View Full Version : 3.6 Million Steps to Glory IC (Team evil)

2012-09-19, 04:08 PM
The sun had been beating down on the road leading up towards the Sellen River and the inevtiable border pub that watched the border between Taldor and Aldor.

It was a disparate collection of people that had met the previous night in the pub before continuing the next day as all were seeking adventure in the wilds of Golarion fleeing, seeking, questing or searching depending on the adventurer involved...

THe day ahd been long and the faint plume of smoke was in sight as you pottered along the small well worn muddy path. Woods stretching some away from you some 30ft from the path. The autumn leaves stirring along the paths.

Suddenly a shape uncoils and a slight chittering can be heard as from the left and right hand side a pair of massive 5ft long bright red centipedes scuttle forth...

Assuming you are walking down the road together

A monstrous centipede appears 30ft to the left and 30ft to right
initiative [roll0]

Bring it on :smallsmile:

2012-09-19, 04:37 PM
EDIT : I used [dice] instead of [roll] for the diceroller function above. Hopefully, this will fix it.
EDIT 2 : It did not. I'll go to the OOC and post the Roll there. Hopefully, incompetent rolling won't create horrible luck with the results themselves.
The man who had referred to himself as Thrusk sees the creatures coming from ahead, and raises has staff as races forwards to see who will be the fasted to react to the threat that is going on so early on this adventurers' quest.

2012-09-19, 04:57 PM
Looking at the closest centipede, the small gnome with firey hair whispers softly to himself. His hands move in a swirling, random fashion and a globe of protoplasm forms in front of the small sorcerer. With another whisper the orb shoots out at the centipede, unfolding itself as flies towards the target.

Using Protoplasm ability on one of the Centipedes.
Ranged touch: [roll0]
If it hits, it's just like a tanglefoot bag, but the target also takes 1 point of acid damage per round.

2012-09-19, 06:01 PM
"Sweet Ehlona, look at the size of that fiend! I wonder if it tastes good, actually..."

Without time to summon Hashmalum, he instead tries to summon his weaker critters.
He uses one of his summons per day to summon a Riding Dog (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/dog.html#_dog-riding) just next to the centipede.

He also attempt to use his knowledge about nature to understand about this creature.

Summons per day (6/7)

Since the dog is next, he will bite while trying to trip (how can you trip a centipede is a mystery, but he tries anyway).
Attack, bite [roll1] dmg [roll2]
Free Trip check [roll3]

2012-09-20, 03:12 PM
The two creatures appear scrurrying forth from the mud and the leaves. The disparate travelling companions leap into action. THe centipede on the left vanishing in a large gobbet of viscous goo that seeks to trao the multi-legged beast...

Ref DC 15 [roll0]

The secon one to the right of the road hisses and flicks its antenna as the dog appears beside it. The gnashing teeth biting at the beast but unable to penetrate the thick hide.

What is Thrusk actually doing?

Just waiting for the dwarf before the centipedes go

2012-09-22, 10:41 AM
The lithe vermin ducks sideways and avoids the protoplasmic goo before scurrying forward to the gnome that wronged it - its powerful little legs carring it forward incredibly quickly as it seeks to devour the gnomish sorcerer...

it dodged the tanglefoot
charge flit [roll0] damage [roll1] and fort save [roll2] vs DC13 or [roll3] dex

The pincers nip the gnomes chest drawing blood but failing to cripple or poison the socerer.

The second centipede recoils from the dog before with a hiss and a quiver of its long antenna lashes out for the summoned dog's throat but the heavy pelt leaves the dog with only a minor flesh wound.

Attack the dog [roll4] Vs 13 damage [roll5] and fort save [roll6] vs DC13 or [roll7] dex

2012-09-22, 12:33 PM
"What a troublesome creature! Ok, let's show why mammals rule this land instead of miriapods!"

What's better than a riding dog? Another dog!
Seph is serious about filling the whole area with dogs, if so needed.

Summons per day (5/7)

Now there are two dogs flanking the centipede.


Dog1: Attack, bite [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Free Trip check [roll2]

Dog2: Attack, bite [roll3] dmg [roll4]
Free Trip check [roll5]

Again, the apparently impossible attempt to free a centipede. But it's a free shot, so why not?

edit: Ok, it seems my dogs are blind. I'll put them to adoption.

2012-09-22, 12:40 PM
Voric stands several moments in frustration and awe as the giant centipedes skitter towards the group. How the bloody hell was he supposed to wrestle something like that?! A lost cause, really. Sighing in resignation, he merely runs up to one of the centipedes and aims to punch it directly in its ugly, insectoid face.

Move Action to move towards the centipede that isn't being flanked by dogs.

Standard Action to Attack[roll0]

Crit [roll3]

2012-09-22, 01:25 PM
Knowing that he had very little chance to do anything besides waste his resources for the day, the Necromancer of the group merely stood his ground, continuing to watch his allies fight against the insect-like creatures that had launched themselves against his own party.

2012-09-22, 02:59 PM
As the centipedes bite and lash the their foes the one to the right of the road is surrounded even more as a second glittering golden dog appears but both miss the scuttling and chittering monster.

As the other monster bites into the dimunitive gnomish sorcerer his gruff - maybe even rude- dwarven travvling companion moves up a single well placed blow shattering the beats pincers and driving fragments of claws into the beasts rudimentary brain dropping it with a single blow...

Dudu - The dogs may win next round... depending on whether Flit wishes to intervene?

So do you want to roll for them now and we can move onto the next fight as its pretty clear the dogs will tear the beast apart eventually?

2012-09-22, 03:50 PM
Flit pulls himself away from the centipede's pincers and whispers another spell. The air around the little gnome chills slightly as a line of cold fury whips forth to attack the centipede.

Five foot step away from the centipede. Attack with Ray of Frost (ranged touch).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-09-22, 08:26 PM
Seph will spend 1 minute (assuming the centipedes aren't a problem anymore) conjuring his eidolon.

Str 18 HP: 11
Dex 12 AC: 15/11/14
Con 13 Fort:+3
Int 7 Ref: +1
Wis 10 Will:+2
Cha 11 Speed: 30ft

Large Warhammer, wielded 2-handed
Attack: +5 2d6+6 blunt damage (10ft)

Feat: Martial Weapon Proficiency
Features: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells

csPerception: 4
csAcrobatisc: 5
csSenseMotive: 4
csKnowledge(Religion): 2

Ok, now we have another fighter.

2012-09-23, 02:22 AM
Encounter 2

THe day had passed quietly as you wound your way along the rough dirt road towards the Aldor border. THe sun still shone weakly down with some warmth though leaves were a riot of browns and golds as you trudged along making small concersation and feeling hungry after an unsatisfying lunch on the move of water and trail rations.

The path wound through the woods meandering around patches of brush and mounds of rocks. Wome may even have been the foundations of ancient buildings -but now just unrecognisable granite boulders.

Ahead the small tinkle of a stream as the path widens to ~30ft wide and leads down to the water's edge and the ford crosses the ~10ft wide stretch of knee high water before opening up into ~ a 30ft diameter clearing that stretchs some 30ft back from the water's edge before narrowing again.

Reaching the edge of the water Flit scents something ratlike and rotten on the wind and 40ft away across the stream can make out the small green skinned shadows in the trees. GOBLINS! but even as leaps into action the arrows fly free as a hail of tiny arrows come streaking out of the trees.


The clearing is 30ft wide.
The 10ft of stream is difficult terrain
then its 30ft of open ground to the treeline where there are 4 goblins

Surprise round
Arrow vs Hashmulan flat footed [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Arrow vs Flit flat footed [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Arrow vs Voric flat footed [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Arrow vs THrusk flat footed [roll6] Damage [roll7]

Flit to act

Round 1
Team evil

2012-09-23, 02:39 AM
Flit grunts as the arrow strikes him. He moves forward to the edge of the stream and chants. A dart of force shoots out from his left palm and strikes one of the goblins.

"I thought I smelled onions." Flit said to himself.

magic missile against one of the goblins.
Damage: [roll0]
NOTE: there's an extra +1 from the racial bonus against goblinoids.

2012-09-23, 07:06 AM
A ball of pure magic streaks from the gnome's hand striking one of the goblins - the impact blowing the hapless green cannibal off its feet with a smoking crater in the centre of its chest.

The other 3 chitter angrily - one screaming out (in goblin) "We'll boil you alive and make shirts of your beard little rat man" towards flit. The words punctuated by an arrow following it...

Shooting flit again [roll0] Damage [roll1]

The other two goblins broke cover and scuttled 20ft down the bank towards the stream pulling forth small vials of liquid that they then hurl across the stream...

On hurtling towards Hashmalum - the vial filled with yellow caustic acid. A vile concoction of goblin and goblin dog distilled urine. The glas shattering on the hulking eidolon searing flesh and burning skin.

The second a twig that twirls through the air trailing a vast cloud of thick cloying stinking smoke as the stinking smokestick hurtles towards Vorik and Thrusk - the throw not as good as it falls short in the stream extinguising itself in a puff of greasy yellow smoke and a stream of yellow filth that flows away down the river...

Move 20ft forward pulling forth "things"... So 10ft back from the stream that is 10ft wide (so ~20ft away from PC's). But with the difficult terrain for the stream.

Ranged touch for the acid [roll2] against Hashmulan
Damage [roll3] Acid and 1 point for Seph Sephiroth as he stands by his eidolon

Range touch for the smokestick [roll4] 10ft cube of fog cloud. - miss. Scatter leavs it falling short into the stream

2012-09-23, 11:29 AM
Voric looks disdainfully at the scratch left in his arm by the arrow fired at him, scoffs, and then charges forth, taking a mighty leap over the stream and aiming to land on one of the mangy little green-skins and tackle it.

Move action to move 20 feet, 10 of it as a jump across the stream (Acrobatics check [roll0])

Standard Action to attempt a grapple with one of the goblins. CMB check = [roll1] (+1 because of goblinoid)

EDIT: Err, that should have been +7, since I have Improved Grapple. So, 2 higher. Also, assuming that succeeded I get a +5 bonus on CMB checks to maintain the grapple. You might want to bookmark this flowchart (https://200e02f3-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/pathfinderogc/images/grapple_flow_chart-01.png?attachauth=ANoY7cpSRoOZLO3SIQvSQHIBZoVO1slL rJP3phQDQtz2bcSCBWD1GbYkk6S_wqdhSqs0hUCjgpAEaTPOYW F4muFYEA2TPveVM3gCdi0OEPA29s1T89YV_s9PaWBS_IhiC_J1 sGKolEZokdrNGeSRM_BR4KCL1RAtopUUurKkoTGeJ3674XS_ON Qs_Cg3d-gjq67rF8mBAIH9wgDucFQWdK9b9YFW4Jd3J_tFybBExDnfA5vR m4eiz6I%3D&attredirects=0) as I will be grappling a lot till I get a weapon to trip with.

2012-09-23, 11:47 AM
Seph (BTW, Seph Sephiroth? lol) reaches Hashmalum and cast Mage Armor on him.

"You have my blessing, big cat. Now kick their asses."

Hashmalum can't charge, but can hit normally at least.
He'll strike the one who hit him with acid.

atk [roll0] blunt dmg[roll1]

edit: allright, I'm tired of this badluck.

2012-09-23, 05:02 PM
Flit shifts slightly to one side as the arrow misses him. He summons another orb of protoplasm and hurls it at the offending goblin.

"I'll shave before I let you do anything with my beard, you filthy goblin turd!" Flit retorts.

Protoplasm attack against the goblin that fired the arrow at Flit. (ranged touch)
Attack: [roll0]
As tanglefoot bag plus 1 damage acid per round for three rounds.
Does the extra damage from Hatred add to the acid damage per round?

2012-09-25, 12:07 PM
The ball of protoplasm sails through air but the goblin ducks back behind a tree at the last second leavibg a burning scar of protoplasm on the trunk of the tree.


The two at the front are engaged by the hulking lion like eidolon. The goblin dancing back and narrowly avoiding the massive iron warhammer that shatters the mud in the ground.

THe second goblin has no chance to flee as its head is firmly wrapped up in Voric's arm as the goblin is headlocked. Struggling the goblin lashes about withs short blade trying to drive into Voric's midriff.

Attack while grappled [roll0] damage [roll1]

THe second dances around before with a scared expression on its face hacking at the ankles of the muscular demonic creature in front of it.

Attacking Hashmulan [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Finally the 3rd one pops back out from behind the tree and looks unimpressed by the steaming ball of gooey acid and looses another shot at Flit.

Attack [roll4] damage [roll5]

2012-09-25, 09:27 PM
OOC : Using Readied Action from 1st Round
Thrusk is injured and hurt by the arrow from the Goblinoid ambush, but seems able to handle it fairly well. If anything, it seems to fill him with more anger than pain - which he proves very effectively by finally calling on one of his spells. It creates a burst of dark, greasy oil underneath the 3rd Goblin.
Casting Grease, filling the area underneath the 3rd Goblin. He must make a DC 17 Reflex Save. If he fails, he immediately falls Prone. If it tries to move (regardless of failure or success) it can move at Half Speed by making a DC 10 Acrobatics check - failing this Acrobatics by Less Than 5 means it cannot move and must make another Reflex Save to avoid falling again, while failing the Acrobatics check by 5 Or More means that it automatically falls.
OOC : Using Action for the current, upcoming round
Still angry at the Goblinoids for having managed to damage -his own- body, Thrusk quickly launches another magical spell, once again targeting the 3rd Goblin. This time, it creates a magical bolt of energy which floats around, before attempting to plunge directly into the 3rd Goblin's body.
Casting Magic Missile against the 3rd Goblin, as long as it is still conscious and opposing us. [roll0]

2012-09-25, 09:35 PM
"Ok, Hashmal. Try to hit then next time, that's really important to me right now."

He will shoot one of his bolts at the least obstructed and most injuried goblin.

[roll0] [roll1]

"Cut that, half-elf! I was a might demi-god once, I will never be mocked by a puny goblin!"

Hashmal will attempt another strike at the same foe.

[roll2] [roll3]

edit: "I don't always hit, but when I do is critical"
It's 3 times it (6d6+18), can a goblin handle that?

2012-09-25, 09:49 PM
"If at first you don't succeed, light them on fire." Flit says to no one in particular. A wiggle of his fingers and a few short words and sparks leap from his hand to land on the thick grease that Thrusk created.

Casting Spark to light the grease on fire. I don't know who's in there or if they're even still alive. But gosh darn it, something's getting cooked!

2012-09-26, 12:37 AM
The violence comes to an end quickly. A ball of magic strikes the bow wielding goblin in the shoulder before the creature falls over in a pool of slimy black streaked grease.

Seconds later Flit clicks his fingers a mote of fire flitting an dancing across the clearing before settling on the pool of grease. More satisfying to the gnome is the scream of "No, No fire!" before the spark lands and the gobling becomes a plume of greasy black smoke!

For the two near the river its just as brutal. The lion like eidolon filled with rage and vigour brings the hammer down in a colossal arc and the goblin literally explodes. The massive hammer tearing the tiny creature apart leaving it as a bloody smear on the ground.

The 3rd and last goblin remains trapped in the dwarves vice like grip and soon to be killed as the entire adventurning party head towards them...

Voric can kill him if you want or merely describe the certain death in detail :smallsmile:

Well done. 2 Encounter won!

"goblin equipent" - dirty leather armour, small shortswords, small shotrbows
2 Vials of "goblin wee" acid
1 Potion of Jump

2012-09-26, 05:27 AM
Voric looks down at the smelly goblin, scoffs again, snaps its neck and tosses it into the stream.

2012-09-26, 10:47 AM
"That was fun. Who wants the goblin piss?" Flit asks as he starts gathering up the available loot.

2012-09-26, 01:46 PM
After an exciting day with centipedes and goblins the party pressed on and were finally rewarded with their reward as they arrived at the "The 88 Taldan Kings" where an evening of fine wine, good food and a warm bath was on offer.

The next day dawned bright and cheery again as the party were able to press on. Better friends now after an evening of social drinking that they were able to enjoy.

In the early morning the border was crossed as the party moved into Adoren proper. The air seemingly smelling sweeter in the land that had thrown out the shackles of monarchy and replaced it with the dream of democracy. A dream not shared by the local wildlife. The local wildlife in question the large mastiff sized wolverine that races out onto the path in front of you. Teeth chomping on a stray rabbit.

55ft away from the party it looks up and its tiny feral animal mind leaves it hissing and spitting as it prepares to charge!!

There is a Wolverine 55ft in front of you and its angry!!
- Party has the initiative :smallsmile:

2012-09-26, 02:22 PM
Spotting the wolverine, Voric charges forward with a loud, incoherent yell, waving his arms above his head in an effort to frighten the creature off. When this clearly does not work, he prepares to face off against it.

Move Action to run up 20 feet towards it.

Standard Action to ready an action to attempt to grapple it if it comes within range of me.

2012-09-26, 02:23 PM
I'll put Hashmalum in total defense between the Wolverine and the party. Something like 20ft forward.

Seph will cast another Mage armor at Hashmal since the first one probably already wore off. (Hasmal get 23 AC, Mage Armor and Total Defense considered)

Don't know if we recovered any HP in the meantime. Seph took 1 point of damage while Hashmal took 6 (5/11)

"Someone please ready a grease spell once the wolverine comes close to Hashmalum!"
Says Seph, since he hadn't time to ready the grease spell himself.

edit: Vorik, we posted at the same time?

2012-09-26, 02:26 PM
"On it." Flit replies to Seph.

He begins to cast the grease spell but holds the energy, waiting for the beast to make its move.

Readying the grease spell to be cast if the Wolverine decides to attack.

2012-09-26, 07:37 PM
Evidently still annoyed at the injury that, while healed up, was dealt to him yesterday, the Necromancer steps forward into the group. But unlike the others, he doesn't seem to care for any desire to form a plan or wait for it to attack - instead he moves to work immediately. After all, today he had prepared a spell which needed a single enemy to stand alone - and wolverines rarely had iron willpower to resist it.
I use one of my personally made Scrolls to cast Sleep. DC 16 Will Save to negate. If it fails, it is asleep for a full minute.
(The following text is used only if the Wolverine fails it's saving throw.)
"There - the fuzzy little pest is out of the way. Now will someone with strong arms perform a Coup de Grace so that we can move on?"

2012-09-27, 02:50 PM
As the dwarf and the massive lionlike creature run forward the small ad angry feral beast replies in kind as it moves to attack the dwarf.

As it does so however the ground in front it if ripples ad slides oozing thick slime that seeks to sweep the legs away from the angry small ball of fury...

Refelx [roll0] Vs ~15?
if passed acrobatics [roll1] Vs DC 10 to reach Vorik

Unlucky for the small beast it slips and slides and falls sliding to a stop i the centre of the vast pool of grease ~7ft in front of the dwarf and the massive eidolon.

As this happens the necromancer pulls out a scroll written on some thin parcment from a quiestionable source

beast charges and falls over
5ft of grease lies between the dwarf/eidolon and the wolverine as that is the extent of the grease spell's range.

Will you really all be mean and beat on the small wolverine :smallwink:

2012-09-27, 06:03 PM
Will you really all be mean and beat on the small wolverine :smallwink:

Well. We are the team evil...

"Save the scroll, necrobuddy. As much as I love this spell of yours, perhaps we should better make the grease worth it and save the scroll for another battle."

"Whatever you frail fleshy humanoids decide, here I go."
Hashmalum unleashes one of his sick blows with his warhammer.

[roll0] [roll1]
not counting bonus in this roll

2012-09-28, 02:01 PM
If the Eidolon's warhammer doesn't kill the wolverine, Flit will go ahead and cast spark on the grease.

2012-09-28, 03:47 PM
As the wolverine scrabbles on the ground on the slime the Eidolon marches round and crushes one of its paws with its hammer. Rather than killing the beast it seems to drive it into a rage as it howls and looks hungrily at the Eidolon.

moments later it vanishes in a sheet of flame as the gnome flicks a tiny nugget of flame onto the slick surface..

damage [roll0] fire

Thrusk the necromancer and Vorik to go

2012-10-03, 01:49 AM
Thrusk the Necromancer sighs a bit, clearly disappointed by the logic he had been faced with. The fight was practically won, the creature was lying on the groun with burning oil trapping it, the flames would wake it up immediately after it was put to sleep... there was simply no good reason to use his Scroll of Sleep on the beasty. But the Necromancer had been so eager to vent a little of his frustration on an enemy, after the Goblinoid had actually hurt him during the last encounter. Still, logic is logic. Instead of using the Sleep spell, he simply casts a Magic Missile onto the enemy instead.

2012-10-06, 09:17 AM
And the forums afre back! :smallbiggrin:

With almost a caual air the necromancer waves a casual hand a small screaming skull faced ball of force slams into the wolverine and the savage ball of feral energy slips into an unconcious stupour before the flames consume it....


Any post battle stuff you want to do?

2012-10-08, 02:07 PM
The wolverine dispatched by the team the party of "non-good" continues on for a short while. 2 hours of hard walking before they see a likley trio on the road ahead walking towards them.

A half orc and 2 huamns all adorned in the symbols of Asmodean and the skulls and harsh red and blacks of Cheliax. The stop for a second before they move to grab weapons....

There is 2 humans in scale with "one handed weapons" and 1 half orc in hide with a falchion 65ft in front of you.

You have the initiative

2012-10-08, 02:12 PM
Flit turns to Thrusk, "Hey, if you want to put one of those guys to sleep I wouldn't be opposed to it."

Flit creates another smear of grease on the ground underneath the humans, and steps back about five feet.

casting grease underneath the humans, trying to get it underneath both of them if possible.

5 foot step backwards.

2012-10-08, 03:02 PM
The Human who had acted more angry than cooperative for the last several hours finally seems to be filled with joy at the idea that he could use the Scroll he had been carrying around since the start of the last fight. "One of them - I'll try and get all three!" He activates the Scroll at last, attempting to put all three enemies to sleep.
Alrighty, at long last, I activate one of my Sleep Scrolls! It targets all three enemies - unless there are more than 4 HD worth of enemies attacking us. In which case we should probably run. All three must make a DC 16 Will Save to avoid being put to sleep for 1 Minute - 10 Rounds in battle. Since there are several of them, I'll go ahead and mention that noise won't wake them up, although taking an action to strike them would.

2012-10-09, 01:47 AM
The fight is over before it even begins. The two humans slipping over on the magical grease that surges beneath their feet before the words of the necromancer flow over them. THe parchment of tanned skin flickering and melting in his hands and forming a procession of small skeletal cherubs that flutter over to the enemies. Each skeltal cherub planting a single kiss on the forehead of a foe.

The effect is instantaneous. As all 3 men keel over and fall silently to the floor asleep the fight is over. The soft snoring no defence against stabbing blades or curshing blows


Well that was quick
2 sets of scale mail
1 set of hide armour
1 Master work potion belt (holds 6 potions retrieve as swift)
2 potions [Cure light, Magic weapon]
Scroll [Bane, Doom]

2012-10-09, 02:04 AM
The Necromancer makes certain that the enemies won't be coming back to bother them through pointing out the need of several friendly Coup de Grace techniques, just to be safe. Then he looks over the items. "It looks like the armor can be carried around and sold later. I could carry the Hide Armor, if two of you are strong enough to carry some of the Scale Male. One of us should probably wear the belt with both healing potions. I may be the best choice, since I was trained by my Orcish adoptive parents to avoid being knocked out immediately if knocked to the point of near-death, and I avoid front-line combat. Or we could split it in some other way, if one of you would prefer."

2012-10-10, 08:33 AM
A respite is needed and the busy agricultural city of Carpenden is a perfect place to rest and relax for a few days. Amidst the wide streets and busy sheep and cattle markets you all overhear a conversation and then find the map crudely drawn on parchment lying beside the dead dwarf drunk in the corner of the pub - worshipping Cayden in the best way possible.

The map shows the path to a lost tomb. An ancient Cyclops dead a millenia from before fall of Aroden that supposedly houses a vast array of treasures. It had been a long 5 day hike across rolling fields and grazing lands heading North towards the 5 King Mountains but following the directions - some physical, some planetary you evetually reach the head of the low canyon.

The door now llies beneath you - a 30ft drop to the ground beneath where a cave in and collapse of cliffs has left a small sink hole some 50ft in diamater and 30ft deep. In the heart of the hole you can see a stone circle some 10ft in diamter covered with arcane ruins glowing faintly though obscured slightly by dust and weeds grown over generations....