View Full Version : Need Public Opinion on Cabinet Trickster Base Class

2012-09-20, 12:28 AM
So I need some help figure out

Am doing a Level 12 build with a point buy of 34

Changling and all that , but

which is better

Rogue Racial Changling 6


What is causing me the most trouble, is all the little tricks and skills Fact has

Versus all the nice things rogue gets when combat happens.

**sidenote** I would love suggestions on how to use the shape change dealing with combat mode, when it talks about extraordinary special attacks, am going to guess that means (EX) abilities, so who has fun EX abilities. Yes you can have fun in your suggestions, I will be playing on planescape so everything passes through it :P

2012-09-20, 02:23 AM
I don't think that the Cabinet Trickster is an especially powerful class, but I happen to love it. I love it extra hard when coupled with the Mindspy PrC from Complete Warrior.

My personal preference runs more to the Changeling Rogue over the Factotum, but you really can't go wrong.

I doubt that this is a complete list, but I worked up a little look at various races for the Cabinet Trickster for an old PC. Take a look:
Asherati: Natural Dryness. Sand
Aventi: Swim 30ft, Amphibious. Storm
Darfellan: Bite 1d6, Land 20ft, Swim 40ft, Hold Breath x8. Storm
Grimlock: Blind, Blindsight 40ft, Scent. MM
Kenku: Small, Great Ally, Mimicry. MM3
Kobold: Small, 2 1d3 Claws, 1d3 Bite, Slight Build. MM, RotDWE (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a)
Lizardfolk: 2 1d4 Claws, 1d4 Bite. MM
Lizardfolk, Poisondusk: Small, 2 1d3 Claws, 1d3 Bite, Chameleon Skin, Hold Breath x4. MM3
Maenad: Outburst. EPHb
Mephling, Air: Small, 10ft Fly (Perfect). PlHb
Mephling, Earth: Small, 10ft Burrow. PlHb
Merfolk: Land 5ft, Swim 50ft, Amphibious. MM
Raptoran: 40ft Fly (Average), Dive. RotW
Troglodyte: 2 1d4 Claws, 1d4 Bite, Stench. MM
Varag: Land 40ft, Scent. MM4

2012-09-20, 12:22 PM
Thank you for a few of those, didn't see them before.

Yes think I will go the rog, and really pump my UMD hard, otherwise I'll be useless in an actual large fight haha.

2012-09-20, 01:21 PM
You can also mix the two. I'd go for at least one level of Changeling Rogue at first level for the skills, so since Factotum 6 and Rogue 6 both give you nothing whatsoever (except a point of BAB, if that's important) I'd go Changeling Rogue 1/Factotum 5, Changeling Rogue 2/Factotum 4 (if you really like Evasion), Changeling Rogue 3/Factotum 3, or Changeling Rogue 5/Factotum 1. Since you've got Rogue as a Favored Class you can dip freely.

2012-09-20, 01:30 PM
Factotum requires heavy investment into Intelligence (and, if you want to use Iaijutsu Focus or UMD, Charisma), but due to Knowledge Devotion is more useful than a Rogue in situations where Sneak Attack doesn't work. If the party doesn't have a second skill user, Factotum would probably be the better choice.

2012-09-20, 05:07 PM
Hmm, would a 3 level dip in a binder with improved vistage, grab me anything decent while am changing shapes in the way of dex based combat options?

2012-09-20, 05:39 PM
Lets See: Amon: I can use the firebreath to pretend am some of the firebreathers if that comes up when I shapechange. Darkvision is semi okay for when sneaking,the natural attack could be interesting

Aym…some fire resistance, but not really all that much, if am not using a acid wand or knock knocks, or for some reason can’t pick the lock, guess I could sunder the doorknob.

Leraje, grants some combat options, if going to do this, would shift into a half giant, so I can use a larger bow, and continue attacks from a hidden spot, if immune from my mind effects.

Naberius, I will need to research more to see if he stacks with a changelings natural abilities.

Ronove, I guess if I need to pretend to be a monk or something, otherwise meh…..

Dahlver-Nar, hmm interesting choice, the debuffs while good, not really a lot but all counts when it counts. Could maybe use shield self on someone who is foolish around me, if I can make a bluff check.

Haagenti , nothing really here for that

Malphas, Now this could see A LOT of use, lets you retain trapsense, scout areas with birds, partial invisibitly and posion use, and a sudden strike that stacks with your sneak damage.

Savnok , hmm…Move ally is all am really seeing here, shape like them, replace them suddenly when the person is looking away

Andromalius, Will study more, seems some good stuff, seems good of you need to find someone or something.
Falcor, hmm…..good emergency abilities, if you are stuck in combat.
Karsus, nothing really as am only dipping
Paimon , Awesome if you have more then two arms and a lot of dex