View Full Version : Help with a Dirty Trick Bard [Pathfinder]

2012-09-22, 09:55 AM
Some of you might remember that I was playing a Naga Nightstalker and having a blast with it. However, as the current plot arc ended, the obvious thing to do would have my character leave the group and stay in the forest keeping the undead at bay.
Now, I just want to say this was my decision. It fits my character better and even though I really like playing her, I'd much rather leave her with a happy ending (yes, being with undead forever is a happy ending for her - it's complicated).
I saw this coming a while ago and originally planned on taking over a druid character that was following us, but in a surprise twist the DM's sister is actually going to be playing the Druid. Which was cool.

The thing is... I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to play right now. I want to stick to Pahtfinder and don't want to play a fullcaster.
I'll give you guys the party composition so you can help me with suggestions:

NG Human Fighter, he was just knighted and is considering multiclassing as Cavalier
CG Half-elf Rogue. More of a social character than a warrior. Very sly. He has either a Sorcerer level or Eldritch Heritage.
N Drow Magus. Quiet and deadly, new to the surface world, trying to understand where he fits. Was the best friend of my previous character.
NG Human Druid. She is the newest addition to our team. Pretty sure she has some kind of archetype. Noblewoman who ran away to the woods, lived there for a long time and is now coming back home.
LE Fetchling Soulknife. Our resident ninja. Childhood friend from the Fighter, but he came back... changed. Wants to be a better person, but doesn't really know how. Very loyal and always willing to go that extra mile we goody-two-shoes are not willing to go.

My thoughts were initially Hungry Ghost Monk or Synthesist, but I have major antagonists as such in the games I DM, so I wanted something different.
This group is about mid-op and is floating around levels 6 and 7.

I have settled on a Daredevil Bard focusing on the dirty trick maneuver, perhaps dipping into the Pit Fighter prestige class later (if I do that, I'll be a half-orc).

2012-09-22, 10:36 AM
This is going to sound weird, making little sense.

I suggest an Orc Beastmorph Vivisectionist. The idea is to basically hit & run with a slew of Natural Attacks against a flanked target. Now you can also buff, heal, and charge with a wild burst of death. How? Pounce.

You pop mutagen, buff, and charge. Charging with a full attack claw+claw+bite+tentacle all with sneak attack as a Rogue and with poison.

Belril Duskwalk
2012-09-22, 09:29 PM
By my count, you have a Fighter, a Soulknife and a Magus, that's 3 people that are good at combat, and also a Druid, who probably can Wildshape into something good in combat. So, from my perspective, I can't see your party needing to add yet more physical force onto an already physically forcible party.
No, what they could really use is some upgrades to the caliber of their force. You don't want a full-caster, but a Bard could definitely fill the bill. The variety of archetypes available is frankly staggering, so I leave those possibilities to your further comment if you think this path is for you.

2012-09-22, 11:19 PM
If you want to go Hungery Ghost, I'd suggest stacking it with Qingong archetype to really make those extra ki-points worth while.

Belril makes a good point though; your party is already rather combat-heavy, so perhaps the Sensei Archetype might also help in that respect; it's essentially a Bard/Monk.

Alternatively you could also look for a niche-archetype that can provide consistent benefits while really excelling occasionally if the specialization comes up; Bard has several non-combat specs like the Song Healer or Archaeologist.

Rogues also have several odd archetypes, though I don't know if a Driver or Rummer-monger would really be needed (and the latter might step on the current Rogue's methods and spot in the party.)

Synthesist Summoner could be utilitarian, but tends to be a bit more combative. Could be fun, or could be Multi-classed with the others to keep from over-shadowing while still providing fluff and form.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-09-22, 11:23 PM
From what I see the party is only lacking a proper arcane caster and maybe some ranged ability; but you said you don't want to play a full caster. And you want to keep to pure PF, in that case I think that Bard or alchemist are the best options (IIRC there was a discovery that allowed the Alchemist to share tje extracts with the party).

Maybe a bomb-focused Alchemist with a generous dose of buffing infusions and alchemical items (Check Magic of Eberron for the awesomeness of Tempo blood spikes, extra-move actions for the win!) is what your party needs.

2012-09-23, 12:44 AM
I guess I could try a Bard.
Dervish Dancer, Arcane Duelist or Daredevil... Hm. Yeah, could work.

EDIT: Settled on a Daredevil Bard after all. Focus on Dirty Trick and utility spells.

EDIT 2: Settled on a half-orc. A female half-orc. She was raised in a slave pit, but despite her feral heritage she had an exotic beauty to her. As she grew up, she sawed her tusks off to look more human and to fit in better. Her theme is basically "doing everything to survive", which is why she fights dirty.
I'm taking some inspiration from Gamora, the Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy (from Guardians of the Galaxy).
Thing I'm going to take the chain fighter trait (I'd take sacred tattoo, but I need orc ferocity to qualifyr for Pit Fighter).
Think I'll dip Pit Fighter for 3 levels, because between Quick Dirty Trick and Pit Fighter's Weapon Trick, I'm basically getting a free debuff out of dirty trick.

Now, my spells are more for utility, but I have one or two combat buffs. This is what I have right now:
0-level: mage hand, light, prestidigitation, sift
1st-level: adoration, alarm, charm person, disguise self, grease, identify, silent image, unseen servant
2nd-level: allegro, bladed dash (I can already picture me and the Magus saying "X Strike!" when we cast this in the same round against the same enemy), invisibility, locate object, mirror image, pyrotechnics, shatter, tongues, whispering wind

I know I have to drop some and get some in wands. The question is... which?