View Full Version : entangle without mold spore

2012-09-24, 05:24 PM
Are there low level solutions to creating plants to use for entangle spells? Mold spore has been vetoed by the DM.

Darius Kane
2012-09-24, 05:49 PM
Plants in a pot.

2012-09-24, 05:51 PM
Does that actually work? Just want to make it airtight so that I can't get vetoed again. We're currently exploring a dungeon section that has no plantlife.

2012-09-24, 06:43 PM
How about sod?

2012-09-24, 06:56 PM
The only acronym i know for sod is save or die, which yes those are allowed. Most things are allowed as long as they can be justified, but "mold is not a plant, it's a fungus." Regardless of the mechanics of the game.

2012-09-24, 07:01 PM
I suspect your DM will nix this but . . . there's this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/3rd-party-spells/rite-publishing---3rd-party-spells/b/blossoming-footsteps).

2012-09-24, 07:07 PM
The only acronym i know for sod is save or die, which yes those are allowed. Most things are allowed as long as they can be justified, but "mold is not a plant, it's a fungus." Regardless of the mechanics of the game.

Sod (uncapitalized) is a term for strips or areas of connected grass with attached dirt in a cohesive clump. So just carry around a few pounds of it and have someone throw it into the appropriate area before casting (ranged touch attack to a square's intersection AC 5).

2012-09-24, 07:07 PM
The only acronym i know for sod is save or die, which yes those are allowed. Most things are allowed as long as they can be justified, but "mold is not a plant, it's a fungus." Regardless of the mechanics of the game.

Sod (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sod), it would be hard to find in a dnd setting, but could work.
Also, point out to your dm that mushrooms at least, count as plants in dungeons and dragons(fungus monsters are usually of the plant type), just fluff the result as some sort of temporary giant slime mold.
edit: ninjaed on the sod thing, but the other point may be viable as well.

2012-09-24, 07:45 PM
I'll try each technique and see what sticks. At least one method should work, thanks folks.

2012-09-24, 08:51 PM
if you have access to pathfinder stuff, there’s also at least one piece of armour covered with living vines, one of those could also work, though you need to water it daily.

2012-09-25, 12:29 AM
A specially-prepared mount. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/17/10-most-amazing-grass-covered-cars_n_900952.html)

A greenbound warbeast fleshraker dinosaur?

2012-09-25, 01:13 AM
Does that actually work? Just want to make it airtight so that I can't get vetoed again. We're currently exploring a dungeon section that has no plantlife.

If the GM wants to veto you, they'll veto you. Trying to outsmart them is unlikely to work. It's not the most thrilling answer, but I'd talk to them first and ask them if there's anything they WOULD allow. They may just be trying to soft-ban Entangle, and I can't say I blame 'em, since it's a game-changer, especially at low levels. (I'd respect them more if they hard-banned it, but oh well.)

2012-09-25, 02:08 AM
Out of interest, how long has the game been going on for? If it's been in entangleable areas (which is pretty much everywhere above ground, bar high mountains, deserts and utter wasteland) for a while, and you've used Entangle a fair bit to just win fights, being put somewhere that it's not posible might be the DM's attempt to make it 'fair'.

2012-09-25, 04:22 AM
Are there low level solutions to creating plants to use for entangle spells? Mold spore has been vetoed by the DM.

Sounds like your DM won't appreciate this, but you can point out page 76 in the DMG (if you haven't already done so):

"For purposes of spells and other special effects, all slimes, molds, and fungi are treated as plants."

Now, I'm presuming that by "mold spore" you're referring to the spore field spell in Complete Scoundrel? If he doesn't allow that to count as vegetation... hmm.

Well, there's the Spore Flask in Savage Species, but that doesn't exactly top the list of "Most Well-Balanced Books" (I'm looking at you Aboleth Mucus). It's also not clear if "vinelike" is the same as plants/vegetation. Not exactly cheap, either (1000 GP per vial).

Feather Token:Tree (400 GP) might work, and is core.

Hmmm. Any other spells that create vegetation... kelpstrand, maybe? Or green blockade from Masters of the Wild might work.

2012-09-25, 05:11 AM
The DM said entagle does not work in stone corridors, as the spell description says, so it won't work to outsmart him.

I would rather try to ask if you can get the okay to modify the spell so that instead of covering a large area, you concentrate all the magic on a single small root that pushes through cracks in the stone and entangles only a single creature. I might left that fly.

Otherwise, accept that entagle doesn't work here and keep it for when you are fighting enemies outside.

2012-09-25, 06:36 AM
The DM said entagle does not work in stone corridors, as the spell description says, so it won't work to outsmart him.

I would rather try to ask if you can get the okay to modify the spell so that instead of covering a large area, you concentrate all the magic on a single small root that pushes through cracks in the stone and entangles only a single creature. I might left that fly.

Otherwise, accept that entagle doesn't work here and keep it for when you are fighting enemies outside.

I've used the spell twice over a two month period, we've been underground the rest of the time. It's not always worked stone, but deep enough that i can't get the roots of the plants above us.

2012-09-25, 07:29 AM
I've used the spell twice over a two month period, we've been underground the rest of the time. It's not always worked stone, but deep enough that i can't get the roots of the plants above us.

Sounds like he just wants you to stop using entangle completely...

2012-09-25, 07:31 AM
I suppose another route, for some circumstances, would be to prepare Impeding Stones from Cityscape--this will work in most dungeons and cities.

2012-09-25, 11:06 AM
Get the Fighter to wear a bunch of absurdly long vines growing from well-maintained dirt pouches under his armor. This could backfire horribly if the enemy casts Entangle while he's near you, though.