View Full Version : Looking for a New character build...

2012-09-19, 12:56 AM
I'm in need of a few thoughts/builds/ideas etc. for a character with in Pathfinder/Galorian -

PB is 25
Level 5/with starting wealth
Core/APG/UM/UC and any of the other portfolios MUST stick to PATHFINDER
Other Race's are potentially acceptable (dependent on race, may get "NERFED")

Advise is much appreciated!!!

2012-09-19, 01:04 AM
I'm in need of a few thoughts/builds/ideas etc. for a character with in Pathfinder/Galorian -

PB is 25
Level 5/with starting wealth
Core/APG/UM/UC and any of the other portfolios MUST stick to PATHFINDER
Other Race's are potentially acceptable (dependent on race, may get "NERFED")

Advise is much appreciated!!!

Looks like I'm the first...:smallsigh:

We need SOMETHING to go on.
Casting? Smashing? Skulking? Looting?
What KIND of character/build do you want?
What do you like?
There are MANY ideas, we need a direction.

2012-09-19, 06:02 AM
Attention Giant in the Playground Members
My advice is to title any thread with the topic you want to discuss.

Anything that starts, "Attention...[people]" implies it will contain information that those people will need or want to know. It implies you are offering something. In this case, you are asking for something, so it seems like the title is a trick. I doubt that was your intent.

As grarrrg said, more information will also help you get more responses. And welcome to the playground.

2012-09-19, 06:59 AM
Time for me to introduce you to a fun little archetype called the Spellslinger (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/archetypes/paizo---wizard-archetypes/spellslinger). This is an archetype off of the Wizard themed around guns from Ultimate Combat. Admittedly, the Spellslinger isn't what his kid brother Vanilla Wizard is, but he has blasting down to a science.

Now, in this case, you choose 1 gun (for a x4 critical), and focus on Rays, Cones, Lines, and Ranged Touch Attacks with lots of effects (Enervation, etc.) and you get to QUADRUPLEthe damage on a critical hit. So with an enervation spell fired through the Arcane gun that crits, you're looking at 1d4x4 negative levels. That's right... 1d4x4 NEGATIVE LEVELS

2012-09-19, 10:15 AM
I suggest you take one level of every core class available.

2012-09-19, 10:49 AM
I suggest you take one level of every core class available.

Senor Vorpal Kickasso (http://i402.photobucket.com/albums/pp106/quietclay/vorpalkaso.jpg) Lives!

You should totally do this. Or make a thinly veiled homage to C.M.O.T. Dibbler instead.

2012-09-19, 07:00 PM
I suggest you take one level of every core class available.

That'll be tricky unless he's allowed to change Alignments without penalties.
Paladins and Druids lose all class features if they change alignment, Barbarians only lose Rage, and Monks...Monks don't lose anything for some reason.

Also, even without alignment penalties there are only 19 base classes (there are 3 Alt-Classes, but they can't be taken with their main counterpart).

Also also, make sure you're DM allows Fractional Bab, otherwise your days of actually hitting things are numbered, although your Saves will be quite nice.

Also also also, for Druid, take the Domain, there are some with powers that are still useful with only 1 level. The Witch will cover your Familiar/pet needs.

2012-09-20, 02:01 AM
First things first sorry for the title mishap.

Secondly, a small bit of campaign note its going to be a small party (ie 3 members including myself) we have a wizard or sorcerer a fighter with many types of favored weapons then myself. I was thinking of some sort of ranged fighter that utilizes at ranged combat but able to get into melee if needed, further more I'd like to be able to utilize charisma due to this campaign will most likely becoming a some sorts of KM(King Maker) style down the road. My hopes is to utilize the leadership feat and and have myself a small militia/guard of the sorts and some property.

Lastly, this world is unforgiving, meaning that it's EXTREMELY racist and wealth is slim to nil work with what we got and be grateful.

NOTE:This campaign is going to be on the fast track since it's going to be "recorded." Once these characters have set themselves up with assists then we will be making new characters to run around in the world that our former characters had made. You may be thinking well then we should be a higher level... Well the reasons for that is so we can create/mold the world and its "landscape" to how we would like it to turn out.