View Full Version : Myconids?

2012-09-27, 01:00 AM
I am currently working on an E6 campaign which has a series of Timelands that the party can travel to. The current one I am working on is the earliest Timeland, the Timeland of Fungus and Ooze. I am making the dominate species the Myconids, because of their ability to release reproductive spores. This makes them effectively impossible to eliminate, and they can recover losses much more easily than other intelligent monsters.

However I am a little worried that the Myconids will quickly become boring, as they use a "stun it and punch it to death" approach. Has anyone run Myconids as a major portion of a campaign, and how did the party respond?

TL;DR Have you used Myconids in the past, and did you or your party find them boring?

2012-09-27, 09:29 AM
I am currently working on an E6 campaign which has a series of Timelands that the party can travel to. The current one I am working on is the earliest Timeland, the Timeland of Fungus and Ooze. I am making the dominate species the Myconids, because of their ability to release reproductive spores. This makes them effectively impossible to eliminate, and they can recover losses much more easily than other intelligent monsters.

However I am a little worried that the Myconids will quickly become boring, as they use a "stun it and punch it to death" approach. Has anyone run Myconids as a major portion of a campaign, and how did the party respond?

TL;DR Have you used Myconids in the past, and did you or your party find them boring?

I love Myconids... I haven't run them in a while though but Don't they have a Hallucinogenic spore?

2012-09-27, 10:14 AM
They're intelligent beings, and thus can take levels in classes as well.

Last Laugh
2012-09-27, 12:12 PM
I am currently working on an E6 campaign which has a series of Timelands that the party can travel to. The current one I am working on is the earliest Timeland, the Timeland of Fungus and Ooze. I am making the dominate species the Myconids, because of their ability to release reproductive spores. This makes them effectively impossible to eliminate, and they can recover losses much more easily than other intelligent monsters.

However I am a little worried that the Myconids will quickly become boring, as they use a "stun it and punch it to death" approach. Has anyone run Myconids as a major portion of a campaign, and how did the party respond?

TL;DR Have you used Myconids in the past, and did you or your party find them boring?

sorry, I don't have a terrifically large amount to say about your current problem.
I really like the idea of some spores 'hitch-hiking' on the players when they leave the current -land, and become an invasive species.

2012-09-27, 12:33 PM
I haven't used them in more than passing, but they're intelligent and there are low-HD versions, so you could throw some class levels on them if they start getting stale.

For maybe more useful feedback, when I did use them, the party got flustered (in a good way) when the Cleric couldn't Turn the dragon that they remembered killing earlier in the campaign, but once the group figured things out and ran into a couple mind effects, they just altered tactics, scrounged a couple immunities, and breezed in and out of the myconid caves without much trouble.

2012-09-27, 12:48 PM
I think I made a mistake in only using droning drawn out monotones when the group asked any of them questions so my party got sick of them pretty quickly. What they did like was when I tried to explain to them what creatures they saw pass by weeks earlier looked like from a fungus's perspective. The creatures were a mindflayer, a rakshasa, and a lich

2012-09-27, 01:34 PM
I love Myconids... I haven't run them in a while though but Don't they have a Hallucinogenic spore?

Yep. Which makes me inclined to run them as sort of a commune full of hippy stoners. (And the 1st Ed. artwork did sort of make it look like they were wearing bellbottoms.) And then add zombies. Only there'd be rival tribes with even more zombies, to get the proper "Plants vs. Zombies" feel.

Once the PCs got bored of the standard spore effects, I'd probably try springing some more advanced "Warrior" myconids with new spores that cause things like sleep, nausea, stunned, dazed, paralysis, etc.

2012-09-27, 02:15 PM
Thanks everyone! Class levels are definitely on the table, and I will probably invent some more spores (I already invented one new one for the Emperors, so precedent).

One thing about the campaign is that it is E6, so the Myconids are going to only get a few levels or they will go past the parties ability to fight them.

Thrice Dead Cat
2012-09-27, 06:29 PM
Not directly helpful, but you could also consider throwing in the silithar (LoM) as a "mutant" variant of myconids. I think someone did an E6 version over in the homebrew section a while back.

2012-09-27, 06:35 PM
Not directly helpful, but you could also consider throwing in the silithar (LoM) as a "mutant" variant of myconids. I think someone did an E6 version over in the homebrew section a while back.

It is an interesting idea (I certainly had not though of it). Those are the ones you can buy grafts from, am I correct? If I give them the wood grafts from Eberron they can boost up the Myconid guards and give the party something to buy other than potions!