View Full Version : [PF] So I got Leadership, with some caveats

2012-09-16, 01:23 AM
So I asked my DM if I could be allowed to pick up Leadership in the future. Normally, he would've said 'No' outright and I really wouldn't disagree with that, so I struck the following deal:

I would not use my followers in combat, only for crafting and story purposes
If I ignored their needs (protection, food, etc.), they would die

Other things of note, not part of the 'deal', but worth mentioning: my character is a Lawful Evil Ratfolk Wizard (Admixture Evocation specialist), maybe going Arcane Trickster. Still low level, so I've got a lot of time to think about this. My followers and cohorts will all be other Ratfolk.

Essentially, it'd end up serving as a near universal reduction in the cost of most magical items. Technically by half, but I'm assuming I'd need to funnel maybe...somewhere between half and three fourths as much into their protection and well-being.

Now, I have some ideas, but nothing particularly specific. I've looked into a few archetypes that might help with defending the colony (at best I have 'Think Tucker's Kobolds'), but for crafting I'm not sure yet. I think I'd just like some direction; archetypes, feats, things to keep in mind, etc.

2012-09-16, 05:25 AM
Get an airship for the warren to ride around in so they can always be moved to safety far away. Have them all take ranks in climb and use rope to rappel down from the ship or climb back up, ratling mafia pirate ninja style. Add in some magic items that can provide food and water for emergencies. Or better yet, have as many of them as possible be bards, clerics, druids or oracles - community survival support spellcasters with healing, nurturing and nourishing magic, that way they will always be able to cope with mundane issues. Airships are in Ultimate Combat IIRC. Make the followers all your descendants, with a naming scheme based on yours, and relate to them like your mafia underlings, running mundane errands for you when needed. Send them to do embarrassing or painful jobs, but never sacrifice their lives unless it is really needed for the warren as a whole.

2012-09-16, 05:49 AM
Get a Lyre of Building. Do this now.
Next, pick up the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook. I know it's technically 3E, but all the prices and guidelines are still accurate enough, given the entire economic system from PF was cribbed right from 3.5. This will give you a good idea of how to build a layout, assign people to tasks, and how long things will take.

Finally, it's back to school time! Buy a duotang at Staples on the cheap, they're like $1. In this, lay out your stronghold like a dungeon. Assign your followers to rooms ("Usually, Gerrek the Cook will be in the Deluxe Kitchen") and put it in a little key on the bottom right of each page.
Keep track of what you spent money on, *Everything goes somewhere*. Those 12 shortswords you bought for emergencies and put on wall mounts? Where are they located? Mark it.

Mark the traps. You should have traps. Glitterdust for sure, and maybe a few secret doors (Like over the door to the Treasury, a Permanent Silent Image of a wall.)

Keep dry goods in cupboards, and pickle or smoke your perishables. Keep these in a root cellar. Just in case of a Seige. Make sure you know how *Long* your people can hold out without outside food or water. Roughly a month is good.

Finally, when you are finished organizing, tallying, plotting out and assigning, when you're all done drawing things out and explaining with pen and paper what you have, where you got it, why you have it and what you're using it for, list just the "Crunch" on the back few pages, highlight it, and give the booklet to your DM. Tell him to read the last few pages for a "Quick" rundown, and that if he wants to attack your stronghold, he can stat up the enemies and run it like a dungeon modual.

That's what *I* do with leadership. Sadly, the DMs never attack :<

2012-09-16, 08:57 AM
these are both fine ideas.

perhaps you could start to establish cell groups, in ruins/dungeons you have conquered. try to subdue/intimidate whatever monsters indigenous to the lair that your ratfolk could conceivably subjugate.

routinely teleport in to give them even more slaves, mercs, and magic items for technological advantage.

have most of them take levels in classes with intimidation (to keep the staff in line) and sense motive (to sniff out usurpers).

you could build an empire run on fear and greed.