View Full Version : Easy Blank Stat Blocks

2012-09-16, 07:34 PM
Hello all,

I'm about to have my first real experience at DMing and I was trying to come up with an efficient way to do combat. I figured there must be some kind of program out there that would make it easier but none of them are doing exactly what I want them to so I started thinking about just laying out some stat blocks.

My question is, does anyone know where I can get an electronic, editable page of stat blocks, like 6 to a page or something? I have some non-editable pdfs that I can print out but I was wondering if anyone knew of any so I could just keep it paperless (saving trees and all that).

Thanks for any help!

2012-09-18, 08:10 PM
Well there's always the option of using excel to track just the information you need. If you're keeping track of characters my DM likes us to use Obsidian Portal (http://www.obsidianportal.com) and a standardized stat block format for easy reading. This way all of our characters have a monster manual style stat block on a wiki style website. Each campaign gets their own wiki.

2012-09-18, 08:17 PM
I made one for myself. Not sure if its exactly what you wanted, but enjoy!

Personal name, creature name: CR #; Size Creature Type (Subtypes); HD #d#+#; hp #; Init +#; Spd # ft., fly(or other modes of movement) # ft. (maneuverability if applicable); AC #, touch #, flat-footed # [[-# bonus type, +# bonus type]]; Atk +# melee [[+# BAB, +# Str, +# bonus type]] (#d#+#, attack name) or (other attack types); SA attack type, other attack type; SQ quality, other quality; AL alignment; SV Fort +#, Ref +#, Will +#; Str #, Dex #, Con #, Int #, Wis #, Cha #.
Fluent Languages: Language, Other Language.
Skills and Feats: Skill +#, Other Skill +#, Other Skill (skill specific set) +#; Feat, Other Feat.
Special Attack or Quality (Ex, Su, or Sp): Description.
Other Special Attack of Quality (Ex, Su, Sp): Description.
Spells: Personal name casts spells as a #th level sorcerer. (Only for creatures with no actual caster levels. Creatures with class levels do not have this entry.)
Spells Known (#/#/#/#) (per day #/#/#/#): 0th – spell, other spell; 1st – spell, other spell; 2nd – spell, other spell; 3rd – spell, other spell;
Possessions: item, other item.
Deity Worshipped: Deity Name.

2012-09-18, 08:21 PM
I use Excel.

Once you draw up a good generalized character spreadsheet, it makes it easy to do things like track interrelated stats (especially useful when attributes start taking bonuses or penalties) and make bulk stealth rolls (push F9 and get all six of the ambushing monsters' Hide/Move Silently checks, instead of tipping the players off to the number of creatures with six separate rolls).

2012-09-19, 12:24 PM
Thanks for all the replies, I suppose I'll check out Obsidian Portal and see what I can do with that. I was figuring I'd have to fall back to Excel if I hadn't found anything else already.

2012-09-22, 12:35 PM
If you have non-editable PDFs, you can scribble on them with FoxIt (or any number of other PDF utilities, but that one is free and easy). Second the suggestion to use a spreadsheet for easy updating combat modifiers. It is a bit of investment up front, but highly reusable and much easier than recalculating everything on the fly when your party start throwing Escalating Enfeeblement and *shudder* negative levels.