View Full Version : Followers of contradicting Gods...Faerun Edition

2012-09-27, 09:01 AM
Hello again playground,

I just realized something. I couldn't even see it until just moments ago and now I'm a bit stuck.

In the recent group where I'm playing a Neutral Good Warblade together with a (I think still) Talos Druid and an Istishia Favoured Soul (+ our awesome bard/warlock mix that belives in an elven-malaresque god).
So far my Warblade was worshipping Kossuth as in "Purify through Fire" and "If you are strong enough you will succeed" kind of theme without bragging about it. But after about 4 Sessions in I just realized it now: Kossuth and Istishia hate each other.

Now my question is: how strong is this Hate? Would Kossuth grant me my afterlife purification if I would work together with an actual Istishia Favoured Soul or would he put me into that wall-thingy? If he would is there a "similar" god I could choose as I can probably swing a change in there.

So far I never mentioned it ingame but I think it could come up next session when I buy equipment. I don't know how the Favoured Soul would react as his character is quite Water...obsessed. I mean his name is Wasser (German Word for Water) or Wassa or something sounding like it and he converted to this faith.

On a not quite related note:
I currently are a Warblade 2/Fighter 1.
With Power Attack, EWP: Spiked Chain, Combat Expertise and Improved Trip.
Should I invest in a Weapon Crystal to deal 1 point of fire Damage? Or are there other Kossuth-flavoured items available in the MIC?

I hope you can help me with this dilemma that I brought down on myself.

2012-09-27, 11:09 AM
Unless you're a cleric or other divine caster, you're not strictly beholden to your patron's dogma. Indeed, Kossuth's entry only mentions enmity between the actual clergies, and you're not a priest.

You won't end up on the Wall - at worst you'll become one of the False, and that would require a pretty egregious violation, like paying tribute to Istishia directly or something. His dogma doesn't say anything about hunting down Istishia's followers, and if he had wanted that it would. (Similar to Shar and Malar's edicts.)