View Full Version : Another theory about Malack: go Fetch!

St Fan
2012-09-20, 09:05 AM
I know there have been theories about Malack being some sort of vampire, or a Yuan-Ti, given some of his weird features, but I have found something that fit even better than all the previous ones:

Half-Undead template from Dragon #313. (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/half-undead.shtml)

Most specifically, a Fetch. It’s a template, so it can be added to any living creature, including lizardfolk.

Look at it. It gives pale skin and eyes, easily explaining the albino look. A Fetch appears sickly and physically weak and speak in a softer voice than usual.

Plus, it gives the power of flight, which we’ve seen Malack demonstrate despite it not being a cleric spell. Also would explain his glide-like way of moving (besides flight, the +4 racial bonus on move silently).

And a half-undead with a partial spectral nature would be very fitting for a worshipper of the god of death.

I know Rich doesn’t use much 3rd-party material like Dragon Magazine, but still it’s amazingly fitting.


2012-09-20, 11:42 AM
Plus, it gives the power of flight, which we’ve seen Malack demonstrate despite it not being a cleric spell.

What about Wind Walk? That's a cleric spell that grants flight, and one that has been brought up in the comic a couple of times (most notably when Elan and Durkon used it to fly from the Azure Refugee Fleet to Greysky City).

St Fan
2012-09-20, 11:58 AM
What about Wind Walk? That's a cleric spell that grants flight, and one that has been brought up in the comic a couple of times (most notably when Elan and Durkon used it to fly from the Azure Refugee Fleet to Greysky City).

I never said there was no other possible explanation, just that the sum of abilities and description of a Fetch fit surprisingly well with Malack.

And by the way, he couldn't be using Wind Walk, since that spell makes the subjects clearly become cloudy and immaterial (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0647.html). Now, if you'd mentioned Air Walk (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/airWalk.htm), you'd have more of a point.

2012-09-20, 12:21 PM
Z'zdtri cast it on Malack. Why would a cleric be responsible for all his own spells, just because he's a spellcaster?

St Fan
2012-09-20, 12:59 PM
Z'zdtri cast it on Malack. Why would a cleric be responsible for all his own spells, just because he's a spellcaster?

You guys are kinda stubborn... I KNOW there are dozens of way to explain Malack's flight. And I don't care.

That isn't the point, at all. I was just commenting how fitting that template looked for Malack.

2012-09-20, 01:51 PM
I like the theory. Not bad.

I do struggle a bit with the part-coporeal part-ethereal aspect of the Fetch, as I'm not sure there are any *obvious* signs of that in Malack. However, perhaps it is being saved for some reveal...

Mike Havran
2012-09-20, 02:20 PM
It does sound interesting. I see two points here:

The Giant hasn't introduced (so far) an important character that is not core without saying anything about his/her class (or template, for that matter).

In strip 861 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0861.html), Malack was at loss how to get through that door. If he was Fetch, he would use Ghost Form. Now, this may still pretty much happen, but if he makes his way around the door with other means (or he won't go through at all), it will bury this theory in my book.

2012-09-20, 02:29 PM
In strip 861 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0861.html), Malack was at loss how to get through that door. If he was Fetch, he would use Ghost Form. Now, this may still pretty much happen, but if he makes his way around the door with other means (or he won't go through at all), it will bury this theory in my book.

Not necessarily. Ghost form would require that he leave his corporeal body behind in a coma... not necessarily a good idea in a) a confused battle situation where he isn't sure what is going on "up there" and b) a strange place full of traps and dangers.

Joe the Rat
2012-09-20, 02:34 PM
I know Rich doesn’t use much 3rd-party material like Dragon Magazine, but still it’s amazingly fitting.
Was that during the Paizo era?

I agree that this seems to work pretty well. Not likely, but plausible. it's the kind of thing a good DM would have in his toolkit to mess with players (albino... half-ghost? Giant in full plate or a dressed-up iron golem? Major Undead or Old Man Weatherbee in a mask?)

Then again, that would mean Elan's first impression of Malack was close to the mark. That might set a bad precedent.

on Ghost Form - it would give him a way to find out what's happening - pop out, ethereal your head through the door, and have a look see. It's not without risk, but again, a possibility.

2012-09-20, 08:16 PM
I can kind of see it... but the lack of ghostform to get past that wall seems odd. Maybe he doesn't want anyone else to know he's one (And Nale somehow already doesn't know.)

Thinking about it, being able to fly would have been great a lot of times during Nale's first attack. Unless it's a secret it might not be that great a fit.

2012-09-20, 08:25 PM
This is an interesting theory, although I'd be very surprised if Malack turns out to be anything but what he appears to be - an albino lizardfolk with poor health.

2012-09-20, 09:04 PM
This is an interesting theory, although I'd be very surprised if Malack turns out to be anything but what he appears to be - an albino lizardfolk with poor health.
And, if he's a lizardfolk, a double amputee. :smallsmile:

2012-09-20, 10:52 PM
And, if he's a lizardfolk, a double amputee. :smallsmile:

What, because we haven't seen his legs? It's certainly suspicious, but he still might have them.

2012-09-20, 11:48 PM
What, because we haven't seen his legs? It's certainly suspicious, but he still might have them.
We haven't only not seen his legs. We've seen his robes trail back under his body when he moves forward along the ground, and we see the robes whipping back when he flies. In contrast, we don't normally see Xykon's feet when he's just standing around, but they appear when he walks or flies, sticking out from under the hem of his robes. Nor do we see Malack's knees protruding forward under his robes when he moves forward along the ground, like we sometimes see from Vaarsuvius when she's in a hurry. Instead, again, Malack's robe seems to tighten around his lower body and tail when it's pulled taut. Given how often his robe seems to end up under his tail when he moves forward along the ground, if he had legs and feet, and walked using them, he really ought to be tripping every few steps or so. But he doesn't. He seems to balance just fine on his tail alone.

Now, he might have been born without legs, or with malformed legs, or he could have had them amputated for some reason. There's no particular reason other than occam's razor that Malack should be a member of a race without legs. But it does not appear that Malack actually walks using legs and feet.

2012-09-21, 06:24 AM
Maybe he does trip on his robes, and that is why V told him to try to higher hemline?

2012-09-21, 01:34 PM
Maybe he does trip on his robes, and that is why V told him to try to higher hemline?

Or he doesn't, and so had to come up with some sort of excuse to avoid making it known that he has no legs.

Or he doesn't and doesn't actively hide it, but that's the reason he can't use a rope belt, and so it doesn't work well? I think that (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0764.html) may be a hint.

And I never noticed the hem of the robe acting odd before, thanks for pointing that out.

St Fan
2012-09-21, 08:05 PM
Then again, that would mean Elan's first impression of Malack was close to the mark. That might set a bad precedent.

About this page, you may notice that Fetch also have a gaze power causing fear, which wouldn't be surprising that Malack would use on whom he believed to be Nale, explaining Elan's jumpy reaction.

I agree with everybody who mentioned the theory is unlikely to be spot on, but it is an interesting fit.

BTW, I checked the original Dragon article; the page I linked to for quick referal contains several errors; most notably, the level adjustment for a Fetch is not 0 but +5.

If it wasn't for this, it would be a quite interesting template. I can already imagine abusing dreadfully of it with:
- a monk or unarmed swordsage;
- with Vow of Poverty;
- one level of Shadow sun ninja (for the draining touch);
- one level of Kensai (for Ghost Touch applied on the hands and feet)

Then putting the body in a safe place and staying in ghost form as much as possible: success!

2012-09-23, 01:32 PM
Having a silent, gliding way of walking and robes that seem creepy and always completely hide his legs seem pretty cliche for a cleric who worships an aspect of death. its probably nothing more that adhering to an established style

2012-09-25, 06:48 PM
As much as I sorta like the idea of a Fetch I really don't think Malack is anything more complicated than an albino lizardfolk (albeit one without legs).

As far as evidence is concerned:

Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, both wild and domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a fetch at a distance of 15 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

Animals don't panic near Malack (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0818.html)

St Fan
2012-09-26, 05:59 PM
As much as I sorta like the idea of a Fetch I really don't think Malack is anything more complicated than an albino lizardfolk (albeit one without legs).

As far as evidence is concerned:

Animals don't panic near Malack (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0818.html)

Good point. Although a familiar doesn't count as a normal animal. I'm not too sure about an animal companion, though.

2012-09-26, 06:28 PM
Good point. Although a familiar doesn't count as a normal animal. I'm not too sure about an animal companion, though.

What about that pterosaur Tarquin was flying around on? If I recall, Malack was flying right next to it for quite a while.

2012-09-26, 06:38 PM
What about that pterosaur Tarquin was flying around on? If I recall, Malack was flying right next to it for quite a while.

Presumably, if they've been adventuring together for a while, Tarquin would train the thing to not freak out whenever Malack was nearby. If he's a fetch, that is.

2012-09-26, 07:21 PM
Another problem with this that occurs to me: would the Giant, who has been for a while now trying to make the comic accessible to readers unfamiliar with D&D, really make a character turning out to be a fairly obscure monster into a plot point when he already has the MitD?

2012-09-26, 07:23 PM
Another problem with this that occurs to me: would the Giant, who has been for a while now trying to make the comic accessible to readers unfamiliar with D&D, really make a character turning out to be a fairly obscure monster into a plot point when he already has the MitD?

2012-09-27, 02:43 AM
Presumably, if they've been adventuring together for a while, Tarquin would train the thing to not freak out whenever Malack was nearby. If he's a fetch, that is.

The description for Fetches states that animals would remain panicked as long as the Fetch is within range. Would it be possible by the rules to train an animal to avoid supernatural panic? :smallconfused:

2012-09-27, 04:30 AM
I think this is more likely (at around 0:30):