View Full Version : PF: New Spell: Tempus Fugit

2012-09-25, 02:10 AM
Pretty simple question here. I want to make a spell called "Tempus Fugit" (latin for "Time Flies", I believe)
The spell basically applies haste to your allies, and slow to your enemies, just as if you'd simultaneously cast both spells.
Simple. Straightforward.
I just need to know what spell level it should be at. I'm figuring 7th, but I don't really have any guidelines for that.
Opinions, concerns?
Resistance, school, range, duration... all stays the same.

2012-09-25, 06:08 AM
Depends, if you want it to affect more than one ally/enemy I'd say probably 8th level. It's a pretty powerful SoD.

Save: Will negates
SR: Yes
School: Transmutation (?)

2012-09-25, 06:14 AM
They're both level 3 spells, right? One spell doing the job of a third and a seventh (quickened third) spells. Probably worth a seventh-level spell. Eight is way, way more potent than that.

2012-09-25, 06:14 AM
Compare with Arcane Fusion (5th) which allows a Sorcerer to cast a 4th and a 1st combined into one spell, and Greater Arcane Fusion (8th) which allows a Sorcerer to cast a 7th and a 4th combined into one spell. These are from CMage.

Or Quicken obviously.

Now you want to cast two specific 3rds.
I'd guess about 5th.

2012-09-25, 06:17 AM
5-6 range sounds about right to me.

2012-09-25, 08:49 AM
Actually there is a similar spell you can use as a guideline.Battletide (PGtF) gives you namely the benefits of haste plus the ability to cast a spell up to 5th level as quickened,and at the same time the enemies suffer a -2 on most rolls.It is a 5th level transmutation spell,available only via the Initiate of Bane feat.

2012-09-25, 03:51 PM
I would peg it as 5th; it's a combination of two useful 3rds and speeds up their application, but it's not as general as Quickening.

Also this might should go in Homebrew. :smalltongue:

2012-09-25, 09:39 PM
First of all, I think it's bad form NOT to incorporate your character name into the spell name. I know PF didnt get to keep the old Bigsby etc.. but don't let it stop you.

I'd say 6th or 7th level would be reasonable. Simply because this combo spell beats out most 5th level combat spell options and some 6th level options.

If you put a stipulation like, you can only hasten 1 ally for every foe you successfully slow, then *perhaps* 5th level. Then you could call the spell "Hargo's Temporal Transference" for example.

I'd also suggest an additional opposition school, would be a fair tax, to represent the neglect you are giving to your general spell studies, while researching signature spells.

2012-09-26, 01:30 PM
The rules on designing your own spells, presented in the DMG, I believe, say that you should compare the spell to spells of the same level. That being said, I think that it should be a 5th level spell. It's really not that empowering, mainly allowing you and your allies some extra time to move around and giving you some miscellaneous bonuses. Also, the Slow effect can only affect those that are within range of you, so if you cast it on yourself, your allies, and your nearby enemies, then run away to a different area, those enemies will not be Slowed, only giving you half the power of this spell.

Linguistics-based edit: in addition, "Fugit" may refer to flying, as a bird does. I think that the word should be "It runs," because that is normally how these kinds of sentences are phrased. Thus, the spell's name should probably be Tempus Currit.

2012-09-26, 01:49 PM
So the views so far seem to pitch this as follows.

5th 4.5
6th 1
7th 2.5
8th 1

2012-09-26, 02:33 PM
Linguistics-based edit: in addition, "Fugit" may refer to flying, as a bird does. I think that the word should be "It runs," because that is normally how these kinds of sentences are phrased. Thus, the spell's name should probably be Tempus Currit.In my fecal opinion, Fugit works well, because it matches both the english "time flies" and the Portuguese (o hai latin-derived language) "O tempo voa".

Jeff the Green
2012-09-26, 03:58 PM
Linguistics-based edit: in addition, "Fugit" may refer to flying, as a bird does. I think that the word should be "It runs," because that is normally how these kinds of sentences are phrased. Thus, the spell's name should probably be Tempus Currit.

It's a quote from Virgil, and properly translated it's "time flees."

2012-09-26, 06:54 PM
There was a spell of the same name in AD&D

2012-09-26, 09:22 PM
I think I'm going to make it 5th level.
You still only affect 1 creature/level, and you may choose to bestow haste or slow on any creature affected. The targets no longer have to be within 30' of each other. Material components should now include something appropriate for a 5th level spell (suggestions?). The effects persist regardless of range, allowing you to move away while leaving slowed enemies behind.
I would rather have the spell affect only an emanation centered on the caster, but that requires constantly checking distances between possible targets every time someone moves. And what if they move out of range, and then back in?
No. It blasts out when you cast it, blessing allies with "haste" and cursing enemies with "slow". One affected creature per level.

2012-09-27, 04:46 AM
I think I'm going to make it 5th level.
You still only affect 1 creature/level, and you may choose to bestow haste or slow on any creature affected. The targets no longer have to be within 30' of each other. Material components should now include something appropriate for a 5th level spell (suggestions?). The effects persist regardless of range, allowing you to move away while leaving slowed enemies behind.
I would rather have the spell affect only an emanation centered on the caster, but that requires constantly checking distances between possible targets every time someone moves. And what if they move out of range, and then back in?
No. It blasts out when you cast it, blessing allies with "haste" and cursing enemies with "slow". One affected creature per level.

So...nothing that either spell doesn't already do. No need for a costly Material. Focus on muddied boots, or throw a salami stuck in a tight net against the enemies or something.

2012-09-27, 05:08 AM
An hourglass could be an appropriate focus.