View Full Version : [PF/3.5] BBEG build help.

2012-09-20, 07:58 AM
Planning a potential campagin, looking for help with the BBEG concept.

All PF sources (For now)
3.5 on case-by-case.
Homebrew VERY case-by-case

The concept is that this female Aasimar has been a devout scion of good all her life. The city she lives in loves her as she cures the sick and injured, gives to the poor, ect. She is a goddess in their eyes. Her near-perfect form, her kindness and virtue are never questioned, her actions always benefit their community, and justice is paramount in her eyes.

Its all a lie.

For years, she has loathed the pedistal she has been forced upon by her upbringing in the church. She hates mankind, having seen the worst of humanity up close. She has been plotting for years her supreme justice, where her's is the only law, and mankind shall be treated like the animals they are. Bad pets need to be either corrected, or killed.

While the concept is quite cliche', It is one of those storylines that give a lot of options for twists and intrigue. Her major oposition has already been planned, and I do want her to be better than he. A Tiefling who looks like pure evil, uses evil magic, and works alone. He will actually be leading the party towards the truth in that not-really-a-party-member-and-actually-the-enemy sort of way.

So, yeah. I am looking for a build for a LG looking LE BBEG Aasimar with the ability to cast good spells, but also mind rape and dominate, while hiding it all.

Fable Wright
2012-09-20, 08:14 AM
A Wizard might work for you, oddly enough. They have a better ability to heal people than Clerics do through the various Summon Monster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255219) spells (Take a look at the guide, in particular the Angels and Archons...) Heal people repeatedly, Cure Disease all the sick, summon angels to remove curses and heal people... and all those spells have the [Good] descriptor. Now, there's also a Wizard Planar Substitution level at level 10, that can turn all of your spells into [Good] spells, including Mind Rape and just about everything. It would really throw your players for a loop, there...

Maybe also make a Reverse Malconvoker- an evil character that can make Bluff checks to get the forces of Good to follow them, double the number of creatures they summon, etc.

2012-09-21, 07:12 AM
A Wizard might work for you, oddly enough. They have a better ability to heal people than Clerics do through the various Summon Monster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255219) spells (Take a look at the guide, in particular the Angels and Archons...) Heal people repeatedly, Cure Disease all the sick, summon angels to remove curses and heal people... and all those spells have the [Good] descriptor. Now, there's also a Wizard Planar Substitution level at level 10, that can turn all of your spells into [Good] spells, including Mind Rape and just about everything. It would really throw your players for a loop, there...

Maybe also make a Reverse Malconvoker- an evil character that can make Bluff checks to get the forces of Good to follow them, double the number of creatures they summon, etc.

I like this, but I think I want something that could work at slightly lower levels, the good healing summons seem to take a while to come online.

I was thinking maybe Ur-Priest? Or something that can be done sooner.

2012-09-21, 09:10 AM
Look at Mountebank from Dragon Mag Compendium. It makes a great 'good guy' BBEG. At 5th level it gets Disguise Soul's Aspect to potentially fake out detect spells.

Disguise the Soul's Aspect (Su): Whenever an opponent
attempts to use a spell capable of determining or
detecting the mountebank's alignment, the mountebank
may expend one of her daily infernal patron uses to
make a Charisma check opposed by the Sense Motive
of the person attempting to discern her alignment. If
she succeeds, she picks the alignment that the caster

May be tough against someone with ranks in Sense Motive. Nymph's Kiss could help here as I'm sure some other feats would, not sure if you could get that though since its Exalted. I am using this class as a 'good guy' BBEG in a campaign and have changed it from a Charisma check to a Bluff check. Make sure you know your players stats so you can make the roll behind the screen or they will be clued in that something is wrong ;)


Fable Wright
2012-09-22, 05:43 PM
I like this, but I think I want something that could work at slightly lower levels, the good healing summons seem to take a while to come online.

I was thinking maybe Ur-Priest? Or something that can be done sooner.

You can take Arcane Disciple (Healing) to just give the character healing spells a few times per day at lower levels.

2012-09-22, 05:57 PM
Since PF content seems more legit in this campaign, all PF content being allowed while 3.5 content's allowed on a case-by-case basis, have you considered Witch for a base class?

Man on Fire
2012-09-22, 06:03 PM
Why not trying a Druid? Can do healing and a lot more, unless your Tiefling is tier 1 she will completely overshadow him. Your problem of course is that Druid must be partially neutral, but honestly, I could see this character work as well as very bitter LN or orderly NE, leaning on boderline LE. Hell, LN solves problem with Detect Evil and spells as such and makes it harder for Tiefling to prove she really is evil.

2012-09-23, 03:53 AM
I'm not a real pathfinder guy, and I doubt this will help much, if at all, but in the Fiendish Codex I on page 43 is the entry for a Lilitu (doesn't fit like 99% of your criteria) that has an (Ex) ability called Mock Divinity that lets it cast spells as a 9th lvl Cleric and another called Shroud Alignment that makes her ping as [Good] for all intents and purposes....and even a third ability that gives her a -2 penalty on save vs divine magic and gives anyone trying to beat her SR a +4 sacred bonus.

If nothing else, some copy-paste on abilities might help....probly not, idk.

2012-09-24, 08:30 AM
Look at Mountebank from Dragon Mag Compendium. It makes a great 'good guy' BBEG. At 5th level it gets Disguise Soul's Aspect to potentially fake out detect spells.

Disguise the Soul's Aspect (Su): Whenever an opponent
attempts to use a spell capable of determining or
detecting the mountebank's alignment, the mountebank
may expend one of her daily infernal patron uses to
make a Charisma check opposed by the Sense Motive
of the person attempting to discern her alignment. If
she succeeds, she picks the alignment that the caster

May be tough against someone with ranks in Sense Motive. Nymph's Kiss could help here as I'm sure some other feats would, not sure if you could get that though since its Exalted. I am using this class as a 'good guy' BBEG in a campaign and have changed it from a Charisma check to a Bluff check. Make sure you know your players stats so you can make the roll behind the screen or they will be clued in that something is wrong ;)


It seems good, but the big problem is that its power is lacking otherwise, and sense motive can be a big hole, especially if I end up with a detective player. Might incorporate some aspects of it. Thanks!

You can take Arcane Disciple (Healing) to just give the character healing spells a few times per day at lower levels.

Can I get the source of that? I might want to try that. I have been thinking that minor spells are all I need, I mean, the people she is going to be caring for most of the time are commoners and mundane soldiers. Also I think now would be a good time to mention that magic is much less common in this world, and full casters tend to be either apart of heavy organization, or illegal.

Since PF content seems more legit in this campaign, all PF content being allowed while 3.5 content's allowed on a case-by-case basis, have you considered Witch for a base class?

Speaking of illegal spellcasters in my campagin, I think I like this idea actually. Plus, Hexes! It is a solid class, but would you keep it whole, or splice it up later on. She is going to be a reoccuring villian for QUITE some time, should the players still hold interest.

Why not trying a Druid? Can do healing and a lot more, unless your Tiefling is tier 1 she will completely overshadow him. Your problem of course is that Druid must be partially neutral, but honestly, I could see this character work as well as very bitter LN or orderly NE, leaning on boderline LE. Hell, LN solves problem with Detect Evil and spells as such and makes it harder for Tiefling to prove she really is evil.

Druid is interesting, but its very nature-esque. Although, Lawful Neutral could work if I write her mental delusions as Justice for Justice's sake. Plus, neutral clerics in PF are fun with that dual channeling feat. I forgot wht it is actually called.

I'm not a real pathfinder guy, and I doubt this will help much, if at all, but in the Fiendish Codex I on page 43 is the entry for a Lilitu (doesn't fit like 99% of your criteria) that has an (Ex) ability called Mock Divinity that lets it cast spells as a 9th lvl Cleric and another called Shroud Alignment that makes her ping as [Good] for all intents and purposes....and even a third ability that gives her a -2 penalty on save vs divine magic and gives anyone trying to beat her SR a +4 sacred bonus.

If nothing else, some copy-paste on abilities might help....probly not, idk.

Checking it out later when I have access to books, if I like the abilities, it might make for an interesting contracted planar ally. Especially if it can hide its existance under a veil of holy-ness like she is.

By the by, the Tiefling is going to be a Fiend Flayer magus. (Racial Archetype) using the racial favored class bonus for lots of Arcane Pool points.

2012-09-24, 08:41 AM
Arcane Disciple (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-divine--56/arcane-disciple--92/) is in Complete Divine.

You can always Gestalt your BBEG. Depending on the Gestalted classes I'd just add a couple CR's to it. I think there are rules (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/gestaltCharacters.htm) for doing so. You could do a Montebank//Sorcerer or something with Arcane Disciple Healing.


2012-09-24, 10:29 AM
Arcane Disciple (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-divine--56/arcane-disciple--92/) is in Complete Divine.

You can always Gestalt your BBEG. Depending on the Gestalted classes I'd just add a couple CR's to it. I think there are rules (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/gestaltCharacters.htm) for doing so. You could do a Montebank//Sorcerer or something with Arcane Disciple Healing.


I have considered gestalt, especially since my "God Character" is in fact both homebrew and gestalt. (For consistency's sake, I have determined to allow the homebrew, both psionic and while Tier 2 ish are kinda easy to mess with, they can be found here (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Ascendant_(3.5e_Class)), and here (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Time_Bender_(3.5e_Class)). And yes, I know the pratfalls of using DnDwiki.)

I suppose a low gestalt wouldn't hit a massive power. Plus, I have thought of making a low-end gestalt ruleset. How does this sound to you?

Take the lowest BAB, SAVES, and HD
Take the Highest Skills, and all class skills
Only one spellcasting side.

Of course, this is only a thought.

2012-09-24, 04:10 PM
Thing is with Gestalt you gain some options and power but you don't gain actions. Even though you may be Sorcerer 10//Montebank 10 you still only get 1 standard action per turn. Take the standard Gestalt rules and add +1 CR to him, the encounters can be balanced in other ways but give your BBEG what he needs to support your plot/arc.

I would be concerned if you wanted to Gestalt with Factotum but other than that its not bad.


2012-09-25, 04:08 AM
Can I get the source of that? I might want to try that. I have been thinking that minor spells are all I need, I mean, the people she is going to be caring for most of the time are commoners and mundane soldiers. Also I think now would be a good time to mention that magic is much less common in this world, and full casters tend to be either apart of heavy organization, or illegal.


Speaking of illegal spellcasters in my campagin, I think I like this idea actually. Plus, Hexes! It is a solid class, but would you keep it whole, or splice it up later on. She is going to be a reoccuring villian for QUITE some time, should the players still hold interest.
Hmm, I was going to ask how the concepts of "mental domination and mindrape" and "minor spells only" gelled, and then I remembered the Mindbender prestige class, on page 54 of Complete Arcane. Take five levels of Witch, then all ten levels of Mindbender (eventually, that is, if you want her to grow as the players keep encountering her). This loses a bunch of caster levels, but you don't care because you don't want a full caster, and since she's an NPC you can give her familiar whatever spells known you want. Quickly skimming the patron and hex options you might want to look at the Enchantment patron and the Healing, Charm, and either the Cackle or Flight hexes.

2012-09-25, 04:17 AM
Does healing through summons still work in Pathfinder? :smallconfused:

2012-09-25, 07:26 AM
Does healing through summons still work in Pathfinder? :smallconfused:


A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them. Creatures summoned using this spell cannot use spells or spell-like abilities that duplicate spells with expensive material components (such as wish).

Thats it for limits on spell-likes, no chain summons and wishes.

2012-09-25, 08:22 AM

Thats it for limits on spell-likes, no chain summons and wishes.

My point is that the lists were changed, you can't even get unicorns on SNA, after all.

2012-09-26, 07:47 AM
My point is that the lists were changed, you can't even get unicorns on SNA, after all.

It has been lessened, but there are still things that can heal with summons. Im actually starting to think something like master summoner or something.

2012-09-27, 08:06 AM
Hmm, I was going to ask how the concepts of "mental domination and mindrape" and "minor spells only" gelled, and then I remembered the Mindbender prestige class, on page 54 of Complete Arcane. Take five levels of Witch, then all ten levels of Mindbender (eventually, that is, if you want her to grow as the players keep encountering her). This loses a bunch of caster levels, but you don't care because you don't want a full caster, and since she's an NPC you can give her familiar whatever spells known you want. Quickly skimming the patron and hex options you might want to look at the Enchantment patron and the Healing, Charm, and either the Cackle or Flight hexes.

Finally checked this out, and I like it! Also, mindrape! I just think I should get improved familliar, and somehting get something that looks or is good.