View Full Version : [PF]Celestial Commander Summoner, is it worth it?

2012-09-21, 06:36 AM
In this link (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/rite-publishing---summoner-archetypes/celestial-commander) can be found an interesting third party archtype for the summoner. While is is very cool thematically, I want to know; Is it at all useful to take? It makes the summoner lose his most powerful class feature, his eildon, and as a result I'm worried it's knocked out of Tier 3 and becomes a less useful class. Is this the case? Is this ACF basically useless or do you all think it's still powerful enough to be worth playing? Any thoughts and opinions are appreciated.

2012-09-21, 08:47 AM
I want to say that the Celestial Commander is okay, considering that is heavily focuses on the summoning aspect of the Summoner. Losing the Eidolon is brutal though. It tries desperately to gain power, but at the end of the day, unless you're picking it for character reasons, AVOID THIS LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!

2013-02-22, 04:35 PM
I know this is a little bit dated. I'm not sure how much has changed, but there are a couple of things going for the Celestial Commander that make him incredibly powerful and completely unbalance the game.

First, the nice to have:
They get a domain. Its kinda nice. a few extra spells etc. This can really be leveraged, but you would have to play it up.

More importantly

1) Celestial Commander can have more than 1 summoning out at a time.
2) All summonings speak celestial.
3) All summonings starting at level 3 get teamwork feats that just get better. This is badass when you consider.....
4) At levels 2 and 3 you get Augmented Summoning and Superior Summoning for free.

5) If you take a close look at what you can summon. At level 3 on, you can summon positive energy elementals (Depending on the GM. I'm assuming if he lets you play this offbalancing class, he'll allow the P.E. Elemental.)

Not only does it make the cleric heal/burst for more, but he does (at level 3) 2d4 healing damage EVERY ROUND to whoever it hits. That gets translated to temporary hit points if you're fully healed.

This isn't that devastating when you are a normal spellcaster. 3 rounds... OOOOhh....but as a summoner you get to keep one of these badboys around for 3 minutes. Thats huge healing potential. Its like walking around with a pretty significant regenerate.

Now.... You play that off against the fact that a celestial commander who can summon more than one summoning can have multiples of these, and also other creatures to aid to his attack/ac. Its unstoppable.

You have 3 of these and you're getting 6d4 healing per round. It doesn't matter what an eidolon could do at level 3, he's not gonna be able to take you out (Especially when you can, up to, double your hp).

That is really handy if you're gonna stand on the front line. OOOooooor assist your big bad fighter types.

This class is incredible for battlefield control and support. You can toss out creatures and position them around the field to really control the sway of the battle, not to mention suppliment your healer to make your party MUCH more resilient.

If you get to play this character, I would give it a shot. Just pay attention to the tools you get to play with. (Gravity Elementals are incredibly rude) and eventually you can summon intelligent creatures that can flat out heal.