View Full Version : DrMag Mystic: a Solution to the Ur-Priests bad spell progression.

2012-09-15, 08:57 PM
I've searched my butt off trying to find something like this on the Internet.

I love the flavor of the Ur-Priest, they are the ultimate anti-theist. They know gods are real for sure, but they don't really like them. It's rough getting into the class though. Sure you can do it as an evil cleric with the trickery domain, but why waste your first five levels? Fortunately there are classes like the Human paragon that let you pick your skills (it might even advance the casting faster :smallcool:). But then the number of spells you have blows. Sure at level 15 you've got 9th level spells, but you're cast 17 fewer spells per day than a cleric of equal level (55 vs 38) and you're behind in cumulative spell level (142 vs 133). Well I found a solution. The Mystic from Dragon Magazine 274.

Now the Mystic to most spell casting classes is terrible. It's a 10 lvl prestige class with relatively easy entry requirements. It seems good at first, on odd numbered levels you get 2 extra spells per day of any level you can cast (though you can only add one to your highest level) and on even numbered levels you get 3 (you can only add one extra spell per day at your highest level). But there's no casting progression. So say you're a 10th level wizard and you take the PrC or even 15th level, it doesn't advance your casting, only number of spells per day. So you're stuck with a bunch of 5th or 8th level spells. Not terrible but not worth the effort. The Ur-priest doesn't have this problem because casting progression ends at lvl 15. So now you've got 5 levels of Mystic to take, that's 12 extra spells per-day. If you've got a cheesy DM and take paragon and he or she says it retroactively increases your progression that's an extra 17 spells per day, 7 of which can be 9th level. You'd actually be out casting an equal leveled cleric for 9th level spells. It's only 1 but it's better than what you had before.

2012-09-15, 09:07 PM
Congratulations, you just made one of the most powerful PrC's in the game even more powerful. :smallamused:

Seriously though, Ur-Priest really doesn't need the help. It's more than powerful enough as-is.

2012-09-15, 10:05 PM
TBH, Ur-priest has a lot of better entries than cleric. Warlock is pretty good, factotum can get in no sweat, savage bard, duskblade/rogue multiclass. Plenty of entries work better, you just have to dip around.

2012-09-15, 10:53 PM
When I read the title, I assumed you'd be talking about how to slow down the Ur-Priest's casting progression. Imagine my surprise when I found the opposite!

Suffice it to say that I do not think one of the cheesiest casting PrCs needs any further empowerment. It's got too much as is.

In particular, you seem to assume that total spells/day (or total spell levels/day) is important, which doesn't really seem to be the case most of the time; what's really important is the maximum spell level, and the number of castings for your top ... let's say three levels. Gaining ninths at least two levels early more than makes up for any lingering discrepancies, I think.

2012-09-15, 11:24 PM
Now my next question is, would this same trick work on the poor, underpowered Beholder Mage?

2012-09-15, 11:29 PM
Well, you could use Lightning Warrior for entry, but I think that would be sacrificing too much power for flavour.

2012-09-15, 11:41 PM
Well, you could use Lightning Warrior for entry, but I think that would be sacrificing too much power for flavour.

It doesn't even have a familiar!

Seriously, the Ur-Priest doesn't need any help. It is one of the best PrCs in 3.5.

2012-09-16, 06:41 AM
Well, you could use Lightning Warrior for entry, but I think that would be sacrificing too much power for flavour.

You win. :smallamused:


2012-09-16, 08:33 AM
To be honest, I kind of agree that it's a bizarrely back-loaded PrC. You'll be behind a normal caster until level 11 at least, with your pitiful spell slots (hope you weren't planning on buffing!), but then you get a 9th level spell slot at level 14? That's just dumb.

The Ur-Priest is one of those things that's part of the native fauna of 3.5 in a way that makes it hard to touch. It's very one-dimensional, and terribly designed, but also kind of iconic. You could certainly change it, probably by stretching it out to a 14-level class or so with a saner progression (more spell slots, stronger early levels, less early casting shenanigans, an ability for ex-clerics to cash in their useless levels), which is what I personally would do, but some people might not be a fan of that since it's no longer even remotely the same class.

One of the big reasons that it's terribly designed is because it doesn't do anything except early casting. The spell resistance is pathetically low, and Siphon Spell Power is interesting but only exacerbates the problem of being skewed toward a few game-breaking high-level spells with little wiggle room. So if you fix it... why bother, really? It's neat flavor, but the execution is just dumb. Go with a domain-worshiping cleric instead, if you want a divine caster who hates gods.

2012-09-16, 09:11 AM
My standard solution to the Ur-Priest problem is to add it to my (small) list of banned PrCs. Your solution is, err, what !

2012-09-16, 09:19 AM
Eh. To be fair, Ur-Priest kind of sucks [for a prepared spellcaster with a deep spell list] in the levels where I spend most of my time playing (5-11ish).

But since this isn't addressing those levels, I'm not sure it's doing what it's supposed to (at levels 14+, the Ur-Priest still has plenty of high-levels spells to throw a couple at each of a day's encounters).

Cool find, though - at worst, this can fit into most Eunuch Warlock builds that the 3.5 update mangled, and it definitely has less awkward fluff than the other Ur-Priest caps like Hierophant.

2012-09-16, 11:49 AM
This is actually kind of interesting, if only because there are very few PrCs that have this sort of effect, and most of them are arcane. Dragon Disciple and Wonderworker do it, but both are lackluster choices for an Urpriest at best, while Eunuch Warlock no longer works that way.

2013-04-14, 03:08 AM
Does anyone remember a homebrew class called the Anti-theist? I am looking for it and not finding it. But sorta need it. Help would be very... helpful. :-)

2013-04-15, 11:49 AM
The Modguin: Thread locked for threadomancy