View Full Version : Races of Average [PF]

2012-09-25, 11:58 AM
So I've been playing around with the Pathfinder Race Generator (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/arg-creating-new-races)

And I think it's time I bring what I've tinkered into being to the Forums for you all to rip apart as needed. Now some of these are fully flushed out, and others are half-done but ready to be reviewed. And I apologize to any moderators, this might be necromatized if/as I add new races.

Argonian +2 Con, +2 Wis, −2 Int,
Medium Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hold Breath (1 RP) Argonians can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.

Hardy (3 RP) Argonians gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.

Healthy (2 RP) Argonians gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.

Natural Armor (2 RP) Argonians gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Armor Class. Improved Natural Armour (1 RP)

Desert Runner (2 RP) Argonians receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.Aventi+2 Con, +2 Wis, −2 Cha
Humanoid (Aquatic)
30ft Speed, 30ft Swim
Darkvision 60ft.
Amphibious: Aquatic Subtype and Amphibious Special Ability
Water Sense: Blindsense 30ft when in water.
Languages: Common, Aventus
Bonus Languages: Aquan, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sahuaguin Pacham
Humanoid (Pacham)
+4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Int
Four Armed
30ft Speed

Just as Humans are supposed to have descended from Apes and Monkeys, Pacham have descended from Girallons. Over time much of the savagery and cruelty was bred out of them, but not their incredible strength and most notable trait, their four arms.Xip
Humanoid (Modified)
80ft Speed
+2 Dex, +2 Cha −2 Str, −2 Con
Quick Reactions: Improved Initiative

It’s hard to not like the sometimes impetuous speedsters of the world. With their outright friendliness and kind demeanor the only downside is that when you can run really fast everything seems that much slower. Evolution has left this race at a bit of a disadvantage while their muscle is easily built for speed it is harder for them to train for strength, also to move so fast they have become a bit light and take hits rather easily.

Humanoid (Falkan)
Medium: Falkans are the same size as an average human and receive no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution
Falkans are quick and agile due to their light frames, they are also considered quite comely to humans, appearing to some as if angels.

30ft Speed

Wings: Falkans have a natural fly speed of 50ft with Good maneuverability.

Sharp Eyes, Quiet Feathers: Falkans have learned to stop prey from far off and how to approach without notice, because of this they gain a +2 bonus to Perception and Stealth and these skills are always class skills for a Falkan.

Languages: Falkan, Common
Bonus: Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling Sylvan
Favored Class: Paladin

Before you is a human unlike any you have seen before, despite looking slightly hawkish in the face with intense eyes and eyebrows that curve off and away from the face, they seem almost unnaturally attractive. All of the hair on his head seems to grow away from his face, as if continually windswept, which appears likely due to the large wings and hawk or eagle tail that seem to grow from the base of his spine.

Falkans are an interesting race, many assume them offshoots of the more well known, but hated Strix. However they are actually an ancient line of celestially blooded humanoids brought about by far past intermingling with angels. In decades and centuries since such pairing the Falkans have developed their own race that breeds true.

Falkans generally live high up in the mountains feeling a sort of natural closeness there often times having to fight with dragons over some of the best locations near food, water or available food sources.

Falkan Names follow a very strong name patterns, the male names are strong and solid without much fluff, whereas the female names are very flowery and artistic. A Flock of Falkans all share a common clan name usually involves something about where they nest. Falkans also earn names or extraneous titles based on deeds or acs.

Male Names: Noland
Female Names: Aeira, Floria,
Clan Names: Dawnwatch, Cliffguard

Yes this was on Homebrew but did not glean any information, positive, negative, or otherwise.

2012-09-25, 12:15 PM
Argonians seem balanced, but I question the +2 Cha, if you're imitating the race from TES.

Aventi might be a little under LA 0, but not much. I suspect they're on par with average in an aquatic campaign.

Pacham seem pretty balanced.

Xip seem a little underpowered with those two -4's. I would recommend either dropping them to -2's or giving them another bonus feat.

Falkans seem pretty good; they might be a little over LA 0, but I don't think they're in LA +1 territory.

Side note: I appreciate the puns :smalltongue:

2012-09-25, 01:31 PM
Argonians seem balanced, but I question the +2 Cha, if you're imitating the race from TES.

Aventi might be a little under LA 0, but not much. I suspect they're on par with average in an aquatic campaign.

Pacham seem pretty balanced.

Xip seem a little underpowered with those two -4's. I would recommend either dropping them to -2's or giving them another bonus feat.

Falkans seem pretty good; they might be a little over LA 0, but I don't think they're in LA +1 territory.

Side note: I appreciate the puns :smalltongue:

Actually according the the "Make-A-Race" they are all LA+0
But on to the fixes.
Argononians, what should I switch it to? I've been playing skyrim all less than a day and have no previous encounters with them.
Aventi: Yes.
Pacham: I was thinking Pacham Monk as favored class, lol.
Xip: Are considered level based on the 80ft move speed. Super-Spring Attacks, lol.
Falkans: Haha, the first race I did (that's why they have everything, image-wise picture the "Harpie's brother from Yu-Gi-Oh, he lacks the tail and claws they do, but has the wings, with more of a hawk-like face and 3 inch long eyebrows that come back along the face.
Side Note: You're welcome, :smallwink:

Dusk Eclipse
2012-09-25, 02:46 PM
Xips are an extremely weak race, 80 ft base speed doesn't really works for anything. You mention Spring attack; but a single strike are extremely weak since more than likely you can only get [w]+str(1.5 if two handing) and Power Attack.. which IIRC capped at +15 damage at BAB 20, heck it can't be combined with Vital Strike line AFAIK.

Second you have a net -4 to stats which goes against all other PF races I've seen (at least a net +2 from what I've seen).

Finally -4 Con is simply brutal, only high hit die classes can afford it, and even then I would seriously doubt it, since all those classes are melee based and the -4 str doesn't make this worthwhile.

Sorry; but it is a bad race for well... everything.

2012-09-25, 03:26 PM
Actually according the the "Make-A-Race" they are all LA+0
But on to the fixes.
Argononians, what should I switch it to? I've been playing skyrim all less than a day and have no previous encounters with them.
Aventi: Yes.
Pacham: I was thinking Pacham Monk as favored class, lol.
Xip: Are considered level based on the 80ft move speed. Super-Spring Attacks, lol.
Falkans: Haha, the first race I did (that's why they have everything, image-wise picture the "Harpie's brother from Yu-Gi-Oh, he lacks the tail and claws they do, but has the wings, with more of a hawk-like face and 3 inch long eyebrows that come back along the face.
Side Note: You're welcome, :smallwink:

Argonians- I would recommend perhaps a switch to +2 Wisdom. They, along with the catfold (forget what they're called) are not well liked in Skyrim.

Xip- As noted above, 80 foot movespeed doesn't justify a -4 to stats. I would outright drop the -4 to Con, and I would change their bonus feat to a list of feats they choose from at character creation.

2012-09-25, 06:19 PM
Argonians- I would recommend perhaps a switch to +2 Wisdom. They, along with the catfold (forget what they're called) are not well liked in Skyrim.

Xip- As noted above, 80 foot movespeed doesn't justify a -4 to stats. I would outright drop the -4 to Con, and I would change their bonus feat to a list of feats they choose from at character creation.

Kajiit, and roger that.
And I used the rules from the create a race, they originally had a −2 to strength and a −4 to con. and the Improved Initiative stays they are children born of wizards who used the haste spell so frequently that their children retained some affects of it.

2012-09-25, 07:06 PM
And I used the rules from the create a race, they originally had a −2 to strength and a −4 to con. and the Improved Initiative stays they are children born of wizards who used the haste spell so frequently that their children retained some affects of it.

As a player, I just would not play them. The reason they'd be underpowered is that speed gives lessening returns; if you're beating everyone there, it doesn't really matter how much you beat them by. They'd be very, very good as scouts, but...they'd get trashed in a fight. The classes that would benefit from their positive stats (rogues, charisma based casters) would get absolutely trashed whenever they got hit because of that -4 Constitution.

I've got a few recommendations, lemme know what you like and we can work from there.

1) Outright drop the -4 Constitution. Easy.

2) Outright drop the -4 Strength. Also easy.

3) Change both negatives to stats to a -2 apiece. Again...easy.

4) My favorite. Give them the following two racial features.

A xip gains the effect of the blur spell whenever it moves 10 or more feet in a round

If a xip has a way to gain attacks outside the normal iterative attacks, be it TWF, Flurry or Blows, or some other source, it may make those attacks as part of a standard action. Note that the extra attack granted Improved Two Weapon Fighting is keyed off of an iterative attack, and therefore cannot be made.

2012-09-25, 07:28 PM
The -4 con could work if

They went undead
The party runs away a lot. Devil takes the hindmost and all.

but otherwise the race is NPC only.

2012-09-25, 07:34 PM
As a player, I just would not play them. The reason they'd be underpowered is that speed gives lessening returns; if you're beating everyone there, it doesn't really matter how much you beat them by. They'd be very, very good as scouts, but...they'd get trashed in a fight. The classes that would benefit from their positive stats (rogues, charisma based casters) would get absolutely trashed whenever they got hit because of that -4 Constitution.

I've got a few recommendations, lemme know what you like and we can work from there.

1) Outright drop the -4 Constitution. Easy.

2) Outright drop the -4 Strength. Also easy.

3) Change both negatives to stats to a -2 apiece. Again...easy.

4) My favorite. Give them the following two racial features.

A xip gains the effect of the blur spell whenever it moves 10 or more feet in a round

If a xip has a way to gain attacks outside the normal iterative attacks, be it TWF, Flurry or Blows, or some other source, it may make those attacks as part of a standard action. Note that the extra attack granted Improved Two Weapon Fighting is keyed off of an iterative attack, and therefore cannot be made.

Option 3, I was just following the Create a Race rules is all.

2012-09-25, 07:38 PM
Option 3, I was just following the Create a Race rules is all.

They're more guidelines, really. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6kgS_AwuH0)

Hybrid Monkey D
2012-09-25, 08:36 PM
Your Argonians, although balanced, (I'm a horrible judge of that, so don't take my word on it.) don't really fit the Elder Scrolls version of the race very much. There are plenty of websites and wikis out there that give information on them in great detail, so I'm not going to get too deep into it, but I'll sum them up.

Argonians hail from the region of Black Marsh, a heavily swampy place. They, as natural hunters in that region, are particularly agile and cunning. The games have historically given them increases to stats such as Speed, Agility, and Intelligence, as well as bonuses to skills such as lockpicking, athletics, illusion, and mysticism. To balance this, they are penalized in personality and endurance. The hit to personality apparently comes from them not having detailed facial expressions, being lizard people. The endurance thing, I got no idea, but it's almost always been there.

Maybe switching the ability modifiers to a + to dex and int and a - to either cha or con while also changing the desert runner trait to something else would more appropriately portray them.

2012-09-25, 09:01 PM
They're more guidelines, really. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6kgS_AwuH0)

+1 Internet

2012-09-25, 09:03 PM
Your Argonians, although balanced, (I'm a horrible judge of that, so don't take my word on it.) don't really fit the Elder Scrolls version of the race very much. There are plenty of websites and wikis out there that give information on them in great detail, so I'm not going to get too deep into it, but I'll sum them up.

Argonians hail from the region of Black Marsh, a heavily swampy place. They, as natural hunters in that region, are particularly agile and cunning. The games have historically given them increases to stats such as Speed, Agility, and Intelligence, as well as bonuses to skills such as lockpicking, athletics, illusion, and mysticism. To balance this, they are penalized in personality and endurance. The hit to personality apparently comes from them not having detailed facial expressions, being lizard people. The endurance thing, I got no idea, but it's almost always been there.

Maybe switching the ability modifiers to a + to dex and int and a - to either cha or con while also changing the desert runner trait to something else would more appropriately portray them.

True, they stopped being actual argonians at one point and decided to become the toughest race fortitude wise.

Hybrid Monkey D
2012-09-25, 09:30 PM
True, they stopped being actual argonians at one point and decided to become the toughest race fortitude wise.

Oh. In that case, you did very well.
Only thing else I have to say is that I agree with RFLS on the Falkans. They seem a bit, teeny tiny bit, too strong.

2012-09-25, 09:34 PM
Oh. In that case, you did very well.
Only thing else I have to say is that I agree with RFLS on the Falkans. They seem a bit, teeny tiny bit, too strong.

I would leave it, they're still not better than humans.