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2012-09-20, 09:39 AM
You are goblins of the Licktoad tribe, who live deep in Brinestump Marsh, south of the hated man-town called Sandpoint. Once, other goblins tried to burn Sandpoint down, and they would have been legends if they had succeeded. But they didn’t bring enough fire, and got themselves killed as a result. Yesterday, your tribe discovered that one of your own had been using forbidden arts and was engaged in one of greatest of taboos—writing things down. In fact, rumor holds that what he was writing was a history of your tribe! There’s no swifter way to bring about bad luck than stealing words out of your mind by writing them down, and so your tribe had no choice. You branded the goblin’s face with letters to punish him, which is why everyone calls him Scribbleface now, and then you ran him out of town, took all of his stuff, and burned down his hut.

That’s where things got interesting, because before you all burned down his hut, Chief Gutwad found a weird box within the building. Inside was a map and a lot of fireworks—fireworks that immediately came to use in burning the hut down. Then, this morning, Gutwad announced that tonight there would be a feast in order to drive out any lingering bad luck from Scribbleface’s poor decisions. But perhaps even more exciting, all of you have been secretly invited to meet at Chief Gutwad’s Moot House. Why would the chief want to speak to you? It can only mean that he’s got an important mission for you all... one that the other goblins of the tribe couldn’t pull off. This could be your chance to go down in Licktoad history!

As usual, its very hot here in the village, buzzy flies buzzing, muddy roads muddy, smelly smells smelly. Before you lot for even you all appear and gather is the familiar sight of the chief's Moot house wherein lies a collection of a trophies and examples of Licktoad tribe heriocs.

Before you, outside, stands a goblin named Slorb, Chief Gutwad's duly appointed adviser, an overdressed and stuffy goblin who the chief whispers instructions to as not to overwhelm his subjects with his MIGHTY and POWERFUL voice that it could frightened all the words away in the heads of lesser goblins.

<Introduce yourselves to eachother even if you may, may know eachother>

2012-09-20, 08:12 PM

Sparky was one of the first to arrive. He was a little sympathetic to Scribbleface, but tradition was tradition. You were nothing if you couldn't connect with you ancestors through tradition.

He was anxious, it was a good omen to be invited to the chief's hut. He wondered who else would come.

2012-09-20, 11:11 PM
Naknuk took his time to arrive at the chief's house, as he knew where his house resided. After a few minutes, though, did he arrive at the chief's house. As he entered, he saw another goblin there, most likely invited by the chief as well. Remaining silent as he usually is, he awaited the others. Speaking wasn't really his thing, and when he did speak, it's only a few words to get his point across, while very rarely did he say a fair amount of words.

2012-09-21, 01:21 AM
Suddenly there comes a rustling from the trees
From the shadows of the boughs and branches
From above, there plummets, lands easy as you please
Lands on his large fists and feet, already clad in armoured harness
He bears many weapons, this scarred goblin
Shield's rim sinks into the soft soil
The chief's son bows and hisses but makes no din
Hiding his small smile at not meeting with screeching sister's many a boil.

2012-09-21, 08:03 AM
Skortch rushed to the meeting. He'd taken so long to pack. Well and gloat to his siblings. They were going to finally burn down that cursed Sandpoint. It had been his dream for as long as he had dreams. HE had been sent to do it! It never occurred to him that the mission was perhaps something else until stupid Skawld had said he was probably just being sent away from the Licktoad's to stop the random fires that weren't his fault at all. That's when Skawld's foot mysteriously caught on fire. That shut up his stupid brother.

So after he lost that big ol' bully Skawld who had chased for starting his foot on fire, which he totally deserved, Skortch finally got to the meeting. He did his best to stay quiet and look fierce despite his excitement, and quite often lost having to fight back a big toothy grin and force himself to stop fidgeting.

2012-09-21, 01:06 PM
"Hello fellow goblins!" Squeeb voice cracked as he walked to the meeting. He nodded his head low, well lower than normal, to Slorb. "And also hello to you Slorb. Wait... you're a goblin. Hello again!" Squeeb smiled the smile of someone whose mind was already far away before he had even finished talking. "I'm Sir Squeeb!" he announced, he wasn't exactly sure what a "Sir" was, but all the heroes were called sir in the stories, so he figured he'd call himself that now so he'd be used to it when he becomes a big amazing hero.

2012-09-21, 02:39 PM
"Yes...hiiiiii...Squeeb," Sounded the high pitch nasally voice of Slorb who picked his nose and wiped himself on his dirty fancy stuffy shirt. "I see all of youse dung bungs is here so...we gunna go inside where da' chief is waiting for ya. Follow me."

Inside the Moot House of Chief Gutwad, twas filled with odds and ends and shelves of past trophies and mounted heads and feets of fallen enemies. Stolen weapons and shiny bits of treasure about. There on a solitary shelf was Chief Gutwad's pickled in brine finger. His prized token of when he survived the dreaded Lotsalegs, a gobby baby eating giant spider that has felled many gobby folk for a snack. Along with other brine-pickled bodies of other animals

There in all his chiefy fatdom sat Chief Gutwad, a large chunky example of a goblin who munched on too many gnome fingers in his day. He was greyish scabby looking goblin with tufts of hair under his wrinkly chin and cheeks. Atop his *Teeter Chair, balancing precariously. He looks at them with a judging eye and and scratch of his belly, acknowledging each of them.

"Youse lot with sit on the ground. Youse is honored to do so before His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad," Announced Slorb to them as he pointed at the dirt floor and then scrambled over to the chief's side on a steppy stool.

*Its a six foot tall stool

2012-09-22, 12:47 PM
Khhhhhhh-hnnnnnnn! Khuraargh, long since effectively mute from surviving a rent throat in his youth, hisses in greeting at the seemingly overeager Skortch and Squeeb.

Khuraargh shuffles into what had once been his home. He shambles in, limbs all flexed, walking on all four overlarge hands and feet, past the curtain of beads and bones that forms the Moot-House's door. Khuraargh casts his gaze this way and that, then bows to his father while making himself comfortable by squatting with his back against the doorframe.

The scarred goblin looks down and suppresses a smile on seeing one of the myriad finger-trophies his adoptive father had hanging... ah, there... He sucks in a line of spittle that dripped from his slack jaw as he recalled his old "spidey-wattle".

2012-09-22, 01:37 PM
"My leach!" Squeeb said as he knelt before the chief, and attempted to bow his head so low his long nose nearly touched the floor. Squeeb stayed their for a second contemplating what to do next. He'd never figured to ask what the knights and big folk did after kneeling. So after a couple seconds waiting patiently on his knee he plopped to the ground.

2012-09-22, 08:23 PM
Naknuk entered the building, following the others as he looked at the items and decorations inside of the house. He noticed the several trophies of sorts as he was observing. Upon seeing the chief, he knelt down out of respect, before sitting down on the ground.

2012-09-23, 09:19 AM

Sparky bounces in to the hut. "Ooooo," he whispers as he has never been inside the chief's abode before. He sits on the floor and waits.

2012-09-23, 07:37 PM
Follows the others in, bounding past to sit front and center as he's instructed. Sure that he's moments from being named leader to a glorious quest against the humans. He's visibly struggling to maintain control and behave.

2012-09-24, 09:56 AM
The Chief eyed them all with a judging red eye (especially that Khuraargh, his adopted son), his other one milky white. He stared at Squeeb and gave the wannabe knight goblin an acknowledging head nod. He then made a sweeping motion with hand over the lot and cleared his throat. To probably mostly everyone's surprise, he spoke to them instead of having Slorb.

“You all be heroes. Each of you. You are best Licktoads but for me. And maybe but for Slorb. That you aren’t fleeing in terror from mighty sound of my voice is all the proof you should need. Yet soon, all Licktoad goblins will know your might, for I have picked you for a dangerous mission. “You know about fireworks and map we found in Scribbleface’s hut. Fireworks were fun. But map is more fun. It shows a route to a place near the coast where Scribbleface found fireworks. And it says there are more fireworks there!

“I want them for Licktoads. You all go get them tomorrow. Tonight we have big bonfire to burn bad luck away from you, and we play many games. Much fun. Tomorrow you fetch me fireworks. If you meet men, you make them dead. If you meet dogs, you make them dead. If you meet horses, you make
them dead. If you meet Lotslegs Eat Goblin Babies Many, you maybe should run or kill it and bring back a leg! And if you not find fireworks, you not come back or we feed you to *Squealy Nord!”

* a fearsome boar who lives in a muddy pit in the middle of the village, though its really just a hyperactive piglet that escaped from a nearby farm.

2012-09-24, 10:45 AM
The let down that he was wrong and they're not being sent to burn down Sandpoint was almost overlooked in the excitement. They were great heroes! Fireworks!! The little goblin didn't even process the potential danger or the frightening consequences of failure. He was already lost in thoughts of victory hero parties and lighting off fireworks, and maybe shooting one at stupid Skawld when no one was looking.

2012-09-24, 12:08 PM
Hhhhhkkkk... he hisses in surprise. Khuraargh's wide-brimmed turtle-shell helmet tilts as he hears his father speak directly for the first time in seasons.

The scarred goblin's right little finger twitches and a cold shudder runs up his spine as he recalls the times he'd hung from the trees outside Scribbleface's hut, guilty yet intrigued by the heresy within. Is one's soul price enough to be able to talk? He hadn't moved, though, he hadn't moved, he hadn't moved, hadn't moved until he joined the pogrom to cast him out and purge the unclean with flame.

The fireworks were indeed fun.

Suddenly, Khuraargh stops. It seems he'd inadvertently scooped up and balled a good deal of dirt within his twitching, grasping fist. He forces himself to relax and release, uttering a long Rrrrrrrrrggggggmmmm as he does so.

2012-09-24, 05:43 PM

Sparky liked games and like fireworks. He was eager for both and could hardly contain his excitement. He gave a loud hoot.

2012-09-25, 10:13 AM
Squeeb scrambled to his feet and thumped his hand on his chest in salute, slightly too hard causing a slight cough, but that didn't slow the overeager goblin down at all. "I'd be honored to go," he squeaked, his voice cracking in the middle of honored. "It'll be a grand adventure, filled with... adventure! And fireworks! Thank you Chief Gutwad for picking me for this dangerous task."

2012-09-25, 01:04 PM
Naknuk remained an air of calmness as he listened to the chief's speech. Even though he was well aware of these dangers, and he didn't seem it, he was excited. In his mind, he thought, *Naknuk get chance make stinky man dead and be hero same time! Me wait ages for moment!* Unlike eager Sparky, however, he just gave a simple nod in response. He at least had some control over his reactions. Yet inside, he was ecstatic.

2012-09-25, 02:38 PM
Chief Gutward waved a dismissing hand wave at the two more eager ones. "Yes, yes, you be honored, its good, you is welcomed. Now anyone have questions about this? Speak now before I don't want to answer anymore."

2012-09-25, 03:55 PM

He didn't have any questions, he just wanted to go out and have fun.

2012-09-26, 10:03 AM
The turtleshell helm dips as the face beneath scrunches in thought. A hand stained with sap and soil slowly rises, two fingers held up.

Khuraargh gestures with his index finger, then lets go of his shield, leaving it embedded by its rim in the loam. He points at his eyes, then spreads his hands as if smoothing out a map. He meets his adoptive father's gaze, then makes a clearly questioning frown. He shields his eyes with one hand and squints into the distance, again makes as if reading a map, fingers tracing out a rectangle with squiggles in the middle upon the ground, shrugs exaggeratedly, then spreads his hands as if asking for something to be given.

Khuraargh then gestures with index and middle fingers, turns his hand down then turns the counting gesture into a walking-man-gesture. He then jabs a thumb at the hut's eastern wall and thrusts his open hand towards the hut's floor. With a stupid grin, he pats the giant lizard-skull that serves as his right shoulder's pauldron. Once again, he makes the walking-man-gesture, this time repeatedly, with both hands. Khuraargh then mimes drinking, eating and making merry, then points once again at Chief Gutwad and then mimes holding a baby apiece in the crooks of his arms.

2012-09-26, 02:46 PM
Naknuk had no questions, so he remained silent. He did, however, look forward to the next day, and what it may bring for the tribe. If this mission is a success, he will be a hero!

2012-09-27, 07:13 PM
Chief Gutwad stared at his adopted son with his mouth slightly ajar with an 'uughk...' look on his face.

"Khuraargh....I no know what you sayin'.......handy movements make no sense to me."

2012-09-27, 09:45 PM
"Allow me my honorable leach!" Squeeb says as he stands in front of the mute goblin. "Ok, how many words is it?"

2012-09-28, 10:14 AM
An exasperated palm slaps a shadowed forehead but Khuraargh shrugs and fixes his gaze on Squeeb's overeager peepers.

He then holds up two fingers and draws one of his dogslicers. Using the tip of the blade, he scratches a design into the ground--- a large rectangle, then gives a slight shrug as he goes on to sketch a rough approximation of the tribe's territory. He then looks into Squeeb's eyes again, points at his eyes, then points at the map and shrugs.

Next, he scratches his chin in thought, then holds up seven fingers. He draws both of his dogslicers, then sheathes them again. He taps the giant lizard* skull that serves as his pauldron, then cranes his neck over to lick it. Khuraargh then seizes a nearby spear, poses fiercely and makes as if to throw it, before setting it back down. He then cups his hands and executes some pelvic thrusts, stomps on the ground, then crooks his arms as if holding babies. Khuraargh then throws his hands up and leaps about, miming dancing and feasting... then stops and looks once more at Squeeb, the mute goblin's face a pleading and exasperated mask beneath his turtleshell hat-helm.

W'elp. Ha-ha. That was inevitable.

*Hmm. Looking at goblins' size, could well be simply a monitor or a Komodo Dragon equivalent.

See/where map?
Lizardlick wife and grandkids coming for feast.

2012-09-28, 11:07 AM
The small goblin's excitement finally gets the better of him and his squeaky voice bursts out. "Where are the fireworks? Scribbleface or humans could steal fireworks. Go fast not play in dirt and dance word games. Hurry.. maybe rain! Must go fast!." His thoughts jumbling together during the outburst as he jumped to his feet and started for the door to the hut after, a quick ungraceful bow given to the chief as an afterthought.

2012-09-28, 10:42 PM
"Fireworks somewhere in shipwreck on coast, it on map, Slorb give it to you in morning, tonight bon fire and games!" Chief Gutwad replied scratching his belly with a hand and stroked his tufts of hair under his chin afterward.

2012-09-28, 11:37 PM
Squeeb stared intently at Khuraargh, and nodded and mumbled a few words under his breath as he tried to piece what was happening before him together.

"I think I have it!" he squeaked. "Our silent friend wants to see the map. Is that right?"

But before he could get an answer the goblin was already moving about.
"Seven. Seven words!" Squeeb shouted trying to keep up. "First word is? Lizard? Tasty lizard? Delicious lizard? Lizard stew? Licking Lizard? Wait is that closer? Lick Lizard, Lick Lizard... Lizard lick? Lizardlick! Ok right, next word. Spear? Attack? Throwing. No, you're going onto the next thing then... oh. Oh my." Squeeb looks abashed as the mute starts to move his pelvis forward and back. "I think I know what that is there, Khuraargh yes, thank you. And then a baby? You wanna go bang bang with a baby? That's disgusting! No you shouldn't be celebratin' when someone does that to a baby!"

It took Squeeb a few seconds to try and fix his mistake. "Ok you don't wanna go bang bang with a Lizardlick baby. But you wanna go bang bang? No. Alright well, as far as I can tell great Chief Gutwad. Khuraargh wants to look at the map. He also wants to have the Lizardlick over so there can be much partying and uhh, good times all around." As far as it is possible for a goblin, Squeeb blushes at this last sentiment.

2012-09-29, 01:18 AM
"Ughk...grandbaby gobbies.....feh..." Chief Gutwad made a face and sighed with a facepalm as he ran his hand down his face. "Yes...they come...okay...fine." Chief Gutwad liked his grandbabies, but sometimes they were just too much to handle.

"Many thanks Squeeb....as for map..tomorrow in morn, you all will have much time to look at it...for now....I, for now I tire of talking to you lot. Go before I change mind and feed you to Squealy Nord!" He dismissed them with a wave of his hand.

2012-09-29, 09:04 AM

Sparky claps at the charades. "We have games tonight," he exclaims when the chief waves them off and hurries to the celebration.

2012-09-29, 10:45 AM
Khuraargh thrusts a pumping fist at the other goblins' successive successful interpretations, then grimaces and doubles over, holding his sides and slapping his thighs at Squeeb's horrendous mistake. Once the would-be goblin knight gets it almost completely right, the Khuraargh grins and gives Squeeb's shoulder a staggering punch, then pats his other shoulder twice as a gesture of approval.

Questions and tidings done, Khuraargh takes up his shield once more and clashes a looted man-axe upon it then bows low to the Chief Gutwad before exiting the tent. He gives the others a nod and a shrug before sheathing his blade again.

2012-09-30, 11:00 AM
Later that Day~

All day long gobbies toil all afternoon to build the bonfire out of branches, sticks, and unburnt timbers taken from the ruins of Scribbleface’s hut. Four young goblins with pained expressions struggle with carrying the Teeter Chair with Gutwad on sitting on it out near the bonfire. He then takes a Desnan candle and lights it signaling the start of the all night party.

Many gobbies are here, maybe in the thirties of 'em, all playing, rough housing, and eating, like 'yummy' snails, fish and snakes. Soon a barrel of fermented cider apples is brought as gobbies find themselves getting happily drunk on them. <If you choose to eat one of these apples, make a Fortitude Save>

Some gobbies are playing chicken with the bonfire, seeing how far they'll walk towards it before/without getting burnt. Some are standing around one goblin named Zord Shrieksinger tapping some spoons together rhythmically in the air.

"All should fear goblin might!
For we take, burn and smite!~"

Other goblins are playing games, such as the classic 'killgull' where a seagull is tethered as gobbies try to knock it out with rocks and things while another gobby holds the tether and tries to yank the flying bird out of harm’s way. Fun for the whole family.

Overall its goblin style fun and shenanigans. This is the part where you get to have fun roleplaying a goblin interacting with each other, at a party.

2012-10-01, 07:48 AM
His concern for the loss of the fireworks was soon overshadowed by the excitement of the pre-adventure party. He quickly loses interest in the chicken game when he easily wins, showing off by walking right up to it with no fear, his particular talents almost drawing him to the blaze. Playing off his new found hero status he amuses several smaller goblins by adding his own fireballs to the festivities. Until his brother 'accidentally' got caught in the display and may have slightly been singed just a bit. Skortch wisely kept his head down and drew less attention to himself after that.

2012-10-01, 09:53 AM
...Khuraargh returns to the village in the early evening, by his usual route--- through the trees.

His turtleshell hat-helm is now worn across his back, while his weapons other than his two dogslicers have apparently been left at home. Silent as a shadow, he swings from branch to branch.

For the most part, he hangs by his knees, content to simply watch his fellows go about their merriment. When Chief Gutwad waddles out, borne upon four backs, Khuraargh walks upside-down by some low-hanging branches, lending his formidable fingers' force to supporting the throne.

When the food is set out upon the banquet-boards, Khuraargh reaches down and seizes some handfuls of snails for sucking and slurping. The cooked snakes hold no interest for him. He snatches two live snakes from the communal jar, still writhing and snapping and whirls them about like two scaly whips, much to the delight and terror of the crowds, finally putting the snakes out of their misery by smacking them on tree trunks. That done, he bites off their heads, guts them and roasts them slowly, chomping off small half-cooked pieces.

When Skortch cavorts with the flames, Khuraargh cheers silently, becoming mesmerized for a while with the myriad lurid reflections of the fire across his knives. When Skortch's brother catches light, Khuraargh helps put him out...
...by smothering the burning patches with deftly-thrown banana peels.

At the singing, or rather, shrieking concert of Zord, Khuraargh lends his own music, with branch-kicking and knife-clashing.

And when the cider is brought out... there... there... there, he hops down and dips his turtleshell into the barrel, setting himself down on a mushroom-bedecked tree-stump and munching away.

Fortitude save

2012-10-01, 10:59 AM

Sparky was not as enamored with the fire as the others but he did dance around the fire in glee. He hoped soon he would get to do something he had been hoping to do for a while. A desire that had been building ever since he found out he could do it.

He hopped on one foot then the other waving his heads in the air. All the while chanting silently to himself "Brain Blast, Brain Blast, Brain Blast..."

2012-10-01, 12:50 PM
Squeeb walks among his fellow goblins, laughing and smiling and enjoying the revelry all around. He watched as Skortch beat the flame game and gave a cry of "Huzzah, good show!" in his high pitched voice.

Until a fellow goblin caught fire, at which time he charged at the poor goblin and tried to pat the flames out. All while someone was throwing banana peels at him. Now Squeeb wasn't sure how the peels were supposed to help, but in the end the fire was put out. It appeared from the look of the goblin, that this sort of thing must happen to him often, since his entire body was singed and burnt. Giving the goblin some friendly advice on how to safely not get burned by fire Squeeb went on his merry way.

Not long later he saw Sparky hopping on one foot and muttering to himself. "Do you need any help with that?" he asked, a little intimidated by this behavior

2012-10-01, 06:29 PM
Naknuk headed over to the party, moving at his own casual pace as he didn't feel like hurrying himself over. To be honest, this walk was a way to calm him down some, before he could show his excitement for being sent on this task to be a hero, and slay humans too. It was too good to be true, but all this was very much real.

Once he was at the party, however, the first thing that greeted him was the sight of Skortch's brother, Skawld, getting burnt by flames and then having banana peels getting tossed at him. The sight of this goblin getting pelted by flying banana peels allowed a grin to creep onto his face as he had a difficult time keeping himself from laughing out loud. But he managed to at least keep from causing an outburst before looking around the party area some more.

He then noticed the killgull game and eventually got around to reaching the area as he took a whirl at it. Picking up a rock, he tossed it into the air a few times, catching it as the weight pulled it down, before hurling it at the dangling bird. The stone missed, however, when one of the goblins operating the ropes pulled the winged creature up and out of harm's way. Shaking his head and muttering something under his breath, he picked up another rock and tossed it, only for the same thing to happen again.

Naknuk tried again and again, missing by a fair margin every time, until he sighed and gave up. As he walked away, he noticed a barrel with cider in it, and began to lick his lips. He could use a good drink right about now. As he approached the barrel and grabbed a mug, (if there is a mug, anyways...) he dipped it into the cider and pulled it back out, the beverage dripping off the mug and onto the ground. He then took a swig of the drink as he swallowed a fair amount of it in one go, before pulling it away from his lips, a sigh escaping.

Since Nexus did it, I might as well :P

Fort save: [roll0]

2012-10-01, 07:02 PM
Goblin Shenanigans

As Khuraargh ate that cider apple he was just fine, other goblins looked at him in admiration that he didn't puke his guts. He did have a pleasant buzz. They cheered him on with whoops and hollers.

Unfortunately *Naknuk's fortitude wasn't so lucky, the hapless goblin would find his tummy feeling bad as he would be hit with the need to throw up. Other goblins would laugh and point when he did and make fun in their gobby ways.

"Hahahah..lookie at Naknuk, can't handle cider apples! Bet he can't eat bag of bull slugs real quick either!" One goblin laughed and jeered at the goblin.

"Yea! Bet he can't do dare!" Another goblin joined in the chorus of egging on and poking fun at Naknuk.

*Naknuk has become Sickened and will feel ill for 24 hours, but for the game's sake, for the rest of the night and be okay with a good night's rest.

The DC for this was 8, just barely missed it, lol.

2012-10-01, 09:08 PM
Not long later he saw Sparky hopping on one foot and muttering to himself. "Do you need any help with that?" he asked, a little intimidated by this behavior


The blue goblin grabs Squeeb by the shoulders and shouts, "No, I'm celebrating. Tomorrow we have and adventure!!"

2012-10-01, 09:27 PM
He happens to hear Sparky and breaks out of his fixation on the fire a moment to join them. "Big adventure for big Licktoad Heroes!" He happily agrees.

2012-10-01, 09:38 PM
"Hah! Licktoad zeroes more like it!" A nearby goblin mean spiritedly sneered and laughed. "Prove you worthy to be Licktoad heroes! With dares! Unless you too coward." Dares, oh goblins and their dares, their love of dares.

Sparky, Squeeb, and Skortch would find themselves surrounded by six goblins kinda egging them on. On the otherside of the bonfire, Chief Gutwad watched in amusement as he popped a snail into his mouth. He waited to see what they would do. Meanwhile, the goblins holding him up were comically buckling.

2012-10-01, 09:56 PM

The blue goblin laughs at the others taunt. "Fire, no scare me," he says as he concentrates. His mind focused on hardening his body. Feeling a surge in his muscles and skin he continues his gleeful dance into the flames, taking his time.

minor metamorphesis:
DR 5/magic
+20 temp hit points

2012-10-01, 10:14 PM
"Hah!" Squeeb shouted, attempting to sound bold and failing miserably. "We Licktoads know no fear, we'll complete your dare, and then we'll dare you in another dare that we will think up once we've completed this dare!"

2012-10-01, 10:43 PM
"No, not fire but escape through *The Rusty Earbiter!" The original instigator insisted, trying not to look impressed with Sparky's foray into the bonfire. However the other goblins stared with oohs and aahs coming from their toothy maws. Some also laughed at Squeeb, because he small and laugh at worthy.

"Ooh! Make 'em be dared to play *Hide or Get Clubbed too! That fun!"

"No! Make 'em *dance with Squealy Nord!"

The goblins began to argue among each other one what dares should be done that they began to forget about Sparky's awesome moment where he found himself unscathed by the fire this first round of dancing in the bonfire. Such short attention spans.

However Chief Gutwad find himself paying attention to his surprise and has his carriers carry him over to the crowd. He then is brought near Squeeb, Skortch, but not Sparky, 'cuz he in the fire.

"You, all you, my special chosen Licktoad heroes, I like dares, watching dares, you complete dares with success, you come by Moot House later and I give you rewards to borrow for tomorrow. Borrow for some, not have, you should be honored. Sparky for bravin' fire anyway, you get reward later." As he says this, he also beckons Khuraargh and the ill'd Naknuk.

The Rusty Earbiter- The infamous Rusty Earbiter is a hollow coil of rusty wires, barrel hoops, bent swords, and thorny branches and vines that's kept behind the Moot House when not in use. So named for the fact that it's claimed a number of goblin ears in the past.

Dancing with Squealy Nord- requires a goblin to spend 18 seconds (3 rounds) riding on the piglet's back.

Hide or Get Clubbed- This is the goblin version of hide and seek. The dare-taker rushes off into the marsh without any weapons and attempts to find a good hiding spot (make a Stealth check to determine his success at
hiding). The other goblins try to find him, and if they do, the finder is allowed to whack the previously hidden goblin with a club.

Also, shugyosha, for Sparky, roll a 1d6 with a minus 5 as he gets out of the fire.

2012-10-02, 09:55 AM
Still gnawing upon an heady-brewed apple, two more cidered apples spitted on his knives, Khuraargh ambles over to where Chief Gutwad sits. There he squats, scarred countenance tilted to one side, toothy maw hanging slack as he awaits orders.

2012-10-02, 09:57 AM

He jumps out of the flames still dancing and eager to play another game. "Ooo ooo, I like hide and hit."

I was wrong about the effect of minor metamorphosis. It should have been 5 temp hit and 5 resistance to fire.

[roll0] damage

2012-10-02, 01:51 PM
Looks at Sparky approvingly "Good fire dancing!" He'd previously thought himself to be the only one not nearly as bothered by the flames, he jumps in for a couple of beats himself.

That bit of excitement over he turns to address the chief. "Rusty can't bite my ears!"

DR5 as part of Fire Elementalist class
Round 1: [roll0]
Round 2: [roll1]

2012-10-02, 02:53 PM
"I will brave the fearsome Squealy Nord!" Squeeb squeaked as loudly as he could. "I'm not afraid," he said as his knees started rattling. "I'll show you all," he said to those laughing at him.

I'm a fearless night, I'm a fearless night, I'm a fearless night, Squeeb thought as he was brought before the pig.

2012-10-02, 03:51 PM
After finishing his business in a nearby bush and wiping his mouth off, Naknuk groggily glanced at one of the goblins whom provoked him with their jeers and taunts. *One day... Ugh... One day... They pay...* he thought, before noticing that he was being beckoned by Chief Gutwad. Although he wasn't feeling very well, he didn't want to disrespect the chief, so Naknuk pulled himself over, wondering what the chief had in store for them.

2012-10-02, 07:13 PM
Sparky comes out unscathed while Skortch feels a little lick hit him as he hops out of the bonfire, his scalp on fire in which he can snuff out easily. <Skortch gets one point of fire damage> There's another round of oohs and aahs from some of the more sheep minded goblins as their attentions return for a moment. Chief Gutwad heartily laughs in a good way, not mocking way for once.

"Alright....dares, my chosen heroes will do dares and be great at them, proving worthy!"

"You lot pick dares, though seems Squeeb volunteer for Squealy Nord hahah..good...we go watch him first, see if fall off, haha...okay."

Before Squeeb was the horribly horrendous hog, Squealy Nord, at least to goblins he's horrible. To longshanks (humans) though, those silly folks might think the piglet cute.

Squealy Nord resides in a muddy pit in the middle of the village, his pit itself is circular, nearly 20 feet in diameter, and just over 10 feet deep with well, a layer of mud at the bottom. At the moment he is tethered with now Squeeb mounted on his back, his hands holding onto its sides. And then!

The piglet is released from the corral as he runs into the pit with Squeeb on his back!

<Make 3 Handle Animal Checks to see how well he stays on>

From those watching around the pen, are woops and hollers.

2012-10-02, 08:30 PM
Unable to turn back now, Squeeb walks in front of the fearsome boar. His hand outstretched as if to calm the beast down he inches forward, slowly. His knocking knees can almost be heard over the din of the goblins. "There's a good Squealy Nord. We goblins like you, and won't turn you to food or nothing." He inched closer, and the pig stirred. "Yeep! Uh, you don't wanna harm Squeeb do you? No, no, no. Squeeb is a brave hero, you like Squeeb don't you Nord?"

OOCHeh, was really hoping it'd be ride. Got a +11 in that one without armor.

Anyway 3 Handle Animal checks.

2012-10-06, 09:16 AM
Ya know, Squeeb wasn't doing too bad riding that Squealy Nord, as a matter of fact he seemed like he was about to last a couple more seconds when suddenly, something happened that caused Squealy Nord to buck like a horse violently sending Squeeb flying right off it at the last moment int the mud.

Fortunately, Squeeb landed on his gobby behind just right and didn't get hurt. But, goblins being goblins, laughed at his expense.

2012-10-06, 11:05 AM

Sparky cheered and howled as Squeeb rode Squealy Nord. Once he few in the air and landed on his butt Sparky laughed with the rest and then cheer when he got up.

2012-10-06, 12:42 PM
Cheers for his new fire friend Sparky and goes to help him up once squealy nord ends the goblin's ride.

2012-10-06, 01:03 PM
Squeeb laid on the ground, fearing that he would soon feel the giant tusks of Squealy Nord eating him up. He waited there for a few moments, complete unmoving. Realizing that he wasn't being eaten he sat up, and started to rub his lower back and sore butt. Seeing his fellow goblins laughing and cheering at him he looked back at his fearsome mount.

In a burst of motion he jumped to his feet, ran back for the crowd. His arms were raised to the sky and he shouted "I rode on Squealy Nord!"

2012-10-06, 03:34 PM
(fyi, there are no tusks on Squealy Nord, having had been described as a piglet)

"You did, but you not succeed dare, close, but no, you at least give all good laugh," There was a faint toothy smile on Chief Gutwad's maw as he suckled on a snake egg, still being held up by his carriers.

"Alright, any else up for dare challenge?" He spoke to his selected goblin heroes.

2012-10-06, 04:55 PM
"Skortch will not be bitten by the EarBiter!"

The little goblin volunteers, bolstered by his companion's near-success and the general excitement of the night.

2012-10-07, 12:12 AM
"We shall be seeing," Chief Gutwad simply said.

Everyone who cared to watch Skortch try the rusty ear biter were lead behind Moot House. Three manged goblin ears could be seen caught between the sharp internal coils. Altogether its one long twenty foot hollow coil of rusty wires, barrel hoops, bent swords, and thorny branches and vines. If Scortch wants he can cover his head with mud for slightly easier manuvering through the pointy course.

"You think you still tough for this?" The Chief challenged.

2012-10-07, 01:27 AM
tak-tak-takatakaTAK! tak-tak-takatakaTAK!

Throughout Squeeb and Sparky's challenges, Khuraargh had said nothing--- as if he could say anything. Rather, as moral support for his fellow goblin heroes, he'd kept a steady drumming rhythm upon his turtleshell helm. He'd beat a lively pulse with the blade-spines of his dogslicers, ascending to crescendoes when his comrades had striven their greatest. Come Skortch's challenge, he proffers the turtleshell hat-helm to Skortch and if the latter refuses, Khuraargh shrugs and prepares to beat once again.

In between, though, he'd still been munching upon the cidered apples and tossing every other apple to Squealy Nord. When his own turn for the challenge comes, Khuraargh beats upon his chest and leaps upon the ferocious Nord...

Sorry, machine being wonky. Rolls, I suppose? I leave the appropriate modifiers to the GM.


2012-10-07, 03:20 PM
"You can do it Khuraargh! And good luck to you Skortch" Squeeb squeaked, hoping that his new compatriots would prevail against their terrifying tasks.

2012-10-07, 08:11 PM
(Its only 3 ride rolls for this)

Like Squeeb, Khuraargh was doing quite well in the beginning, but perhaps some goblin lit a firecracker startling Squealy Norb into a panic as the piglet ran around the mud more wild. It was too much for even Khuraargh as at the end he would find his hold compromised as was flung off towards the ground. <Make a Reflex save>

2012-10-08, 10:47 AM
Hands and feet that were meant for grasping tree-branches and vines and squeezing necks slip off their hold on the squealing, thrashing piglet. The scarred goblin gasps as he flies through the air and tries to right himself...


2012-10-08, 02:27 PM
A deep breath and he nods starting for the tube of pointy things. He stops before entering, greasing up his head with mud. He also produces a small strap of leather from a pocket, whispering quietly to himself before entering

Cast Mage Armor
move into tube.

2012-10-08, 03:48 PM
Khuraargh manages to stick the landing in the mud that would make any gymnastic coach proud without hurting himself. There is a mix of laughter and some cheer. Riding Squealy Nord is a tough challenge but its what keeps simple minded goblins coming back for more mud and laughs.

As for Skortch, he soon began to make his way through the tight stabby stabby coils. Many shouted in hopeful glee that his ear get caught.

Make three escape artist checks with an..ow..-6 penalty due to the Balloon headed trait, the mud on his head added a +2 bonus to the original minus eight

2012-10-08, 04:11 PM
Moves slowly and carefully attempting to squeeze through, the excitement had gotten the better of him wanting to show off his newfound hero status. He wasn't exactly cutout for this particular dare.

Forgot about the balloon headed thing, but here goes nothing.

[roll0] -6 +4 dex

2012-10-08, 07:50 PM
Skortch would soon find himself stuck in the first section of the course, his own head getting in his way. Goblins boo him and jeer, some even throw rocks his way that miss, but still. The pokey spikes poke against him.

<Skortch takes [roll0] points of damage>

Skortch may continue trying to get through for another attempt at successful three Escape Checks, or he can bail out needing one successful escape check out of three other escape checks.

2012-10-09, 11:12 AM
Gasping and spitting mud, Khuraargh kips up to his feet. Reaching into his pockets, he takes out several cidered apples between his overlarge splayed fingers and tosses them at his tribesmates. One last he takes for himself, scrunching in deeply, then, while chewing, tosses the rest to Squealy Nord with a rasping hiss.

Khuraargh clambers up over the Nord's fence, grabs a low-hanging branch and swings over to the barrel, dunks his hat-helm in and guzzles. When he finishes, he takes another scoop, sips it until it is a comfortable level, then staggers over to Skortch. The mute goblin snaps his fingers and jerks his hand in a chugging motion.

2012-10-09, 11:17 AM
Realizing his mistake, he curses in goblin and gives up. Trying to make his way back out without doing any more damage.

escape: [roll0]
escape: [roll1]
escape: [roll2]

2012-10-09, 08:11 PM
(Aw man, I wish those were his rolls for getting through the pokey obstacle course, all successes xD)

The Rusty Earbiter was a tough course, claiming many ears and refusing to wield to goblins getting through. Some goblins booed', others were bored, some ate the cider apples and found themselves a little...silly. Khuraargh should make a Fortitude save.

Skortch would find himself having little resistance as he maneuvered out of the Rusty Earbiter.

2012-10-09, 09:01 PM
*Hmm, so future goblin heroes are... Ugh... Doing dares of sorts...?* Naknuk thought, still feeling sickened from the cider before looking at the fearsome earbiter. There was no way he could see himself getting through that unscathed, and he would much rather keep his ears. Then he looked over to Squealy Nord, thinking that he could do it, but the way he felt now... He doubted he would do very well. So he wondered what else there might be.

(OOC: Basically, since he wasn't around when the dares were issued, he doesn't know what the third one is, so yeah :P I mean, unless you'd rather me have him somehow overhear them... But that's up to DM's discretion)

2012-10-09, 09:45 PM

Like the rest of the goblin, Sparky cajoled and hooted. When Skortch pulled himself out Sparky began chanting, "Hide and hit... Hide and hit..."

2012-10-10, 02:41 AM
"Oooh yes...Hide and get clubbed, me likey that one...I be hitter! I mean...me be seeker...yes...me be seeker.." Grinned the instigator goblin who has been having a hoot watching these 'heroes' fail. Was he butthurt jealous? Maybe.

"Hide and get clubbed? Mmm, that could be funs, my heroes hide, or get clubbed, sound good!" Chief Gutwad heartily bellowed. Anything was better than being stuck playing with his grandchildren.

2012-10-10, 01:09 PM

Sparky loved hide and hit mostly because he was so good at it. He ran and found a nook that was impossibly small for him. That didn't matter he focused his mind and felt the world grow around him.

minor metamorphosis:
reduce size and +2 dex
I'd like to take 10, for 31 stealth check

2012-10-10, 02:34 PM
The scarred goblin hisses. With a rasping chuckle, he shrugs off his shield and skips it like a stone towards the pack of grandchildren rampaging around Chief Gutwad's feet.

A cidered apple core hisses through the air towards the instigator goblin. Another one arcs over the head of the chief.

When eyes turn towards the thrower, Khuraargh has already gone. With a rustle of leaves, he disappears into the trees.

Fortitude save that I missed. Wonder how drunk he's gotten, hmm?

Intentionally missing the chief out of respect, aiming full on at Mr Laughter. [roll1]

Climb (hope this helps the hiding)


*ACP down by 2, since he's shucked off the shield.

2012-10-10, 03:20 PM
Hide and get clubbed, hmm...?* Naknuk pondered, as he slightly grinned, before quickly taking off his armored coat and buckler. He then went and searched for a decent place to hide, his sickened state trying to hinder him some. He then saw some bushes and decided to silently hide in them, trying to not make too much noise and get detected.

Two move action to unequip shield and the armored coat (part of why I chose the coat for my armor :P)

Stealth check: [roll0] Taking into account the -2 from sickened state, which lowers me down from +12 to +10

2012-10-10, 03:39 PM
"We all hiding then? Oh." Sir Squeeb said, a little confused. He already did one of these games. But the leach commands. "Well... TALLY HOE!" he squeaked as loud as he could before charging off.


The dice, they hate me.

2012-10-10, 04:10 PM
Digging through his pockets as it appeared he'd need to hide as well, he quickly sparks a smokestick throwing it on the ground in front of him in hopes of gaining an advantage in getting away.

stealth: [roll0]
stealth: [roll1]
stealth: [roll2]

2012-10-10, 07:25 PM
Khuraargh stands tough against the buzzy effects of the apple ciders, body tough and resistant to such fermented goodies. The apple he threw at "Mr Laughter" landed squarely on his face as he growled and shook a fist at Khuraargh. "Me gonna get you good with club! Count on it!" He threatened and hissed, growled and all that stuff.

Anyways, everyone who was part of the game headed into the marsh to find a hidey place to hide. The groups of goblins who stayed behind to be searchers were led by 'Mr Laughter' who was out for vengeance, club at hand.

'One longshank, two long shanks..."

The marsh is afoul of goblins scurrying about searching for our goblin heroes, ready to give them a whacking.

Eight goblins grouped together to find Sparky who was practically a ninja right now, a tiny itty bitty ninja with a possibly cute even higher pitched voice. They eventually just gave up after many minutes of searching as they made threats for him to come out and that they would only hit him twenty times instead of twenty five. But as mentioned, they left, prompted when they found the prospect of eating pickled gnome fingers much more interesting. So they left and stopped looking for Sparky.

'Mr Laughter' lead a group of three bent on searching for Khuraargh but they did not bother looking up in the mangrove trees in which Khuraargh took refuge in and boy howdy did Khuraargh climb those trees like a boss. It was an interesting sight how he just clambered up the trees.

"Come out Khuraargh, I hit you in head all good ways!" The goblin egged, trying to get Khuraargh to reveal himself since he was having tough times looking for him.

As for Naknuk, the little goblin managed to find a nice rock to hide behind, not the best of hiding places but lucky for him his three pursuers were too busy squabbling among each other to look for him proper. Its as if though they reenacting a Three Stooges scene among each other as neither could agree on which direction to look.

The Gallant Sir Squeeb scampered through marsh, likely with a goofy smile on his face due to the possible thrill he may be experiencing with this sort of game. The little goblin crawled into a small crawl space inside a rotting log which came with desserts in the form of worms if he pleased to munch.

"Sir Squeeb of Lameness, come out come out come where you be hiding and we promise to not hit you too much, only instead we hit harder, hahah!" Four goblins were in search of him, one hitting prickly bushes with her club. One goblin came close to finding him as he thwacked the log with his club. After a while, the goblins got bored and left.

And then finally Skortch, he was being pursued by a gang of nine lead by his brother no less, who choked a bit on the smokestick earlier. However, Skortch managed to find a nice hiding place between the roots of the mangrove trees. There was also a frog to keep him company. His brother and the other goblins shouted mean things about him in hopes of getting him to come out, but alas, no dice and they got bored too, being goblins of short attention spans.

2012-10-11, 09:16 AM

When it was clearly over Sparky danced his way back. He was having the best time and couldn't wait till tomorrow.

2012-10-11, 12:56 PM
Waits back a while before returning. He'd hidden from Skawled before and wanted to make sure that they'd really given up before he returns to the party.

2012-10-11, 02:40 PM
Squeeb dived into the hollow log, he felt it press in on his slender shoulders as he pushed as hard as he could to jam himself in. Unfortunately he was longer than the log so his feet were still sticking out as his fellow goblins walked past.

"Sir Squeeb of Lameness, come out come out come where you be hiding and we promise to not hit you too much."

Well that seems fair, Squeeb thought. Thinking it was only a matter of time before they see his feet anyway he was about to wiggle back out when the goblin finished.

"only instead we hit harder, hahah!"

Now that's just mean. So Squeeb stayed in the log and munched on a rather long worm that got too close as he waited for the four to leave.

When they left he waited for a decent time and tried to wiggle out. He was stuck. "Ugghh!" he huffed and strained. "Oooohg" Until finally with a loud POP he fell out of the log and backward and headed for home.

2012-10-11, 02:58 PM
Naknuk, having managed to find a decent hiding spot, decided to lay low and keep out of sight. As he kept an eye out, he watched as he saw the goblins that attempted to whack him in the head, as they were trying to decide where to look for him. As he watched, their "discussion" turned out to be quite humorous as he almost wanted to laugh. Almost. But instead, he remained silent, trying to keep his stomach from giving him away as they eventually gave up. After enough time seemed to pass, and he remained undetected, Naknuk then began to head back.

2012-10-12, 12:05 AM

Khuraargh almost felt pity for the scrabbling searchers stumbling about in the shadowed swamps below him. He even had a nice long piss off of one of the great mangrove trees to help them...

...turns out, looks like they might be even more drunk than he is. How could they not tell the difference between the scents [and tastes] of monkey piss and goblin piss? Tiring of baiting them, the scarred goblin scrambles through the branches, dropping a few chunks of deadfall as he passes by, arriving ahead of them, back at the village...

...and there, he oh-so-languidly leans against Nord's pen and tosses an apple core over his shoulder, smirking his scarred face at them as they get back, huffing and puffing.

2012-10-13, 06:54 AM
Squealy nommed up that apple core like no one's business.

Back in the middle of town, there were many goblins wooting and just as many scowling, likely the ones who failed to find you lot. Eh, just ignore them.

"Oh ha ho he, my chosen heroes, prove really good hiders, sneaky types, catch enemy off guard," Chief Gutwad guffawed throatily. "Now me not feel as much shame picking you, ha ha he he ho."

"Come to front of Moot House in morning, me will provide rewards personally, it great honor. Now, for rest of night, eat, drink, play and enjoy bonfire." After that Chief Gutwad left, all those cider apples give him indigestion.

You goblins, play into night as the party dies down, most goblins don't even make it to their homes, most fall down in a sleepy stupor outside around. It was a crazy party man.

Tis now the next morning.

2012-10-13, 11:00 PM

The blue goblin wakes up atop a pile of his brother goblins. Bounding off he heads to the chief hut with a smile.

2012-10-13, 11:16 PM
Naknuk eventually woke up outdoors, next to a tree stump, as he slowly pulled himself up. "Ugh... Naknuk feel better... Slightly..." he silently spoke, before clambering around, trying to find his armor. Once he located his armor and shield, he donned then as quickly as possible, before hurrying his best to the chief's hut.

2012-10-14, 12:58 PM
Gets up early, dodging his brother who had a few too many apples last night. After pre pairing his spells and packing his things he heads to the chiefs.

2012-10-14, 01:32 PM
Squeeb slowly opens his eyes and tries to recognize where he was. It took him a minute but finally he got it. He was lying face first on the ground, which explains why everything was so brown.

Rolling over it all came back to him. The night before he had taken it upon himself to guard the tribe since all the goblins would be too appled up to scout around. He had decided to go patrolling, and must have fallen asleep somewhere along the outskirts of the tribe.

Getting up, he spit out some dirt and a blade of grass before heading to the chief's hut.

2012-10-15, 07:05 AM
There waiting for them was Slorb who was as usual picking his nose and wiping his findings on his fancy dirty garb.

"Youse almost wake late," He said in his nasally pitch voice. Next to him was a potato sack bag filled with stuff. "Chief Gutwad has his head hurting way to much. I tell him he ate too many cider apples and snake eggs. So I am here on his behalf. He wanted me to let you borrow some stuff for accomplishing some dares. It all in this sack for you lot, so you decide who what will get what."

"Sparky and Skortch get selected presents for braving the bonfire, though I tell Chief Gutwad they cheat somehow with magics or something, he no listen, too much cider apples," Slorb sounded a little bitter and even scoffed.

"Anyway, those two each get a *Dragon brew gourd, careful they stinky. This not have to be returned to Moot House like other stuff when you come back," He said as he grabbed the potato sack and dragged it closer to them.

"You got questions, I maybe answer, or not."

*Dragon brew gourd = Elixir of Firebreath

Ring That Lets You Climb Real Good- a ring of climbing
Helping Hand-Assisting Gloves
Gorge of Gluttons—a +1 dogslicer that functions as a bane weapon when utilized against horses (improving to a +3 dogslicer that inflicts an additional 2d6 points of damage on a successful hit) This is Chief Gutwad's personal sword and he wants it back in one piece or heads will roll.
Slippy Slide Maker Stick A Wand of Grease, caster level 2, 11 charges
Pretty Red Flag Snatched From Dead Longshank Warrior- a red Knight's Pennon, for this instance though I will allow it to be mounted on a one handed bladed weapon.

You can find the items in the d20pfsrd

2012-10-15, 09:37 AM
"Gasp!" Squeeb gasped, as he looked through the bag, and pulled out a knight's flag. He quickly tied it to his weapon and started waving his sword around and watched as the flag rippled and waved. "Just like a real night," he squeaked, tears almost forming in his eyes.

2012-10-15, 10:15 AM

He is bouncing up and down with excitement. Accepting the gourd he ties it to his belt then chooses the pretty ring. He never had any piece of jewelry before and is enchanted with it.

2012-10-15, 10:24 AM
Happily receives his gourd, sniffing it carefully and then packing it away in his bag. From the other items he snatches up the wand, waving it around wildly as he does. He'd never had a real wand before. Finally sliding it into his belt he looked at Slorb. "Where are the fireworks?"

2012-10-15, 12:27 PM
Naknuk looks into the bag of remaining items, and sees two objects left. Of the two that remained, he instead pulled out the gloves, before putting them on. He thought that the gloves would help him keep a good, firm grip on his bow, which, admittedly, has been getting a little bit shaky lately.

2012-10-16, 05:17 AM
And Khuraargh got the sword cuz he no have enough, haha.

"Fire works here on big red X on map," Slorb fished through the inside of his dirty coat and pulled out a tattered map. This map showed a dotted path from the Licktoad village which crossed into the Brinestump Marsh,which ended at an old shipwreck near the coastline. However, what every goblin knows is that the goblin cannibal named Vorka lives somewhere on the coast, so carefulness be a thing. Slorb held the map out for someone to grab it. <If anyone wants to make a local knowledge check for Brinestump Marsh or to elaborate on Vorka, it is optional>



Nexus-R.C._Mina won't be up for posting a short while due to real life issues, however, in order to keep the game from staling from too long, if you'd like, we can take this as a moment for a little extra roleplaying, whether it be simple info gathering or just talking amongst your characters.

2012-10-16, 10:38 AM
tik... tik... tik...



There comes a rustling through the tree canopy above, something, or someone clutching at the rush-weaving of the hut's roof. With a whoosh of displaced air and a solid thud upon the ground, Khuraargh leaps in from above, landing in a crouch.

He leaves his quivering shield stuck in the loam as he stands and dusts himself off. He straightens his clothing and harness of studded leather, leaves and twigs falling off of him like a crackling rain. Conspicuously new, his legs now sport a wraparound lizardskin kilt, each scale of which still seems to slither in the light and shadows as he moves.

Khuraargh flashes a toothy grin at Slorb from beneath his turtleshell hat-helm as he begins to reach for the last item--- his father's sword... and then he stops, scratching idly at his chin in sudden thought. Giving a decisive nod, one overlarge callused hand claps Squeeb upon the shoulder, then clicks his fingers twice and makes eye-contact with the aspiring goblin knight.

The scarred goblin unbuckles his quiver of javelins from his back and leans them against the nearby wall. More lashings are undone and as he stands tall once more--- well, as tall and proud as a tree-monkey goblin can be--- he holds in both hands a slender, curved scabbard. Now that the rag-wrappings have been discarded, it is seen that beneath the now-chipped-and-scratched blue enamel, the scabbard itself is made of solid brass, without a hint of rust.

Khuraargh then lets go of the hilt for but a moment, revealing a handle with a tight binding in copper wire, a hand-guard of spiked brass and a gold-flecked solid steel pommel as large as a halfling's fist. He then slowly draws the finely-honed, well-polished blade--- one without hole or blemish or chipping, one clearly forged from man-iron.

The scarred goblin sheathes the sword, locks gazes with Squeeb, then points at his feet. He wriggles and spreads his toes, yanks meaningfully at an errant clump of hair from his head, then points back at his feet with spread fingers. He then points out the nearest window at the sun and claps his hands together and bows his head as if in prayer.

Khuraargh then spits vilely and flashes a ferocious grin as he jabs a finger at Slorb, then nods proudly as his jabs another pointer at where chief Gutwad now sleeps, then thrusts his thumb over his shoulder, pointing out the window and holds up nine fingers. He then gestures over an expanse of empty space outside the chief's hut and holds up four fingers. He jumps into the middle of the clearing, assumes an erect posture, with legs bowed, as if riding... he then goes on all fours and snaps and lolls his tongue like a dog. Khuraargh then jumps back out of the clearing, points back at Slorb and the Chief, draws both dogslicers and leaps back in, stabbing and slashing madly.

He sheathes his dogslicers again, Sarenite sabre now raised defiantly. He makes a show of mighty blows, of ducking and weaving and blocking with a shield... only for the shield-arm to be wrenched viciously aside, his silent face now a mask of agony. He spasms, jerks, gasps as if stabbed in the side. He struggles to stand, then slowly falls, the sabre falling from twitching fingers, the sword-hand still raised, faithful fingers still spread in the open hand holy gesture of the Sarenites.

Khuraargh then leaps back up, switching positions from vanquished to victor, then "takes" the sword and thrusts it into the air. He looms over his remembered-and-imagined foe, sees the last defiant gesture of the faithful and reaches over...

...and, thrusts his loot into his belt, then reaches over and bends the "halfling"s middle and ring fingers down, with the little and pointer and thumb still up, thus forming the sign of the horned dog, the sacred sign of Lamashtu the Beast-Mother and of the Four Great Barghest Hero-Gods.

Khuraargh, panting a little after his performance, strides over to Squeeb. With a hand on his shoulder, he makes him kneel. The goblin prince thumps his own chest with a fist, gestures at the Chief's Chair, then runs the blade's edge over his left palm...

...and then slices across Squeeb's as well. That done, he lightly cuts Squeeb at both shoulders and wipes the blood off upon Squeeb's sleeve. Khuraargh then sheathes the scimitar with a decisive click, gestures for Squeeb to rise and then presents him with the scabbarded sword and its complementary rags.

Khuraargh then licks his wound closed, nods at Slorb and takes the map. He lays this out flat on the nearest sitting-stone and gestures for the others to gather around so that they may all have a look.

A smirk slashes up the scarred goblin's face. He leaves the map in the others' care, darts for the goodie-bag and snatches up his father's sword. He then secures its scabbard to his javelin-quiver and re-fastens the lot to his back. Leaning down, with a mighty haul and grunt, he heaves out the shield which he'd left sticking up in the ground, reaches up to the branch where he'd left it and returns to where the others are, shield gripped by his left arm, backpack with sundry supplies strapped to his back, right hand resting on the hilt of one of the paired dogslicers at his waist.

Cheatsheet, as requested:
>Eh, you want this, alrighty then.
>Sword came from a sun-worshiping halfling. Back when the chief and Slorb were a bit younger, we were part of a Licktoad warband that ambushed a bunch of longshanks adventurers who were invading goblin territory. We fought, I killed him. He died honouring his goddess... and I converted... him after death to worshiping our beloved Mother Lamashtu and our Barghest Hero-Gods.
>By the power vested in me by the chieftain and by Lamashtu, I command you to serve your tribe to your fullest, bring glory to the Blood and the Fury.
>Arise, knight of the Licktoad.

2012-10-16, 12:35 PM

"Oooo map. Me take!" he exclaims with enthusiasm but isn't fast enough to get it. "Awww," he whines.

When the map is spread out he grins and quickly tries to memorize it.

[roll0] knowledge local
what is the DC to memorize the map. Here is the page for autohypnosis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/skills/autohypnosis-wis-trained-only)

2012-10-17, 09:41 AM
"Ow," Squeeb squeaked when Khuraargh cut his shoulders. Standing he took the sword and bowed to his mute friend. "Thank you, I will always treasure this gift."

Hey Nexus, would you mind continuing to spoiler what you're characters actual meaning is? I think I got it, but clarity would be helpful to all around.

2012-10-18, 01:07 AM
Goblin Brouhaha

Slorb grumbles something incoherent and rolls his eyes at Khuraargh and picks his nose in process as Khuraargh plays charades. He wipes a lovely specimen of booger on his dirty new coat.

As for Sparky, the map being of such simplistic nature, the equivalent to a crayon map by a five year old, it does not take much to get it memorized in his head. The important thing is the river that they could follow through the swamp that leads to the coastline.

2012-10-18, 08:34 AM

The marsh is a place of great bounty, with lots of places to hide and lots of delicious things to eat. Some of those things are kind of poisonous, though, so take care. One of the best things about the marsh is that the humans don’t normally come into it. They’re afraid of the monsters. Which are a concern, but if you know about them before they find out about you, running is always an option. Among the dangers that you can expect to face in the portion of Brinestump Marsh that you’ll be heading through are wild dogs, giant bugs, giant snakes, and giant frogs. Oh, and Lotslegs Eat Goblin Babies Many.

2012-10-18, 10:37 AM

With it memorized he shouts, "Let's go!"

[roll0] knowledge local about Vorka

2012-10-18, 11:01 PM
For Sparky- One of the greatest terrors of the swamp, at least to the Licktoads, is old Vorka, a ravenous cannibal goblin who, legend tells, was once the wife of a Licktoad chieftain. She murdered and ate that chieftain, as well as several other goblins, before she was driven out of town many years ago. Since then,
the story says that she’s lived alone somewhere along the coast to the west of Licktoad village, and while she’s never returned, most goblins who go missing in that part of the swamp are assumed to have been eaten by the cannibal.

2012-10-19, 09:43 AM
Khuraargh joins Sparky with a heavy, commending hand clapping his shoulder. He gives an approving thumb and beckons to the others with another bit of hand-flappery.

Once they get going, he points at his eyes, his nose and pulls at his ears, then gestures with a couple of circular motions at the shadows of the marsh around them. He slowly draws a javelin, holding it ready as he watches their surroundings.

2012-10-19, 09:58 AM
Bounces and nods in agreement with Sparky. "Yes, fireworks time!"

2012-10-19, 01:04 PM
Raising his new sword in the wrong direction, Squeeb struck a "heroic" pose with his legs outstretched and his sword gleaming in the morning light.

"Onward, to adventure!"

2012-10-20, 07:40 AM
And so our rascally pint sized "heroes" ventured out with a chorus boos and tomatoes from some of their fellow peers.

The goblins walked and walked, and walked some more, their little calloused feet taking them over twigs, small rocks and nature's debris which littered the ground. Their journey took them into the swamp, where they had a bit ways to go before they could come across the river to follow. The water here was murky, yucky dark murky and as deep as the size of a goblin chopped in the middle. And it had nasty critters who liked the gamey flavor of goblins. Who knows what could be hiding in the murk and mangrove trees.

Fortunately for the goblins crisscrossed around the swamp were thin mounds of mossy ground about a foot wide and just barely reach above the murk water level for slightly higher ground. <Make Perception Checks>

2012-10-20, 09:39 AM

Sparky bounced along, happy he was on the adventure.


2012-10-20, 09:51 AM
Naknuk, now traveling with this goblin group, looked at his crew. Noticing Sparky was hopping about, all cheery, he sighed silently. *He seem too cheery for Naknuk's taste...* thought the goblin as he brought out his bow, just in case any creature try to attack.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-10-20, 09:41 PM
Sniffs the air looking around.


2012-10-20, 10:54 PM
Squeeb was pulling on the reins of his pig, Noble Steed, who had recently decided to roll around in the swamp water. "Come on!" Squeeb squeaked at his mount. "We got adventuring! No time for baths."

Giving up for the moment, Squeeb sighed and took in the sights, unfortunately they were very swampy sights. As far as he could tell there were no fair maidens, dragons, or even bridges guarded by knights wearing black. But that didn't bother Squeeb any, he knew that beyond the next puddle, for sure this time, there'd definitely by at least one of those things.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-10-21, 12:32 AM
Harsh breath rasps through flared nostrils
Peeled peepers peer from beneath the carapace brim
Dim morning light shines from javelin's whetted stone head
Khuraargh hefts the spear and the shield, anticipating today's kills
Beneath the mangroves and the shadows of myriad branches, day is dim
There, in Brinestump Marsh, beyond the Licktoad's marches, brawny goblin takes the lead

Perception check

2012-10-21, 05:35 AM
No one sees anything out of the usual for this stretch of walking and gallavanting in the swamp except for the occasional pain in the butt mosquito.
Birds caw, insects buzz, swamps blurgle and gurgle as foul smelling bubbles pop.

Until then suddenly something makes a lunge for Squeeb and his delicious steed but seems to fall short hitting its nose end and eating mossy dirt. It sinks back into the murky water.<Initiative and reaction fun times>

2012-10-22, 08:01 AM
At the marsh monster's entrance, Khuraargh knocks on his hat-helm and hisses at the others to get their attention. He jabs his javelin upwards, then suiting deed to un-word, leaps up into a set of low-hanging branches and then tenses himself, preparing to hurl the spear at wherever the thing would next pop up.

Climb [roll0]
*Ready an Action to hurl the javelin wherever the thing pops up next.

2012-10-22, 09:56 AM
Naknuk saw the beast having leapt out of the murky swamp water and was startled slightly. But he shook his startledness off as he pulled his bow out, along with an arrow. He then readied himself as he held the arrow in place, waiting for the creature to emerge and expose itself.

Since Nexus' idea for his readied action seemed like a good idea in general, I would do the same. Wait for the submerged monster to expose itself before attacking for my readied action. But I'll go ahead and do the rolls here and now.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-22, 12:27 PM
Scrambles excitedly not realizing the danger just the exhilaration of being on an adventure he loads his crossbow and waits for something else to surface from the swamp.

Move: Load light crossbow
Ready Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-22, 10:08 PM

The blue goblin jumps at the movement in the water. He had never seen something like that. He readies his spear.

2012-10-22, 10:32 PM
"Eeeehhk!" Squeeb squeaked. "It tried to eat my Steed!"

Squeeb draws his sword. "Noble Steed, get ready to attack the evil bad thing when it comes out again," he called to his rather bored looking pig.

Squeeb prepares to attack when the creature appears.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Noble Steed
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2012-10-23, 02:37 AM
The creature re-submerges! It turns out to be an alligator trying to take another chomp but...!

Naknuk attacks with his bow and arrow! <I will calculate his favored enemy thing into this> His arrow strikes hard into the alligator's neck lodging itself right in there.

Sir Squeeb at the same time slashes his rapier giving the alligator a nice little cut on its harden muzzle. Noble Steed, being bored, seemed to not have put much effort in its attack and bounced off against the gator but likely after Sir Squeeb slashed at it.

Khuraargh like a monkey climbs to the first low branch of a mangrove tree as he hurls a javelin with one hand. It hits the gator's body leaving a gash and plops onto the murky water, floating there as the javelin's weight pulls itself slowly down.

Skortch lets out a bolt as it hits the gator squarely between the eyes. And Sparky is readying an action after the gator I believe.

The gator was extra mad and thrashed its head from all the hits it was taking, its tail smacking the water. It lurched at the tasty pig Noble Steed again who was first closest before Sir Squeeb.

....but...totally missed as Sir Squeeb pulled up on Noble Steed and hopped to the side in a comical manner.

The gator hurt itself in the process when it missed and the hit mossy strip of land hard. Derp!

<Sparky's turn and then we go back to Naknuk>

2012-10-23, 10:50 AM

"BrainblastBrainblastBrainblastBrainblastBrainblast !" says Sparky excitedly as a loud 'ZAT' leaps from his head.

mind thrust (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/m/mind-thrust)
[roll0] damage Will save DC 15 negates

2012-10-24, 04:52 AM
Well that was unfortunately lucky for the gator. There was a sorta comical fizzle as Sparky's attack sorta...scratched an itch let's just say.

<Start of Initiative with Naknuk, and then as seen in the OOC>

2012-10-24, 11:01 AM
Naknuk, seeing the arrow get lodged, has a grin on his gobby face as he pulls out another arrow. Pulling back on the string, he then eventually let the arrow loose and soaring at the aligator.

Last time, I forgot about Deadly Aim :P This time, however, I use it.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Also taking into account the bonus from Favored Enemy

2012-10-24, 11:48 AM
"Take that," Squeeb shouted as his sword streaked across the gator. "And that!" he said as he lunged at the creatures side (5 foot step to one side).

Noble Steed steps forward (5 foot step to the other, hopefully to flank) and attacks again, while chewing on something he found in the swamp.

Sir Squeeb attack +2 if flanking
damage [roll1]

Noble Steed attack[roll2]+2 if flanking
damage [roll]1d4+

2012-10-24, 01:17 PM

Khuraargh hisses as he charges off the branch, overlarge feet kicking off from the tree-limb and then splashing into the marsh. His shield's rim slams onto the beast's back to break his fall and his right-hip's dogslicer flashes from its sheath.

Khuraargh whirls the grip such that the blade protrudes from the bottom of his fist, aims for the creature's neck, then stabs in.

Str 2 + BAB 1 + size 1 + charging 2 + flanking 2 - Power Attack

2012-10-24, 01:27 PM
The croc's attention on the others he reloads his crossbow and fires again.

Move: load crossbow
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-25, 12:24 AM
The alligator was just ripped a new one. It was dead, it was a pair of leather boots now. The large reptile floated there, eyes opened, dead, a pool of blood surrounding it. It messed with the wrong goblins, probably would have been better off going after lame longshanks.

Victory for the goblins of Tribe Licktoad!

2012-10-25, 08:24 AM
Thick ropes of gore drip from the edge as Khuraargh drags his blade out. He crosses his arms over his chest for a moment of thought, then plunges in again, sawing through the alligator's throat, just to make sure.

That done, he cleans his blade with some nearby ferns and sheathes it. Looking pleased with the initial Licktoad victory, he goes around, punching shoulders and pumping fists.

With huffing breath, Khuraargh then drags the beast to the nearest patch of dry ground... or a big enough tree's overgrown roots. He roots about in the muck to find his broken bit of javelin, returns to the kill and drives it through both eye-sockets. He then vanishes into the trees and returns with an ungodly amount of vines which he uses to rig the reptile up between two great sprawling trees, suspending the corpse as a macabre offering [and warning to anybody who might be thinking of messing with the Licktoad Tribe], then kneeling before it and raising the Sign of Lamashtu with his fingers.

2012-10-25, 08:47 AM
Pulling a dagger from his belt he watches Khuraargh dress the gator corpse. While he's off gathering vines Skortch makes quick work with his knife, extracting a tooth from the gators mouth, which is hanging around his neck shortly afterwords.

2012-10-25, 10:40 AM

With the alligator dead Sparky does a dance of victory in the muck.

2012-10-25, 11:30 AM
Sir Squeeb raised his blade into the air waving wildly. "We killed a swampy dragon!"

2012-10-25, 03:40 PM
His grin still on his face with the gator killed, Naknuk placed his bow back in it's resting place. Even though this was the first step on their path to victory, it was surely a great start.

2012-10-26, 03:02 AM
And there it would stand for all eternity, at least until carrion eating creatures got to it.

Perhaps our dear little goblins should make sure to get back on track, or hey, they can victory dance.

2012-10-26, 04:44 AM
Nodding judiciously, Khuraargh hauls out another javelin. Hefting his shield once more, he wades out back into the muck. With a tilt of his turtleshell hat-helm and a jink of his javelin, he gestures for them to proceed, falling in behind Sparky, since he seems to know the way by way of the map.

2012-10-26, 09:25 AM

Once the croc was trusted up the blue goblin was ready to head out with a big smile on his face.

2012-10-26, 09:55 AM
Proceeds along in the middle of the group, trying to shake off the excitement of their first battle and focus on noticing the next one before it is upon them this time.

2012-10-26, 11:11 PM
Once his arm gets tired from waving his sword around he sheathes it, still grinning like a kid in a candy store he prepares to continue his glorious adventure.

2012-10-27, 09:04 AM
As the goblins continued along their way, tucking in a half mile or so, they would come across the river wide, and follow it north as according to the map.

Eventually the river cut to the right, and the goblins would need to be on the left and following the river anymore right would put them miles behind in their quest and likely into enemy territory, and they would still need to cross the river anyway.

There was a rather large marsh tree with vines draped on it. Maybe, if they securedly tied it and swung across, then maybe.....just maybe.

2012-10-28, 12:36 AM
Along the way, Khuraargh finds Sir Squeeb and points at the latter's newly acquired scimitar. The scarred goblin shakes both head and fingers, makes a cleaning gesture with a rag, hands the rag to the goblin knight, then nods with an upheld thumb.

Coming to the crossing at the river, Khuraargh shoulders his shield and scampers up the great, sprawling tree, keeping one of his dogslicers clenched in his teeth as a precaution--- sometimes using it as a climbing aid. Getting there, he takes several good, strong, sturdy vines and secures them as solidly as he could to the branch for the others to use.

[roll0] Climb (+2, for the dogslicer/makeshift climbing spike?)
[roll1] Know: Nature, to check which vines/branches are best to use
[roll2] Perception, there's some kind of danger there, most assuredly
[roll3] Acrobatics, to catch himself or the vines in case he falls
[roll4] Survival, for rope/vine-use
^--- Yikes. Looks like he's too used to running solo. Hope rope/vine-use is actually covered in Climb, otherwise that's a heckuvva botch.

2012-10-28, 05:32 PM
Squeeb bows and accepts the rag to clean off his new blade.

As Khuraargh climbs the tree Squeeb calls up to him, worried about getting Noble Steed across the river. "Does you see any shallower places to go?"

2012-10-29, 08:01 AM
Watches Khuraargh up in the branches a bit. Having little practice with such things he takes a look trying to come up with an alternate option. their recent encounter with the croc making him weary of going into the water if necessary.

Checks to see if there is a better way to cross the river.
Knowledge Local: [roll0]
Knowledge Geography: [roll1]
Knowledge Nature: [roll2]

2012-10-29, 11:00 AM

"We cross here," Sparky says somewhere between a question and a statement. He looks at the large tree trying to figure a plan.

He watched Khuraargh and waited for his result.

2012-10-30, 03:03 AM
The only danger to be seen was the moving river. Anyways, the vines were more or less on the draped side of things and not secured. Perhaps that is what lead to to the end result of this.

Khuraargh swiftly climbed up the tree with his natural ease as he grabbed a vine, it looked good, hard to tell with some of the foliage around it on the branch, but it looked good. It was then he swung that his weight pulled down the insecured vine. He just managed to move himself that he was able to keep from falling as he caught and hung on the branch above him.

The vine fell and crumpled into a heap on the ground.

As for Skortch, his knowledge of geography and nature brings up ideas of log bridges over narrower parts of the river, since, not all rivers are a uniformed wide size.

2012-10-30, 02:56 PM
Fortunately, the backslung shield and laden pack catch the brunt of the fall. Groaning, Khuraargh gets up and dusts himself off, shaking a fist at the vines.

He grunts, then shrugs questioningly at Skortch, points at the river and across then makes as if swimming.

2012-10-30, 03:33 PM
Looking at Khuraargh as he crashes to the ground. "Maybe swim yes." The goblin's meaning fairly obvious. "Maybe someone strong swim first then use vines to help."

2012-10-30, 10:03 PM
"Swim? What about the swamp dragons?"

2012-10-30, 11:13 PM

The blue goblin stifled his laugh as Khuraargh fell. He began to gather what long vines he could find.

"Someone should climb again and tie these securely."

2012-10-31, 01:51 PM
Snarling, Khuraargh takes the proferred vines and scampers once more up the gnarled tree, using one of his blades as a climbing aid. With his legs firmly locked around one big branch, he weaves the three strongest vines into a three-ply makeshift rope, knots one end off and ties the lot over, across, under and around a fork in the tree branch over the rushing river. That done, he knots the lot at every yard to give it extra strength, then climbs back down and points at the others and gestures across the river.

[roll0] Climb (+2 with blade/climbing aid?)
[roll1] Survival YEESSS! TAKE THAT!
[roll2] Acrobatics Whew. Insurance.

2012-11-01, 09:19 AM
Round 2

And so Khuraargh made a second attempt and with the mercy of the voice in the sky, the mostly mute goblin secured the vines and swung across the river and caught onto a low lying branch from an opposite tree. Victory over vines.

With the rope tested for security, the others would simply have to swing across, though there was the small issue with Noble Steed.

2012-11-01, 06:15 PM
Once the vine was cleared and back in position, Naknuk removed his shield and armored coat, before stowing them away. After they were all stowed away, the goblin grabbed onto the vine as he began on his attempt to swing himself over to the other side.

Acrobatics: [roll0] - Swinging across, woulda been +1, but removing shield and armor helped matters there :P
Sleight of Hands: [roll1] - To try and save myself if messed up... Untrained, so as per stated in the SRD, unless I'm trying to hide something on my body, can't succeed in anything beyond 10...

2012-11-02, 02:27 AM
Sparkly barely makes it across the river with the vine rope and falls on the other side.

The vine rope swings back as Naknuk grabs onto it and swings. But he missed the other side and his jump and barely regains his hold on the rope and un-triumphantly swings back to the side he started off from.

<Eh, Benson doesn't particularly care for certain what Sleight of Hands so called limits are, Benson is interpenetrating it for their own purposes for the game>

2012-11-02, 03:10 AM
OOC: for those who maybe confused. I posted this in the occ thread.


Taking his time, the blue goblin makes sure his grip is firm and has enough space to get enough momentum to swing over.

2012-11-02, 08:11 AM
"What about stead?" Looking at the others and then frowning. "And fireworks?"

2012-11-02, 02:41 PM
Clinging to the branch with his legs, holding the braided vines with his corded arms, Khuraargh lets go of the branch and hooooopefully sails across onto the other side.

Once there, he tries looking for more vines and deadfall--- if there's a suitable log, that would be even better, which he then tries to lash together into a makeshift raft for the others.

[roll0] Survival, for material-gathering and raft-making
[roll1] Acrobatics, for swinging across like a gorram trapeze monkey

2012-11-03, 03:44 AM
Khuraargh already on the otherside of the bank would easily spy some more vines, as for a good usuable log, that would be a Perception Check and require a little searching more away from the bank. Since a passive survey of the bank did not provide such things. Well, there were logs, but they were rotted with heavy moss growing over them.

2012-11-03, 11:35 AM
Seeing what the other goblin wanted to do he helps search for some logs.

[roll0] perception

2012-11-03, 01:55 PM
Helps out with the search.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-11-03, 08:01 PM
Off in the thicker brush, past it, Sparky comes across a four large pieces of plank wood under some flora, driftwood maybe? Well, sometimes during bad storms from the east sea, wrecked ships were carried over, broken down. But hey, good news for goblins in this case. As fr Naknuk Skortch, he finds himself two thick fallen branches, maybe something for the sides of the their mini raft in the making?

Overall, with the plank size, they are large enough to hold two goblins across.

2012-11-03, 10:16 PM
Squeeb also looks for some wood.

Also 2 goblins = how many pigs?

2012-11-04, 07:08 AM
<maybe by itself>

On the other side of the bank with Noble Stead and Skortch, Sir Squeeb would come up short and find two nice pieces of kindling. Noble Steed was likely a distracting factor in getting in on a proper search.

2012-11-04, 07:59 AM
After picking himself up, Naknuk had noticed there were two fallen branches on each of his sides. Thinking they may be of some use, he picks them up and begins carrying them over to the opening, to where Skortch and Noble Steed are. He then saw that the others on the other side were gathering wood for something. Were they perhaps trying to create some means of getting across the river without using the vines?

2012-11-04, 10:47 AM

The young goblin drags what the wood over. "Look, look at what I found!"

2012-11-04, 03:00 PM
"More!" Contributing his findings to the pile.

2012-11-04, 10:00 PM
While the others had been more productive in their search efforts, Khuraargh meanwhile had gotten his face through a particularly thick patch of cobwebby branches. While usable wood, vines and other material for a raft for Noble Steed and whoever else was still on the other side, he'd been stumbling around, his face festooned in a mess of spiderwebs.

Gwhhhhh-rrrrrrhhhh-nnnnngggghh-mmmmmmhhhh! goes his half-frustrated half-panicked mumbling as he slashes about with a blade in one hand, scrambling at the webs with the other hand, chewing and spitting with his mouth.

AAAAAHHHH! Longlegs! SWAAAAMP! Loooonnngleeeegggs! Protect the otherrrrrsss... ohhh, tasty spidersquishies... Aaaaaah! LONGLEGS! go his thoughts while he tries to extricate himself out of the sticky situation.

When he finally gets rid of the gunk, he gets down to the business of lashing the branches together, scowling and hissing furiously.

W'elp! Comedy for confused posts and crappy rolls!

Survival check once again for trying to make a friggen raft for the friggen piggy and whoever's still on the other side: [roll0]

2012-11-05, 01:58 AM
After some time, maybe twenty-thirty minutes of crude craftmanship, a ramshackle raft was made. Its likely buoyant. Yay, teamwork!

2012-11-05, 08:22 AM
Cheers their success. Great heroes would not bring back wet fireworks.

2012-11-06, 03:30 PM
Crosses the river on the raft, making sure to drag it up onto the shore and hide it well once everyone is done using it so that it is still there for the trip home.

2012-11-06, 06:49 PM
As soon as everyone had crossed, even himself, Naknuk looked back to the river and to Skortch, who was hiding the raft. While Skortch was hiding the raft, he took this time to re-equip his armored coat and buckler. If they were to run into combat, he would have his heavy pick out.

2012-11-07, 10:44 PM
Sir Squeeb tentatively lead Noble Steed onto the makeshift raft and pushed off. As the raft broke free from the shore Squeeb felt the wood sink noticeably lower into the water, with a stifled yelp Squeeb grabbed around the neck of his animal friend and clenched his eyes shut, fearing the water rushing up to gobble them both up. After a few moments Squeeb peaked his head out over Noble Steeds neck and realized they were both still float.

"See Noble Steed, nothing to be afraid of," Squeeb said with relief. Hearing his name the pig turned and snorted at Squeeb before it laid down sending the raft shaking again and Squeeb clutching onto his pig for dear life.

Far longer than Squeeb felt it should have taken, he made it to the other side.

2012-11-08, 03:06 AM
And so the goblins crossed the river and had a new raft to boot! And so there they were, in a part of the swampy jungle where Khuraargh comedically stumbled into spider webs....

As the five continued their path...they'd find themselves finding more spider webs....some small, a few large....

2012-11-08, 01:59 PM

"I hate spiders," remarks Sparky. He looks up at the canopy and the trees.

[roll0] perception

2012-11-08, 02:23 PM
KKKKHHHH! Khuraargh hisses and jumps into the others' path. He gestures at all the suspiciously vast spiderwebs festooning the foliage around them, walks on all fours then climbs up the cleanest tree trunk and low branch he could find, then leaps off the end right. He mock-pounces at the nearest goblin, extending his rigid fingers from his open mouth like fangs. He then clutches at his neck, staggers about and collapses, twitching as if poisoned.

Khuraargh leaps back up, points at his eyes and ears, then points back at the others with his fingers in the horned dog sign. The scarred goblin then takes out a torch and hands it to whoever of his comrades doesn't need both hands to fight, signalling him to light it by clicking his fingers together as if striking sparks from flints. He then secures the straps on his shield, draws a javelin and advances cautiously, using the tip to clear any part any particularly thick patches of web they come across, ready to hurl it at anything truly threatening.

Perception, yo! [roll0]

2012-11-10, 11:58 AM
It was an eerie trek in this part of the jungle filled with webs, large webs. Some webs large enough to catch a deer.

The goblins hear but the buzzing insects and the crunch of foliage underneath.

From out of nowhere...

Naknuk and Sparky would find themselves with a web shot down at them from above. Looking up would reveal a scarred slightly larger than normal giant spider fangs dripping mucus.



2012-11-11, 12:24 AM

He was caught in the web and immediately looked up. The dripping fangs was all he could see. His heart raced. In a heart beat the seriousness of this adventure became real to him for the first time.

[roll0] Init

2012-11-11, 11:00 AM
"We're under attack!" Squeeb shouted with a crazy grin. "By monsters!"
"Snort" Noble Steed snorted.


2012-11-11, 01:28 PM
A thrill of gratified paranoia runs down Khuraargh's spine even as he rocks back and hefts his javelin. He backpedals to gain some space, shield high, sighting across its rim, then throws himself into the stroke as he hurls the long, sharp spit of wood, aiming at the great spider's bloated belly.


2012-11-11, 10:21 PM
Upon the webbing falling on him and Sparky, Naknuk looked up as he saw the spider. With his pick readied and shield equipped, he was ready to fend the savage creature off.


2012-11-12, 12:58 AM
Lotslegs Eat Goblins Many makes...whatever spidery noise they make when in pain. Maybe a rrraagahgahghagh....!.............? Yea, we'll go with that, as she..it, is stabbed with the javelin in its thorax.

Naknuk is up! <He can either make an escape artist check or strength check!>

2012-11-12, 10:56 AM
Naknuk, having been trapped by the web, began on his attempt to free himself, so he can join the fight.

Escape Artist: [roll0]

2012-11-12, 11:43 AM
Naknuk more than succeeds as he seems to slip through the web like a buttered bullfrog! Twisting and turning. He is free.

Lotslegs Eat Goblins Many lunges down at Khuraargh who attacked it and makes a spidery snarling sound. However, Khuraargh parries it and twists himself to avoid the bite.

<Go Sir Squeeb!>

2012-11-13, 12:50 AM
A wave of his hand and an excited yell and a ball of energy whips towards the spider.

Cast Magic Missile: [roll0]

2012-11-13, 07:50 AM
The magical energy zips out from Skortch's gobby hands and strikes unquestionably true upon the giant spider who reels their head and ckreeeeecccks at Skortch!

<Go Sparky, youse has the same options that Naknuk had to escape>

2012-11-13, 08:50 AM
OOC: Put this in wherever you feel it makes sense, again sorry for the inconvenience Benson.

"Have at me!" Squeeb shouted as he ran toward the monster and drew his sword. Noble Steed yawns and trots after him.

If Squeeb can make it to the frontline in 1 move action he will then attack. If he cannot, he will take another move action to try and give Khuraargh a flanking bonus.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Noble Steed
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2012-11-13, 01:07 PM

Fighting through the fear the young goblin focuses his mind into a sharp weapon and thrusts it at the spider.

Mind Thrust
[roll0] damage Will save DC 15 negates

2012-11-14, 12:30 AM
Sir Squeeb and his trusty 'steed' Noble Steed attack and annoy the spider who hisses in that spidery way in the movies. Unfortunately it seemed all these attacks on the spider fortified its will to kill and eat these goblins. With its instinctual resolve it fended off Sparky's mental attack.

<Beginning of Initiative, go Khuraargh!>

2012-11-14, 10:40 AM
Khuraargh scuttles around the great beast, shield held high, looking for an opening. He sees Squeeb move into position on the other side and then the scarred goblin rips loose another javelin, waves it at Squeeb, and then hurls it again, at the belly, aiming for its innards.

Close to melee on the next turn.

2012-11-14, 02:28 PM
Ouch, a one. Khuraargh in his quest to strike the many legged beast, finds himself tripping over one of the giant spider's legs. The javelin flies, its trajectory changed as it zips past Noble Steed's ear, nicking it just a little, hitting a tree behind him and Sir Squeeb ten feet behind them.

<Go, naknuk!>

2012-11-15, 12:11 AM
Naknuk, wanting to get the creep back for having covered him in webbing, wielded his pick in a stabby position. Then, charging at the creature, he attempted to impale the creature.

Attack: [roll0] +2 if charge can be applied
Threat check (in case it's nat 20) : [roll1]
Damage: [roll]1d4+2

2012-11-15, 12:31 AM
Naknuk's attacked missed just barely as one of the giant spider's leg's kicked up a large rock that hit Naknuk's weapon just as he swung, throwing him off by something good.

The giant spider then attempted to bite him but missed as the goblin ducked his head.

<Go! whoever be next! Sir Squeeb, if it takes too long, then Skortch>

2012-11-15, 02:14 AM
"Careful Khuraargh!" Squeeb shouted as the spear passed by him. "Yous almost stuck my pig!"

Turning back to the spider he saw Naknuk miss, realizing that the group needed some serious help he knew what he had to do. "Hey monster! You're ugly and legged and mean and nobody likes you!" he shouted at the beast as he jumped a step to the side and slashed his blade once more.

Noble Steed also stepped to the opposite side of the spider and attacked.

Swift action to use my Challenge ability. Everyone gets a +1 bonus to their attack roll. I also gain a +1 to damage.

5 foot step done by myself and Noble Steed to get flanking bonuses on the spider.

Squeeb attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Noble Steed attack: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

2012-11-15, 08:35 AM
Loads and fires a bolt at the creature.

Light Crossbow:[roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2012-11-15, 05:54 PM
The giant spider snarls as it limps to the side as she <withdrawals> trying to run-scramble away into the jungle forest away from these goblins. Perhaps the stories of Lotslegs were an exaggerated bunch, maybe she was getting too old, maybe the dice gods were not kind to her. Who knows!

2012-11-16, 09:46 AM
The javelin flies off-mark as one giant leg swats at Khuraargh like he was but a fly. He sails through the air but snatches at a low-hanging branch, swings around and lands on his knees and knuckles after a roll to take off the brunt of the fall.

Khuraargh bares his teeth in a savage snarl, and flashes an apologetic raised hand and lowered face at Squeeb.

Seeing the great beast that had long plagued their people limping away, the scarred goblin hisses, scenting blood. He crouches low, tensing his muscle-corded body, then takes off through the undergrowth. He has his shield in front of him, parting the tall grasses as he charges madly. Nearing Lotslegs, he reaches into the special sheath sewn onto the inside of his shield and rips free his man-axe...

...and leaps high, aiming to land both a grievous blow and a handhold upon their hated foe.

YEEEE-HAW! Let's rock!

Doing it like this to avoid confusion with bonuses.
+2 Str +1 BAB +2 Charge +2 Flanking +1 Size +1 Cavalier's Challenge -1 Power Attack
+2 Str +1 Whetted Weapon +2 Power Attack +1 Cavalier's Challenge

2012-11-16, 10:45 AM

Seeing the spider retreat, the young goblin begins to squirm, trying to free himself.

[roll0] escape artist

2012-11-16, 10:53 AM
Drawing a dagger from his belt he moves ahead to attempt and free Sparky while the others chase down the spider.

2012-11-16, 11:16 AM
Technically Khuraargh, would not be able to catch up with a <Withdrawing> Lotsleg, but this is a cinematic moment to just finish up this encounter xD.

Lotslegs lets out a loud resounding SCCRrrreeEEEEEeeEE! as Khuraargh' pounces on the giant spider, driving his axe and slicing it in halves. The spider falls.

With no threat looming at the moment Skortch is able to assist Sparky in freeing himself from the spider's web.

2012-11-16, 11:22 AM
A cheer given at the spiders demise is quickly cut short at the realization that there may be more nearby. Skortch quickly cuts away the webbing holding Sparky and then reloads his crossbow and falls back in line to proceed.

2012-11-16, 04:45 PM

"I hate spiders," grumbles the blue goblin.

2012-11-17, 11:48 AM
Khuraargh climbs out of the carcass, dripping and spitting ichor. He takes a leaf to wipe off the guts blocking his eyes and nose, then fishes around in the puddle of entrails for his trusty man-axe.

When he finds it, he gives the weapon a good cleaning--- as well as his shield, at least, as best a cleaning as circumstances permit, then sheathes it.

Once again gathering up vines, he makes another grand trophy/monument of their victim, hanging up the two halves among the branches of four trees. That done, he hefts another javelin, tips his hat-helm at the others, then takes up the vanguard once more.

2012-11-18, 12:36 PM
And there yet again was another warning against other fowl creatures and the by chance longshanks that there was a force in these here swamps not to be reckoned with.

And so our half pint heroes continued on their journey.

<Feel free to talk amongst yourself before I set up the next leg in this journey>

2012-11-19, 04:46 PM
"You killed the Lotsa Legs!" Squeeb said happily as he ran up to Khuraargh smiling that airheaded smile of his. "And I helped," he said with undo satisfaction.

Looking over the corpse as he cleaned his blade he couldn't help but feel just a little hungry. But no! Squeeb held back the grumbling in his tummy, a knight does not eat monsters, he was almost entirely sure about that. Normal small lotslegs though, they were fair game.

"So, where too next my brave companions?"

2012-11-19, 10:50 PM

His cheerful disposition somewhat more sober the blue goblin says, "This way."

2012-11-20, 03:16 PM
Khuraargh flashes a quick yellow grin and claps Sir Squeeb about the shoulder.

The scarred goblin stands in reflection as he looks at his comrade, shrugs, then takes out his man-axe again. He roots about in the undergrowth for a gourd or piece of bamboo that can serve as a vessel...

...then hunts out the fangs of the great beast and milks them of their venom. That done, he secures the vessel with a good wad of corkwood and cobwebbing, then thrusts it through his belt.

Spitting, he nods at Sparky and falls in behind him as they continue on their quest.

2012-11-20, 03:39 PM
"Great heroes of Licktoad!" A cheer for themselves as they proceed on to look for their treasures.

2012-11-20, 06:10 PM
And so our courageous goblins continue on their journey into perhaps more treacherous terrain.

After some undetermined amount of walking and following, loosely, Scribbleface's map, you begin to hear the distant faint sounds of waves crashing against swampy shore not too far from here. The five you eventually in the distant see the site you sought, perhaps sixty feet away.

A black and red two-masted ship of Chelish design lies mired in the mud in this clearing, its rigging thick with moss and decorated with lanterns and windchimes made from goblin skulls and bones. Strange writing is faintly visible along the ship’s prow, while the soggy, swampy “yard” that surrounds the wreck is encircled by a rickety wooden fence. A thin curl of smoke wafts up from a chimney that protrudes from an unusual box-like structure near the ship's bow.
1.) Is the weed riddled "yard". 2.) Is the rickety steep gangplank 3.) Is the ship of course.

Please indicate on the map where your PC will be in the next round of posts. Such as saying B17 or something. Each square is 5 feet.

2012-11-21, 01:19 PM
Khuraargh creeps through the brush. He waves the others on, to make ready by the gate, while he himself scrambles up a section of wall and pokes his head above the rampart to check out the lay of the land.

[roll0] Climbing up that wall
[roll1] Perception to see/hear/smell what's what
[roll2] Stealth to stay hidden


2012-11-21, 02:12 PM

Once Khuraargh makes the signal Sparky rushes to his side (I-18). He'll follow slowly, taking his time.

Climb and Stealth taking 10.
CLimb 16
Stealth 28

2012-11-21, 02:34 PM
Sneaking up as directed he stays low, sniffing at the air to try and see if anyone /thing is near and then inspects the fence to see if there is a better way in than through the gate. Getting close enough to surprise anyone that may come out.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

edit: move D 15

2012-11-21, 06:59 PM
"Stay here, Noble Steed," Sir Squeeb whispered to his pig. "I don't want the villains to see you, and you don't climb fences too well."

Seeing this as the best opportunity he's had in hours, Steed laid down and started to roll around in the dirt.

"Be ready for when I call you, ok?" The pig ignored him, focusing instead on that comfy, cooling mud.

"I'm gonna go round dah back way, and then we can attack from all the directions and the enemies will get all confused."

If he can make it around in time Squeeb will try and sneakily climb the fence around @15. He's also taking off his shield for this.
Climb: [roll1]

2012-11-25, 01:58 AM
The small rickety fence itself is an easy climb and those who climbed it found no issues (well maybe Sir Squeeb, he seemed to have some issues, he would topple over the top onto the ground but pick himself up and dust himself off). Sir Squeeb would off course, see the small tide of water in front of him. He would also be rather separated from his group having chosen a different entry point.

And yes, to any viewers watching the goblins climb the fence despite the gate being just some thirty plus feet away, it was head shaking. But these are goblins, these are the sort of antics you'd expect from them.

In terms of what they heard and saw, all but Khuraargh would hear nothing but nature noises. Like the waves crashing against the swampy shore off in the distance, insect noises, etc.


The warrior gobby's ears would pick up the faint sound of a nicker from around ground level. Perhaps behind the ship?

<Remember in your next posts to still include where you're character moved>

2012-11-26, 10:18 AM
Khuraargh shoulders his shield, then scrambles across the gnarled tree's branches, nodding in acknowledgment of Sparky. Reaching the tip, he tenses and leaps, drawing his father's blade in midair and landing with a crouch and a roll on the ship's deck.

Tapping his shield's rim with the back of the blade, he points at the other side and mimes riding a horse, then runs his thumb across his throat.

Position O-11

Climb [roll0] ---Climbing across the tree's branches and then onto the ship
Stealth [roll1] --- Staying hidden
Perception [roll2] --- Sensing what's what. Um. Looks like his hat flopped over his face as he landed?

2012-11-26, 11:07 AM
Watches Khuraargh. He hadn't heard anything but after spending a day or so with the mute it was fairly obvious what he meant. Besides it made sense, this fence didn't make itself. Pointing a finger at their defacto leader he whispers quietly before sneaking his way closer to the gate.

Message Spell to Khuraargh

"Signal when you're ready. I'll make a distraction"

Cast Message
move: b 11

2012-11-26, 11:56 AM
Squeeb's face was hit with muddy dirt as he fell. Lifting his head up he took a quick look around to see if his friends had noticed his little mishap. Shifting his eyes he decided to roll with it, staying low to the ground and pretending to himself that his tumble down the fence was all apart of his super secret stealthy plan of amazing ambushing and generally being heroic.

Creeping forward he moves along the edge of the water (if it's not too deep) to see the other side of the boat.

Meanwhile, Noble Steed watched as his master fell off a fence, and shook his head with disappointment. If pigs can sigh in resignation, Steed does so, and gets out of his mud spot and heads toward the gate.

Squeeb to #9 Noble Steed to B11
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2012-11-27, 12:10 AM

He follows after Khuraargh cautiously. He looks at the silent goblin and asks in a whisper, "Kill the horses?"

Spark looks around checking what else is nearby.

Taking 10 on climb and stealth
[roll0] perception

2012-11-27, 11:57 AM
Updated Map now with Place Markers!



NS-Noble Steed
SK- Skortch
SS-Sir Squeeb

Naturally of course continue to indicate which square your character/s are in in their next turns.


The warrior adeptly climbs the ship and rolls onto the deck with relative ease, he makes little noise save for a slight creak.

<Initially what Khuraargh sees as it is in plain view and only a one would have totally derped his eyes>

The main deck of the shipwreck is cluttered with objects both natural and artificial. Thick swaths of leafy vines grow over the deck, and shiny green patches of algae and moss grow where the vines do not. The central cabin's roof has a wide edge, creating a canopied walkway along the ship's sides. A flight of steps up to the roof of the ship's main cabin, the entrance to which is blocked by a door decorated by a large number of rodent and bird skulls. A smoking stovepipe chimney extends up from the ship's highest point above. He also hears the faint sound of whinnying.

[Skortch/Noble Steed/Naknuk]

Naknuk has been moved to B10 to protect his squishy friend.

Around the corner around running to square F8 a filthy, malnourished dark gray stallion comes galloping at them with a whinny! <Initiative! for those three and I'll roll for Naknuk>


The poor psion falls on his behind in an attempt to climb the tree, however he manages to defy the odds and not make any noise on the way down. His ears of course pick up the sounds of whinnying to the left of the ship.

[Sir Squeeb]

The water itself is rather shallow, being more of a salty tide pool. On the otherside of the boat he finds a moldy nest of hay and lots of stinky horse poop. In the moldly hay nest though he finds a wax-paper-sealed package containing six pieces of licorice-flavored taffy and a potion of something. The glass itself is smeared with poo and the whole thing looks old. There is also a small humanoid skeleton on the ground near the moldy hay. Of course he hears the close distant sound of whinnying from the left side of the ship.

2012-11-28, 05:19 AM
Khuraargh gives the overgrown deck a curious glance and feel and sniff but starts with a hiss once the horse's noise becomes obvious. He races up the side of the cabin, scrambles over the roof and vaults to the top of the stairs leading down.

Once there, with his embattled tribesmates and the hateful horse in sight, he takes up his shield and clangs its rim against the deck, stomping spitefully to get the horse's attention away from Naknuk and the others.

Climb across ship-wall/vines/branches [roll0]
Jump/Athletics/Acrobatics? the final leg of the trip [roll1]
Intimidate that Horse [roll2]

Coordinate J-9, I believe.

2012-11-28, 10:24 AM

A little blue hand rises and makes a thumbs up sign.

Getting up he looks around to see where he is and what is going on.

[roll0] init

2012-11-29, 01:03 PM
"Monster treasure!" Squeeb squeaked excitedly as he grabbed the candy and the potion. He dunked them in the water to clean the poop off them before tucking them away in his pack.

Meanwhile, Noble Steed looked at the horse charging upon him. Being a rather intelligent pig, Steed realized that the horse was much bigger than he was, and what's worse it would likely trample him. So he attempted to stay out of the way.


Steed holds his action

2012-11-29, 04:22 PM
The almost decrepit stallion charged at Naknuk and reared up to stomp him with his hooves, however, Naknuk jumped to the side avoiding the strike by just a nose. There was angry nickering and whinnying through out all this.

Horse "Stomp" moves to B10


Go Sparky!

2012-11-29, 07:07 PM

Seeing how the horse has run away, Sparky takes his chances and runs underneath the ramp going up to the boats deck.

Move to I9
[roll0] Perception

He takes a quick listen and if it is clear he will move up the ramp.

Move to J9
[roll1] Perception

2012-11-30, 09:37 AM
Skortch is startled by the charging horse. The logical part of his mind says that the animal is frightened and if they move out of it's way it'd probably just run off, but he's a goblin and the excitable part says horses might be tasty and great LickToad heroes don't retreat. Fishing the prize he'd been given from the chief from his belt he waves it in as expert a fashion as he can at the wild attacking creature.

Move: draw grease wand
Use: wand grease area with the horse and behind it to avoid effecting anyone in the party

2012-11-30, 06:24 PM
Sparky would see his companions battling a nasty horse as he moved towards the ladder. It was a very loud noise making thing. Shenanigans and whinnying and all that jibber jabber. Along with hearing Khuraargh's yell to intimidate the horse.

The horse somehow just barely overcame the greasy mess underneath his hooves and keep himself upright. His one track mind kept him focused as the horse shrugged off Khuraargh's intimidation. He whinnied ferociously.

So Naknuk attacked with his heavy pick to protect his friend but missed as the horse reared backwards.

Go Sir Squeeb..!

Updated Map with bonus Grease Spell indicator


2012-12-01, 07:16 PM
"I'll give to Sparky," Squeeb said as he finished putting the potion in his pack. "Sparky's blue, and that means he's smarter than normal goblin," he said firmly, not realizing that smarter than a normal goblin was still not something to brag about.

That done his eyes immediately narrowed as he remember that he was on a super secret mission and deep in the enemy land. He got low to the ground and started sneaking off searching for baddies.

Meanwhile, Noble Steed shook his head with embarrassment as the goblins started attacking the horse. Goblins, puh, silly creatures. Still, they feed their pigs which was more than this horse had ever done. Trudging along to help Noble Steed circled around the two goblins and tried to attack the horse.

Squeeb to 7@ sneakily
Stealth if I need to roll that again. [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

NS to A9

2012-12-02, 10:47 AM
Sir Squeeb moves without much noise, but in his concentration to stealth hinders his perception. Aka, hey Sir Squeeb, there's a derelict ship before you, but you already know that.

The noble pig, noble steed attempts to attack the heavy horse, tackling I assume, though the horse stamps the ground before him causing Noble Steed to be stopped in his tracks.

The horse then attempts to bite Naknuk but finds himself parried as Naknuk blocks him with his heavy pick and pushes him off.

Sparky go!

Updated Map


2012-12-03, 12:48 PM

Seeing his friends being attacked by the horse the young goblin moves up to and fires his crossbow.

Can't see that map at work. Just move SPark to the left and up a bit to get a shot off at the horse.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage

2012-12-03, 01:10 PM
Stepping back Skortch launches energy at the attacking horse.

Move: '5 step back A12
Cast Magic Missile. [roll0]

2012-12-04, 01:42 AM
Sparky's bolt strikes true hitting the horse right on his flank sending him to whinny and shake his head. And then Skortch strikes the horse with magic spooking the horse a bit as he tries to move back.

However, with the grease underneath him he loses his footing and slips.

<Essentially, he loses his turn when this round is over>

2012-12-04, 08:54 AM
Khuraargh chokes and gasps, coughs and splutters for a while, leaning on his shield and sword heavily. It has been an age since he last did any sort of yelling.

Regaining his breath, he barrels down the gangplank and leaps at the vile horse menacing his tribesmates, the darkly gleaming enchanted cleaver flashing once in the sunlight before plummeting for the horse's neck...

Position: D-9, thereabouts.
Charging, Flanking Power Attack!

2012-12-05, 12:26 AM
Not having a way to safely attack the horse with people in front of him and the fence blocking things, Skortch tries to climb the fence and work his way around the horse.

Athletics: [roll0]
Move to e10

2012-12-05, 11:03 AM
Sir Squeeb squinted his eyes at the ship before him. It was derelict, but he knew that already. Still creeping along he began to imagine what wicked evils would be within the ship, maybe monsters! Maybe books! The horror, but they all would fall when they felt Sir Squeebs righteous blade.

He began to wave his hand around for a few seconds as though it was holding his sword and he was fighting off monsters. He suddenly stopped as he realized how silly this was. He shouldn't be wasting all his energy fighting imaginary monsters when there would probably be real monster inside the ship. So he crept closer and tried to pay attention and not be distracted.

Meanwhile, Noble Steed snorted in anger as he missed the horse. It was a horse. It was big. How could he miss? Luckily for him because of that angry quiet goblin was behind the horse he was going to get another shot at the disease ridden beast of burden.

Squeeb is still sneaking and he is heading toward W6 and looking for monsters
Perception check (maybe I'll notice that something is actually happening this time)[roll0]

Noble Steed is attacking, I'm not sure where Khuraargh is though, but I think if he charged forward in a straight line Noble Steed would get a flanking bonus. If he would not, then subtract 2 from his attack roll.
Attack: [roll1]

2012-12-06, 04:25 PM
As Khuraargh barrels down the gangplank, he seemed to have triggered something, there was a snap of some vines as a wasp nest fell behind him just as he reached the bottom. The wasp nest smashed as a swarm went after him.

However, Khuraargh was preoccupied with stabbing a horse's neck. Add in Noble Steed's light tackle, that horse was felled. And buzzing could be heard, just some feet away. <Those around Khuraargh, Khuraargh included, in a 15 foot radius should make a fort save>

Meanwhile, all this noise stirred something on a another part of the ship and Sir Squeeb would hear the faintest sound of rustling, or that just could have been the wind.

Updated Map


2012-12-07, 02:58 PM
As the hated horse falls, Khuraargh falls upon it still, slashing madly until it is put out of its misery...

...and then leaps and whirls and jumps and jipes as the wasps swarm over them. He hurriedly roots about his pockets and comes up with a vial, even as he hisses and dodges the swarm's stings. Opening it with his teeth, he pours the contents onto his blade...

...which then ignites with a fluid sheen of flame. Face swelling, breath rasping, shield held high, he weaves a burning tapestry through the stinging swarm.

[roll0] Fort save <==YIKES.
[roll1]Fire damage from Alchemifire flask, poured onto the sword

2012-12-09, 03:00 AM
The warrior finds himself with several stings taking three points of nonlethal damage. He would find himself a little....bothered by an itch where he was stung on his body. For a minute he would suffer a -1 to attack from losing some of his concentration to the itchiness.

Regardless, the swarm would disperse itself from the fire, a bunch dying from the flames and falling on the ground. It was clear for now, wasp free.

2012-12-11, 03:15 PM
Khuraargh leaps from foot to foot, still waving his burning blade about, infuriated by the itching. Slowly, it dawns on him that the swarm has dispersed.

Still, there's that itch riiiiiiiight down his back, riiiiiiiiiiiiight where his hands can't quite reach, almost driving him mad. He shucks off his pack, takes off his shirt and uses his sword as a backscratcher...

With a start and a jump, he realizes he's bleeding and on fire. The flaming blade spins up and... fortunately sticks right in the horse's ribs as it comes back down to earth. The burning goblin runs around flailing, then drops into the nearest mud-pit [or closest equivalent] with a sigh of relief.

Slowly getting back up, now with a very comfortable thick coat of mud, he beats his chest with his overlarge fists, clangs his ---now smokingly safe--- sword's pommel on his shield, then chops into the horse, takes a bite and then offers the impromptu feast of roast wasp and roast horse to the others.

W'elp! Comedy! Slapstick! Heroism?

2012-12-11, 03:54 PM
Moving carefully now they're not under attack he makes his way into the compound, expecting to run into someone or something else.

Guessing since battle ended either the grease is gone or it can be navigated by taking 10?
perception to look around: [roll0]

2012-12-11, 04:09 PM

The blue goblin stifled his laughter as he watched the brave Khuraargh.

Sparky moves closer to the ramp up the ship to see if there were any other traps.

[roll0] perception

2012-12-13, 01:15 PM
They hear or see nothing at first, things are dandy, the flies buzz, nature noises.

But then. All of a sudden coming from the ship, the sound of barking pierces the air, almost like a warning bark, just continuous and loud, for everyone to hear.

2012-12-18, 10:42 AM
Noble Steed follows his masters companions snorting at the sight of the wasps, and shaking his head in mirth as the quiet goblin tried in vain to itch itself. Stupid goblins.

Meanwhile Sir Squeeb, sword in hand, realized that the boat was probably not going to attack him. But to be safe he kept a firm eye on it as he edged closer to where he thought his friends would be.

2012-12-18, 11:58 PM

Hearing the noise the young goblin runs to find some cover he can hide in.


2012-12-19, 07:41 AM
Follows Sparky into hiding.

stealth: [roll0]

2012-12-20, 12:32 PM
Khuraargh stiffens at the sound of barking, then hisses in alarm. He hurriedly straps his cuirass of boiled leather back on, shoulders his pack and grips his sword-hilt in his teeth while struggling with the straps of his shield...

...then hop-skip-sprints over to the cover of the ship wherever the others have congregated.

Damned dogs!

Much as he'd like to stand and fight, get stuck in the ruck and slice those whining mongrels open, he knows enough sense that their team's previous victories... hell, most all goblin victories... were had through teamwork... and Lamashtu's grace, of course...

2012-12-21, 04:48 AM
The barking continues as from the ship as the goblins hear the sound of a door swinging open and smacking the interior of the ship, likely the cabin. At the moment in their hiding all they can do is hear and not see.

"Shats up youse noisy dogs!" Yells out a cracky screechy female voice. There's a loud thwack, perhaps against the ship that shuts up the dogs though one does whine and whimper.

2012-12-22, 02:46 PM
Khuraargh hunkers down with the others in the shadows of... er... wherever they had hidden. If he could speak, he'd be spewing a stream of obscenities at their current predicament.

His wiry little arms are tense about his shield and sword. He peers between the cracks and tries to see what can be seen...

Stealth for remaining hidden [roll0]
Perception for perceiving whatever can be perceived about whoever's slapping the dogs about... how many and what kinds of dogs might there also be, for that matter... [roll1]

Post-roll: Eyyyyyacccck!

2012-12-24, 03:32 AM
Ouch. That was one loud sounding twig snap that seemed to echo more loudly than it should.

"What? Mommy has visitors you say? Well why didn't you say so?" The voice seemed to ask the dogs who whimpered in response. The voice cackled. "Comes on out...I promises I won't eats you unless you reaaaaaaaally juicy. Hahahaha....." Unseen by our heroes, the being clutches themselves a little dagger to their side.

2012-12-30, 01:02 PM
Khuraargh winces at the crackled stick
Hissing, he bites down on his swordhilt
And draws forth another softly glowing vial
Gestures at his tribesmates, then at the cabin vile
Readying, back o'er his shoulder, the fwoom-flask he does tilt
Preparing to hurl when something beastly, undoubtedly, might outta there sic.

Ready action to hurl the alchemifire grenade just outside the doors of the cabin.

2012-12-30, 02:40 PM
Skortch pulls his crossbow out, loading it in anticipation of the next leg of their journey.

2012-12-31, 01:24 AM
Finally! An evil villain to smite with my mighty blade! Squeeb thought as he heard the voice coming from the boat. Not wanting to miss out on a big climactic fight between good and evil he inched closer to his companions.

Squeeb to M6

2013-01-01, 09:37 PM

He had to fight from laughing as he focused his mind on his body, letting it change. Then drank the elixir, grabbed his spear and leapt of his hiding spot and ran toward 'Momma.'

Activating Inertial armor and minor meta morph.
+4 AC
+2 Str
+2 Dex
Drinking the elixir of Dragon Breath.

2013-01-04, 06:54 AM
As for what Sparky would have saw running up there onto the deck was a hideous hag of a goblin on the upper deck six feet up, accessible by a set of stairs to the side. Vorka, the goblin cannibal was as nasty as the stories made her out to be. Her mouth appeared far too wide and big for any normal goblins, her snaggle toothed mouth with its underbite. On her head she wore some sort of witches hat and over herself a bloody apron over a patchwork leather armor piece.

In front of her tied up to the mast are a pair of malnourished dogs worse for wear who begin barking again at the sight of the intruders.

Vorka sneers and takes a vial from her persona and consumes it and then whistles a sharp whistling noise.

"Comes on up, youse is looking mighty tasty gobby."

Updated Map


and Vorka just because.


2013-01-05, 10:48 AM
Ghhhhkkk! Khuraargh recoils at the sight of Vorka, the hardened goblin warrior grimacing heavily and having to bite down on his shield-rim to keep from spilling his stomach contents.

One wiry arm hucks the softly glowing vial at the lot of them and it shatters, spewing liquid flame...

...and misses horribly, splishing softly into the little pond beyond.

Khuraargh groans, spits and prepares his sword.

W'elp. Deleted previous post because I missed my Spot check on the new map and afterwards realized, "Crapmonkeys! Khuraargh ain't dumb, he'd know that burning the cabin means setting alight that which they came for!" But once I deleted the thing, I realized "Holy crap! CHEATER!"

Annnnnd hence, missing horribly, my self-imposed penance.

2013-01-08, 10:35 AM

Running to the stairs the blue goblin makes faces, teasing Vorka.

move to R7
if Vorka moves to the stairs he will spit fire.

2013-01-08, 10:56 AM
"Oh no, I'm missing it!" Sir Squeeb shouts as he runs to the front of the ship and scrambled up onto the deck.

Noble Steed however climbed up the front of the ship making it's way to the deck. Seeing nowhere to go besides a ladder, the pig snorted and decided it's best now just to take a nap.

Squeeb to 8J on the deck
Noble Steed to 10M

2013-01-08, 03:54 PM
Crossbow drawn Skortch moves to the bottom of the stairway.

Move to h9
hold action