View Full Version : Brilliant energy Ghost touch/strike

2012-09-19, 02:42 AM
So, it makes no goddamn sense, but if you have a brilliant energy weapon that avoids nonliving matter, and ghost touch and ghost strike enhancements on it as well so you can crit undead.

I feel like it still defers to brilliant energy, but it is so silly that I have to ask because I wonder what such a weapon would do to both incorporeal and corporeal undead.

2012-09-19, 03:42 AM
So, it makes no goddamn sense, but if you have a brilliant energy weapon that avoids nonliving matter, and ghost touch and ghost strike enhancements on it as well so you can crit undead.

I feel like it still defers to brilliant energy, but it is so silly that I have to ask because I wonder what such a weapon would do to both incorporeal and corporeal undead.

Nothing. Brilliant energy is quite plain ("cannot harm undead"), and ghost touch says nothing about guaranteeing hits on undead (it merely removes the 50% miss chance, or does normal damage, which with BE is 0); I don't see any reason grave strike would be any different. (As far as I know, grave strike is a spell, not a weapon enhancement, so if you apply it to a brilliant energy weapon it's your own fault. Ghost touch, however, still has a limited use in attacking incorporeal non-undead.)

This might have been stuck into Simple Q&A by RAW, btw.

2012-09-19, 07:11 PM
If you want to do this, ask your DM if you can get brilliant energy added on with a command word activation/deactivation mechanism. If you can't adding ghost touch won't make it any more useful against undead than it was before, it'll be nice against the rare incorporeal living creature though.