View Full Version : my character hits too hard?

2012-09-24, 01:28 AM
I recently started a campaign with a few friends of mine and im worried that my character is too powerful compared to the other characters.(we all started with 40 point buy, which could be a part of the problem)

ATM we have a rogue, a soulknife, and me a goliath barb/fighter dungeoncrasher variant(bought the LA away already though, and catching up in levels). We also have a wizard that will be joining us(which will only exacerbate the problem if he gets things like enlarge person and bulls strength)

The majority of things "my level" i will one shot with power attack if i hit, and they will usually hurt me a bit in the process(16AC).

The main problem is the other two party members are almost the exact opposite. Both of them have lower health than i do, but much higher AC, and don't do as much damage(they should be doing far less, but the DM let them take shadow blade even though they aren't ToB classes just to keep up)

It just seems like it will get to the point where the other characters will deal hardly any damage compared to me, and ill always be the one getting hit because of lack of AC.

I also originally wanted to take the frenzied berserker class, but im not entirely sure that's a good idea now.

2012-09-24, 01:37 AM
First off: why are you expecting the others to keep up with you in dealing damage? It's not their job after all.
Second, it is likely the wizard will help making you other teammates better, and possibly help you get hit less often. Enlarge person does nothing for a goliath since they are monstrous humanoids.
Third, you could scale back a little if you feel you are making the game trivial. Let the others in on the action.

2012-09-24, 01:42 AM
You may have heard the phrase "rocket tag." That's how specialist casters and competent noncaster builds tend to play when somewhat optimized.

2012-09-24, 01:45 AM
If they let you play a Goliath Barbarian, they are EXPECTING you to hit like a sack of anvils. So go to it.

2012-09-24, 01:59 AM
First off: why are you expecting the others to keep up with you in dealing damage? It's not their job after all.
Second, it is likely the wizard will help making you other teammates better, and possibly help you get hit less often. Enlarge person does nothing for a goliath since they are monstrous humanoids.
Third, you could scale back a little if you feel you are making the game trivial. Let the others in on the action.

oh i completely forgot monstrous humanoid and humanoid werent the same thing.

I think you are right, if i feel like im doing too much i can just do things to assist people instead.

2012-09-24, 02:17 AM
3.5 Soulknife sucks hard unless very optimized. Maybe see if your DM allows the guy to switch to PF Soulknife? That class is badass.

2012-09-24, 12:38 PM
3.5 Soulknife sucks hard unless very optimized. Maybe see if your DM allows the guy to switch to PF Soulknife? That class is badass.What are the major differences?

2012-09-24, 01:02 PM
What are the major differences?

Full base attack bonus, more flexibility with the mind blade and blade skills (customizable and useful class feature). Knife to the Soul is one of the blade skills.

2012-09-24, 01:17 PM
What are the major differences?

Link (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife)

My (admittedly incomplete) handbook gives a more detailed breakdown - you can find it in my sig. But I can summarize high-level here.

Using Psionics Unleashed-only: the Soulknife now has full BAB and medium armor proficiency. The mind blade can now deal bludgeoning damage if you choose. Psychic Strike received a number of buffs to make it easier to use. Most abilities are accelerated (e.g. Quick Draw, shaping your blade and throwing come online earlier.) The enhancement bonus and ability pool of the mind blade now share the same track, giving you greater freedom in choosing abilities for it (e.g. the PF Soulknife can have a Soulbreaker mind blade at level 9, whereas the 3.5 Soulknife would have had to wait until 14.) Finally, the Soulknife gains a pool of other abilities to choose from, called Blade Skills - these function like the Deeds or Rage Powers of other Pathfinder characters and encourage you to stay in Soulknife as opposed to multiclassing. Combined, these new advantages raise it to T4.

Psionics Expanded provides sufficient options to elevate it to T3. The Soulbolt archetype and Soul Arrow PrC make it a strong ranged attacker, similar to 3.5's Soulbow, but better. The Deadly Fist archetype lets you power up your unarmed strike instead of forming a mind blade (and even fire a blast of psychic energy from your hands - hadouken!) and finally, the Gifted Blade archetype gives the class a small pool of useful powers.