View Full Version : Looking for DM collaborators for a DM program

2012-09-27, 09:00 AM
I have built a massive spreadsheet for 3.5 with automatic macros for everything from building PCs, items, enemies, initiative, weather, status effects, et cetera. The list goes on. The file for excel 2003 is almost 18 MB... So I decided to rebuild it from scratch for pathfinder as that is what I play now. I am looking for anyone who would like to discuss what they would find useful in a DM tool, and if I am lucky some one who would like to review by spreadsheets and give me some feed back. I can send a copy to any one who wants one. As it stands now I have the old spreadsheet & suppliment, and the new very unfinished one. My goal is to cut most of the fat out of the new one and make it tailored to PF. Is anyone interested?

2012-09-27, 09:07 AM
What I'm missing and what I'm to lazy to write down would be a quick reference table of different things like exhausted and what which called shot would make and what the dc of it would be and so on.

2012-09-27, 09:21 AM
What I'm missing and what I'm to lazy to write down would be a quick reference table of different things like exhausted and what which called shot would make and what the dc of it would be and so on.

I had that in the the workbook, I am working on setting up a github for it now, I should have it up by the end of the day.

2012-09-27, 11:10 AM
Upon reflection, I think I am going to stay solo for awhile. I want to enter a lot of data from the PF supplement books, and that will take a long time. I want this tool to cover most possible weapons and other material as I can. If anyone wants a copy of the work in progress or the old workbook, shoot me a message.