View Full Version : [PF] Pirate-Campaign Turncoats

2012-09-21, 05:34 PM
Greetings to the Playground, from the scenic Shackles!

So, my GM is running a pirate campaign. My previous character, a canny and solitary Ranger (not to mention, the only one with a proper ship), got fed up and left after a few accidents with a Rod of Wonder and a series of events that led to her crew being replaced by undead abominations and paranoid fascists (enter, the other PCs!). The new one is a Wisdom-dumping, Gozreh-worshipping Haunted Oracle of the Wind, who has found themselves in the semi-metaphorical wolves' den.

There's already at least one plan for an attempt on my life, and being more an RPer than a fighter (most of the time it's a fairly peaceable campaign) I'm liable to be on the receiving end of a sucker-punch courtesy of my compatriots. Possible threats include a Kitsune whore Bard and her Gun-wielding friend, a Wizard with metaphorical gestalt levels in vindictive troll, and a mastermind Ninja (killer of the Wizard's last character) who would really just go all omae wa mou shinderu on my arse if I tried anything.

In short... I need a way to survive their ire. Expensive or magical items are a no-go in any such plans, as my WBL was traded for a bit of my backstory involving a +3 Spell-Storing Longsword and a pair of Dimensional Shackles. Other than that, the only resources at my disposable are some dubious alliances with the other players and contacts among the local Fey and Duergar.

Any suggestions? I'm 8th level and can still switch around my 7th level feat and known spells, is there anything in particular that might lend to my survival?

P.S. This is all assuming I was caught unawares and given little or no chance to react- i.e. hit from behind with a Baleful Polymorph or a few Dragonsbreath rounds. If I can survive the opening barrage, I have a fairly good chance against anyone but the Ninja. In what seemed like a good idea at the time, I could easily OHKO the Wizard last session when he started bringing racial discrimination into a meeting with the Duergar king.

2012-09-21, 05:52 PM
First up.

Is this PLAYER ire? Or CHARACTER ire?

As the most common and best solution to the former is to simply leave the group.

However, if the latter is what applies, and the whole group is totally fine and dandy with the PvP aspects Off topic allegory(which seems very unlikely to me, I've personally been doing tabletop for 10+ years and I still have difficulty divorcing thoughts of revenge from leaking into any new character I create in a campaign that has resulted in PvP. I have friends who've been gaming for longer than i've been alive and still have the same issue.)

Then you have a few options.

1st Option. Get the drop on them and kill them while their characters are asleep. Not sporting, very evil, and has the highest chance of bringing OOC drama to the table if it does not already exist.

2nd Option. Accept that the character you're playing is going to die and get to work on another character that will be able to be brought in without as much friction with the party that this current character has.

3rd Option. Change your characters concept to account for changes and other growth that might of happened. Ease off on character traits that lead to confrontations with the party, Step up the traits that make your character useful and someone the party wants to keep around.

4th Option. Continue as you are with Playgrounder knowledge on tricking your character out to the point that they won't be able to kill you 1v1 without extreme amounts of effort.

Personally, I recommend Option 3. However, that one does hinge on the party actually accepting the changes and changing to account for them as well.

That said, Good Luck with whatever endeavor you embark upon. :smallsmile:

2012-09-21, 05:55 PM
Pay a 3rd party mage for some augury spells, find out who the conspirators are, cover their pillows/mattresses in contact knock-out poison and coup de grace them in their sleep with a scythe.

The best defense against attack is prevention and if your compatriots cannot work toward a common goal then they are useless and must be either coddled or killed.

Stannis put it best: Bend the knee or be destroyed.

Bonus points: see if you can pin it on the ninja, it's his kind of gig so it'll be more believable that he did it.

2012-09-21, 06:05 PM
First up.

Is this PLAYER ire? Or CHARACTER ire?

As the most common and best solution to the former is to simply leave the group.

However, if the latter is what applies, and the whole group is totally fine and dandy with the PvP aspects Off topic allegory(which seems very unlikely to me, I've personally been doing tabletop for 10+ years and I still have difficulty divorcing thoughts of revenge from leaking into any new character I create in a campaign that has resulted in PvP. I have friends who've been gaming for longer than i've been alive and still have the same issue.)

Then you have a few options.

1st Option. Get the drop on them and kill them while their characters are asleep. Not sporting, very evil, and has the highest chance of bringing OOC drama to the table if it does not already exist.

2nd Option. Accept that the character you're playing is going to die and get to work on another character that will be able to be brought in without as much friction with the party that this current character has.

3rd Option. Change your characters concept to account for changes and other growth that might of happened. Ease off on character traits that lead to confrontations with the party, Step up the traits that make your character useful and someone the party wants to keep around.

4th Option. Continue as you are with Playgrounder knowledge on tricking your character out to the point that they won't be able to kill you 1v1 without extreme amounts of effort.

Personally, I recommend Option 3. However, that one does hinge on the party actually accepting the changes and changing to account for them as well.

That said, Good Luck with whatever endeavor you embark upon. :smallsmile:
Thanks for the Aid Other. :smalltongue:

This is sorta what my group is like. In this case the Wizard is the group asshat, the Bard and his pet Gunslinger don't understand OOC, the Ninja (who functions as the party leader) doesn't tolerate dissent in the ranks, and everyone else is varying degrees of paranoid as a result. I only have to worry terribly much about the first three.

Best option is to pimp my Oracle, I think.

EDIT: Of course, I mean in the Option 4 sense. We have the Kitsune for the other sort.