View Full Version : Help me with artificer in PF

2012-09-24, 01:37 PM
I will play an artificer in a pathfinder campaign. It's my first artificer and I was looking for advices. The race will be gnome, pathfinder point buy 28. One of the other players will be my "bodyguard", so I was thinking mostly on a buffer, but also golem crafter, since it's a steampunk setting with drones. I saw hedge magician as a good trait, exceptional and extraordinary artisan as feats. 2 traits and 2 flaws allowed, all 3.5 material available, as long as we're not creating too powerful or cheasy PC. I will take noble scion as a feat (high charisma, so cha to initiative, also fits perfectly my PC background). Starting at level 5.
Thanks for any advice :)