View Full Version : Lightning Mace Fighter//Monk/Rogue Gestalt

2012-09-22, 05:25 AM
This isn't really a character I'm building as much as a character concept I've been tossing around in my head. The feats of this character include the Lightning Mace tree, plus Improved Critical (light mace) and an array of Attack of Opportunity feats and just about anything I can take to improve my chances of hitting with a -7, -12 or -17 on the attack.

First, is there any way to Flurry of Misses with the light maces, or would it be easier to drop Monk (maybe replace it with Swordsage) and take Snap Kick?

What I'm really trying to do is use Fighter and Rogue to motor out a storm of sneak attacks any time an opponent in her reach does just about anything. I'll be perfectly satisfied with ten or fifteen attacks per round; I don't see any reason to break it further than that (especially because I've never met a DM who would accept a character more broken than this), but advice and suggestions with this build concept would be great.

2012-09-22, 05:40 AM
There is a monk-type prestige class that allows you to flurry with any weapon, but unfortunately the name escapes me right now.

If you choose exotic maces you can take a level of exotic weapon master and it gets flurry as well.

Edit: I'm pretty sure it's shou disciple from Unapproachable East that get's the ability to flurry with any light weapon. And flashing sun swordsage also gets it but the -2 doesn't go away.

2012-09-22, 05:54 AM
if you have access to the Eberon books there are some feats there that let you flurry with many non-monk weapons that might include light mace...

2012-09-22, 06:12 AM
Shou Disciple from Unapproachable East allows you to flurry with any weapon.

2012-09-22, 07:13 AM
I was just looking at that class after LT brought it up. Shou disciple 3 would be easy to throw in there, so flurrying with light maces is taken care of.

Is it just me, or does the shou disciple in that picture look like Cass from Dorkness Rising to anyone else?

Also, how about ways to actually hit opponents with this build?

2012-09-22, 07:40 AM
Since you're already getting full bab from the fighter side, you don't need much else. That's the reason flurry of misses gets that nickname, after all.
At level 11 there are no penalties for flurry, even. Get the enchantment from Scorpion Kama on your maces, a side dish of Greater Mighty Wallop and go to town.

Disciple of Dispater would fit in well, if it is accepted.

2012-09-22, 11:44 AM
Aptitude Weapon enchantments allows you to apply Lightning Maces to any weapon. So you can pick up weapons with a big crit range and get more bonus attacks that way. Don't forget Snap Kick either.

Of course, I'd just as soon go Unarmed Swordsage than Monk, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

2012-09-22, 02:47 PM
Full BAB flurry is many more attacks than Medium BAB flurry, actually. I'd use the Kensai variant fighter from Dragon Mag for this as well.