View Full Version : Best Plane for Planar Shepherd? [All Settings]

2012-09-16, 03:57 AM
I'll be playing in a game very soon where the DM told the players to "go all out" and create as strong level 15 gestalt characters as we could for some sort of crazy adventure he's written up. I'll be playing a Sorcerer//Druid 5/Planar Shepherd 10.

The DM told me I can choose any plane from any book as long as I can provide a printout of information on it. So, I've been looking through all the books I can find, yet have found surprisingly little specific information about many of the different planes from each setting. So, I figured I'd ask the all-knowing posters of GitP.

1. Any Plane from any WotC stamped setting
2. good Wildshape Forms (I can do 19HD or less)
3. decent Enhanced Magic from the plane


Note 1: I won't get spellcasting abilities from things I wildshape into. I didn't want them and didn't argue for the ability to have them.

Note 2: I figured out by accident that I can cast Planar Bubble on myself as a 7th level sorcerer spell and gain the planar traits of my native plane in a 10ft sphere around myself. Since Planar Shepherd 10 makes me a native outsider of my chosen plane, that means I can keep that enhanced magic on myself pretty much all the time.


My findings so far:

Thelanis from the Eberron Campaign Setting is #1 on my list so far because it has all the Eladrin on the plane and there are some good Eladrin from both the MM1 and BoED. The Enhanced Magic also makes all arcane spells Extended and Empowered. Most of the other forms on the native list really aren't worth turning into, so this makes a short but good list of creatures to WS into in order to gain a bit of offense, some good defense, and some good support abilities.

Faerie from Manual of the Planes has the enhanced magic features of Thelanis but also includes Maximize to all arcane spells. However, it only mentions faires, nightmares, and yeth hounds as actually living there. This puts the Wild Shape list too short unless there is another source about Faerie that I don't now about. (Also, I kind of dislike the idea of automatic maximize. Skimping out on dice rolls just seems lame to me.)

Astral Plane from MotP has enhanced magic with Quicken Spell for no cost, which is pretty awesome. It also has an okay list of wild shape creatures. However, I would be stuck in a No Gravity bubble where I would only move around by Intelligence Flying with perfect maneuverability. This could be freaking awesome or really really weird. I'll have to think about this one.

If anyone has advice on any of this material, I would greatly appreciate your input.

Wings of Peace
2012-09-16, 04:22 AM
Dal'Quor and the Region of Dreams are the most popular for optimization because their time traits give you 10 rounds of action per 1 round the enemy gets. Also, does Planar Bubble include things like time traits? I was thinking it was -slightly- different.

2012-09-16, 04:42 AM
Dal'Quor and the Region of Dreams are the most popular for optimization because their time traits give you 10 rounds of action per 1 round the enemy gets. Also, does Planar Bubble include things like time traits? I was thinking it was -slightly- different.

They do seem to be slightly different. Slightly Lengthy Explanation:

The Planar Bubble spell and Planar Bubble (Su) aren't listed with the exact same information. The Planar Bubble spell says that it includes the features of gravity, temperature, alignment, magic, "and so on". What falls under the "and so on" part is likely up to the DM. Since it's a spell that lasts 10min/lvl and is only a 7th level spell, I don't think it should interact with time in the same way that Time Stop could. The Planar Bubble (Su) says that it includes physical traits, elemental and energy traits, alignment traits, and magic traits.


My DM agreed/ruled to the idea that the concentration based Planar Sheperd's supernatural Planar Bubble would have an effect on time, whereas the spell would not.


Looking at the opening section of the Manual of the Planes, it lists Physical Traits as including Time and Gravity. Physical Traits is specifically listed as a descriptor in the Supernatural Ability, but not in the Spell. I suppose it would be up to a DM to decide how the Spell works. However, I doubt many DMs would be happy about a character who runs around in his own SUPER TIME BUBBLE that lets him warp reality using Lucid Dreaming while moving ten times faster than everyone else on the material plane.

About Dal'Quor:

I strongly considered Dal'Quor for my plane, but I eventually decided against it. The magical benefit is that illusion spells are extended, which is decent but not amazing. The pseudo-Time Stop is cool, but it requires concentration and isn't really as effective as the 1/day Time Stop SLA that the strongest Eladrin gets. Also, only the 1 strongest Quori creature is really worth turning into compared to the other creatures I'd get access to on other lists.

The Kalaraq Quori is pretty damn strong, but I like the Tulani Eladrin from the BoED better. Their At-Will abilities are far more impressive and it also counts as being Incorporeal while in its Rainbow Sphere form.

Note: I know it could be construed that the entry saying "Eladrin (All)" was really supposed to only include the Monster Manual, but my DM gets super literal and will take things as he sees them. So, any declaration of 'all' means ALL.

2012-09-16, 08:36 AM
Mechanus is really good. Secundi are 18 hd, but cast as a 20th level cleric and sorcerer.

2012-09-16, 10:17 AM
You can always pick any plane with efreeti in it and get free wishes.

Mithril Leaf
2012-09-16, 11:20 AM
Far Realms :smallbiggrin:

2012-09-16, 12:03 PM
Bah, time ratio abuse is for scrubs. Choose Arborea, wildshape into tulani eladrin. Why? Because polymorph any object, at will. I target the air around your head, it is now iron.

Mithril Leaf
2012-09-16, 12:15 PM
Bah, time ratio abuse is for scrubs. Choose Arborea, wildshape into tulani eladrin. Why? Because polymorph any object, at will. I target the air around your head, it is now iron.

But before that I use my Far Realm literally unlimited actions to kill you by hucking rock at your head.

2012-09-16, 12:31 PM
But before that I use my Far Realm literally unlimited actions to kill you by hucking rock at your head.

touche good sir, but good luck busting that noise out with other party members, If someone made a Far Realms bubble and I was inside it I would drop them the moment I had the chance. You never go to the far realms... ever.

2012-09-16, 12:33 PM
touche good sir, but good luck busting that noise out with other party members, If someone made a Far Realms bubble and I was inside it I would drop them the moment I had the chance. You never go to the far realms... ever.

But sometimes the far realm.... COMES TO YOU!

2012-09-16, 12:38 PM
But sometimes the far realm.... COMES TO YOU!

I would still drop whatever it was that brought it to me. Hell at least Arborea is a nice place to chill. The far realms? Nope, none of that good sir.

2012-09-16, 04:01 PM
Far Realms :smallbiggrin:

Where can I find information about the Far Realms?

Bah, time ratio abuse is for scrubs. Choose Arborea, wildshape into tulani eladrin. Why? Because polymorph any object, at will. I target the air around your head, it is now iron.

I'm being allowed access to Tulani Eladrin by choosing Thelanis from Eberron. I'm really looking forward to it. I can't wait to start running around using their SLAs. Polymorph Any Object is going to be awesome to use to screw around with people. If my character decides he dislikes someone, he'lls ask them one simple question, "hey, what's your least race of people?"