View Full Version : Alternate Ways to Get Draconic Invocations?

2012-09-26, 12:42 AM
Are there any ways to get Draconic Invocations without taking levels in Dragonfire Adept?

I remeber seeing an ACF for Dragon Shaman that let it aquire a Draconic Invocation but I'd rahter avoid taking actual class levels in order to aquire the invocation.

Perhaps there's a feat that grants acces to one? I can't seem to find one.

Also, if there's no such method to aquire Draconic Invocations, then does anyone have links to a piece of home-brew that would allow my character to aquire a Draconic Invocation?

Thanks for the help. :smallsmile:

2012-09-26, 01:17 AM
I'm pretty sure there's some feat that allows for Warlocks to get Draconic Invocations and vice versa. Couldn't tell you what it is though.

2012-09-26, 01:37 AM
The feat fr Warlocks to get DFA invocations and vice-versa is called Infernal Adept. It's from an online article, just google it.

2012-09-26, 08:13 AM
Why get invocations onto a DS, when you can get auras onto a DFA?

(honest question)

2012-09-26, 09:16 PM
Why get invocations onto a DS, when you can get auras onto a DFA?

(honest question)

I'm actually not playing either of those classes. I'm making a Knowledge Devotion build and I wanted access to the "Draconic Knowledge" invocation. It gives a +6 to all knowledge checks.

2012-09-27, 08:02 AM
Unless you are a Warlock or Dragon Shaman, you can't get a Draconic Invocation.

Looks like it is time to get dippy! :smalltongue:

2012-09-27, 08:19 AM
Unless you are a Warlock or Dragon Shaman, you can't get a Draconic Invocation.

...Or DFA. But yeah, a dip seems like what is needed here.

2012-09-27, 08:43 AM
Of the three I largely recommend DfA just because it gets all knowledge skills as class skills as opposed to the other two. But that's probably because I'm biased as I love the DfA...