View Full Version : Rider for a dragon mount needed. (3.5/pf)

2012-09-24, 10:33 AM
I have found myself working on a character and its cohort for a Epic 'tri/ges'-talt good vs evil game, tristalt in that we get a 'third' side devoted entirely to race hd/la along with templates. Being a dragon lover like I am and registered for team good, didn't take me long to jump on a homebrew silver dragon as my main. Now I'm having trouble thinking of what to do with the cohort. I'm largely debating about possibly going into the ubermount method of things at the very least using the Dragonrider PrC from Dragonlance Campaign setting book. That's good for 10 lvls of ~28 gestalt at least. So I've come to you Playground for possible class ideas/combos that I more then likely didn't think about.

Some info:
-Main is a 30 'tristalt' character, and the dm has allowed me to forsake my followers for a 'tristalt' cohort instead of a normal one.
-we gain feats at every odd lvl instead of the norm for 3.5, and upon hitting epic get extra feats without sticking to classes/prcs to gain bonus feats as the norm.
-Dragonrider alone will add 8 dragon HD to me (dm ruled only while being ridden) along with several other nice perks.
-main is in its most basic design a sorcerer//cleric with some homebrew classes thrown in (not mentioning what/where to find it as team evil can be anywhere...) So caster is definitely covered by at least my main, but swing its epic it couldn't hurt if she is one as well.
-I was debating between largely going mounted combat (lance style or archer, or whatever) but would like that its not a one trick pony for times I transform into humanoid forms and we travel together like that while not significantly nerfing its power.
-I'm pretty noobish when it comes to material in ToB, ToM, MoI, and psionics (last of which is covered by at least two fellow player team good members), but am willing to take into consideration material/tips from at least ToB as I've been wanting to try that out the most.
-as you can guess homebrew is largely allowed assuming the dm reviews it, so its an option.
-doesn't have to be a paladin, but because of Dragonrider requiring the mount to be the same alignment as the rider, and my main is LG...

With that, I think I've given you enough info to get this ball rolling enough to at least get some ideas in my head. Thanks in advance!

2012-09-24, 02:57 PM
I don't think GM would let you, but in theory you could apply the Beast Master cavalier to give the mount (that's you) Animal Companion boosts AND the banner/tactics boost. But that's a bit silly.

And Dragoon and another Fighter archetype both have means to avoid getting screwed whenever they are unmounted with lances. There's also Cleric/Paladins to heal you, since obviously you're more important than he is.
Otherwise, classes like Arcane Archer can prove decent at range, if you don't mind spending feats on mounted combat. As far as I know, you can fire Composite Longbows mounted. And if you want to be just dumb, Gunslinger. Have siege guns mounted on your dragon's back.
And that's just for mostly pure, unoptimized classes.