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View Full Version : The Shackled City 001: Life's Bazaar

2012-09-26, 08:29 PM
We'll be starting everything off by figuring out which members of this group will be playing the pre-generated characters that I've dreamed up. There are four players picking, and I myself will play two characters until suitable players are found to play them.

After you've registered with giantitp and have read this thread, I would like for you to pick which characters particularly string a chord with you and rate them all from 1 thru 6. You'll be assigned a toon depending on this list, with a First Come - First Served bias. So get here quick and hurry it up!


The Player Characters, or PCs

Crazy Black Caiman, a Half-Orc Barbarian who is suffering from inferiority complex due to the fact that he was only half Orc and growing up in a roaming Orc tribe. While out on an extended hunt, he came back to find his tribe slaughtered. His one mentor - another Half-Orc - out of the picture, Runt sneaked away from the hunting party that was the last of his clan to find conquest somewhere where he wasn't the smallest in his crowd. Changing his name after a dinner of a quite lively jungle crocodile, Crazy Black Caiman heads on his way to the big city he's heard tell of. A city nested in the heart of a giant mountain crater... this city is Cauldron.

Katherin Oburantin, a Human Cleric of Fharlanghn. Born a noble, Katherin grew up pampered and primped. Heading on her way to the life of diplomacy and deceit that is being a noble in the city of Greyhawk, she made one slight mistake during her time at a prestigious boarding school. On a dare, she spent a night in the Boys' Wing, where she experienced her first taste of alcohol and the blackness that comes in a night where it is drunk in excess. She awoke the next day as the city's newest, youngest charlatan and the hot topic of any nobles' conversations: "Ten young men!" "No, I heard from my Jozan who attends the institute that it was 13! And that the whoring charlatan was dancing and singing upon the tables! Our children eat off of those tables!" Needless to say, her now-infertile parents were not at all impressed with their only child, and the household bordered on the edge of being an arena for the next few days. Disowned by her very own parents, Katherin sought an escape from her situation. Finding faith in the teachings of the deity Fharlanghn, she decided to follow his path in life. It came time for her to leave the city - a den of tricksters and hateful words in her eyes - and two years ago packed away the barest minimum of her belongings and, without a word to anyone - aside from the stable boy with a fine jaw - left town on her horse and a pack mule laden down with four gigantic travel sacks. Today, on the anniversary of the day that she left her home, a woman on foot with one small bag at her back walks steadily on her own two feet up the path that leads into the jungle city of Cauldron. Katherin's path has taken her far away from Greyhawk, and she has grown and matured - mentally and physically - along the way.

Teagan Stone, a small-sized Human Rogue. Small, you say? And human? Yes, that is correct. You see, Teagan is only 10 years old. An orphan for as long as she can remember, she has grown up on the streets of Cauldron and has learned at this young age how to take care of herself the hard way. Some call her a street urchin, some call her homeless trash, and still some others - most of them merchants and well-off nobles - call her a thief and con-girl. Teagan, however, sees herself as Cauldron's resident Robin Hood; stealing from the rich and giving to herself. The recent kidnappings in Cauldron have Teagan imagining more and more that she is the city's hidden protector - and even more so now, with the most recent abductions involving the Lantern Street Orphanage and two friends who she's grown up with - and so she has been prowling the streets come nightfall of late. The fact that she usually falls asleep hiding in her dark crevice while on watch has yet to deter the young girl. She'll find the kidnappers, she has to. You see, she's promised Pete, her invisible friend, that she'd do it.

Meik Laouri, a Half-Elf Sorcerer and his viper familiar Ms. Mott. Meik grew up in a small settlement not a week's ride from Cauldron. Life was the norm for him, toiling daily on his father's farm. A popular man, Meik even landed himself the village's resident cutie-pie and together they would have late-night sessions behind the barn. So went life for a few years until his lover got knocked up. Overjoyed and excited, he worked even harder and together with his father built himself and his new wife a small cottage near the family farm where he could expand on his own. Life was great, and Meik's wife was nearly due when his world was shattered. You see, Meik's family grew shimmerweed, an illegal narcotic much more powerful than the average pipe weed. Up until this point, the farm had gone under the radar of the governing body of his county, and it wasn't like the Laouries were doing damage to their community. On the contrary, strong and constant sales were a needed boost to the town's economy, but the tyrant who runs the county held the monopoly on shimmerweed, and so when business reached a booming level, he took notice and set up a crack-team to go and burn the farm down and arrest the Laouri family. At the climax of this bust, when Meik's wife was being manhandled by the guards, Meik snapped. He saw his pregnant wife being groped, he saw his new home in flames, his dog butchered, his father being roughly thrown into a wagon, the house where he grew up in flames, his brothers unconscious on the ground, the fields burning. Flames. Heat. Burning. Everywhere destruction. Anger... His wife screaming. Meik found himself sweating heavily, heating up, burning up. He felt so hot it was unbearable. Searching the skies for his salvation, Meik unleashed an inhuman scream of pent up frustration and anger, the injustice and hate that he felt so greatly inside of himself came out of him all in that one scream. Stunned, the guard rolling around on the ground and grappling Meik wasn't able to prevent this prisoner from pulling his arm back and clenching his fist - his burning fist - into a tight ball. He wasn't able to prevent Meik from rolling on top of him and straddling him. And as Meik drew his clenched fist - almost steaming now from its inner heat - back in preparation to crush this hapless guard's face, he saw true fear flood into the man's eyes. For twenty feet above Meik's fist, a fireball the size of the burning barn hovered. And as Meik's punch fell, so did destruction. Everyone but the guard and himself was dead, burnt to a crisp. So it was that Meikael Laouri discovered his innate ability to channel arcane magics. The guard fled, and so did Meik. He's wandered the lands since that fateful day five years back. Today, he drowns his sorrows in the hazy common room of the Drunken Morkoth on Ash Avenue in the city of Cauldron.

Plumpleschnozz Jehosephax Wrinklyskin, a Gnome Illusionist and his macaw familiar Squab. Plumpleschnozz - or Teddy, for short - Was born in Jzadirune mere days before the gnomes left the complex to ruin in the wake of the Vanishing plague that struck the community almost 200 years ago. Since then, Teddy has been a staple of Cauldron, eventually finding himself at Bluecrater Academy, Cauldron's first and oldest school of the arcane. Teaching alchemy for the better part of 50 years, he's starting to get bored with the monotony of crushing mistletoe and bluevine in a mortar and pestle to produce the common healing poultices sold by the school, and of late has been spending more and more time alone in his study reading books of limericks and riddles. In his mid-life crisis and falling back to his adolescent pastimes of pranks and jokes, the faculty at Bluecrater are becoming more and more exasperated with the gnome, and recently have given Plumpleschozz a formal warning that if he wouldn't smarten up, he'd be forced to resign. All the same to Teddy. The way he sees it, there's no point in wasting away with the stiffs that his fellow peers have become if they can't roll with a joke.

Peace of the Moonlight on a Rolling Brook, a Half-Elf Druid and his young panther animal companion Bagheera. Born in the jungles surrounding Cauldron, Moonlight has ever been one with nature. Unused to the comings and goings of civilization, his wanderings have brought him to the edge of the jungle often to look on in wonder at the thriving city that lies inside a mountain. With increasing regularity, his mind settles on this city and it's people. The strangeness and mystery of society intrigues him, and so it is that he finds himself today creeping along an unmarked goat trail leading up the slope to the matte black malachite walls of Cauldron with his new friend Bagheera. What he will find inside these walls is anyone's guess. Not long ago, he would find it hard to believe that such a gathering of people could even come to meet, let alone live and thrive together. How do they survive? Where does sufficient sustenance come from? Why cluster together with nowhere to escape to if an enemy presents itself? These societal questions - so new to Moonlight - are what drives his movements. For if there is one trait that stands out in him among the members of his Druidic circle, it is his curiosity.

Welcome, Group, to the beginning of our collective RP thread. We'll start with discussions on which characters we'll be playing with. Remember, OOC = Out Of Character, so please post OOC talk accordingly in a spoilers tab such as this one when we begin IC posts!

To all the Lurkers, I offer you a warm hello! This is an invite only game session. It's the first time our group has gotten together, and the first time, in fact, that I myself have even played! Together we will be hacking, slashing, and schmoozing our way through the Shackled City adventure path. We welcome you to read along, and if you notice yourself really diggin' the scene and are a dedicated follower of this thread, feel free to shoot me an email and if an opening presents itself, you may just get an invite!

2012-10-02, 03:38 PM
I'm the rolling rock one with bagherra called it. Also, I'm first and called it

2012-10-02, 11:48 PM
The half-elf lounged easily atop a large tree; hidden at the edge of the Amedio jungle outside the Hellfurnaces as he fantasized about Cauldron, a great city or rather, what he believed was a great city as he had in fact never before been to a city. Lately, the druid had spent increasing amounts of time, much to the irritation of his companion, daydreaming about the cities vast populace, and the strangeness and mysteries of society. With a yawn, the druid stretched, and using a Pok vine, he slid down the tree, landing softly upon the earth’s floor.
“Alright, Bagheera,” the druid said exasperatedly to his companion, a young panther cub, “we can go.” The three moons had yet to rise, but already Bagheera was anxious to hunt.
Bagheera let out a satisfied growl and jumped down from the branch upon which he rested. Giving the druid a sniff, he stretched, his too large paws digging deep into the soil. Pictures of green trees deep in the forest, so deep that even in the day it would seem as night, and of small creatures floated into the mind of the druid. Thoughts translated into smells, pictures of trees rushing past, moving in a blur. These images had once confused and disoriented the young druid, but know became second nature. Come, Peace of the Moonlight on a Rolling Brook, let us hunt in the deep.
“No, Bagheera, I was hoping we could instead hunt near the Hellfurnaces,” He said, confusing his companion, animals did not call the mountains by human names. Instead, he sent back images of the tall mountains, the wind rushing over causing small pebbles to fall, the scent of rocks so far from nutritious soil. We will hunt in the mountains.
Bagheera snorted in disgust, let’s be away from these lands, it has been too long since we have truly hunted! These scarce few birds we find in the mountains lack flavour, come let us hunt as we should! I want ape flesh, or at the very least alligator. By the moons, drood, I will settle for a snake! I’m bored of these rocks.
The druid sighed and laid a calming hand upon the panthers head. It is pronounced druid, not drood. The cub let out an angry growl, and the druid smiled sadly, I am sorry my friend, but I have never before met others of my kind, been around humans or any others besides the rare brother or sister druid, of course, or the rare traveler. Each person we meet in the jungle is on their way towards this city, I wonder what it must be like!
My greatest friend, I have roamed this jungle and the Hellfurnaces for over twenty years, and not once have I set foot in the city. Besides, you promised that you would journey with me if I was to let you eat ALL the alligator not a week past! I see that a cat’s word isn’t worth-
Finish that thought, the panther growled, and I will show you just how badly I want to hunt, drood.
The druid could not help but laugh, and the panther showed wicked fangs as he smiled. Laying a hand upon the large cubs head, they continued west towards a small relatively unknown goat’s path leading to the edge of the jungle. It had been less then a fortnight since the druid had come across anyone trying to make their way through the jungle. In fact, the last traveller he had met was young priestess named…what was her name? He shrugged as he walked and continued his musings, it’s probably unimportant anyways; it is unlikely he would ever meet her again. She was nice enough to him though, she offered to pay his room and board for as long as he stayed at the inn and to be honest, she is principally the reason he wanted to check out the city, even if he would never admit it.
A few days after he had escorted her to the black gates of Cauldron, he met a half-orc named Black Mamba or something ridiculous, in the jungle and shared a large crocodile. Nice enough fellow and let’s face it, for an orc, he was a gem. The difference between the druid and other half-elves is that he never grew up around others, never had the chance to learn prejudices.
It was on their way to this small goat’s path that the druid and his companion came across a small campfire fire with no one attending it. “Bagherra,” whispered the druid, “stay back.”
The young panther sniffed, but proceeded to back out of the light, jumping up onto the low branches of a tree. The druid, wary of the many poisonous creatures and carnivorous plants, carefully backed away slowly. He knew two things for a fact, on a quick glance at the small camp. Firstly, the owner had left not to long ago; this was due to the small nurtured flame that crackled quietly. Second was that this patron did not know **** about surviving in the jungle.
Laid out with a militaristic discipline were a traveler’s backpack with a waterskin, one day’s trail rations, bedroll, sack, flint and steel, and a hooded lantern with three pints of oil. The druid crept close enough to inspect the camp, yet stayed in the shadow, when Bagherra growled softly looking into the jungle. Not far from camp, the druid heard the snapping of wood and the grunt of a man, and if the druid was not mistaken, it was the result of the very carnivorous plants that the druid took pains to avoid.
Curious, the druid motioned the panther to follow. Climbing a tree, the druid jumped from branch to branch, until he came upon a young warrior who lay wounded fighting off a plant that seemed most interested in its next meal. With a nod to Bagerra, the druid cast a flare at the plant, dazzling it, as Bageera jumped down and pulled the young warrior out of its grasp. The warrior’s eyes widened and he turned to attack the panther which now he saw as a new threat. Before he could swing his longsword, Bagherra backed away to the shadows, his eyes glowing eerily in the darkness. The warrior panted heavily, holding his blade weakly and trying unsuccessfully to stand.
“Peace friend,” Said the druid in the common tongue whilst crouching on a branch.
“Who’s there?” replied the warrior, scanning the trees.
“A friend from these parts and it looks to me like you could use some healing. So answer me straight and honest, who are you, what is your business in this jungle?”
The warrior scanned the trees, still unable to tell where the voice was coming from, so instead he focused his gaze upon the panther’s bright yellow eyes that stared back hungrily. “My name is Dagon Maise. I am a paladin…ugh…but have yet to choose a single deity and so am pledged to fight for them all. I…feel myself…blacking…out. I have been called to Cauldron by my order… on important business relating to certain events that have befallen its people. Please, grant me aid and some water, or a clean death.”
With that, the paladin past out, the druid sighed and motioned the panther to help drag him back to camp where he could take a look at the paladins’ wounds. Stripping off the armour, the druid used some of the water from the traveler’s pack to wipe some of the blood away. “Bageera,” he said, “I’m going to attempt to heal him. It will drain my energy, therefore I need you to keep lookout tonight.”
The panther nodded and lay down with a huff. The druid concentrated and cast Cure Light wounds, followed quickly by Heal Minor Wounds. Exhausted, he looked over the paladin, checking to see if he missed anything, not like he could do anything about it, but he did well. The paladin would be weak for a few days, and would need more healing as a result, but for now he was stable.
It was mid-afternoon when the panther nudged the druid awake. Around the campsite lay dead carnivorous plants. The druid got up and committed his spells to memory, which he must do each day. Afterwards he took of his hide armour and used a little to wash his face, then put back on his armour and gathered his belongings as well as the paladins. Looking over the camp, the druid had Bagheera watch over the paladin as he went about the woods to make a litter he could drag the warrior on. When he returned, he gave the panther leave to hunt quickly as he got the paladin ready for transport, and placed the paladins’ armour on the litter also.
With a grunt, he hoisted up the litter and dragged the paladin down the forgotten goat’s path and into the Hellfurnaces. From there, the panther was quick to catch up, and the druid then attached the two traveling packs to the animal, sighing at the reduced weight. “Thank you,” he said to his companion, “by nightfall we should reach the city, but if we don’t stop soon for me to heal him again, I doubt he will make it.”
Boss, said the panther, if you heal him like you did last night, there is no way you can drag him through the mountains, and I will not leave you alone.
The druid smiled and scratched his long dark beard, he was in need of a shave, and a wash would be appreciated. “True, alright well I will heal him as best I can, maybe a light heal now, and minor heals along the way. I should be fine until we reach the gates and when we enter someone from his order should be able to take over. Who knows, maybe we will get a reward?” He said.
Boss, you’re a bleeding heart. Savoir of the mancubs!
The druid rolled his eyes, and set to work, casting Cure Light Wounds upon the warrior. Instantly he was tired, and the panther knew also. Boss, said the cub, strap the armour onto the packs, it will lighten the load.
The druid nodded his thanks and proceeded to do so. Then picked back up the litter and dragged it sluggishly for hours until they came upon the black walls of Cauldron.

2012-10-11, 12:33 PM
Glen rolls to becomes raptor jesus


2012-10-20, 11:57 AM
All these images are in game. This is why I ****ing love this game so much


2013-01-03, 04:13 PM
Well this was boat loads of fun.