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2012-09-24, 08:01 PM
Era Unborn

Our Players:

Name|Godly Parent|Pantheon|Calling
Brianna Corcoran | Brigid | Tuatha de Dannan | Medical Doctor
'Mark' | Zeus | Dodekatheon | Anarchist
Victoria Dermirci |Vahram | Yazata | Unknown
Javier Reyes |Tezcatlipoca | Atzlanti | Attorney-at-Law
Nathan Adkins | Baron Samedi | Loa | Faceman
Jackie "Jack" Essex | Kebauet | Pesedjet | Healer of the Sick

You all find yourselves sitting on one side of a table in a room covered in black cloth. This is odd, since you have no recollection of ever walking into an room like this. Heck, the memories of the last hour seem to be a blur. On the other side of the table stand three ladies. All doing something with pieces of thread. As if not noticing you, they talk among themselves.

Unknown #1:"The gods seem to have loss their focus, have they not?"

Unknown #2:"Indeed, they are so afraid of losing power that the pantheons hide from fate and fight among themselves despite the growing threat of the Titans."

Unknown #3:"Yes, they have been released for how many years now?"

Unknown #1:"Around forty years the Titans have been released."

Unknown #2:"Perhaps it is time to look at the young Scions for the future, then?" She turns towards you all. "Should the gods hide from fate? Or should they be its willing slave?"

2012-09-24, 08:32 PM
Brianna frowned as she woke up and listened to the three, blinking as she noted the three women, and considered their question, the Scion reaching for her Birthrights to check they were still there. And frowning, as she realised... she didn't remember the last hour.

...Brianna hadn't had a gap in her memories since primary school. The surgeon sat back in her chair, and spoke up. "Are those the only options, then? And that'd depend on what Fate ye mean."

Brianna's trying to see if she can identify the women.

Intelligence + Occult + Epic Intelligence. [roll0]+ 1 success.

2012-09-24, 08:58 PM
Brianna: You recognize them as the Three: the most well-known agents in the West. You also recognize the threads they are working on represent a mortal's life.

Bemused by this, the spinner of the thread, known as Clotho, let's out a quiet chuckle.

Clotho: "Is it indeed? The gods among the current pantheons seem to think this, no? That is why they operate behind their children. Perhaps one among you have a better answer?"

2012-09-24, 09:10 PM
Jack slips a hand under her shirt, feeling for the feather hanging around her neck as she tries to figure out where they are. The redhead two chairs round from her seems to be leading the questions, so the dark-haired young woman remains calm and quiet, looking around the table to see if anyone else there slots in to her suddenly unusually fuzzy memory.

Space Lawyer
2012-09-24, 09:28 PM
Javier gives a derisive snort. If the gods hide from fate and cling to their bases of power as primitive humans clung to their fires and feared what lay in the darkness, are they truly gods anymore? The same thing applies if they are slaves, willing or not. A deity is the pinnacle of expressive power, will given form and authority made real. Fate may limit their actions, but a deity should work towards making a fate of its choosing. That said, I doubt that all the gods have fallen into this false dichotomy. My father still seems to work towards the furthering of his own ends...whatever those may be... He idly checks his nails, this being more of a nervous tic than any need to actually do so, seeing as how his nails are, as always, perfectly manicured.

2012-09-25, 12:50 AM
The sound of wood grinding on wood droned from Nathan's chair, as he spun his staff vertically against the ground, apparently bored by the whole situation. He shook his head through the 3's discussion, glancing up when they finally asked a question and the others answered. "Who gives a rip? Fate is an excuse people use so they don't have to take control on their own." Jutting an angry finger their way, he let his cane fall back against him and spat his words. "Fate doesn't make you do that with thread. Maybe it told you to, but in the end, you decided to play along. So there's your answer. Screw slavery. Screw hiding."

2012-09-25, 02:04 AM
Jack: The room seems to have no entrance nor exit. The last thing you remember was returning to your suite with your Band and meeting someone inside.

{OOC: Since typing their dialogue is getting and will become more tedious, assume the Three are just alternating every sentence. Towards the end, they are alternating every word and every syllable. They are doing it to annoy you, as they are slightly irked by the fact that they cannot control you.}

The words spoken by Javiar and Nathan causes an outright mocking-laugh among the Three.
The Three: "The ones with the least amount of knowledge of the world is always the one to boast the ignorance of others. Still, the desire to challenge Fate is always the most desired among the young.

Since a few of you are attempting to remember how you got here, I commend you for your intellect. The Baron himself was the one who sent you to our domain. The gods touched by prophecy have sensed great and terrible tiding coming from your newly constructed band. Scions aren't entirely bound to the rules of Fate when compared to most mortals, but your connections to Fate seem almost invisible. With this information, many gods would attempt to use you to free themselves from the Fate's chain. Others would use you to empower themselves. A good tiding, then, is the fact that only the Baron has realized this.

This area is shrouded in powerful magic, preventing anyone from listening, scrying, entering, or leaving without our permission. As a band that has the potential to rend Fate with their hands, the question changes from "Can we change Fate?" to "Should we change Fate?" If your answer satisfies us, we will impart you a rare gift, an accurate prophecy with no riddles. In either case, we will transport you back to your world.

2012-09-25, 02:20 AM
It doesn't matter if something is decreed by fate or not.Victria stands up from her chair as she speaks We are all bound by our own conscience, or own ideals. If what fate decrees is wrong I will oppose it, if it is right I will support it. If it is neither, who cares!

2012-09-25, 03:19 AM
Brianna sighs. "Like I said before. That depends on what Fate wants. If the path of Fate lead us to slaughter and destruction... yeah, I'd change that."

2012-09-25, 08:17 AM
Marcus has been rubbing his head for a while, and has been close to punching anyone within reach, what with the rude awakening. Still, he might be an angry sonofabitch, but he's got control. After hearing the others talk of Fate, he jerks a thumb in the direction of Brianna and Victria,

"Yeah, man, the girls there are right. To hell with Fate, and the Gods too. I'm a slave of neither."

He doesn't seem to be talking to anyone in particular, and as he speaks, puts a suspicious-looking hand-rolled cigarette to his mouth, then fumbles around, trying to remember where he put his lighter. The heightened senses possessed by most of the Scions present would make it quite obvious that this smoke was, for the most part, not tobacco.

"Anyone got a light?"

A split second after requesting a light for his smoke, Mark then gains a little focus and raises his voice, pointing at the Three with his roll-up,

"More importantly, who the hell are you, and why the hell did you bring us here!? I consider bloody kidnap pretty damn rude. A hand-written invite would be a lot less threatening, and would have a much higher chance of cooperation... and a much lower chance of retributive violence."

Marcus doesn't have Occult, but he'll use Intelligence+Academics to get an idea of what historical legends there are about the Three.

[roll0] +1 Epic Intelligence.

Assuming he equates them to the Norns of Viking myth.

Space Lawyer
2012-09-25, 09:23 AM
Yes, as my rather passionate companions have put it, we make our own Fate. Though I disagree with the picture of black and white morality they have painted, we all are empowered to create our destinies. I am not so concerned with our question of "Should we change Fate", as by our very nature we will do so, regardless of desire. However, I do not appreciate being treated like a plaything. If the gods desire to break free of their own bonds, those these shackles be of their own making, then a simple request for assistance would have sufficed. On the other hand, I suppose that we are not privy to the machinations that our predecessors have become all too familiar with, and we are certainly not as hidebound as they. In the end, we must simply follow our desires and work towards our goals as best we can, regardless of the whims of others. So, speak your prophecy and send us on our way. Marcus appears rather eager for a smoke.

2012-09-25, 09:30 AM
Marcus can't be assed listening to the Three, really. They kidnapped him. He stands up, straightening his leather jacket.

"Well, I'm off to find a lighter. You guys can fill me in on the details after. I've no time for Norns or Oracles or whatever. I'll be in the bar if you need me."

He then walks towards the door, leaving his chair pushed back away from the table. He briefly considers snapping the threads the Three are working on, but figures that it could cause unintended consequences.

They've pissed him off with their capture of him. He's testing them: if they seek to restrain him, they're in trouble.

2012-09-25, 11:59 AM
Jack gives the question some long thought, as Marcus storms off. He probably won't successfully leave, she thinks, but it also seems like a waste of time stopping him.

Eventually, she speaks up: "How do we know that we aren't in turn fated to change the Fates of others? The question doesn't seem to have much point, viewed in that light. The best we can do is not concern ourselves with those machinations and simply try to do the best we can for everyone."

2012-09-25, 02:13 PM
Ignoring their laughter and derision, Nathan threw in a few more coins to add to his initial two cents. "The way I see it? If Fate is knowable, it isn't worth being called Fate. If I know what I'm "destined" to be, I can become something else."

Pushing his sunglasses back up over his eyes, he slouched lower and seemed like he was positioning to take a nap. "That's a lesson from my mob days. Don't tell nobody the plan, because if they don't know it, they can't **** it up." It didn't escape his notice that Samedi supposedly arranged for this whole spiel, and that fact tempted him to take this more seriously... but something still didn't feel right. Could the Baron really be so concerned for the state of things? If things were bad enough for Samedi to take action like this...

We might just be in a LOT of trouble.

2012-09-25, 06:49 PM
Mark: You discover that there are no doors in this area.

The Three: "Well, you seem to be under the impression the the choices of Fate are black and white. Very well, we will send you on your way once we tell you of your Fate. In your future, your Band will have the opportunity to either save the gods, or replace them. Think which one would be the correct answer soon.

As they say those last words, you feel a pull coming from all directions. The room spins and you are all back into the Suite the gods have provided you a week ago. The suite is very nice. It has two floors and enough bedrooms for everyone. There is also a conference room, kitchen, and dining room.

You were all transported into the conference room. Sitting at the head of the desk is a skeleton dressed in a gentlemen's suit. The Baron nods towards the group and beckons them to sit down.

The Baron "I apologize for throwing you into that experience. Sometimes, the flow just happens like that. I personally do not wish to know what happened in that room, just be careful of people who do. The pantheons aren't as united as they should be. In fact, my official reason for coming here was because I have a quest for you involving something dire. Are you interested?

Space Lawyer
2012-09-25, 07:23 PM
Javier sits down and leans back.Dire danger, a chance for something exciting? Count me in. I should warn you though, I'm not really a "uniter".

2012-09-25, 08:20 PM
Brianna nods. "Aye, I'm game for it. More unity can only be a good thing."

2012-09-25, 08:20 PM
"**** dad, you should have asked about that mess." Nathan doesn't seem particularly alarmed by his father god's presence, and ducks into the kitchen and starts pouring a pair of drinks. "Hell, if I had any idea that was your party, I wouldn't have taken it so seriously." Moving back into the conference room and sits at Samedi's right side. "Give this a shot, strongest ish Vegas can offer, it'll take the paint right off the wall."

2012-09-26, 01:19 AM
"Got any Kahlua?" asks Marcus as he takes a seat, obviously quite irritated. At least the Baron apologised, but still, he wasn't his damn puppet.

2012-09-26, 01:27 AM
"Everything we've got's in the fridge, man. Help yourself. Least I can do after that scrape downtown. Might've broken a sweat all by my lonesome." He winked at Marcus and turned back to the god sitting at the table. "So you're in Vegas but not out experiencing the night life. That tells me something screwed up is going on."

2012-09-26, 03:54 AM
Victoria merely sits down and wait for the God to continue, confident that Nathan would know how to deal with his own dad.

2012-09-26, 04:37 AM
Marcus pours himself a White Russian, Nathan having done a pretty good job at cooling his temper a fair bit. Say what you want about the Loa, at least they knew how to arrange a half-decent party. Those Rastafarian sorts could smoke a fair bit, but they were hellishly annoying with it, but the Voodoo types, at least they were cool.

"Cheers, man," he says, as he lines up enough Caucasians (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/White_Russian.jpg/220px-White_Russian.jpg) for everyone in the room.

He does mutter "I hate quests" and that "surely Gods can do their own dirty work, even if they are busy" but it's under his breath. Of course, the others can hear him, what with being children of deities, but it was probably meant to go unheard, right? Right?

In spite of his obviously bad mood, though, he does crack a grin and laugh when he finds a lighter lying around.

"Hey! Sweet, man!"

He lights up a smoke of something not-quite-legal-unless-it's-medical-in-some-states-at-least, knowing fine that the host and his old man probably aren't the type to care.

2012-09-26, 11:50 AM
"Balance and unity is important," Jack decides. "I'm in, at least."

2012-09-26, 08:46 PM
The Baron simply waits for the talking to die down, though he does offer 'Mark' some stronger stuff and a lighter. Once all the agreements and distractions die down, he clasps his arms together and begins to speak:

The Baron: Thank you for your assistance. As you know, the gods have birthed more Scions within these past couple of years more than any other time. As a result certain gods have...neglected their children after their visitation. This has caused many young Scions to abuse their power. It is one such Scion that I visit you today.

This is a picture of Sharon Samuel, who had discovered that she was the daughter of Taloc around 4 years ago. With her abilities as a Scion, she has founded a gang that runs along the Mexican border that profits in human trafficking and serves as a source for the Aztec's blood sacrifices. While this normally would constitute normal behavior for the Aztecs, recently she seems to be going out of her way to capture Scions. I do not know that state of the captured Scions as they don't appear in any of the afterlives. Taloc states that this is a coincidence but refuses to talk to his daughter about the manner. She is currently staying at Treasure Island hotel.

I want you to find out what she is doing to those Scions. Taloc has expressed desire for his daughter's life, but I rest judgement in your hands.

Out of all of you, Nathan is the only one who knows that name. The mob that overtook yours in New Orleans was somehow able to garner the extra firepower and money to completely wipe away the old mob. Since you were among the few who survived and didn't defect, an old informant told you that the new mob was helped by the Blood Skulls, a human trafficking "business" run by Sharon Samuel

Space Lawyer
2012-09-26, 09:28 PM
Tlaloc, huh? Javier takes a sip from the drink Nathan placed out.

Int+Occult: [roll0] +1 success

I think I could probably get through to her, if whatever she's up to isn't completely off. It shouldn't be too difficult to get her attention, once we explain to her that her activities have made the big shots take notice.

2012-09-26, 11:45 PM
Brianna scowls, as she sips at a glass of Irish Guinness. "Bloody hell. Javier, ye've got a bloody optimistic view of her actions. If they're not appearing in the Underworld, best guess is something nasty's going on.

Well, nastier than human sacrifice, anyway..."

She bites her lip, muttering in Irish for a few seconds. "Whatever it is, needs to be stopped."

2012-09-27, 07:10 AM
"To hell with her, and her dad. Human sacrifice isn't cool by me. Neither's human trafficking, what with the whole sex-slavery business.

But, hey, if it's Tlaloc's kiddo, why the hell isn't he askin' us, huh? I don't trust some scumbag that drinks human blood or whatever. He can shove it."

Mark realises he should probably do something here. If what the Baron says is entirely true (unlikely), he'll be happy to rip off the woman's head. Still, for all he knows, she's an innocent taxi driver, sneaking the odd Mexican across the border.

Space Lawyer
2012-09-27, 10:09 AM
Javier rolls his eyes. Yes Mark, my entire pantheon is a bunch of blood-thirsty lunatics. Please settle down; your cultural arrogance is showing. Looking to Brianna You especially should not look to admonish us. Do not begin to pretend as if your own people did not participate in such activities. In fact, all of our pantheons and their worshipers partook in activites we consider barbaric today. That being, said, yes, we do need to find out what she is up to. Javier pulls out his phone, and dials his men. He begins to make travel arrangements for the band. A private plane has been arranged to take us from here down to the nearest airport to Sharon's hotel. A hotel and transportation once we are down there are also being arranged now.

2012-09-27, 10:38 AM
"Hey, I never claimed the Greek Gods were good. Hell, they're slimy bastards. My da turns into swans then rapes young girls, man. You think I'm down with that, just 'cause it's my old man?

Claiming blood sacrifice is cool, on account of culture can piss right off, man. Soon you'll be telling me that the slavery and lynching of negroes is a cultural institution in the good ol' South, and to say otherwise is mere cultural arrogance. Screw culture."

Mark hated it when people tried to pull the intellectual card on him. He was brighter than he let on, and any cultural or intellectual justification for human sacrifice deserved no respect.

"Regardless, Javier, I didn't call you a murderer. I called your family that. That's different. I'm not 'admonishing' you. Unless, of course, you've been cutting out the hearts of virgins or some sh*t for the past few years."

2012-09-27, 11:01 AM
"some more than others" Victoria privately added to Javier's remark, before adding her piece
Pasts sins do not excuse current ones, if she is trading and sacrificing humans right now she needs to be stopped.
Still, I am doubtful that the Aztecs are as bad as you makes them sound Mark and it doesn't sound like you know enough about them either to pass judgment like that.

2012-09-27, 11:13 AM
"Don't speak to me like a schoolteacher, I know plenty. I get pretty damn worried when people are happy to simply nod and smile, accepting the status quo that the Atzlanti can demand human sacrifice; which they do, there's no debate on that. If you say 'maybe it's not so bad', it makes me think you're a cold-hearted bastard or a coward.

Now, we've some of this gory killing of innocents to stop. Sounds good to me."

Mark points at Javier.

"When can we reach the airport?"

Space Lawyer
2012-09-27, 11:40 AM
It will take about two hours for the plane to be fueled up and ready to go. My men can pick us up from here...as soon as we know where this place is.

2012-09-27, 01:51 PM
I did not say that. Human sacrifice, like all murder, is unacceptable and must be stopped.
But you are condemning an entire people based on hearsay, and I doubt all of them support such practices.
Victoria stand as she speaks.
One shouldn't assume that all who are family are the same. Something you of all people should know.

2012-09-27, 03:07 PM
I did not say that. Human sacrifice, like all murder, is unacceptable and must be stopped.
But you are condemning an entire people based on hearsay, and I doubt all of them support such practices.
Victoria stand as she speaks.
One shouldn't assume that all who are family are the same. Something you of all people should know.

"I just said that! Christ, I condemned half a dozen deities, not the entirety of Latin America! I just said that Javier here hasn't done the same thing!

The Aztec Gods though, they all do. It's common frickin' knowledge. There isn't that many of them, and they all demand sacrifice. I've read enough to know that, and through proper reasoning, we should know that the Gods, to a pretty fair extent, behave as their believers expect. I've no idea why, ask a frickin' Oracle.

Man, I'm the one that gets told 'Oh, but the other Gods are just as bad!', as if that's my fault, and I'm picking on the entirety of Mesoamerica or something. I tried to punch Zeus in the frickin' face, man, I'm not pickin' goddamn sides.

Screw that, and let's get to work. Morons."

Mark is getting pissed off, largely due to the whole accusations of generalisation and stereotyping by people doing the exact same thing. He was just after getting told 'Oh, but the Greeks are just as bad!'. Didn't he know it. He was the one that tried to punch Zeus in the face, after all.

Still, in spite of his blowing off of steam, he doesn't spill a drop of his drink.

2012-09-27, 04:20 PM
Jackie has stayed clear of the outburst - tricky to do, given how Mark is getting angrier and angrier - and is focusing on packing the Band's first aid kits. Once she's done with that, she carefully tosses a couple to Brianna, before collecting together her Relics, remaining silent and thoughtful all the while.

2012-09-27, 08:10 PM
The Baron at this point decides that enough is enough. He begins speaking in the same jovial voice, but there is a sternness that undercuts it.

The Baron: "While I am happy that you Scions are passionate to locate Sharon, but you may want to pay more attention to what I say. I have stated that she is currently at the Treasure Island hotel. Unfortunately, that's all the information that Taloc would give me on the whereabouts of his daughter. In addition, I would have that the reasons I went instead of Taloc would be obvious. The other reason was that I wanted to see my son again.

In addition, I would watch what you say around the other gods. Most gods are not forgiving and are as prone to emotions as anyone else. When combined with their powers, it is a dangerous combination. In any case, I will leave this picture here for reference. The only other thing Taloc said was that she loves to gamble. Granted, this is Las Vegas, but I hope that helps. If that will be all...

The Baron disappears from sight, leaving behind a picture of Sharon. You all realize that Treasure Island isn't to far away form the hotel you are staying in {By the way, you are staying at the Aria}. It is a half an hour's walk away. As the sun starts to set and the party of Las Vegas really starts, you head out to the wild streets of Las Vegas...

Chapter One:
Secrets of the Underground Empire

When you arrive at the hotel, you admire the pirate theme of the hotel for a few minutes. The hotel is huge and expansive. The place looks fun for adults of all kinds, but it makes finding one person seem impossible.

{Is moving the scene to controlling? I'm going to do that here to move the plot, but is this too railroading?}

2012-09-28, 01:10 AM
"Now this is more like it..." Nathan seemed to relish the atmosphere, pausing and stopping to breath deeply and dramatically. Passers-by gave him odd looks, but such befits the scion of Samedi. While he forewent the top hat, otherwise he was the spitting image of his father's typical appearance, sporting his birthright suit jacket and glasses - and even with his staff, he was one of the least interesting looking people there. Gods bless Vegas.

Nathan detoured from a direct line to the hotel front, hoping the rest of his band wouldn't just charge in. "We're in luck, fellows. Finding people that don't want to be found was 90% of what I did back in New Orleans. The other ten percent being skull-bashing." With a flourish of his cudgel, he rapped it lightly against the wall in an alley twice, and two shadows began to shimmer and take form, hidden well in the darkness. Holding up the photo, he spoke in hushed tones. "Find her. Stay hidden. Meet me back here in one hour, and don't go anywhere until we're inside." He clapped once to himself, laughing curtly before returning to the group and taking an exaggerated bow before Brianna, offering his arm. "Accompany me to the casino ma cherie? I have a feeling it's going to be a hell of a night."

2012-09-28, 01:30 AM
((A die roll I meant to include in the last post. Mostly for horngeek, mostly silly))

Mostly for fun, really :smalltongue: He's a devil, but he's a charming one.

Charisma + Presence: [roll0]+1.

2012-09-28, 02:46 AM
Brianna grins slightly, taking the offered arm. "It'd be my pleasure, Nathan."

2012-09-28, 10:44 AM
Gambling. Pfft. Screwing regular folks outta there money, a few that didn't deserve it getting rich through luck. Not Mark's scene.

Then again, the bar was probably half decent, and probably cheap, so that the patrons got good and sauced and lost all their money playing cards. Sure, it was morally questionable, but hey, he didn't get drunk terribly easily himself, and could do with a drink. He wonders whether or not Treasure Island actually has gambling, and also whether or not it is pirate themed. Chances were 'yes' on both. It was Vegas after all.

"So, I'll be at the bar."

Space Lawyer
2012-09-28, 10:55 AM
Javier breathes deeply and smiles. This was a good place. Here, the rules keeping people down were broken, and at the same time the foolish lost everything. Those who were lucky or smart could suddenly shoot ahead, mocking the strictures society had laid down: work hard, find a steady job, be boring. That whole load of crap. The sensation was electric.

I'm going to walk around and see if I can spot her. I'll assign one of men to each of you. They'll keep in the background so you can do your thing without interference. Now, first step, the tables.

2012-09-28, 12:15 PM
As unsubtle as Mark is, he has something of a knack for talking to folk, and, when he controls himself, is more talented than he would let on.

He sits at the bar, making friends very easily, even buying a few drinks, asking about how folk are doing on the cards. He doesn't directly ask, but he's looking for people that have lost money to a remarkably good gambler. He realises that he's working under an assumption here: that the girl is actually a good gambler, but it's a good place to start.

Should it come up that they've lost cash, he'll, of course, buy them a drink to soften the blow, and carefully ask about who beat them. He's careful not to ask direct questions, in case she realises she's being tracked.

As he does so he, of course, keeps his eyes open for this woman wandering around.

And, of course, he doesn't want Javier's minder, so tells him to beat it.

"Piss off, punk."

Making friends: Charisma + Presence (+1 automatic success) = 4 successes total
Asking about gambling luck: Manipulation + Presence (+1 automatic success)
[roll1] = 3 successes total
Keeping an eye out for her: Perception + Awareness (+1 automatic success)
[roll2] = 3 successes total

2012-09-28, 04:58 PM
Jack has never been the best at talking to people, but she makes the effort, asking after Sharon using the description the Baron gave them, which she has memorised exactly. Meanwhile, however, she keeps an eye out for their target, as well.

Charisma + Presence (none) to find out if anyone's seen Sharon recently: [roll0]
Perception + Awareness to pick Sharon out of a crowd: [roll1]

2012-09-28, 09:42 PM
Nathan and Brianna strolled into the casino, the two making a handsome pair. He guided their walk past the hotel's front desk, fiddling with his phone as he went, surreptitiously snapping a picture of the woman there. "Sadly, all we have to work with is a picture and a name. Even a little hair would make this a cake walk... but I guess if Samedi had that, we wouldn't need to find her."

Stopping at a small two-seat table in the dining area, he pulled out a chair for Brianna before sitting down himself. "Here's my current plan - if this works, it'll save us all a lot of time and effort. If not, well, that's why I call this plan Plan A." He held up a pair of fingers. "All the best cons require two players, and this is no different. It always helps when one player is a beautiful woman." Placing his wallet on the table, he removed a few key things; main credit card, ID, etc, and pushed it toward her after placing the photo inside. "This is all strictly 'if you're willing to play' of course, but here's the plan: take this up to the front desk and say you found Sharon Samuel's wallet on the casino floor, and you want to get it back to her if possible. Knowing most hotel front desks, they'll be very accommodating, and check the name against their records. Meanwhile, I'll be using this" - he held up his camera-phone picture of the front desk clerk - "to see through her eyes. It's a handy trick, I know." He leaned back, his eyes flicking instinctively around the room, though flitting back to hers every now and then. "Now, this plan admittedly relies on two factors: that the clerk will cooperate at all, and that Sharon checked in under her real name. The former shouldn't be a problem, the second, well... that's what Plans B and so on are for."

He smiled an impish grin, obviously relishing the chance to make some mischief. "What d'ya say? Partners in crime?"

Assuming Brianna agrees, the roll necessary for Rada's Eyes:

Perception + Awareness: [roll0]+1 using the cameraphone picture as a focus.

Space Lawyer
2012-09-28, 10:29 PM
Javier walks to the middle of the casino floor and pulls a book out of his bag. He flips through it for a few moments before coming to a page that seems to satisfy him. He closes his eyes and lets his senses expand, feeling for the threads of fate tying all these people together. He imagined himself as a spider at the middle of a web, feeling the vibrations along the threads.

Spending 1 willpower (that cost seems rather inappropriate, shouldn't it be one legend?) to cast The Unlidded Eye.
Peception + Occult: [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-09-28, 10:39 PM
With his newly enhanced powers of observation, Javier begins to walk the room. He stops to chat with the occasional interesting person. He asks anyone if they've seen his girlfriend. Here is her picture (Sharon's). You see they had a big fight, and she just ran off. He Javier just wants to make sure she's alright. He has this big romantic gesture planned and everything just to make it up to her, and its supposed to be surprise, so if they see her, they shouldn't mention it to her, or that he is looking for her.

I hate typing in those run on sentences. Anyway, rolls:
Manipulation + Presence: [roll0] + 1 auto-success.

2012-09-29, 07:25 PM
Mark: As you talk to your new friend, Angela, she tells you about her woes. She was doing well in the slots, when some girl suggested she take place in a poker tournament. Feeling extremely lucky (and, she admits, stupid), she agreed to this mysterious girl. As a result, Angela lost all her money to this women. She describes her in a way that reminds you of how Sharon looks like in the picture. Still, she seems awfully reluctant to let you know who tricked her. Additionally, you can't seem to locate Sharon in the bar.

Fortunately, Angela is more than happy to tell you that this women is located on the 6th floor in room number 626. She seems oddly quiet on how she knows this information though.

Jack: Unfortunately, your search comes up foul.

Javiar: Despite the Unlidded Eye, you don't see anyone in the casino with legend other than your band mates. On the other hand, you see that the girl "Mark" is talking too has a thick Fate thread between her, "Mark", and someone above this floor.

Nathan and Brianna: Assuming Brianna agrees, Nathan notices sees that Sharon in on the sixth floor in room 626. You also notice the clerk giving a slight shiver.

2012-09-30, 05:33 AM
Mark makes a point of getting Angela a few drinks more, and changes the subject onto other things, in an attempt to cover his investigative trail. No sense in being reckless, after all, and, to be honest, the poor girl could probably do with a beer.

Ten or fifteen minutes later, he pays for their drinks and starts to head out. He coughs as he passes Javier on his way out, obviously indicating he should follow.

Assuming that he follows shortly after, he mutters quietly,

"Room 626."

Space Lawyer
2012-09-30, 06:55 AM
Thank you. You should be aware that your informant is more than what she appears. Fate ties her to someone upstairs, and it would seem that it already ties her to you. It stands to reason that the person upstairs is Sharon, or a least someone of importance. I would suggest we gather the rest of the Band. We need to decide whether to confront Sharon upstairs or wait until she leaves.

2012-09-30, 09:12 AM
"It doesn't take a genius to work that one out, chief. I hope you made sure not to ask any direct questions about our target and played this subtle."

Generally, anyone that gets screwed over by the children of the Gods tend to be bound to them by Fate, right? Especially the ones that then lead others to their hiding hole.

Mark isn't likely to be impressed when he finds out that the others used photos of her, and were asking questions about the girl in the picture. She'd know they were after her now, most likely.

Space Lawyer
2012-10-01, 07:45 AM
"It doesn't take a genius to work that one out, chief. I hope you made sure not to ask any direct questions about our target and played this subtle."

I don't believe we have truly have the option of being subtle anymore. We cast our net wide to find Sharon more easily, but in doing so undoubtedly alerted her. Now, lets make the best of it, and go talk to Sharon in her room. I'm not sure what role Angela has been forced to assume in relation to Sharon, but I'm certain she has one.

Javeir pulls out his phone, and dials his warriors. I need to you find out more about Sharon. I need her base near the border, her known associates, her security procedures, everything. Oh, and find out what she drove here in and make sure it isn't going anywhere. Be subtle about it.

2012-10-01, 08:23 AM
Victoria was the first of the band to be at the meeting point - a quite easy feat considering that she never left it, choosing instead to leave the information gathering to the more subtle members of their group.
She is in the middle of small talking with Javiers jaguar warrior when the former calls the later.
Who called?

2012-10-02, 06:23 AM
Her questions proving fruitless, Jackie extricates herself from the throng of people at the bar and returns to the meeting point, smiling at Victoria as she approaches.

Space Lawyer
2012-10-02, 11:48 AM
The jaguar warrior looks confused at being addressed. "Errrm, Javier. He wants us, meaning my comrades and I, to do some more research. I assume your bandmates have found the person you are looking for. If you'll excuse me, I have a car to find and sabotage.

To Mark I think the others will be waiting for us. Lets meet back where we started and share information.

2012-10-02, 11:51 AM
"No problem. Then we boot the door in and start asking questions. I want to be sure she's guilty, after all."

Mark's cool with getting moving immediately. He wants this farce over with, quite obviously.

2012-10-02, 01:50 PM
Victoria return Jackie's smile with one of her own and a small wave.
Hey Jack. Any luck?

2012-10-02, 06:19 PM
She shakes her head, with a small sigh. "My description of her wasn't ringing any bells." She shrugs. "The others probably had better luck."

2012-10-02, 08:30 PM
The Jaguar Warriors should roll something for snooping around. However, if Nathan decides to use his old underworld knowledge or if the Jaguar Warriors succeed in the roll:

Sharon Samuel main operating base is around 50 miles east of Fort Bliss, TX. She drives a red Jaguar xj220 with blue stripes. Her known associates includes multiple cartels along the Mexican border, the rising new mob in New Orleans, Australian gangs in Ireland (long story), and a shady business company known as Jackal Enterprises.

Despite her relative popularity, a lot about her is unknown. She charges exuberant fees and strict contracts but never breaks them. She is famous two incidents. She currently is the number one supplier in the "Human Resource" market. She also can successfully transfer anyone into any citizenship.

If Angela is discussed near Nathan:

Angela is something of a modern mystery. She is nicknamed the gambler among underground circles. Not because of any illegal activity she does. No, gambling is what she does all the time and any contact with her is considered a gamble. Over the past 6 years, she has dated 3 crime lords. All of them rose to startling power, only to come to an unhappy and violent end. She herself is clean of any illegal records, though. Nor has there been any recollection involving her and Sharon

Should you decide to enter room 626:

You find that the bolt is out, leaving the door open. As you step inside, you are treated to a horrible sight. The walls are literally stained with blood, the red ooze still fresh and wet. The smell is intense. The bathtub is likewise filled with blood.

When you recover from such a horrible sight, you hear a noise behind you. Two hotel staff cleaning ladies have appeared right behind you, looking about to scream.

You need to calm these ladies down as well as search the area for clues. Use rolls.

If the Jaguar Warriors know what kind of car Sharon is driving. They need to make a roll to see if they can disable it and a roll to make sure they are not seen doing such an act.

Space Lawyer
2012-10-02, 08:59 PM
Jaguar Warriors
Perception + Investigation [roll0]
(A dot from integrity and a dot from academics go to stealth)
They aren't being particularly creative in their sabotage. Slashed tires and sugar in the gas tank effectively destroy the vehicle.

I'll maybe edit this once we decide if we're going in the room or not.

2012-10-06, 10:34 AM
Victoria answers jack's wish with one of her own, Let's hope so. In any case I think I see them there.

Then victoria stands patiently awaiting for her bandmates to tell her what, if anything they have learned.

Space Lawyer
2012-10-08, 07:25 AM
Sharon is in room 626. My warriors are making sure her car isn't in working order right now. It is a Jaguar xj220, red, with blue stripes. We've found out she operates out of a place called Fort Bliss, in Texas. She has numerous criminal connections that might come in handy for us later. Shall we go confront this woman?