View Full Version : Tribes: Ascend

Aron Times
2012-09-26, 07:35 PM
Does anyone in the Playground play Tribes: Ascend? It's a fast-paced first-person shooter, the latest in the Starsiege: Tribes series. It's a free-to-play game that isn't pay-to-win, since you can get all items and classes through XP, i.e. through simply playing the game. There are nine classes, similar to TF2, and it's focused mostly on CTF.

It's a niche game, one whose playerbase has steadily declined since February 2012, but it takes less than a minute to find a game, and there are several promos available for newcomers.

Speaking of promos, there is the 250 free gold promo on Facebook:


And there is the referral program, which rewards people for introducing people to the game. And by people, I mean "me." I get free stuff for people clicking on my referral link and getting to level 6 (I've been playing a couple of games each for two days, and I'm almost to level 5, so it doesn't take that long to get there. Here's my link:


I've been playing mostly as the Soldier, which is the Jack-of-All-Trades class in TA, similar to the Soldier in TF2. He's a medium armor class, which means he's in the middle when it comes to speed, but he's still much faster than the TF2 scout thanks to skiing and jetting (the Tribes' series signature movement modes).

Skiing, which is done by holding SPACE, lets your character glide through the battlefield at zero friction. This means that you can build up tremendous speed going downhill. For going up, there the jetpack, which you activate with MOUSE2. It's a combination of jumping and flying in the game, and you can build up lots of speed by skiing downhill and jetting uphill, and back again. Even heavy classes can make the TF2 Scout seem slow through these two mechanics.

So, anyone interested in this game?

2012-09-26, 08:04 PM
There is already a thread here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=232582

Revive that one.