View Full Version : (3.5 Faerun specific) Worshiping two gods?

Lortharian Duin
2012-09-26, 12:53 PM
Hello Giants!

I'm about to start a new char in my DnD group. He should be level 9, Cleric. Now, my problem started when I had to choose my domains.:smallannoyed:

I was about to worship Gond, not only because of Planning domain but because I thought his philosophy would suit my Cleric. But I can't find a way to put Dweomerkeeper in my build. Seems to me that Magic domain can't be chosen before level 11, and I kinda wanted Dweomerkeeper to start sooner, level 5-6. Same problem with any arcane spells to even enter that prestige class.

I'm not sure about sacrificing any cleric caster levels. There are feats like Magical training or such that give me arcane spells just to meet requirements. Only my lesser Assimar can't spare a lot of those since I tried to put in DMM Persist before level 9. Should I choose human?

Anyone got any ideas. All could be probably solved if I could pair up Magic domain with Planning domain just to enter Dweomerkeeper.

I'd use Cloistered Cleric up until Dweomer, and some Divine Disciple in between.

My question is: Should I pursuit Gond or just switch to Mystra, wave off planning and just grap extend spell as a feat? Or there could be a way to pursue both gods philosophy, RPwise? Would those two gods tolerate me at all? :smallbiggrin:
Could there be a way to get both domains before level 5?

Thank you for your time. I found myself in a silly situation.:smallfrown:

2012-09-26, 01:03 PM
Just worship an ideal/philosophy instead of a god. From the SRD:

If a cleric is not devoted to a particular deity, he still selects two domains to represent his spiritual inclinations and abilities. The restriction on alignment domains still applies.

2012-09-26, 01:13 PM
Just worship an ideal/philosophy instead of a god. From the SRD:

This doesn't apply in Faerun as written. :smallfrown: Every one who has divine powers gets them from gods, including druids and rangers. You can only pick one. There's pretty much one prestige class who gets to worship three gods.

2012-09-26, 01:21 PM
Also in Faerun, if you DON'T worship a god, and then you die, you get added to the Wall of the Faithless; which is bad.


Point being, the usual "Philosophy/Ideal" workaround doesn't work when you A) Need divine power from a specific deity; and B) Even if you didn't, you probably ought to have one anyway.

2012-09-26, 02:22 PM
Just worship an ideal/philosophy instead of a god. From the SRD:

FRCS specifically overrides the core rules when dealing with Faerun:

Faerunian clerics function as described in the Player's Handbook except that no clerics serve just a cause, philosophy or abstract source of divine power. The Torilian deities are very real, and events in recent history have forced these divine beings to pay a great deal of attention to their mortal followers.

All clerics in Faerun serve a patron deity...It is simply impossible for a person to gain divine powers (such as divine spells) without one. You may not have more than one patron deity at a time, although it is possible to change your patron deity if you have a change of heart. You cannot multiclass into another class that requires a patron deity unless your previous patron deity is an acceptable choice for the new class. For example, you cannot multiclass as a druid unless your patron deity is a nature deity (since all druids have nature deities as patron deities).

2012-09-26, 02:27 PM
Worshipping two gods is perfectly possible. Most people in Faerun pray to many gods, depending on the situation. Serving more than one god the way divine casters do though, is a no-go.

2012-09-26, 02:30 PM
Hello Giants!

I'm about to start a new char in my DnD group. He should be level 9, Cleric. Now, my problem started when I had to choose my domains.:smallannoyed:

I was about to worship Gond, not only because of Planning domain but because I thought his philosophy would suit my Cleric. But I can't find a way to put Dweomerkeeper in my build. Seems to me that Magic domain can't be chosen before level 11, and I kinda wanted Dweomerkeeper to start sooner, level 5-6. Same problem with any arcane spells to even enter that prestige class.

I'm not sure about sacrificing any cleric caster levels. There are feats like Magical training or such that give me arcane spells just to meet requirements. Only my lesser Assimar can't spare a lot of those since I tried to put in DMM Persist before level 9. Should I choose human?

Anyone got any ideas. All could be probably solved if I could pair up Magic domain with Planning domain just to enter Dweomerkeeper.

I'd use Cloistered Cleric up until Dweomer, and some Divine Disciple in between.

My question is: Should I pursuit Gond or just switch to Mystra, wave off planning and just grap extend spell as a feat? Or there could be a way to pursue both gods philosophy, RPwise? Would those two gods tolerate me at all? :smallbiggrin:
Could there be a way to get both domains before level 5?

Thank you for your time. I found myself in a silly situation.:smallfrown:

I believe there's a feat or alternate class feature in one of those books called heretic of the faith? you can have one of your domains be from another god, but you go straight into the wall of the faithless when you die.

Thrice Dead Cat
2012-09-26, 03:10 PM
This doesn't apply in Faerun as written. :smallfrown: Every one who has divine powers gets them from gods, including druids and rangers. You can only pick one. There's pretty much one prestige class who gets to worship three gods.

Isn't this the option of serving the Triad (Tyr, Ilmater, and Torm) expanded in Champions of Valor? I know that book has a load of paladin and cleric ACFs, but it's been a while since I've dusted it off.

2012-09-26, 03:10 PM
Heretics are considered The False, not The Faithless- so they don't get the Wall- but they do get whatever Kelemvor thinks is appropriate for their actions in life.

Heretic of the Faith is in Power of Faerun.

I think sometimes- when the deities are in accord- a character can serve in one deity's clergy while receiving power from another deity. Champions of Valor has at least one example.

I think there might be cases where a character can revere a pantheon rather than a single deity. Mulhorandi pantheon, for example. Faiths & Pantheons might have the rules for this as applied to Faerun.

2012-09-26, 03:24 PM
Why not be a regular or cloistered cleric 1-or-x of ideals of <insert deity here> and cleric 1-or-x of other 'cleric type' officially as deity clericness. Your studies don't bring you as 'powerful ( spell slots and what not )' as other clerics, but your intense studies of your deities idealogies and what not has granted you the ability to have additional domains.

2012-09-26, 03:40 PM
Isn't this the option of serving the Triad (Tyr, Ilmater, and Torm) expanded in Champions of Valor? I know that book has a load of paladin and cleric ACFs, but it's been a while since I've dusted it off.

Eeyup, I didn't remember outright. And Triadic Knight is the name of the class.

2012-09-26, 03:50 PM
Why not be a regular or cloistered cleric 1-or-x of ideals of <insert deity here> and cleric 1-or-x of other 'cleric type' officially as deity clericness. Your studies don't bring you as 'powerful ( spell slots and what not )' as other clerics, but your intense studies of your deities idealogies and what not has granted you the ability to have additional domains.

You can serve as many ideals or other deities as you want, but you can still only have one patron (barring specific exceptions like the one mentioned in this thread) and your domains must come from your patron.

Eberron is much more relaxed about this sort of thing though...

2012-09-26, 03:51 PM
Pretty much all people give some service to many gods. However, you only get to pick one who will get your soul and who will provide you with power as a cleric.
Pick the one that matches most, and there shouldn't be any problem when the character does things that overlap with the tasks of another deity. Gond and Mystra are pretty much of the same gang with Oghma, Deneir, Milil, and Azuth. Serving Mielikki and having interest in Malar would be a problem, but Gond and Mystra is just fine.

2012-09-26, 04:23 PM
IIRC, Dallah Thaun and Yondalla are technically the same goddess, so there'd be no problems worshiping her/them in the Realms.

2012-09-26, 05:38 PM
I'm sorry that I don't have time to cite my exact source, but I recall one instance in the Forgotten Realms novels in which there was a drow priestess who was receiving spells and patronage from both Lolth and Vaerun or whatever his name was. I believe it was one of the side-villain characters in Liriel's stories. A bit of google-fu should be able to get some further details if that will suffice.

It should be noted that neither Lolth nor Vaerun was particularly happy to share, but if your character treats Magic as his primary means of Crafting, then I should thing Mystra and Gond wouldn't be nearly as upset with you for wieling both their gifts at once for the benefit and respect of both.

2012-09-26, 08:58 PM
You can serve as many ideals or other deities as you want, but you can still only have one patron (barring specific exceptions like the one mentioned in this thread) and your domains must come from your patron.

Eberron is much more relaxed about this sort of thing though...

Cloistered cleric of Pelor's ideals / Cleric of pelor ( or swtich them up ). Proceed to choose 4 domains from pelor's.

2012-09-26, 09:25 PM
Cloistered cleric of Pelor's ideals / Cleric of pelor ( or swtich them up ). Proceed to choose 4 domains from pelor's.

1) Who is this "Pelor" of which you speak? :smalltongue:
2) An ideal would count as an "abstract source" even if it is perfectly aligned with a non-abstract being.

Lortharian Duin
2012-09-27, 07:43 AM
It should be noted that neither Lolth nor Vaerun was particularly happy to share, but if your character treats Magic as his primary means of Crafting, then I should thing Mystra and Gond wouldn't be nearly as upset with you for wieling both their gifts at once for the benefit and respect of both.

I'll have to talk with my DM about that. Its precisely what I was going for. Crafting using Magic. I just haven't seen any similar case. I don't think Planning and Magic domain would be much of a problem to take in that case. It would be awesome if my DM allows it.

If he still insists in naming my patron God, I'd probably have to name Gond, while I worship Mystra's magic domain to help me build more awesome inventions. Am I overdoing? Would you guys as a DM accept this?

Also, could someone name some useful feats for attaining arcane spells? I know of Magical Training (from PGtF, p.41) and another one but I can't remember its name, one that gives you Mage Hand spell, Spell Hand I belive.