View Full Version : Dragonwrought Kobold Sorcerers and Draconic Auras

2012-09-21, 12:12 PM
So we will soon be playing a Gestalt game for the first time starting at lvl 1 with a 28pt buy. As the only optimiser of the group I try to stick with concepts that wont completely outshine the party and make it as useful as possible.

My current plan is to make a Magic Blooded Dragonwrought Desert Kobold with Dragonfire Adept and Sorcerer levels that focuses on aiding the others and hampering enemies.

Now I was looking through Dragon Magic and noticed that True Dragons can replace sorcerer spells with Draconic Auras. Assuming that Dragonwrought kobolds are True Dragons then I assume they qualify for this trade as well. The only question is, are some of the auras worth losing spells know/day for?

Im also stuck on a good prestige class for the sorcerer side. I dont want to lose any CL and will be taking the Greater Draconic Rite of passage to get an increase in CL to keep up with Wizards.

I'm also trying to decide what spells would work the best with this build. Any help is appreciated.

The Race
With Old age, im not going all the way to venerable, and Platinum dragon as the heritage it provides

Small Dragon (Reptilian)
Speed 30'
+2 Dex/Int, +4 Cha, - 4 Str, -2 Wis
Low light Vision, Darkvision 60' (Magic Blooded removes it but Dragonwrought puts it back)
+1 Natural Armor
Immunity to Sleep/Paralysis
Heat Endurance: +4 to Fort saves against hot weather
+2 Concentration/Craft(trapmaking)/Knowledge(arcana)/Search/Spellcraft/Survival
Use Knowledge(arcana) and Spellcraft untrained
Craft(trapmaking is always a class skill)
Spell like abilities each 1/day: Detect Magic, Nystul's Magic Aura, Read Magic

The build to lvl 6
Str 6
Dex 16
Con 15 (+1 at 4)
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 18

Dragonfire Adept 6//Sorcerer 6 (but looking for PrC options)

Flaws:Non-combatant, Shaky (I dont plan to make many attacks)
1 Ability Focus (Breath Weapon)
1 Entangling Exhalation
1 Dragonwrought
1 Dragon Touched
3 Draconic Reservoir
6 Open Feat, any suggestions

Draconic Knowledge
Endure Exposure
Draconic Flight

Breath Effects:
Frost Breath
Acid Breath

ACF: Spell Shield (Dungeonscape, 13)

Draconic Rite of Passage: Identify

2012-09-21, 12:28 PM
Having the dragon type does not make you a True Dragon. Dragonwrought kobolds are lesser dragons.

2012-09-21, 12:36 PM
Having the dragon type does not make you a True Dragon. Dragonwrought kobolds are lesser dragons.

I'm not really looking for a RAW debate. My group play them as True Dragons so for the purpose of this build that is true.

2012-09-21, 12:59 PM
Having the dragon type does not make you a True Dragon. Dragonwrought kobolds are lesser dragons.

Three or four questions in the thread subject and you want to start this argument again? :smallsigh:

Trading spells for auras: Don't do it. If it were just a spell slot, it'd still be a bad trade, but it might be worth considering. A spell *known* is a huge sacrifice for a sorcerer; I don't think you're going to come into many situations where a +1 bonus to a skill or 5 points of a single variety of Energy Resistance are going to be critical to your party compared to having another spell at your disposal (if you really want one, tho, you might instead ask your DM if you can swap one of your Dragonfire Adept Invocations for an aura; still a poor trade, IMO, but much closer to even.)

PrCs are a bit tricky, especially since almost all of your early feats are taken up by the Dragonwrought and Rite of Passage requirements.. hmm. Take a look at War Weaver (Heroes of Battle), Dracolexi (Races of the Dragon), Fatespinner (Comp. Arcane), and Sand Shaper (Sandstorm.) Most of those do drop a caster level, unfortunately, but they also have pretty nifty benefits.

2012-09-22, 04:08 AM
Three or four questions in the thread subject and you want to start this argument again? :smallsigh:

Yeah, pretty much my thinking. My groups opinion is that as long as you do nothing to cheesy (epic feats, loredrake) then kobolds being true dragons is fine.

So an aura is in no way equal to to a spell known and spell per day since you get to few. What spells are the best to have then as i already have a bit of offence and utility from DFA.

2012-09-22, 06:45 AM
I would use sand shaper, and compensate the caster level loss with the rite of passage bonus. Not very cheesy, desert matches your desert kobold status, and you get something like 43 thematically matching extra spells known from it.

EDIT: If you are Bahamut-style, Platinum dragon good, you could even stack Exalted Arcanist on top of that for five levels for still many more bonus spells known, including all the Sanctified spells.

2012-09-22, 03:47 PM
I personally would not trade spells for Auras. I'd probably just pick up the Draconic Aura Feat. Most of the Auras are a bit meh. I'd also take Kobold Paragon (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060127a) for free +2 CHA and a few other goodies. Sorcerer+ in a way.

Sorcerer 1/Kobold Paragon 1
Dragonfire Adept 2/Kobold Paragon 2

Also, check Dragon Mystic from Dragon #296, page 43, if you have access to it. Full casting PRC with d12 hit die and boosts your CHA even more.