View Full Version : Darius [RP Heavy Intro]

2012-09-21, 02:01 PM
You find yourself in the capital, after some wandering. Staying with the mage's guild, as they have offered you simple lodgings, you receive a message of some urgency. One of the lesser branches of a noble house has sent word to you that one of their children has taken deathly ill. As one of the few magical healers in the capital, and the only one at the mage's guild, besides members of the council, the duty falls to you.

2012-09-21, 02:28 PM
Darius wastes little time. A prayer to Olidammara as he gathers his possessions, and a prayer to his father whom he hopes is doing well in whatever heaven he had achieved. Of course, Darius would first check with whatever point of authority the mage's guild had that he would be able to speak to, asking where-about this family's residence is. One does not wish to get lost in the capital city, and Darius was not friends with many noble families, so directions were a must.

Assuming he obtained them, he would make what haste a man in armor could to the Nobles' residence, only hoping he would make it before the illness would take a much more lethal turn.

2012-09-21, 03:27 PM
The summons was to the residence of Clerval d'Trastinora, and his wife Marian, which you quickly find your way to with some help from the local guardsmen. The house is small for a noble family, especially one with six children. From what you know of the elven nobility, a family with that many children should receive great amounts of money from the state, and should have a large property. However, that does not seem to be the case here.

When you knock on the door, an elven man answers. He is clearly exhausted, with dark bags under his eyes. "Are you the healer we asked for?"

2012-09-21, 03:39 PM
The concern of the less than appropriate abode would be second in concern, the ill child came first.

"Aye. Where is the child?" Darius would ask with a hint of command in his voice. Eyes on the man's weariness, I.E. the bags, as he made a mental note incase he had to ask some questions. Almost stepping in ontop of the man as he moved into the home, his duty sometimes outshining his manners.

2012-09-21, 08:38 PM
The child lies in a small bed. She is probably about twenty, a child of four to your human eyes. She burns with fever and is pale as a sheet. An elf woman is tending her, wiping her forehead with a damp rag.

2012-09-21, 10:11 PM
A swear below his lips as he turns to the man who met him at the doorway,

"Tell me, how long has she shown signs of ailment? Ye' seem to have been awake for quite awhile. Also, if ye' can think of anything that may have lead up to her condition."

He would then move over by the child's side, kneeling by the bed as he would begin a basic examination of the girl. Fever, rashes, unusual breathing. Whatever could tell him the severity of her condition. He would prefer to approach this without magic if he could, afterall mankind becomes dependant on what they believe is an infinite source.

The questions were more or less a formality, a way to take family and friend's minds off of the patient, and keep them out of his way while making them feel useful. After all, a fretting mother was ten times as dangerous to a wounded or ill girl than the condition itself.

2012-09-21, 10:27 PM
The woman answers with a soft voice that shows she's almost on the edge of tears. "She took sick quickly two days ago. I thought it was just some simple sickness that bed and good meals would fix, but she's just gotten worse. She complains of chills, and has had a fever for the last day. She cannot keep any food down now, and is too weak to leave the bed. It got worse so quickly, she's been sleeping fitfully for the last few hours, but every now and then she cries out in her sleep as if in pain."

The girl has a fever, and a fairly severe one. You do not see any rashes or physically manifesting symptoms besides the fever, and flushing in the cheeks. Her cheeks are slightly sunken in, like a child that hasn't eaten well in some time, but the way her parents look, you doubt they are desperate for food, even with six children, so the sunken cheeks are likely a symptom of the illness.

2012-09-21, 10:37 PM
"Has she did anything in the last couple days that ye' believe could have lead to her catching this?"

Hands on now, he focused more on the sunken cheeks. ignoring any idea of malnutrition. A fever and the appearance of physical weakness, a good starting point at-least. His eyes still scanning her, as he let his plated gloves off and laid them on the floor, his bare fingers touching along her cheeks.

((And Incase it will be needed, a heal roll for his examinations.))

2012-09-23, 08:55 AM
"She has done nothing out of the ordinary. We all eat the same food and drink the same water. If she is sick from any of that, we all should be."

As you examine the girl, you get a gut instinct that this is no mere sickness. The girl appears to have been poisoned by some method...a very slow acting poison that is mimicking many of the signs of sickness as it slowly kills her. Such a poison is not common, and you have never heard of an herb or plant that by itself would have such an effect.

2012-09-24, 02:44 AM
"Well something different must have occurred. She is poisoned."

He didn't sugar coat it, as thankfully a poison was easer to work with than a disease. Thankfully, Darius had a couple vials in his possession that he used to help slow toxins and venoms progression. He slid one out, gently pouring a bit of it down the Elven girls throat, if there were no obstructions or intereferance. At the least, if he could slow down the effects, it would give him time to cure her completely.

2012-09-24, 04:54 AM
The anti-toxin seems to help the girl a little, at least she is in no immediate danger of dying. The parents seem horrified that someone would poison their daughter. Poisoning of a noble of any kind is a dastardly act, but poisoning a child, especially one of an apparently insignificant house, is extremely strange.

2012-09-24, 02:03 PM
The art of removing poison would take allot of tools, leeches and the like. Darius pondered his options, he could request medical aid from anouther cleric, as he did not carry a true potion for cleansing poison, nor the spell this day. Or he could brave the wilderness and try to put said potion together, which is not an option really as Darius was not the best alchemist. With luck, she would survive till tommorow, so he could cure her completley.

"Thankfully, I believe I can cure her. I do not have the cure today, but I have enough potions to slow the poison until I may call upon a better spell to aid her."

Sitting his two Anti-venom vials nearby, for the parents to use. He wouldn't blame them if they didn't wait for him to return and called upon anouther cleric or alchemist today, and he wouldn't be mad. The truth of the matter was he could not currently cure her with the tools and spells on hand.

"Every hour, give her a small dose of the potion. It should keep her away from death's door until I can return, which I will promise you will be early, possibly before sunrise if I can help it. I do suggest you begin contemplating who could have poisoned her, so that we can bring the culprit to justice."

2012-09-24, 07:59 PM
The parents of the child thank you for your work, and say they are eagerly going to await your return in the morning. However, they have no ideas on who could have poisoned their child, nor how the child could have been poisoned.

2012-09-24, 09:06 PM
Darius would return back to his room, but unfortunantly his eagerness to heal the girl was left with the oversight that he was not yet powerful enough to cast a spell to remove poison from the body. With a facepalm to his idiocy, he'd jump on the next best thing, a potion.

He'd spend the rest of this day looking for a means to obtain a potion to purge poison. Whether a local Alchemist, his fellow Divines, or even a Magician. It was this, or put the girl under a very dangerous procedure to get rid of the poison, and one that did not work very often, the leech method.

2012-09-25, 09:03 AM
Magical means to cure the poisoning would be quite expensive, well beyond your means. Gathering the materials would take some time, time the little girl doesn't have.

2012-09-26, 02:56 PM
There had to be something he could do. He could always suggest the family pay for the cure, they are royalty and should be able to afford it, but if he could offer them a cheaper and quicker means, damnit he would. He'd take a moment to clear his mind, thinking of anything he could do to cure the poison itself.

Heal Check, Assuming.

2012-09-26, 09:59 PM
Working in the lab of the mage's guild, you concoct an herbal remedy that should ease much of the suffering of the little girl. It will take tending her the entire day to ensure the sickness will leave her.

(I'm interpreting that heal check as concocting the herbal brew)

2012-09-26, 10:29 PM
Sighs Contently, thankful that he was able to do something to help. He would rest for the night, as he did leave enough Anti-venom to tide the girl over until he could arrive. Getting a decent bit of sleep, before rushing back over to the Royal's home, given nothing would obstruct him through this time.


2012-09-27, 09:43 PM
You sleep deeply, with dreams that are troubled by a flying reptile that can melt stone with breath of acid. Its screeches haunt your mind well into the daytime. You have never seen such a creature in the waking world. You are greeted with a summons, again written directly to you, this time by the Earl D'Trastinora. He demands your presence immediately at his estate, with an explanation as to what you did to his granddaughter.

2012-09-28, 01:32 AM
A heavy sigh, facepalming a bit. He was unsure who the Grandaughterin question was, unless it was the girl he was currently treating, but he would make time. His morning prayer, and donning his armor and armaments, he first set off to the Elven household, to drop off the cure. Priorities, afterall.

2012-10-01, 08:27 AM
You drop off your remedy with the worried parents. Their daughter has recovered some from your tending her the previous day, but has not recovered fully. With luck, this medicine will do the trick.

You quickly find your way to the House D'Trastinora. It is a fortress of a house, with two stout, human guards at the entrance. As you approach, they challenge you. "Halt! Who approaches the House of the Earl d'Trastanora."

2012-10-02, 01:40 AM
A simple bow, as he recites his name. "Darius Velmort. I was summoned here by your lord." Standing up completley after, awaiting their response.

2012-10-02, 02:34 PM
You are escorted into the keep. That guard motions for you to follow him inside, down a long hallway. Defensively, the long hallway, with small arrow slits to the sides, and what you are sure are murder holes in the ceiling above, is a great tool. It seems a little ominous that a noble would need such measures, but the house is very old, so perhaps once long ago they were needed...or maybe this man has enemies. You are lead into a large dining hall. An entire tree burns in the hearth, illuminating the room. The dying sun shines through stain glass windows depicting battle scenes. Even these windows are reinforced with bars, so there is no entry possible there. The bars add to the militaristic feel of the entire home.

A middle aged elf stands by the hearth. "You are the one that has been treating my granddaughter. Tell me what you know of her illness."

2012-10-02, 05:19 PM
"She has been poisoned. I know little about the toxin used, but it mimiced the effects of malnutrition. Making her appear as if ill from other means. I've given her what I believe will cure her, or atleast lessen the effects of the poison for now. We've no clue who, or what, caused her to become this way though."

2012-10-08, 08:42 AM
"Poisoned? What murderous fool would poison a child..." He stares at the glass windows. "What of my son, her father. How is he handling the matter?"

2012-10-09, 01:52 AM
"With grief and worry, though his faith has been restored since I delivered the anti-toxin to him."

2012-10-09, 08:13 AM
"Should the child live, I owe you a great debt. While my son and I have never seen eye to eye, I care deeply for him and his children. I have a mission of great importance that I am willing to reward those who undertake it with great riches, if you are interested in further serving me."