View Full Version : Need help making a cargo manifest for a crashed Spelljammer ship please.

2012-09-19, 12:03 PM

Not being one who sails or who has ever been on a boat I need a bit of help please. You see, my upcoming campaign this Sunday starts off with an exploring Spelljammer ship crash landing on Athas (the Dark Sun setting :smallbiggrin:), which is basically a dying dessert world where half the game is mere survival. Because of this I believe what's on the ship, and more importantly what survives the crash, will be vital in determining the beginning of my campaign, how long the PCs can survive on them, what the PCs can do/accomplish with them if they are smart, and probably their odds of survival. So basically I need to know what would be on this ship, and how much of it would be on it.

So because of all this I want to do the following:
a) Make a complete manifest of the ship's cargo.
b) Make a complete list of the ship's crew that died on the crash's personal item.
c) Roll % for each and every item. On a 1-25% chance the item survived the crash. Anything higher and the item is useless (unless the PCs get smart of course and think of something to do with it regardless).
d) Print out a sheet of paper listing the items that survived intact and hand it out to the PCs.
e) Print out a sheet of paper listing the broken items that did not survive intact and hand it out to the PCs.

If it helps, here is a list of the dead crew:

-Captain Villiar Hawk (Male High Elf Merchant. Fighter 5, Expert 3 [Profession: Merchant])
-First Mate Lilia Barria (Female High Elf Adept. Adept 4. Pilot of the Spelljammer)
-Second Mate Kef Highfoot (Male Halfling Ship Repairman. Fighter 2, Expert 4 [Craft Carpentry: 8, Craft: Weaponsmith 8, Craft: Armorsmith 8, Craft: Seamstress 8])

Regular Crew:
-Eatha of DarkWeave Woods (Female Wood Elf Expert 3. [Craft: Cook 5, Craft Carpentry 5])
-Tabby Tabber (Female Halfling Expert 2. [Craft: Fletcher 4, Craft: Leatherworking 5])
-Mik, Stab, Clack, Thock (Male Halfling Commoners 1. [Profession Sailing 4])
-Tally, Wack (Female Halfling Commoners 1. [Profession Sailing 4])
-Black Horns, Whip Tail (Male Minotaur Mercenary Ship Guards. Using the Savage Species Racial Progression Rules to level 5.)

-I am thinking of giving each crew member, except for the captain, a 10% chance of surviving the crash and being part of the PCs' party.
-I would also appreciate help listing each of the NPCs equipment, since IF my players are smart they would loot the dead crewmembers to.

Many Pikas in advance!

Please note this is a low-magic cosmology, with a moderate level of Psionics.

2012-09-19, 12:27 PM
Surviving in a dessert world must be hell.

For hilarity, make the ship packed with chests upon chests of gold bullion. The PCs will be ridiculously wealthy...if they ever manage to get any of it back to civilization. Suddenly, encumbrance rules actually matter!

2012-09-19, 12:46 PM
Surviving in a dessert world must be hell.

For hilarity, make the ship packed with chests upon chests of gold bullion. The PCs will be ridiculously wealthy...if they ever manage to get any of it back to civilization. Suddenly, encumbrance rules actually matter!

I actually LOLed at this idea!

I can just imagine either:
a) The PCs' greed killing them as they try carrying as much of it as they can.
b) The players cursing me out loud IRL for having to leave all that behind. :smallbiggrin:

So so far on the cargo manifest:
-1,000 Chests. Each chest holds 8 20lb bars of gold. Each bar is worth 1,000gp. (So the total wealth on the ship is 8,000,000gp.)

This is so evil....:smallbiggrin:

2012-09-19, 12:57 PM
Surviving in a dessert world must be hell.

For hilarity, make the ship packed with chests upon chests of gold bullion. The PCs will be ridiculously wealthy...if they ever manage to get any of it back to civilization. Suddenly, encumbrance rules actually matter!

HA! In a survival setting and using encumbrance rules... Flickerdart. I believe you just found a new level of hell :smallamused:

ANYWAY! Generally on a ship the cargo would consist of:

Entertainment (varies on duration of voyage)
A Personal ship coffer (gold)
a portable distiller (depending on era)

Since you're ship was a merchant ship you can also include trade items including wheat, spices (ginger, cinnamon, pepper, salt especially), tobacco, silk, etc. If you're merchant is selling some... "hardtar" then he might have drugs on board (such as the ones from the BoVD) :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2012-09-19, 01:56 PM
I'm unfamiliar with Spell Jammer much- All I know is that it has sort of magical spaceships... which leads me to ask- magical space ship AND low magic? I'd assume that on a ship with magical space crossing abilities there would be a few quite sophisticated magical devices. (if not necessarily useful to adventuring PCs on Athas, but you can never know). some ideas:
- self making food/ water creating mechanism (that may be faulty and malfunction on this day or that) might grant sustenance, but might also be heavy or vulnerable to weather damage.

- Solar panels that can store energy to power... what? devices? weapons? be converted to magical energy?

- thermal covers for the cargo, preventing the influence of temperature on it. equivalent to Endure Elements, but only if fully covered (some sheets of this sort might be party torn, not as effective.

- As part of the cargo, or belonging to the crew, the ship may have a surviving unusual animal, alien to Athas, perhaps even a pair. they can be unusual animal companions or a source of strange income. make them beneficial (perhaps they can manifest a simple psionic power?) but hard to train, and possibly quite fragile.

- some sort of weapons, preferably energy based (lazor pistols?) that have limited but useful use. or maybe they can be recharged (solar panels), but they are a hassle to maintain. Also- explosives :smallamused:

- perhaps a simple version of a "holodec"- a device that can create simple illusions for a greater length of time. it might have pre inserted "programs" put in by the crew (feel free to come with innovative ones, like film trailers of various genres). this too is either of limited use or needs to be recharged.

- a device that can be used to identify stars (by a different name than the names on Athas), tell you a bit about each star, and the distance from it. not useful for survival, but definitely creepy, and potentially profiting.

- exotic foods, beverages, and drugs. all 3 kinds mixed with each other and can't be told apart without experimentation. the drugs may be hallucinogenic, panic inducing, euphoria inducing and more. Is this a tasty fruit, or will it make me take my clothes off?

I hope this helps.

P.S. What happened to the campaign with the king artificer, the far off base and the opposing necromancer state? (Or something on those lines, I forget)

2012-09-19, 02:04 PM
Go with the gold bars idea.

But also have The Thing in the Hold.

Find an appropriate high CR nasty tentacle monster. Coat it in Quintessence. It's now stasis locked. Unfortunately, the crash disrupted the Quintessence and it's dripping off. Soon, the slaughterking and his swarm of alien hell beasts will be free.

Establish it with a smaller room and quintessence and stuff.

As far as goods, a bottle of air and something to make endless food and water should be there. Maybe all the party is able to do is salvage one or the other.

But now they're on the run from a giant monster across desert sands with 8 million in gold bullion.

2012-09-19, 02:20 PM
I'm unfamiliar with Spell Jammer much- All I know is that it has sort of magical spaceships... which leads me to ask- magical space ship AND low magic? I'd assume that on a ship with magical space crossing abilities there would be a few quite sophisticated magical devices. (if not necessarily useful to adventuring PCs on Athas, but you can never know). some ideas:Hmm. I have the Spelljammer setting, and it's more or less literally 'ships in space,' not 'spaceships.' Physics is fiddled with enough to make a lot of life-support things unnecessary if you're playing by the 2e setting as presented. The ship's mass carries a couple of month's worth of air, travel between settings is in a days-to-months timeframe so supplies are generally carried on board rather than produced, heat isn't an issue, and so on. What supplies of that type are available will depend hugely on whether the crash happens soon after the start of a journey or near the end - if the crew dies and the ship crashes early, the PCs could have a pretty solid set of supplies. That said, it's not unreasonable to have crazy stuff, especially in a jump to 3.x.

- self making food/ water creating mechanism (that may be faulty and malfunction on this day or that) might grant sustenance, but might also be heavy or vulnerable to weather damage.Entirely possible that someone would use a Create Food and Water device instead of supplies for at least parts of a journey. Complication: On Athas, such a device would probably Defile the landscape faster than you can say 'oh my god why is everyone trying to kill us?'

- Solar panels that can store energy to power... what? devices? weapons? be converted to magical energy?Well, there's the Spelljamming helm itself. Now that WOULD be interesting to see how that interacts with Athas...

- thermal covers for the cargo, preventing the influence of temperature on it. equivalent to Endure Elements, but only if fully covered (some sheets of this sort might be party torn, not as effective.Probably not necessary, could be included.

- some sort of weapons, preferably energy based (lazor pistols?) that have limited but useful use. or maybe they can be recharged (solar panels), but they are a hassle to maintain. Also- explosives :smallamused:Spelljammer capped out at flintlocks and the like, and those weren't super common because of the way that powder doesn't explode in all Crystal Spheres, but it brings up a very important point: the ship probably has a mind-boggingly huge wealth of just plain metal in Dark Sun terms. Weapons, ship fittings, hinges and tools maybe cargo.

- perhaps a simple version of a "holodec"- a device that can create simple illusions for a greater length of time. it might have pre inserted "programs" put in by the crew (feel free to come with innovative ones, like film trailers of various genres). this too is either of limited use or needs to be recharged.Love the idea as an original innovation, would potentially have the same complication as a food-generator in terms of what it does to the environment.

2012-09-19, 02:28 PM
Spelljammer capped out at flintlocks and the like, and those weren't super common because of the way that powder doesn't explode in all Crystal Spheres, but it brings up a very important point: the ship probably has a mind-boggingly huge wealth of just plain metal in Dark Sun terms. Weapons, ship fittings, hinges and tools maybe cargo.
The PCs won't know how valuable the wreck is until after they make it to some city. By the time they realize they left the real fortune behind, at least one group of scavengers will already have caught wind of the wreckage, and are on their way to ransack it... Delicious.

2012-09-19, 08:51 PM
Thanks for the help so far folks. Here is the cargo manifest so far. Please tell me if I should add, or remove anything.

Note- The ship is a Dragofly Class Ship, so can hold 5 tons of cargo.

Cargo Room 1 (Water and rations room) (Can hold 2 tons worth of goods):

-Food (540 dried rations)
Of the original 1 ton of food (2,400 days of rations according to the Spelljammer books) 1/4 was consumed on the way here. Of the remaining 1,800 rations worth of food only 540 days of rations were dried rations and survived. The remaining rations were in jars/etc and were either lost or destroyed during the crash.

Of the original 1 ton of water (2,500 gallons in 50-gallon wooden casks) 1/4 was used on the way here. Of the remaining 37 50-gallon wooden casks of water 58% survived the crash (21 casks). So the they will have 21 50-gallon casks of water remaining, and a very wet floor.

-Misc. Foof:
-A crate with 32 bottles of Elven Mead (and 8 broken ones) (1 lb each)
-A crate with 36 bottles of Frenzywater (and 4 broken ones) (1 lb each)

Note- PCs need one pound of food (One dried ration), and a minimum of 1 gallon of water per day to normally survive according to the Spelljammer rules. The heat of Dark Sun might change this, but as I don't have the Dark Sun books yet I will use this for now.

Note 2- Each 50-gallen wooden cask of water weighs 400 lbs.

Cargo Room 2 (Trade Goods Room) (Holds 3 tons worth of goods):
-Crate with 50 bars of soap (1 lb. each)
-2x 2ft by 4ft Pannels of glass
-Ice axe (5 lb.)
-Crate with 20 Snow Goggles (Negligible weight each. 5 lbs for the entire crate)
-Crate with 40 Snorkel. (1/2 lb. each)
-A sewing set containing 5 sewing needles, and 4 50ft balls of twine/string. (1/2 lb. each)
-Crate of Fabric, common (50 lb.)
-Crate with Fabric, fine (50 lb.)
-6x Crate with Furs and hides, common (20 lb.)
-6x Crate with Furs and hides, exotic (20 lb.)
-4x Crate with Rugs and tapestries, unusual (15 lb.)
-35 Chests. Each chest holds 8 20lb bars of gold. (Each bar is worth 1,000gp.)

Misc Items on the deck:
-Block and Tackle (Broken) (5 lb.)
-2x Metal Buckets (Both crushed) (2 lb. each)
-2x Torches (Both broken in half) (1 lb. each)
-A Sparker (9 uses left)
-Hammer (Missing top part) (1 lb.)
-Folding 10-foot ladder (Intact) (20 lb.)
-Lantern, bullseye (Broken) (3 lb.)
-13 flasks of oil (1-pint each) (Intact) (1 lb. each)
-Iron Manacles (Intact) (Missing Key) (2 lb.)
-A 3ft pole (2.4 lb.)
-A 7ft pole (7.6 lb.)
-20x Rope, hempen (50 ft.) (10 lb. each)
-4x Empty Sacks (½ lb. each)
-Shovel (Broken in two parts) (4 lb.)
-Spyglass (Broken lens) (1 lb.)
-Hacksaw, Common (1 lb.)
-A Heavy Ballista. (Broken) (Weight ?)
-Crate with 40 Ballista Bolts (20 lb. each)

Surviving crew members:
Stab (Male Halfling Commoners 1. [Profession Sailing 4])

Crew members who's bodies landed in the immediate area:
Tally (Female Halfling Commoners 1. [Profession Sailing 4])

Again, many pikas in advance!

2012-09-19, 09:23 PM
No1 mention it it and it is critical!

The Ships log!!!
should be a book... maybe in waterproof case..
ofc you can have it shreded or wet with much info missing...

another idea..
the spirit of a dead crew member remains at the location of the ship that will
try to interact with the party... work on it...it may scare em or anything but
it holds a good piece of info.. the surviving halfling is the 1 who sabotaged the
ship cause he is a psycho or mass murderer that the crew captured and getting
him to the authorities...

as for things/supplies they may find...
add 1-2 pannels of glass (they can be used for gathering water, signaling via sun
etc etc)
maybe a hacksaw..
some round wheel-like parts of the ship (with the saw and those they could
craft a wagon or cart)
i m not familiar with Dark Sun setting Ships.. do they have sails???? if yes,
add a sail or some large pieces of 1...
1 or 2 sewing sets...
some empty containers of different types (vials, barells, water skins etc etc)
an axe or 2 (to utilize ship's wood)
and only 1 Flint & Steel

PS: to see how much i like your idea look my sign :P

2012-09-19, 09:40 PM
=> Pika...

Thanks for the help so far folks. Here is the cargo manifest so far. Please tell me if I should add, or remove anything.

Note- The ship is a Dragofly Class Ship, so can hold 5 tons of cargo.

Cargo Room 1 (Water and rations room) (Can hold 2 tons worth of goods):

-Food (540 dried rations)
Of the original 1 ton of food (2,400 days of rations according to the Spelljammer books) 1/4 was consumed on the way here. Of the remaining 1,800 rations worth of food only 540 days of rations were dried rations and survived. The remaining rations were in jars/etc and were either lost or destroyed during the crash.

Of the original 1 ton of water (2,500 gallons in 50-gallon wooden casks) 1/4 was used on the way here. Of the remaining 37 50-gallon wooden casks of water 58% survived the crash (21 casks). So the they will have 21 50-gallon casks of water remaining, and a very wet floor.

Note- PCs need one pound of food (One dried ration), and a minimum of 1 gallon of water per day to normally survive according to the Spelljammer rules. The heat of Dark Sun might change this, but as I don't have the Dark Sun books yet I will use this for now.

Note 2- Anyone know how much 50-gallen wooden cask of water would weigh? This is going to be VERY important.

Cargo Room 2 (Trade Goods Room) (Holds 3 tons worth of goods):
-Crate with 50 bars of soap (1 lb. each)
-Crate of Fabric, common (50 lb.)
-Crate with Fabric, fine (50 lb.)
-6x Crate with Furs and hides, common (20 lb.)
-6x Crate with Furs and hides, exotic (20 lb.)
-4x Crate with Rugs and tapestries, unusual (15 lb.)
-35 Chests. Each chest holds 8 20lb bars of gold. (Each bar is worth 1,000gp.)

Misc Items on the deck:
-Block and Tackle (Broken) (5 lb.)
-2x Metal Buckets (Both crushed) (2 lb. each)
-2x Torches (Both broken in half) (1 lb. each)
-Hammer (Missing top part) (1 lb.)
-Folding 10-foot ladder (Intact) (20 lb.)
-Lantern, bullseye (Broken) (3 lb.)
-13 flasks of oil (1-pint each) (Intact) (1 lb. each)
-Iron Manacles (Intact) (Missing Key) (2 lb.)
-A 3ft pole (2.4 lb.)
-A 7ft pole (7.6 lb.)
-20x Rope, hempen (50 ft.) (10 lb. each)
-4x Empty Sacks (½ lb. each)
-Shovel (Broken in two parts) (4 lb.)
-Spyglass (Broken lens) (1 lb.)
-A Heavy Ballista. (Broken) (Weight ?)
-Crate with 40 Ballista Bolts (20 lb. each)

Surviving crew members:
Stab (Male Halfling Commoners 1. [Profession Sailing 4])

Crew members who's bodies landed in the immediate area:
Tally (Female Halfling Commoners 1. [Profession Sailing 4])

Again, many pikas in advance!

YOU'RE NOT THINKING THIRD DIMENSIONAL! :smalltongue: This is the world of D&D you can have extradimensional space... Have some secret chest totems laying around in the captains quarters if you want. It would save a lot of space on the ship and would open up a lot more loot options (looting the totem and opening up there secret chest).

2012-09-19, 09:51 PM
A pint is a pound (the world around), for things that are mostly water. Like trees or people.

2 pints to a quart, 4 quarts to a gallon. 8x50lbs. 400 lbs of water per barrel. Roughly.

You can always use google and the calculator on your computer, you know.

2012-09-19, 09:54 PM

I updated the manifest with the following:
-2x 2ft by 4ft Pannels of glass
-Hacksaw, Common (1 lb.)
-A sewing set containing 5 sewing needles, and 4 50ft balls of twine/string. (1/2 lb. each)
-Ice axe (5 lb.)
-Crate with 20 Snow Goggles (Negligible weight each. 5 lbs for the entire crate)
-Crate with 40 Snorkel. (1/2 lb. each)
-A Sparker (9 uses left)

Thanks for the ideas hxolhpths. :smallbiggrin:

MANY pikas Spuddles!

What do you think should be in the Ship's Log?

2012-09-20, 01:15 AM
Not being familiar with Spelljammer, but mildly familiar with Dark Sun, you should know how much metal (by weight and composistion) of the ship. You don't have to give the players that info right away, as they shouldn't know the scarcity of metal in Athas right away. Just so you can say, after they go back and see the lack of a ship, how much they missed out on.

2012-09-20, 05:43 AM
Spelljammer and Dark Sun are two of my favorite campaign settings. If you haven't played through the Dark Sun PC games, you should - they are fantastic.

Dark Sun is touted as a very epic level campaign setting, so much so that characters from there are almost canonically denied access to other worlds. I can't find the reference, but where the 'flow' of the spheres might easily promote travel between Krynn, Toril and Greyspace, access to Athas is extremely difficult. I'm not sure if that's both ways or not. Either way, kudos for bringing the two together.

If I remember correctly, a dragonfly class ship is one of the insect-style ships that cannot land in water but are designed to set down on land. It would be more amusing to send them there in a regular human tradesman or just a regular sailing ship with a helm, since Athas has no water to speak of to set them down in. Both wood and metal are tremendously expensive. The materials of Athas are stone, bone and obsidian. You might consider limiting access to metal weapons they can get ahold of from the ship.

Finally, remember that wearing heavy armor has great penalties on Athas. This is another great reason to have your spelljammer a seafaring one to promote lighter armors.

On topic, other items you might consider giving the PC's access to is the helm itself (I've ruled in the past that spelljamming helms could be attached to other craft - hovercraft much?), though on Athas you might treat any helm as though it were a Lifehelm (running on lifeforce instead of magic),

- personal and spelljammer size weaponry,
- portal locator
- starcharts
- scrolls or wands that give fresh food, water, air or can mend

2012-09-20, 06:05 AM
No food. Just a bunch of Chicken-Infested commoners.

2012-09-20, 08:51 AM
=> Pika...

YOU'RE NOT THINKING THIRD DIMENSIONAL! :smalltongue: This is the world of D&D you can have extradimensional space... Have some secret chest totems laying around in the captains quarters if you want. It would save a lot of space on the ship and would open up a lot more loot options (looting the totem and opening up there secret chest).IIRC, Spelljammers don't generally 'do' extradimensional space on the ships, because of some of the oddities of the setting. You can't access extradimensional space in the Phlogiston - that's the sea of energy that the various Crystal Spheres [read: solar systems] are floating in. You also can't access extradimensional spaces in every Crystal Sphere. So while it's definitely something that a crew with a set trading route from Sphere to Sphere where they knew they'd be able to use it might invest in, it's not something that's an automatic add-in.

2012-09-20, 09:07 AM
A crate with 350 pounds of uncut, variant quality quartz crystal, with coloration ranging from milky white to transparent to pale pink. The crystal is separated into 14 25-pound rectangular blocks. Regularly worth 4 silver and 3 copper per block. If cut and worked properly, which would require 8 ranks in Craft (gemcutting) or Profession (jeweller) and 1 week of time per block, the quartz jewels that could be harvested from each block could be worth a base of 8 silver, plus 4d6 more silver.

A long wooden box containing fourteen turtle shells of various sizes. They could fetch up to 5 copper each, normally, but a bardic knowledge check (DC 25) will reveal the shells to be from a razed estate in Balic and are actually worth as much as 20 agoras to a collector (as a set), although finding one requires being in Balic and a DC 20 Gather Information check.

Four brass decanter with a cork stoppers. They are filled with high quality lavender-rose water and are worth 8 silver each.

A tiny steel sculpture of a snowflake (DC 30 search check to find), worth 3 platinum pieces.

2012-09-20, 09:31 AM
Ship's Manifest, by Waybill of Loading:

* Entry # 12041543
Origin: Deepwater, Toril, Realmspace
Consignee: Highlord Verminaard, Pax Tharkas, Krynn, Kyrinnspace
Description: 1/2 ton Iron ingots, to be traded for gold and other 'worthless' materials. Balance of shipment value to be had in gemstones.
Notes: Make sure to recalibrate the entry time so he gets this before the assault by the Heroes of the Lance.

* Entry #12051543
Origin: Methril Mines, Toril, Realmspace
Consignee: TBA
Description: 6 barrels 'Gutbuster'.
Notes: Class A hazardous goods, highly flammable liquid. Keep stored away from open flames. Packs a punch, too. Not sure who has the constitution to drink this stuff, but the price was right.

* Entry # 12061543
Origin: Methril Mines, Toril, Realmspace
Consignee: Jarlaxle, [REDACTED], Underdark, Forgotten Realms
Description: 1 onyx figurine depicting a feline. Non-magical in nature. I don't know why he wanted it, but hey, the price was right.

* Entry # 12071543
Origin: Waterdeep, Toril, Realmspace
Consignee: TBA
Description: Apparatus of Kawalish
Notes: Won it in a game of poker. Gutted the bastard for reneging on his bet. No clue how to offload this piece of crap.

* Entry # 12081543
Origin: Salvaged from unknown wreck, see log notes for details.
Consignee: TBA
Description: one metal rod. Does not register as Magic, but apparently functioned as Brilliant Energy longsword for a brief period of time.
Notes: No clue what or where 'Degoba' is, might be worth a bit of ransom if we can figure it out. Maker's mark is apparently 'Skywalker'. Currently nonfunctional.

* Entry # 12091543
Origin: Sigil
Consignee: Jarlaxle
Description: One crate of semi-obscene statues depicting the Lady of Pain in various... poses. Also a collection of bawdy jokes concerning aforementioned individual.
Notes: This ought to tweak his sense of humor. Wonder if he realizes the Lady referenced isn't, in fact, Lloth?

2012-09-20, 11:57 AM
Hey, you know what the best way to survive on Athas would be?

Repair this jammer and leave.


Agent 451
2012-09-20, 01:05 PM
-Ice axe (5 lb.)
-Crate with 20 Snow Goggles (Negligible weight each. 5 lbs for the entire crate)
-Crate with 40 Snorkel. (1/2 lb. each)

I laughed so hard when I read that these were in the cargo manifest. Just imagine the confusion they'd cause for a party who had only ever lived in a desert, and more likely than not have never seen snow :smalltongue:

Aside: Now that I think about it, if the snow goggles are similar to ones that the Inuit used in the arctic they'd probably be quite useful in the desert sun.

2012-09-20, 01:51 PM
I laughed so hard when I read that these were in the cargo manifest. Just imagine the confusion they'd cause for a party who had only ever lived in a desert, and more likely than not have never seen snow :smalltongue:

Hehe. That is exactly the reaction I was hoping to get. That, or to get dice thrown at me by the players. :smallbiggrin:

Aside: Now that I think about it, if the snow goggles are similar to ones that the Inuit used in the arctic they'd probably be quite useful in the desert sun.

Yup! That is the point.

Now, let's see if my players are smart enough to figure it out.

Hey, you know what the best way to survive on Athas would be?

Repair this jammer and leave.


They can't.

When they wake up from being blown out of the sky the jammer is going to be missing. :smallbiggrin:

2012-09-20, 02:01 PM

Sound bland?

Spices are worth more than gold for their space by far.

The catch? Past the encumbrance etc already mentioned and the sheer space they take..

They would need to do a -lot- of travelling to make that money on their spices AND have to invest in the skills to sell them.

I'm also thinking evilly and pondering a generic charm one of the dead crew is carrying is a miniature decanter of endless water.. but being a tiny trinket only provides enough water for ONE person to survive off (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0teobfM0W1r2ntbyo1_400.jpg)... >_>

And now I can't stop laughing at that comic and applying it to Darksun.

2012-09-21, 07:52 AM
If it is a Spelljammer ship, it just HAS to have miniature giant space-hamsters on it :smallbiggrin:
Make it a gnomish ship, so the only way to land it IS to crash :smallamused:
And we all know how 'unstable' gnomish things are, so the helm does not work after the impact.

2012-09-21, 10:19 AM
It would be funny if they had like, one warforged that survived, because all i can think of is a warforged getting dismantled for its components. lol