View Full Version : The best Pathfinder AP?

2012-09-26, 02:39 PM
Now this won't specifically effect me now as I already have my next five advenure paths I'm going to play with my IRL group but I'm curoius as to what people think of as the best AP. This only includes complete ones, so no Shattered Star and deffinately no Reign of Winter. So, what does the playground see as the bes AP?

Dusk Eclipse
2012-09-26, 02:50 PM
I've heard Rise of the Runelords is pretty good and IIRC both Savage Tide and Age of Worms (too classics in my opinion) were penned by Paizo. So I would say any of those.

2012-09-26, 03:48 PM
I've only played a little bit of it, but many people praise Kingmaker for its sandbox style of play and the ability to create your own nation.

2012-09-26, 05:56 PM
Kingmaker is interesting, and something completely new for the AP line, but at times it's poorly written. The kingdom building rules are incredibly broken, and the encounter per day model for some of the earlier adventurers really starts to favor classes that can nova. It's a fun game to run, but it really requires the GM and players to be cognizant of what they're getting in to.

Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne are pretty awesome from a story perspective. The former has a few oddities, but I believe most of them have been ironed out in the anniversary edition.

Skulls & Shackles is amazing. The characters are engaging, the story lines are memorable, and the challenges often involve more than just combat abilities. This one requires GMs willing to go outside typical adventures, and is actually one of the few APs that works better for evil characters than good ones, in my opinion. One problem is that the difficulty is all over the place. Part 1 has some very nasty battles, but then some of the adventures like most of part 5 are astonishingly easy.

Only two parts came out for Shattered Star so far, but it looks promising. Won't surprise me if it ends up being one of my favorites, but we'll have to wait and see.

2012-09-26, 05:59 PM
I'd definately side with the kindmaker or skull and shackles, with a leaning to s&s as a player AND a dm (run through it once as a player and DMing it for two seperate groups atm)

2012-09-26, 08:28 PM
Running RotRL right now and enjoying it. Read over Carrion Crown a thousand times and love it, but whenever I've tried to run it, it falls apart.

2012-09-26, 09:33 PM
I'm DMing Jade Regent right now. The caravan rules are simply broken. If run as written even a caravan totally dedicated to combat will be destroyed somewhere on the High Ice. It is simply outclassed by the encounters. So I've just tossed out the caravan rules and will run those as standard encounters.

While the AP has a great idea of significant NPCs, much of the books are padding, with no real point to it (looking at you Brinewall). Instead of something that would advance the major NPCs personalities or storylines... we get space dedicated to Ogrekin and Ettercaps with names and back story the PCs have no hope of ever learning. The middle section of the journey from Sandpoint to Brinewall could have been filled with small encounters to grow the NPCs. Instead 30 odd days of journey is covered in a couple of paragraphs so we can rush up to the hot mess that is the Brinewall section. I loved the concept but dislike the execution.

Kingmaker is much the same thing... except the execution is far better. Even still it has a lot of execution missing. Really Brevoy should be a far more active player in the path. As should some of the other neighboring powers. There should be a ton more info earlier about diplomacy back to Brevoy and to the River Kingdoms. It should feel a lot more like Game of Thrones. Instead mostly everyone ignores the nascent kingdom, at least until the plot suddenly throws them into the story.

Not familiar with the others.