View Full Version : Games which you think deserve genuine sequels

2012-09-19, 11:46 AM
Ever played a game and wished it had a sequel? Or perhaps it has a sequel in name only (that is, the original team didn't make the sequel), and the sequel sucked? Or perhaps the numbers go on but it's not a sequel at all (like Final Fantasy, and this could fall under the "name only" thing above)?

I have a couple.

Breath of Fire III. Totally awesome game. In fact, BoF I-III tell a story, but then BoF IV is like in an alternate universe or something, and BoF V is similarly not related, at least as far as I can tell. I'd love to see a BoF III-2 or something.

Xenogears. There was a game with a similar title, but... yeah. I mean, I liked the Xenosaga games, but it's just no Xenogears.

And right now that's all I can think of. I'm sure a peruse of my collection would yield many more, so maybe I'll do so later.

Brother Oni
2012-09-19, 01:54 PM
With regard to the BoF series, the fourth game is actually a prequel, just set so far back that nobody in the future remembers it (aside from a vague reference to 'a world choked with sand' in one of the earlier series).

One and Two are set very close together, while Three is set a fair distance in the future. Dragon Quarter appears to be an alternate universe.

Xenogears when it was first touted it was rumoured to be about game 4 or 5 of a 6 game series, with the developers intending to head back and do the earlier games. Unfortunately financial problems and other issues kind of killed that idea, with the Xenosaga games only having a tenuous link to the (chronologically) later Xenogears.

I would have quite liked a sequel for Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem or something for Too Human (which actually addresses the name of the game, rather than making it a very minor choice).

2012-09-19, 01:58 PM
Oh, no, no. No. Please, let's not go into the "sequels that sucked" territory. That way lie the sentence-by-sentence replies.

2012-09-19, 02:00 PM
I could always go for more Myst games.

2012-09-19, 02:18 PM
The PC/PS2 beat-em-up Oni really deserved to launch a series. There was very little wrong with the game itself other than somewhat deceptive box art. It just happened to be released at a time when the genre was very much out of fashion.

2012-09-19, 03:08 PM
Space Marine would be great for a series, the first one did a good job showing off the "theme park" version of 40K (Ultras, Orks, Chaos, skulls, bolters), however the lore is so deep that you could branch in any number of directions (even with sticking to the same Imperium-centric protagonist route).

Battling other xenos, playing as a different chapter, different ranks (Scout, Librarian, Chaplain, Techmarine, etc.) They all allow for a rich dive into the lore while still staying true to a Space Marine orientated series.

Brother Oni
2012-09-19, 03:24 PM
Space Marine would be great for a series, the first one did a good job showing off the "theme park" version of 40K (Ultras, Orks, Chaos, skulls, bolters), however the lore is so deep that you could branch in any number of directions (even with sticking to the same Imperium-centric protagonist route).

Battling other xenos, playing as a different chapter, different ranks (Scout, Librarian, Chaplain, Techmarine, etc.) They all allow for a rich dive into the lore while still staying true to a Space Marine orientated series.

Maybe Space Marine: Deathwatch?

2012-09-19, 03:33 PM
My first thought isn't a game that was particularly great, but it was one that I think could have done with a proper sequel. Anachronox.

2012-09-19, 04:02 PM
Beyond Good and Evil has gone through so many disappearing cycles that it can only be considered vaporware with a 'snowball's chance in hell' likelihood.

2012-09-19, 05:28 PM
With regard to the BoF series, the fourth game is actually a prequel, just set so far back that nobody in the future remembers it (aside from a vague reference to 'a world choked with sand' in one of the earlier series).
Hmm. I never picked up on that.

Oh, no, no. No. Please, let's not go into the "sequels that sucked" territory. That way lie the sentence-by-sentence replies.
By that I meant... a different company made a sequel. For example, I wouldn't say FFX needing a "genuine sequel" would be appropriate here.

The Glyphstone
2012-09-19, 05:38 PM
I wish Ascendancy II was real - only 4X game that ever stood as a decent challenger to MOO2. Instead we got a crappy Iphone re-release of the original.

2012-09-19, 05:41 PM
Xenogears doesn't need a sequel, it needs a remake with a proper disk 2.

The Dark Fiddler
2012-09-19, 05:54 PM
*Glances over at his copy of Elite Beat Agents and sighs*

Some day... :smallsigh:

Also, that stunt that Square Enix pulled with the The World Ends With You countdown being an iOS port was absolutely vile. A TWEWY could potentially be amazing (and, thankfully, the damnable port had hints in that direction).

On a more positive note, I really hope that Atlus continues Devil Survivor. The first one was awesome, and I was incredibly excited that they were making a second one (and, of course, it was awesome too). The gameplay's just the right mix of turn-based strategy and RPG, having surpassed the Final Fantasy Tactics series (which I also, with a bit less hope, want to continue) and taken the title of my favorite strategy-RPG.

Maybe Space Marine: Deathwatch?

I could go for some Dark Heresy, personally...

Brother Oni
2012-09-19, 06:19 PM
*Glances over at his copy of Elite Beat Agents and sighs*

Some day... :smallsigh:

You may be interested in the original game that spawned EBA (Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan)) then. Being unable to read Japanese is no impediment to playing the game, although obviously most of the songs will be in Japanese.

As they're DS games, they're also not region locked, so all you need to do is find them.

If you needed further persuasion, Ouendan 2 has Monkey Magic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMcqaftdOVg). :smallbiggrin:

I could go for some Dark Heresy, personally...

In my opinion, that would involve changing the game to a more investigative and story based style rather than just a straight forward 'purge the xenos' kill-fest.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't mind a Mass Effect-style 40K game, but I'm not getting my hopes up that Relic (or whoever the next developer is), would be able to pull it off.

2012-09-19, 06:31 PM
Space Marine would be great for a series, the first one did a good job showing off the "theme park" version of 40K (Ultras, Orks, Chaos, skulls, bolters), however the lore is so deep that you could branch in any number of directions (even with sticking to the same Imperium-centric protagonist route).

Battling other xenos, playing as a different chapter, different ranks (Scout, Librarian, Chaplain, Techmarine, etc.) They all allow for a rich dive into the lore while still staying true to a Space Marine orientated series.

That's something I have realized only lately in 40k, when I read the 6th edition core rulebook and found that I just skipped over 90% of the fluff.
I don't care about the Imperium. I don't care about 40k humans at all. I find them incredibly dull and the Space Marine love is starting to turn me off the game.

The Dark Fiddler
2012-09-19, 07:23 PM
You may be interested in the original game that spawned EBA (Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan)) then. Being unable to read Japanese is no impediment to playing the game, although obviously most of the songs will be in Japanese.

As they're DS games, they're also not region locked, so all you need to do is find them.

If you needed further persuasion, Ouendan 2 has Monkey Magic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMcqaftdOVg). :smallbiggrin:

I could get Ouendan, but it's not just the gameplay that made me fall in love with EBA, it was the songs. A combination of songs I already loved, songs I knew and didn't care about, songs I didn't know, and songs I didn't like... and I ended up liking them all. I'm sure Ouendan could do the same... except I tend not to be fond of songs I can't understand. Maybe I'll pick it up some day, but I'd still prefer an Elite Beat Agents 2 (c'mon, it'd work for the WiiU!).

2012-09-19, 07:30 PM
Custom Robo Battle Revolution was the 4th game in the line, and it technially had a Sequal in a DS addition. But I wonder how many new weapons and such they could do with a shiny new sequal on the WiiU.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Squeenix needs to get with Nintendo, and they need to hit that one more time.

Paper Mario was awesome, as was Thousand Year Door. Super Paper Mario was a bit odd, but still cool. I wish they'd continue the ser-oh wait... :smallamused:

Luigi's Mansi-oh wait... :smallbiggrin:

Pikm-oh wai... :smallsmile:

There's a lot of sequals to games that could have used some good sequals just on the horrison. I so bet next year's gonna be a good year for Nintendo.

2012-09-19, 07:31 PM
I don't care about the Imperium. I don't care about 40k humans at all. I find them incredibly dull and the Space Marine love is starting to turn me off the game.

Arrgh! Stop! If you keep going I'm going to go full fan boy and start spewing out ideas for WAAAGH!: The Game!

2012-09-19, 07:37 PM
Chrono Trigger, absolutely. Too bad the fan sequels got shut down. The game's truly a masterpiece and while I never expect its grandeur could be made again, they could come close if they truly put their minds to the sequel (less focus on 100 playable characters, more on a sensible story where the player doesn't feel like a buttmonkey).

Master of Magic is another one, though being a TBS it's of course a bit different. But just a Master of Magic 2, á la Civilization 2 and on would be what I want; same game with modern AI, multiplayer, and constant balancing.

Also, Grim Fandango, oh my god! There needs to be more adventure games in the kingdom of the dead. The game's just so clever, hilarious and touching at the same time, it's a crime there isn't a second one.

X-Wing: Alliance too. It's a series that ended in its 4th game. Truthfully, the sequel we need is a sequel for Tie Fighter. None of that X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter bullcrap either. There's a masterpiece that still holds up to close scrutiny today and there's definitely enough material for a second one (with proper multiplayer!).

In the same vein, I-War should have a sequel.

2012-09-19, 09:16 PM
Aquanox 2: It's ends with one of the biggest cliffhangers ever, and a sequel was planned, yet it was not to be. To this day I could foam in rage, and the game (both story and gamplay) are so good, too!

Warcraft 4: what can I say, I love Blizzard, I love Warcraft. Although there actually IS hope that they will make a sequel (maybe they even have vonfirmed it already) Blizzard works in mysterious ways, and I may never see this sequel in my lifetime :smallwink:

Space Marine: Of course. Also ended with a cliffhanger. Although I could just go with more Titus and smashing aliens, it wouldn't hurt to branch out a little. But I'd like to hear more of Titus, at least. Sadly, Relic confirmed that they will not make a sequel.

Dawn of War III: The first two were great, I'd like a version with a real campaign again, however, one that is fixed for one race (doesn't have to be the Imperium) and long.

Rumour has it that they are making a Half Life 3. I don't buy it, though :-)

2012-09-19, 09:33 PM
I could really, REALLY, REALLY go for a remake or proper sequel of Jet Force Gemini (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLT46BqE-OI).

2012-09-19, 09:43 PM
Xenogears doesn't need a sequel, it needs a remake with a proper disk 2.

Chrono Trigger, absolutely. Too bad the fan sequels got shut down. The game's truly a masterpiece and while I never expect its grandeur could be made again, they could come close if they truly put their minds to the sequel (less focus on 100 playable characters, more on a sensible story where the player doesn't feel like a buttmonkey).
So much potential in this game. Then it sucked. I started it 3 times before I was able to force myself through it. Unfortunately... It is a genuine sequel. And the rerrleases of Chrono Trigger even link the games up a bit more.

Renegade Paladin
2012-09-19, 09:47 PM
Freespace 2 screams for one, but sadly will never get it because of the fate of Volition. :smallfrown:

2012-09-19, 09:48 PM
I loved Chrono Cross honestly. I don't see why it gets such hate.

2012-09-19, 10:04 PM
I loved Chrono Cross honestly. I don't see why it gets such hate.

It's because it gets held up to the standard of Chrono Trigger. If Cross was a game that didn't have anything to do with Trigger, people would like it better. Sorta like Deus Ex, Invisible War.

2012-09-19, 10:09 PM
I loved Chrono Cross honestly. I don't see why it gets such hate.

Different thread. Start one if you're interested. You could also find the common reasons people dislike the game over CT online, but this is not the thread for it.

2012-09-19, 10:12 PM
It's because it gets held up to the standard of Chrono Trigger. If Cross was a game that didn't have anything to do with Trigger, people would like it better. Sorta like Deus Ex, Invisible War.

Yeah, Chrono Cross was actually a decent game with a good story. It's just that it lacked a lot of the charm that made Chrono Trigger so beloved by its fans. That and the characters were kinda dull and there were way too many of them.

2012-09-19, 10:15 PM
I could really, REALLY, REALLY go for a remake or proper sequel of Jet Force Gemini (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLT46BqE-OI).

Oh -damn-! -THAT- game so freaking deserves a Sequel. Hell yeah.

2012-09-19, 10:19 PM
Star Trek: Bridge Commander (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Bridge_Commander). For realsies.

2012-09-19, 10:24 PM
Here's an obscure one for you: Space Station Silicon Valley (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Station_Silicon_Valley). It was an N64 title I rented several times as a kid (back when I was largely dependent on parents to actually purchase games), and while it was rough around the edges and unpolished, I've realized in retrospect that it was a pretty unique experience, and I haven't seen its like since. A sequel that was better polished could've been something truly special. Maybe I should track down a copy of it sometime, actually - my N64 still works, after all.

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Because it was probably the best Sonic game released between Adventure 2 and Generations (or maybe Colors, haven't played that one yet), and ended a big cliffhanger sequel-bait scene. Sadly, given it's been four years now, it's looking like there isn't any intention for this to happen.

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Because damn it, it'd be too much of a tragedy to cut off the series' revival on that incomplete cliffhanger of a story.

Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie, aka the only games ever to beat Mario at his own game. But alas, Rare seems to have lost all their talent after being acquired by Microsoft, making this one a pipe dream at best.


T.G. Oskar
2012-09-19, 10:29 PM
With regard to the BoF series, the fourth game is actually a prequel, just set so far back that nobody in the future remembers it (aside from a vague reference to 'a world choked with sand' in one of the earlier series).

One and Two are set very close together, while Three is set a fair distance in the future. Dragon Quarter appears to be an alternate universe.

Prequel? I recall it was set on an alternate universe, where the lore about Dragons and whatnot changed a lot. I believe BoF IV was a great game, changing many of the standards of the system but delivering a strong story nonetheless. Perhaps the idea of the Endless and how some beings' lives are intertwined with them was far-fetched, but there were some moments that were pretty heart-wrenching (Mami!!!!! Curse you, Yuna; almost as much as I hate Kefka for having poisoned an entire city just because it was strategically sound!!!!). Besides, the battle system was pretty creative.

That said, Breath of Fire really deserves a sequel. It's pretty much the only Capcom genuine RPG (even if the first was published by Squaresoft), and one of the series that has been neglected the most. You can feel what I feel, Megaman fans; I mean, they haven't even appeared in Marvel vs. Capcom, nor on Namco x Capcom (x Sega, now with Project X Zone). I mean, Myria in her god-like form as the final boss of MvC4? But, anyways, there is still some work to do regarding the future of the Breath of Fire series. It's hard with the Dragons pretty much down to their last guy and the Wyndians being essentially a human ethnic race by now, but it'd be great to see a resurgence in both sides (in that world, what with dragons surging in greater numbers and Wyndians regaining their power, and in this world by having another great Breath of Fire game).

Another one who deserves a proper, genuine, honest-to-goodness sequel? Parasite Eve. Never liked PE II, and a bit disappointed by Third Birthday losing some of the charm of the first. The first game was creative, a different way to tackle survival horror aside from what Resident Evil and Silent Hill did; afterwards, it sorta lost its north. It's one of the great series of games Square did on its honest-to-goodness golden age (I'm a fan of Final Fantasy VI, but I must admit Square's golden age was on the PSX, what with Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, Front Mission 3, Einhander, etc.)

Speaking of which: why not a sequel to Einhander? Use Squeenix's pretty graphics, ZUN's bullet hell and storyline, and Treasure's experience to top it off, and we're set.

What do you mean that an Einhander sequel with support from the guy from the Touhou series and having the feel of Ikaruga isn't awesome?

2012-09-20, 01:44 PM
Alpha Centauri. The apogee of Civ-style games, with great background and awesome gameplay, hindered only by an AI too stupid to keep up. I'd LOVE to see AC brought into modern graphics and an updated AI.

2012-09-20, 01:55 PM
I'm a fan of Final Fantasy VI, but I must admit Square's golden age was on the PSX, what with Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, Front Mission 3, Einhander, etc.

I'd say it's more fair to say their golden age lasted from SNES to PSX. I'm going to argue Chrono Trigger, Seiken Densetsu 3 (another game that really deserves a sequel in the same style, btw), Seiken 2/Secret of Mana, Super Mario RPG (as mentioned, deserves a sequel) are just as awesome and important (IMHO more so) than the PSX games (even tho especially Xenogears and Vagrant Story were amazing).

Why is it that it feels like half of the awesome Square golden age games never got a proper sequel :smallconfused:

2012-09-20, 02:07 PM
I could really, REALLY, REALLY go for a remake or proper sequel of Jet Force Gemini (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLT46BqE-OI).

Thirded with gusto. I'd dig a slightly more even co-op play, but it was sweet.

Legend of Dragoon has to be my number one though. Loved that game.

2012-09-20, 02:11 PM
[...] there is still some work to do regarding the future of the Breath of Fire series. It's hard with the Dragons pretty much down to their last guy and the Wyndians being essentially a human ethnic race by now, but it'd be great to see a resurgence in both sides (in that world, what with dragons surging in greater numbers and Wyndians regaining their power, and in this world by having another great Breath of Fire game).
I think it'd be nice to have a sequel like... a few decades after BoFIII. Ryu and Nani should have some kids, maybe Rei find some other Warren. Peco could turn in into a big ol' Yggdrasil tree at that point. Check out what's past the northern checkpoint.

Alpha Centauri. The apogee of Civ-style games, with great background and awesome gameplay, hindered only by an AI too stupid to keep up. I'd LOVE to see AC brought into modern graphics and an updated AI.

2012-09-20, 02:24 PM
Thirding Alpha Centauri. Also, a Colonization 2 would be nice too.

2012-09-20, 03:35 PM
Freespace 2 screams for one, but sadly will never get it because of the fate of Volition. :smallfrown:

Thanks for reminding me. Could also do with Freelancer 2.

2012-09-20, 04:20 PM
It's because it gets held up to the standard of Chrono Trigger. If Cross was a game that didn't have anything to do with Trigger, people would like it better. Sorta like Deus Ex, Invisible War.

Makes sense for the most part though honestly I liked it more than Trigger. I didn't feel they were terribly well connected in the first place however. The Trigger bits seemed at best tacked on at times.

2012-09-20, 10:03 PM
Thirding Alpha Centauri. Also, a Colonization 2 would be nice too.
I'd love a Colonization sequel, but what would it be called, and what ground would it cover? The 1812 War is hardly a Civ-worthy major event...would it be the expansion of America into the West? But at that point, the possibility of playing multiple civs declines...

Where else has en masse colonization happened?

2012-09-20, 10:09 PM
I could go for another Drakan. One on the PC, one on the PS2. Still among my favorite games. How do you make a third person fantasy action game better? Put in some dragon riding, of course! The pseudo-RPG leveling system in the second was so-so, but the ability to ready magic spells by memorizing joystick moves? Pretty neat!

Air-to-air dragon combat wasn't particularly deep (and on the ps2 was sort of button mash-y), but it was still fun. The world and story was interesting, and could be further developed and refined.

2012-09-20, 10:37 PM
Wing Commander: Privateer. Man, what happened to the space sim genre?

2012-09-21, 01:10 AM
Wing Commander: Privateer. Man, what happened to the space sim genre?

At the moment, it's suffering a heart attack. Luckily for us, The man responsible for Wing Commander and Freelancer just happens to have a defibrillator on hand... http://robertsspaceindustries.com/

2012-09-21, 01:50 AM
Facade (http://www.interactivestory.net/) is the greatest game ever, and it deserves the greatest sequel ever.

2012-09-21, 02:22 AM
Company of Hero- Oh, Wait... (http://store.steampowered.com/app/55300/?snr=1_7_suggest__13) :smallbiggrin:

For real:

System Shock 2 -- I want SHODAN to win this time.
Star Control II -- A real sequel. That one never happened.

2012-09-21, 02:26 AM
I'd love a Colonization sequel, but what would it be called, and what ground would it cover? The 1812 War is hardly a Civ-worthy major event...would it be the expansion of America into the West? But at that point, the possibility of playing multiple civs declines...

Where else has en masse colonization happened?

What did Shogun 1 and 2 cover differently? Civ 1 through 5? EU 1-3? I'd just be okay with a generally upgraded game covering the same deal, but with new mechanics, polished combat, more intricate diplomacy, EU-like details, etc.

Avilan the Grey
2012-09-21, 02:40 AM
Planescape: Torment
Sim Life
Sim Ant

2012-09-21, 04:28 AM
I'll second Startopia, that game is still great fun.

Theme Hospital was glorious in all its hammy over-the-top comedy.

Dungeon Keeper III, we're still hoping...

Evil Genius is a flawed gem that with just a little bit more polish could have become something truly exceptional. One can still wish for a sequel I guess.

Alpha Protocol maybe? Again, a very good core idea flawed by some awkward gameplay and tricky presentation.

Dragon Age I. That game could really do with a sequel.

2012-09-21, 05:38 AM
After watching the whole James Bond movie collection jet again I have to add:

No one lives forever series
Evil Genius

All those games just really need a worthy sequel. But as most of the rights and licences are with EA well... I kinda gave up on them.

2012-09-21, 06:44 AM
Mega freakin man legends 3. It was so close. It was already in our grasp....

2012-09-21, 07:20 AM
Star Control II -- A real sequel. That one never happened.
I was actually tempted to write that in the OP. You know about this (http://code.google.com/p/project6014/)?

2012-09-21, 07:54 AM
Planescape Torment

Oh no. I love this game dearly, but if someone tried to bring TNO back, I'd start a frickin' crusade.

Now, more Planescape games? I'm all for that. Or even a remake with more polished graphics and less awkward combat.

2012-09-21, 09:33 AM
Yeah, Planescape: Torment is totally, totally awesome, but it's a done deal. Maybe like an enhanced edition would be cool.

Avilan the Grey
2012-09-21, 09:56 AM
My idea for a PS:T sequel would be like Dragon Age: Same setting, some recurring characters, different protagonist.

And yes, I hope Dragon Age 3 will be the sequel Dragon Age: Origins so much deserves.

Dungeon Keeper... how could I forget that???
Dungeon Keeper III, definitely!

2012-09-21, 10:06 AM
Darwinia could use a sequel, considering how much fun I've gotten out of it.

STALKER Call of Pripyat could always do with another game.

Supreme Commander really needs a sequel that doesn't remove everything that made it unique. (Supcom 2 was fun and all, but it lost a lot of depth compared to the original.)

Just Cause 2 was so great at doing what it did that I can only imagine what a Just Cause 3 would be like.

Also how about a Mischief Makers 2? I feel like a game about throwing things at other things was a great idea that deserves at least one more go. SHAKE SHAKE

2012-09-21, 03:31 PM
To be honest, I think Nintendo should buy off all of Rare's properties from Microsoft, because they'd probably sell a lot better on Nintendo consoles (Given that a large chunk of Microsoft's demographic is a bunch of fratboys who consider any hint of creativity or cartooniness "kiddy" or "ghey"), and old Rare's already too gutted to salvage, and Microsoft could get a good chunk of some of that sweet, sweet Wii cash .Everybody wins!

I'd love to see a Banjo-Kazooie RPG made by Alpha Dream (Makers of the Mario and Luigi RPGs), since I think they'd be really good at dealing with the series' all-important humor aspect.

2012-09-21, 07:17 PM
Supreme Commander really needs a sequel that doesn't remove everything that made it unique. (Supcom 2 was fun and all, but it lost a lot of depth compared to the original.)

I think it's fair to say that the developers of Supcom have heard you. Their next game, Planetary Annihilation might not be set in the Supcom universe (and actually seems to be more of a throwback to Supcom's predecessor, Total Annihilation) but it is DEFINITELY focusing on a much bigger scale.

2012-09-21, 08:08 PM
What did Shogun 1 and 2 cover differently? Civ 1 through 5? EU 1-3? I'd just be okay with a generally upgraded game covering the same deal, but with new mechanics, polished combat, more intricate diplomacy, EU-like details, etc.

Not a fan of the remake they did, then?

2012-09-21, 08:54 PM
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Squeenix needs to get with Nintendo, and they need to hit that one more time.

I came into this thread for the sole purpose of saying this game. Therefore I am seconding this. I absolutely loved that game and I still know a lot of the secretes and tricks to it. "Don't forget that chest, or that one.."

2012-09-21, 10:03 PM
I for one am still waiting on a sequel to FFT (and anyone that mentions FFTA and FFTA2 will be shot, I consider those spinoffs, and barely worth that, not that they're terrible mind you, they're just nothing like FFT)

2012-09-21, 10:27 PM
Dungeon Keeper III...oh man I'd love that. I've also been on a Ghost Master kick, I'd love a sequel to that.

Let me also be the first to second Mischief Makers 2!

I'm also in favor of Ninty picking Rare back up. And another Conker would be welcome. A new Killer Instinct wouldn't be so bad either.

2012-09-22, 12:30 AM
I for one am still waiting on a sequel to FFT (and anyone that mentions FFTA and FFTA2 will be shot, I consider those spinoffs, and barely worth that, not that they're terrible mind you, they're just nothing like FFT)

I have said it before, but the ONLY good Final Fantasy games are set in Ivalice.

2012-09-22, 12:50 AM

Not a fan of the remake they did, then?

I'm not aware of a Colonization remake, apart from FreeCol.

2012-09-22, 02:00 AM
I for one am still waiting on a sequel to FFT (and anyone that mentions FFTA and FFTA2 will be shot, I consider those spinoffs, and barely worth that, not that they're terrible mind you, they're just nothing like FFT)It'd be nice to have more games in general that had the same level of realpolitik as the original FFT, if not necessarily a sequel.

2012-09-22, 02:20 AM
It'd be nice to have more games in general that had the same level of realpolitik as the original FFT, if not necessarily a sequel.

agreed, that and I feel the character customization was mixed with the combat system perfectly

2012-09-22, 02:54 AM
Another vote for Alpha Centauri here! :smallbiggrin:

2012-09-22, 12:19 PM
Kinda would have liked an Evil Genius 2.
Also someone said a DK 3, I aprove, though maybe not so much a direct sequel per se. For that matter, theme hospital too.) Well, will never happen in any case, shame.

Facade (http://www.interactivestory.net/) is the greatest game ever, and it deserves the greatest sequel ever.

(Maybe it's because I never managed to get anywhere with this game but i can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not.
.. I mean the concept is a great one, really, but i never maneged to have a discussion that went anywhere.)

2012-09-22, 12:30 PM
I'm not aware of a Colonization remake, apart from FreeCol.
Yup! Steam link (http://store.steampowered.com/app/16810/), although it looks like searching for "Civilization IV: Colonization" gets it, too. (It's a standalone game, though, not an expansion for Civ IV.)

2012-09-22, 01:10 PM
I'd love a grim 'n' gritty FFT sequel. Only FF game I really liked, let alone loved. My main problem with it would be that it seemed to pretty well encapsulate its story; just doesn't feel like it needs a sequel, even if more game and more gameplay would be cool.

I was actually tempted to write that in the OP. You know about this (http://code.google.com/p/project6014/)?

I did not, actually! Much thanks!

Avilan the Grey
2012-09-22, 01:14 PM
Oh , one more:
Grim Fandango!

2012-09-22, 05:25 PM
(I don't know if Grimm fandango could have a good sequel. It was an utterly awesome and original game but the storry was pretty tight and closed by the end.)

However sicne we're in adventure games, wouldn't mind a Sam and Max season 4

Brother Oni
2012-09-22, 07:27 PM
For those people wanting a Dungeon Keeper 3 (which includes me), I've been keeping an eye on Game of Dwarves (http://www.paradoxplaza.com/games/a-game-of-dwarves), which looks to be similar gameplay, but lacking the malicious tone of the DK series.

The Yogscast managed to get a go on an early beta of the game and have two videos of it: Lewis' attempt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnmYsy9q4BY); Simon's attempt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4giU3fFQvQ&feature=context-shows&list=SL).

2012-09-22, 07:36 PM
Master of Orion and
Master of Orion: Battle at Antares

could really use a real third title. Customizable ships that you actually used in tactical combat in a 4x game hasn't really been done right since.

Avilan the Grey
2012-09-23, 06:16 AM
For those people wanting a Dungeon Keeper 3 (which includes me), I've been keeping an eye on Game of Dwarves (http://www.paradoxplaza.com/games/a-game-of-dwarves), which looks to be similar gameplay, but lacking the malicious tone of the DK series.

But... I want to spank my leather-clad claw-girls. And torture fairies.

Brother Oni
2012-09-23, 06:20 AM
But... I want to spank my leather-clad claw-girls. And torture fairies.

I wouldn't mind giving them a good old right clicking either or throwing captives repeatedly into a combat pit, but you have to take what games you can that scratch the DK itch (Dungeons was a big disappointment).

2012-09-23, 09:20 AM
I was all set to say it was a Dwarf fortress ripoff until I saw this heretical line

"the player can easily control oodles of dwarves simultaneously without the need for extensive micro management."

2012-09-23, 10:05 AM
Master of Orion and
Master of Orion: Battle at Antares

could really use a real third title. Customizable ships that you actually used in tactical combat in a 4x game hasn't really been done right since.

Not even Sword of the Stars? :smallwink:

2012-09-23, 03:38 PM
A good Dungeon Keeper sequel would be nice. DK2 was a bit too easy and tamed down from the original.

Alpha Centauri deserves a good sequel, it could be so easy too. Just pick a different star, ecology, and story line.

Masters of Orion never got off the ground for me. The dull and awkward combat combined with the tedium of stripping dozens of systems of their wealth just to replace a few the lost in combat meant that I never got anywhere with it.

Morrowind could use a sequel. Yeah, people will whine about Oblivion and Skyrim being sequels but they aren't. They are a continuation of the Elder Scrolls set of games, and pretty much totally failed to impress me once I got over the pretty graphics. A good Morrowind sequel would keep the bits that worked, fix the broken bits, add a little (like mounted combat), and realize that updating your graphics does not mean rewriting the everything from scratch and making customers buy cutting edge machines every two years.

There apparently is a Wasteland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasteland_%28video_game%29) sequel coming out, so I don't have to hope for that one. For those who don't know Wasteland is the game that made the Fallout series possible. For an interesting bit of trivia that link goes to Wikipedia and you should check out the names on the design team.

What I would love is a nice sequel/prequel to Frontier: First Encounters. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontier:_First_Encounters)

First Encounters plays much like its immediate predecessor Frontier: the game is a combination of trading, fighting and a variety of other activities like spying, bombing and a variety of other military activities; the combat ratings were also carried over from the previous games. Like Frontier, First Encounters features realistic Newtonian physics and the ability to land on planets.

Then there's Dwarf Fortress, which is practically it's own sequel and therefore doesn't need one.

2012-09-23, 03:43 PM
A good Morrowind sequel. Yeah.

Just a spiritual one, really. The setting, the sense of melancholy and strangeness, the complex storyline... I don't give a damn about how good the combat is. I want more games where I can explore a truly alien land and read metaphysics at the same time and it makes sense.

2012-09-23, 03:59 PM
Bastion could use one. It was a fantastic game, and a spiritual sequel of some sort with the same level of creativity, polish, and voice over would be a glorious thing. Then there is Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles, which spawned two sequels that were both dramatically different games of completely different genres, while there was never a real sequel made.

2012-09-23, 04:12 PM
I wish Ascendancy II was real - only 4X game that ever stood as a decent challenger to MOO2. Instead we got a crappy Iphone re-release of the original.


also I want real Fallout 3, not that shalow FPS

T.G. Oskar
2012-09-23, 08:50 PM
I have said it before, but the ONLY good Final Fantasy games are set in Ivalice.

Odd...FFTA2 is supposedly set in the actual Ivalice, not a copy of it. Not everyone considers it a masterpiece. Some say the same about FFXII.

Woe if you claim FFVI or FFVII are bad games. I at least consider FFVI a masterpiece, and FFVII a great game even though I loathe its main villain.

Speaking of games that deserve genuine sequels...how I could have forgotten the Ultima series? Ultima IV was a breakthrough game that changed how stories were made, and I have very fond memories of Ultima VI. Ultima VII was a very dark and deep game, even though the SNES version sucks. Then EA claimed the rights for Ultima, and you get an incomplete VIII and a horrible excuse for IX. No wonder the only remnant of a great game is Ultima Online, and Mr. Garriott himself seems to loathe what EA has done with it, to an extent that he's trying to redo the same thing he did for Ultima with a new project.

I have the hopes that Dragon Age doesn't follow the same fate. It's already happening, however; the founders left BioWare...

2012-09-23, 09:34 PM
System Shock really needs a third game, yeah. As does No one Lives Forever. Star Control needs a proper third game, the one we got wasn't that good. The same, but in spades, is true of Master of Orion.

As for me, I prefer sci-fi TBS games. Unfortunately my two favorite games will never get sequels. Titans of Steel: Warring Suns and Missionforce: Cyberstorm (set in the Earthsiege/Starsiege universe, which, come to think of it, could use a sequel themselves).

ToS is a bit complex, but once you get over the difficulty wall, there simply is not a better turn based mecha game out there. As for Cyberstorm, a much lighter game, but the strategy elements, setting, and humor were outstanding.

2012-09-23, 09:43 PM
I would absolutely love to see a Metroid Fusion sequel--that is, a Metroid game that continues the plot instead of just being more prequels like the last 10 years' games. :smallannoyed:

The Glyphstone
2012-09-24, 01:22 PM

also I want real Fallout 3, not that shalow FPS

That just makes me more sad, because it shows they're not even thinking about Ascendancy as a PC game anymore. It'll be an Iphone app ported to PC, rather than an actual game.

2012-09-24, 02:04 PM

The PC/PS2 beat-em-up Oni really deserved to launch a series. There was very little wrong with the game itself other than somewhat deceptive box art. It just happened to be released at a time when the genre was very much out of fashion.

Oni was fantastic, but I'm not sure how you'd continue that story.

2012-09-24, 03:36 PM
Tales of Vesperia, and I know that there are other games in the series after it and such; but I mean a direct sequel to the first one.
The way the game ended was effectively, "The majority of magic we used to protect ourselves from monsters and run our day-to-day lives has been removed, wat do?" (Oh and Raven probably died)
But several of the characters had lives to go back to and adventures in the new world they created. Did Brave Vesperia take off as a guild? Did Karol and Nam ever get past that super cliche' CannotSpitItOut (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CannotSpitItOut) phase? Did Flynn and Yuri patch it all up (Did they change this in the PS3)? So many questions!

And if Symphonia can get one Vesperia can too!

2012-09-25, 07:03 AM

Amen. There should be more... what is that Genre? Chinese mythologiy Steampunk Wuxia RPGs. There.

2012-09-25, 07:03 AM
Tales of Vesperia, and I know that there are other games in the series after it and such; but I mean a direct sequel to the first one.
The way the game ended was effectively, "The majority of magic we used to protect ourselves from monsters and run our day-to-day lives has been removed, wat do?" (Oh and Raven probably died)
But several of the characters had lives to go back to and adventures in the new world they created. Did Brave Vesperia take off as a guild? Did Karol and Nam ever get past that super cliche' CannotSpitItOut (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CannotSpitItOut) phase? Did Flynn and Yuri patch it all up (Did they change this in the PS3)? So many questions!

And if Symphonia can get one Vesperia can too!
Speaking of which... I liked the Tales of Symphonia sequel a good bit.
The only bummer was that you couldn't level the original ToS cast. Oh, and the plot could use some improvement.

2012-09-25, 07:23 AM
Amen. There should be more... what is that Genre? Chinese mythologiy Steampunk Wuxia RPGs. There.

Wuxia-themed RPG is enough, I think.

Brother Oni
2012-09-25, 10:03 AM
Wuxia-themed RPG is enough, I think.

I think 'Wuxia mythology themed RPG' is more accurate - Hero, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, A Chinese Ghost Story and Mr Vampire are all wuxia but the latter two have very different themes and elements to the former two, and Jade Empire is more like the latter in my opinion.

2012-09-25, 10:30 AM
I think someone pointed out in an older thread that Jade Empire is basically Exalted: The VG. Any truth to that?

2012-09-25, 04:59 PM
A Republic Commando sequel would be amazing, as would a continuation of the Dark Forces series.

Seconding Tie-Fighter/X-Wing Alliance.

2012-09-25, 06:16 PM
Odd...FFTA2 is supposedly set in the actual Ivalice, not a copy of it. Not everyone considers it a masterpiece. Some say the same about FFXII.

Woe if you claim FFVI or FFVII are bad games. I at least consider FFVI a masterpiece, and FFVII a great game even though I loathe its main villain.

I have the hopes that Dragon Age doesn't follow the same fate. It's already happening, however; the founders left BioWare...

I can say really disliked 7, I got through Midgar and decided the game was not for me.

6 I barely played. I already had a bad taste in my mouth from 7, 8, 1 & 2, so the start of 6 didn't interest me in the slightest. I turned it off around the 20-40 minute mark, having lost interest 10 minutes in.

Other games that I would support a sequel for:

Star Wars Battlefront
Crimson Skies
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Castle Crashers

2012-09-25, 06:27 PM
Too Human - excellent game condemned by terrible marketing. Also, certainly classes were clearly intended for co-op only, but were never really indicated as such. If your first try is single-player commando, you will probably hate this game.

Freelancer - keep the gameplay, lose the railroady story missions.

Rogue Squadron - definitely could use a cur- or next-gen sequel. No stupid, gimmicky on-foot levels though.

System Shock - 2 sets up a third. I'm still waiting...

XIII - huge cliffhanger ending. Also an extremely solid stealth shooter.

2012-09-26, 09:07 AM
I'd like to see more games like Alpha Protocol. The story was amazing and the roleplaying was some of the best I've ever seen. No morality meter and different characters had different personalities, so they responded to different approaches. I also loved the fact that it supported any kind of playstyle that people could want - you could go through the entire game without shedding a drop of blood or kill everyone you came across, be a ghost the whole time or charge openly into danger with guns blazing or find a hiding place and snipe. The only downside was that it tended to be rife with bugs.

Of course, given the various (and wildly divergent) endings, it would be practically impossible to do a straight sequel to AP. But something in the same spirit would be awesome.

2012-09-26, 11:36 AM
I think someone pointed out in an older thread that Jade Empire is basically Exalted: The VG. Any truth to that?

I remember reading a good chunk of the Exalted rulebook once. It recommended playing Jade Empire for some of the tone.

Definitely not as high-powered as exalted. You play a martial artist in the mystical Jade Empire. Of course, in that setting, you start with growing blades from your hands and slowing time and end up shooting fire and lightning and turning into demons with your martial arts. (There's also more mundane styles).

The story starts out fairly typical. You are in a dojo out in the country, dojo is attacked, you get involved in political intrigue. Features goblins, ghosts, golems, demons, bureaucratic minor gods, ninjas, steampunk airships and many of the features you'd expect from a Bioware RPG (companions, companion quests, companion romance, camping out in the field to talk to your companions, tons of side quests...)

2012-09-26, 11:38 AM
Grabbed by the Ghoulies :smallwink:

To Smight: Have you ever actually PLAYED Fallout 3 before?

2012-09-26, 11:51 AM
Ground Control sure as hell deserves a sequel.

You know, a proper one which didn't strip away everything that made the original game unique.

2012-09-26, 02:26 PM
To Smight: Have you ever actually PLAYED Fallout 3 before?
The only thing that Fallout 3 shares with Fallout and Fallout 2 is a name. The first two entries in the series are pure RPGs. Fallout 3 is a shooter with RPG elements. It's not really a sequel, and certainly not the way Fallout 2 is a sequel to the original.

2012-09-26, 02:59 PM
The only thing that Fallout 3 shares with Fallout and Fallout 2 is a name. The first two entries in the series are pure RPGs. Fallout 3 is a shooter with RPG elements. It's not really a sequel, and certainly not the way Fallout 2 is a sequel to the original.

Did we even play the same game? Also, by that logic GTA III can be considered GTA in name only because of how different the gameplay was from the first two.

The Glyphstone
2012-09-26, 03:25 PM
Grabbed by the Ghoulies :smallwink:

Best. Grim. Reaper. Ever.:smallcool:

2012-09-26, 08:25 PM
Castle Crashers
Second this.

Also, for me FFVII was like... the first real RPG I played. It may not be the best game ever, but it is my favorite, perhaps only for nostalgia.

2012-09-26, 09:04 PM
Ground Control sure as hell deserves a sequel.

You know, a proper one which didn't strip away everything that made the original game unique.

Word, yo. I played GC 1 time and time again back then. And I'd do it again!

2012-09-26, 09:21 PM
Word, yo. I played GC 1 time and time again back then. And I'd do it again!

Oh... God yeah! I was like "Ground Control 2, yaaa!" and then I was like "WTF is this?"

2012-09-27, 04:57 AM
Jade Empire: I see a lot of it in Dragon Age, and in an odd way I think that's the spiritual successor. The sentinels powered by souls is oh so like the golems of Orzammar. And the Fade not unlike the Celestial Beuracracy. Give the setting a few hundred years to develop and focus on a different part of the world and Jade Empire could be a part of Thedas.

2012-09-27, 01:46 PM
Jade Empire: I see a lot of it in Dragon Age, and in an odd way I think that's the spiritual successor. The sentinels powered by souls is oh so like the golems of Orzammar. And the Fade not unlike the Celestial Beuracracy. Give the setting a few hundred years to develop and focus on a different part of the world and Jade Empire could be a part of Thedas.

And some of the game mechanics too, though the combat was more direct in Jade Empire. Like the fact that you had to camp with your party to talk to them about their personal problems, and that you could take traders and other special characters camping with you.

Hunter Noventa
2012-09-27, 02:11 PM
I would love to see Alpha Centauri done with the Civ 4 engine (I don't much care for Civ 5).

And a full telling of the original Xenogears saga could be pretty damned awesome. There are a ton of scenes in Xenogears alone I'd love to see redone with modern graphics. But at the same time, I feel the game would lose some of it's charm if it didn't use sprites.

And it's not quite the same, but Super Robot Taisen Oirignal Generation. It's getting a sequel sure, but it'll never be released in America, making me grateful the PS3 is region-free.

2012-09-27, 02:11 PM
Jade Empire: I see a lot of it in Dragon Age, and in an odd way I think that's the spiritual successor. The sentinels powered by souls is oh so like the golems of Orzammar. And the Fade not unlike the Celestial Beuracracy. Give the setting a few hundred years to develop and focus on a different part of the world and Jade Empire could be a part of Thedas.

I see it now, Age of the Jade Dragon Empire. :smallwink: I would totally play that.

2012-09-27, 02:20 PM
I see it now, Age of the Jade Dragon Empire. :smallwink: I would totally play that.

If it were cheap, I'd buy it for that title alone.

Avilan the Grey
2012-09-27, 02:37 PM
7Fallout 3 is a shooter with RPG elements.

That is... horsehockey. Seriously.
Unless of course you are one of those people (http://www.nma-fallout.com/) who actually think an RPG HAS to be turn-based and isometric to be an RPG.

2012-09-27, 02:54 PM
Master of Orion and
Master of Orion: Battle at Antares

could really use a real third title. Customizable ships that you actually used in tactical combat in a 4x game hasn't really been done right since.

Not even Sword of the Stars? :smallwink:

When did Master of Orion come out? What about its ships being customizable do you think hasn't been met since? Space Empires III, IV, and V all came out in the last 15 years, and all feature customizable ship designs of various sorts.

As mentioned, Sword of the Stars has somewhat customizable ships. So does Gal Civ, though that doesn't have tactical combat.

I wish they would make a Space Empires VI with all the good parts of V and IV and none of the bad parts of either. Also, an AI actually worth fighting.

Brother Oni
2012-09-27, 05:39 PM
Jade Empire: I see a lot of it in Dragon Age, and in an odd way I think that's the spiritual successor. The sentinels powered by souls is oh so like the golems of Orzammar. And the Fade not unlike the Celestial Beuracracy. Give the setting a few hundred years to develop and focus on a different part of the world and Jade Empire could be a part of Thedas.

Mechanics possibly, but there are underlying plot elements and minor little details that make JE uniquely Chinese.
The Celestial Bureaucracy is the pantheon of gods, rather than a realm, but I suppose their realm (Heaven) is like the Fade, in that they're both separate spirit worlds inhabited by (mostly) non-physical beings.

You could shoehorn JE into the Dragon Age world, but it's still going to be very separate.

2012-09-27, 06:18 PM
Mechanics possibly, but there are underlying plot elements and minor little details that make JE uniquely Chinese.
The Celestial Bureaucracy is the pantheon of gods, rather than a realm, but I suppose their realm (Heaven) is like the Fade, in that they're both separate spirit worlds inhabited by (mostly) non-physical beings.

You could shoehorn JE into the Dragon Age world, but it's still going to be very separate.

Yeah it would take work to fit the settings together, but my point was a lot of the same themes are flying around. And most of them are the ones that make Dragon Age more than generic fantasy.

Also, the fade and the bureaucracy have a few more similarities. Spirits/Gods that stray become demons. And the Fade is supposed to be heaven, just a heaven that has fallen apart due to corruption.

2012-09-27, 06:22 PM
I would love to see Alpha Centauri done with the Civ 4 engine (I don't much care for Civ 5).

There's Fan Mod called Planetfall for that. It isn't really a conversion and changes a lot of things, but it's interesting, in that it introduces a lot of new things (Philosophies that work like religions in normal Civ 4 are a good one).

Sadly, there were three things they couldn't really port: there's no extreme terraforming (no building or levelling mountains), planet busters are kinda screwed up, and instead of a unit workshop you just have about 30 upgrades per unit type and select a handful in the beginning, some of which are mutually exclusive.

2012-09-28, 05:02 PM
I remember reading a good chunk of the Exalted rulebook once. It recommended playing Jade Empire for some of the tone.

Definitely not as high-powered as exalted. You play a martial artist in the mystical Jade Empire. Of course, in that setting, you start with growing blades from your hands and slowing time and end up shooting fire and lightning and turning into demons with your martial arts. (There's also more mundane styles).

The story starts out fairly typical. You are in a dojo out in the country, dojo is attacked, you get involved in political intrigue. Features goblins, ghosts, golems, demons, bureaucratic minor gods, ninjas, steampunk airships and many of the features you'd expect from a Bioware RPG (companions, companion quests, companion romance, camping out in the field to talk to your companions, tons of side quests...)

Oh no, you misunderstood. I know Jade Empire - that's the one I played. It's Exalted I know next to nothing about. :smallsmile:

2012-09-28, 06:15 PM
I would absolutely love to see a Metroid Fusion sequel--that is, a Metroid game that continues the plot instead of just being more prequels like the last 10 years' games. :smallannoyed:

I dunno, the Prime Trilogy worked pretty darn well, if I may say so. Here's hoping that Metriod Prime 4, if it happens, comes with a Multiplayer Mode. And that the raping of Samus's character can be retconned out of existance.

2012-09-28, 10:58 PM
I dunno, the Prime Trilogy worked pretty darn well, if I may say so. Here's hoping that Metriod Prime 4, if it happens, comes with a Multiplayer Mode.

Given that Metroid Prime 2 did, and it wasn't very good, and given that the series has pretty much been in decline from Metroid Prime 1 (though Metroid Prime 3 was still a very good game, particularly compared to that Other M fiasco) this seems less than ideal. Still, Retro Studios needs to be pulled to do another Metroid game, and Team Ninja needs to never interact with Nintendo again.

2012-09-29, 06:06 AM
I could get Ouendan, but it's not just the gameplay that made me fall in love with EBA, it was the songs. A combination of songs I already loved, songs I knew and didn't care about, songs I didn't know, and songs I didn't like... and I ended up liking them all. I'm sure Ouendan could do the same... except I tend not to be fond of songs I can't understand. Maybe I'll pick it up some day, but I'd still prefer an Elite Beat Agents 2 (c'mon, it'd work for the WiiU!).

Perhaps you'd be interested in osu (http://osu.ppy.sh/). It's a free, fan-made EBA style game, and the choice of songs is pretty good no matter what you're into. If you're not sold yet, perhaps this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LgBUMlvwk) will convince you.

2012-09-29, 07:05 AM
Perhaps you'd be interested in osu (http://osu.ppy.sh/). It's a free, fan-made EBA style game, and the choice of songs is pretty good no matter what you're into. If you're not sold yet, perhaps this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LgBUMlvwk) will convince you.
That was totally epic.

Brother Oni
2012-09-30, 10:37 AM
That was totally epic.

Although some of the beatmaps and songs become absolutely ridiculous. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3KfRrJsQIc&feature=related#)

2012-10-02, 11:16 AM
I would love to see another game set in the world created for Jade Empire, even if it wasn't a direct sequel.

I would also like a sequel to Shogo: Mobile Armor Division. I need to resolve the Sanjuro/Kura/Kathryn love triangle!

2012-10-02, 11:33 AM
I dunno, the Prime Trilogy worked pretty darn well, if I may say so. Here's hoping that Metriod Prime 4, if it happens, comes with a Multiplayer Mode. And that the raping of Samus's character can be retconned out of existance.

I enjoyed the Prime Trilogy, but what I meant is that I want a game that deals with the repercussions of Samus destroying the research station and the planet and pretty much cutting ties with the Federation...

2012-10-02, 12:15 PM
Oh! Oh! Just thought of another one:

Battletech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battletech:_The_Crescent_Hawk%27s_Inception)

It was a 3/4 isometric top-down view Battletech RPG released in 1988. If you beat the game (within a certain number of months within its release), you could fill out an included postcard with a code you'd get at the end, and they'd send you a Grenadier Phoenix Hawk mech miniature. I still have that thing somewhere.

2012-10-02, 12:51 PM
I wish Ascendancy II was real - only 4X game that ever stood as a decent challenger to MOO2. Instead we got a crappy Iphone re-release of the original.

This. And this some more.

Also, I'd love to someday see a real sequel to Sundog. Loved the way the ship was set up, and the way combat repair was done. Faster than Light does the ship combat just as well, but it falls short on the exploration and planet interaction. I want both good combat and good exploration, gimme my Sundog 2! :smallbiggrin:

2012-10-02, 01:37 PM
Oh! Oh! Just thought of another one:

Battletech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battletech:_The_Crescent_Hawk%27s_Inception)
So brokenly easy if you got the Chameleon out during the attack. Or, failing that, SRM launchers turned enemy infantry into tiny little enemy infantry-shaped bits until you could get your hands on a Wasp and pimp it.

Also, there was a sequel - The Crescent Hawk's Revenge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BattleTech:_The_Crescent_Hawk%27s_Revenge).

2012-10-02, 01:44 PM
So brokenly easy if you got the Chameleon out during the attack. Or, failing that, SRM launchers turned enemy infantry into tiny little enemy infantry-shaped bits until you could get your hands on a Wasp and pimp it.

Also, there was a sequel - The Crescent Hawk's Revenge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BattleTech:_The_Crescent_Hawk%27s_Revenge).

Bah, they made it a strategy game. I want another RPG!

2012-10-02, 02:36 PM
Bah, they made it a strategy game. I want another RPG!

RPG as in role-playing-game, or based off D&D with overly long inventory screens? Because strategy and role playing are not mutually exclusive.

2012-10-11, 07:44 PM
Hmm I thought of another. River City Ransom.

And Phantasy Star IV.

EDIT: And RCR is getting one!