View Full Version : Shutting down extraordinary abilities

2012-09-25, 01:22 PM
I am playing a rogue who basically wants to be able to make the world around him normal sometimes at least in some sense. Anti-magic field does most of what I want, shutting down spells, spell like abilities, and supernatural abilities. The problem is the only way that I can find to shut down extraordinary abilities is with the spell "Trait Removal" and that has a one hour cast time, removes one extraordinary ability from one creature, and allows a save.

Anyone here know a better way to shut down extraordinary abilities? I would be OK with having to target people one at a time, but the one hour casting time makes it useless for what I am trying to do.


Last thought, this character is pretty high level and well connected, so cost or spells isn't a problem for the most part.

Piggy Knowles
2012-09-25, 01:49 PM
If you already have access to Trait Removal, why not just find a way to cast it quicker?

Four levels of Spellsword or three levels of Ordained Champion for Channel Spell would do the trick - they both let you "charge" your sword with any spell you can cast as a move action.

Channel Spell Description:

Channel Spell (Sp): At 4th level, a spellsword can channel
any spell he can cast into his melee weapon. Using this ability requires a move action, and the spellsword uses up the
prepared spell or spell slot just as if he had cast the spell. The
channeled spell affects the next target that the spell sword
successfully attacks with his weapon (saving throws and
spell resistance still apply).

(Emphasis mine.) That comes from the Spellsword ability, but the wording on the Ordained Champion version is almost identical.

2012-09-25, 02:31 PM
Casting Trait Removal quicker would be an acceptable option, unfortunately this is a game in progress, and I don't really cast Trait Removal, more I have UMD maxed out and scrolls are cheap.

Excellent suggestion though, I never knew about those classes and will have to remember them for later games.

2012-09-25, 02:32 PM
Fuse Flesh and Baleful Polymorph both remove Ex abilities (among other things.)

2012-09-25, 02:53 PM
Affiliation to the Knowledge Domain also lets you do this.

2012-09-25, 03:36 PM
Affiliation to the Knowledge Domain also lets you do this.

I am not familiar with this, what is it or where is it from?

2012-09-25, 06:22 PM
That ability's mentioned in Complete Champion, pg 36.

2012-09-25, 09:40 PM
Casting Trait Removal quicker would be an acceptable option, unfortunately this is a game in progress, and I don't really cast Trait Removal, more I have UMD maxed out and scrolls are cheap.

You could also use spell-storing items to activate Trait Removal: spell-storing shurikens, Glyph Seal (MIC), skull talismans (Frostburn), or chardolyn (Silver Marches WE/Lords of Darkness).

Or, you could shut down (Ex) the old-fashioned way: reduce HP to -10 or below.

2012-09-26, 02:02 PM
You could also use spell-storing items to activate Trait Removal: spell-storing shurikens, Glyph Seal (MIC), skull talismans (Frostburn), or chardolyn (Silver Marches WE/Lords of Darkness).

Swordsaged on the Spellstoring Weapons, ammunition was an even better idea because its cheaper.

Five levels of Spellthief lets you sneak attack away Spell-like abilities. I think there is a prestige class in the Fiend Folio that has a similar ability to neutralize Spell-like abilities.

2012-09-26, 02:54 PM
You could also use spell-storing items to activate Trait Removal: spell-storing shurikens, Glyph Seal (MIC), skull talismans (Frostburn), or chardolyn (Silver Marches WE/Lords of Darkness).

Or, you could shut down (Ex) the old-fashioned way: reduce HP to -10 or below.

I like the ideas, unfortunately I don't think any of these will work. (Note: all of this is internet research as I am away from my books)

Spell-storing: only up to third level spells, Trait Removal is 5th (assuming that you are talking about the weapon enchant in the DMG, if there is a greater version somewhere out there that would be perfect)
Glyph Seal: Traps an item as far as I can tell, so it is very hard to use on an enemy during combat.
Skull Talismans: Spell is triggered by and affects the person who breaks the skull, unless throwing it at a person will affect the target this won't help me.
Charalyn: these are artifacts with no listed price, or way to get my hands on them. I may ask my DM though, as otherwise these are perfect.

I am starting to suspect that polymorphing my target is the only real option, and that seems like a rather nuclear option.

2012-09-26, 04:07 PM
Speaking of nuclear options, would feeblemind (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/feeblemind.htm) possibly make the victim too mentally retarded to know how to use at least the more intricate Ex abilities? Something as basic as trample, probably not, but might shut down sneak attack, things that involve some thought.

The Mindless Rage spell in SpC forces the victim to move into melee with you and melee attack you. Would shut down any Ex abilities that are not melee attacks nor augment/help melee attacking. Because the spell explicitly doesn't allow them to do anything but approach you and melee attack you.

2012-09-26, 04:13 PM
I am starting to suspect that polymorphing my target is the only real option, and that seems like a rather nuclear option.

You could kill them.

Although under RAW, the "dead" condition does not prevent the use of EX (or any other) abilities.