class, I need to start at least Huge.

Are there any PC races that are Huge? Or a size increasing template I can stick on a Half-Ogre or Half-Minotaur?

2012-09-15, 04:30 AM
Other than stuff with RHD and a pretty significant LA, I don't think you're likely to find anything. The designers value size increases above large in a serious way.

2012-09-15, 04:48 AM
Half-Minotaur Durgar Duregar duergar Daregur :smallsigh: Grey Dwarf maybe? You become a Large critter with the Expansion power.

2012-09-15, 05:22 AM
If you want to have fun with being big, why stick to just one big form to have fun with? Druid is your friend here, or Druid/Master of Many Forms if you want to dial it up further. You'd need to carry around a full and easily referencable library of different forms with details of each to really get maximum mileage out of this, however. Alternatively, as Vizzerdriz stated, a Psychic Warrior or Psychic Warrior/Psion can get a lot of mileage out of the Expansion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/expansion.htm) power.

2012-09-15, 09:23 AM
Half-Minotaur Durgar Duregar duergar Daregur :smallsigh: Grey Dwarf maybe? You become a Large critter with the Expansion power.
It's better than that, though- Psionic Duergar have Expansion as a PLA, which means that they automatically augment it to up to their manifester level (equal to their hit dice, minimum 3rd). That means that, at 1st level (discounting LA), they can augment it so that it always lasts 10 min/level. More importantly, at 7th level, they can make themselves grow 2 size categories, and at 9th they can do both. (They can also make it Quickened for the same cost, or do all three at 15th level.)

2012-09-15, 10:24 AM
oriental adventures' constrictor naga constrictor is a huge humanoid (the nagas are the only humanoids bigger than medium in the game) asp and cobra are large with 3 RHD, and chameleon is large wtih 2 RHD. constrictor has 4, but no LA.

they also have the reptilian subtype, allowing you to take the cool-as-hell scaled horror from savage species to snag the improved grab ability (with huge size, you'll grapple the bejeezus out of people)

2012-09-15, 11:03 AM
Half-Minotaur and Half-Fiend (Goristro) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a) together can get you from Medium to Huge.

2012-09-15, 12:43 PM
If OP aimed to Athasian Dragon PrC, then his character must be a humanoid. Half-fiend is outsider, OA naga in 3.5 (Dragon # 318) is monstrous humanoid.

"Thrall of Kostchchie" PrC (from Dragon #345) at 10th level make you character into giant one size category larger. If your PC take it after entering AD class, his size indeed will be colossal (assuming he started as half-minotaur or half-ogre).

"Stoneboned" template give trait Powerful Build - " treated as a creature one size category larger" in some cases. But it's not only LA +2, but also give penalty to Dex, speed and Climb/Swim checks.

2012-09-15, 01:56 PM
If OP aimed to Athasian Dragon PrC, then his character must be a humanoid. Half-fiend is outsider, OA naga in 3.5 (Dragon # 318) is monstrous humanoid.

"Thrall of Kostchchie" PrC (from Dragon #345) at 10th level make you character into giant one size category larger. If your PC take it after entering AD class, his size indeed will be colossal (assuming he started as half-minotaur or half-ogre).

"Stoneboned" template give trait Powerful Build - " treated as a creature one size category larger" in some cases. But it's not only LA +2, but also give penalty to Dex, speed and Climb/Swim checks.

did they change the nagas in the 3.5 update? my copy of OA says humanoids across the board.

2012-09-15, 06:54 PM
did they change the nagas in the 3.5 update? my copy of OA says humanoids across the board.

Dragon #318 changed the larger nagas to monstrous humanoid, but the medium-sized greensnake naga is still just a humanoid.

The only large-sized humanoid officially in print in 3.5 is the Hornhead Saurial (2 RHD, LA +2) from the Serpent Kingdoms WE (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20040717a).

2012-09-15, 07:00 PM
Half Minotaur/Ogre + Goliath = Large, treated as Huge. Add Mountain Rage for a legitimate transition to Huge for as long as you're in rage.

2012-09-15, 08:13 PM
Half Minotaur/Ogre + Goliath = Large, treated as Huge. Add Mountain Rage for a legitimate transition to Huge for as long as you're in rage.

Half Minotaur/Half Ogre/Anthropomorphic Badger with 3 levels of Stoneblessed followed by the Goliath Barbarian sub level. Let someone smack you in the face and then walk away. Your mountain rage won't wear off easily.

Agent 451
2012-09-15, 09:34 PM
That badger's first name better be Honey...

2012-09-15, 09:55 PM
There's an old build kicking around the internet somewhere called "Tiny Von BigMcLargeHuge," if I remember correctly. Google it for some ideas, perhaps?