View Full Version : Need help statting up Vriska Serket [PF]

2012-09-27, 09:55 AM
So we're in the middle of a pirate campaign right now, and I decided to make a back-up character in case my current one dies or I get tired of him. And, I recently thought hey. We're doing a pirate campaign. Who better to play than one of my favorite characters from my favorite webcomic?

First off, for those of you who don't know who vriska is, I reccomend reading Homestuck. It's pretty cool. In the meantime, here is a (basic) rundown of vriska's abilities, from what I can think of off the top of my head - Her signature weapon was a set of dice, which did some random attack/effect based on the roll. Going off the flash animation in "[S]Make her Pay", she was skilled at melee fighting as well, and judging by her (theoretical) fight with Bec Noir, pretty good with a sword. But more important than that is her mind control - she was good enough to pull a double reach-around by controlling one person, making him control a dragon/guardian thing, and making him make the dragon control someone else. Seconds after having her left arm and eye blown up. Later on in the story, she gained the ability to steal her opponents luck for herself.

I'm having the most difficulty figuring out how to represent the manipulation of luck and her dice. I'm pretty sure there's something in 3.5 that I could use, or homebrew, but I'm unfortunately stuck to pathfinder only.

I'm also not sure what her ability scores would be. She needs a casting stat for her mind control, but WIS is right out (If anything, I'd put that as a minus), she doesn't strike me as having high INT, and CHA would be decent at best.

Not sure on the class/class combo either. Magus doesn't have the spells I need, and the Bard has too much of an emphasis on whatever perform skill they use. I don't think my DM will let perform (awesome) or perform (BLUH BLUH HUGE BITCH) suffice. And while I could flavor the bonus her "bardic Music" gives her as her luck manipulation, she didn't have the ability to give anyone else her luck. Pure sorcerer doesn't reflect her combat skills. Closest I can think of is a gish build, but a gish build doesn't focus in offensive or enchantment spells if it wants to do decent, and ever since they made the Magus, the Magus will tend to run around in circles, pointing and laughing at the gish build.

So basically I need some assistance on the whole thing, but if I could be pointed on where to start I should be able to figure out the rest. The current version I have on her, I got lazy and just put her as a sorcerer, justifying it as a "loose" adaptation of her and focusing on just the mind control.

This is strictly pathfinder only. I'll only even try anything 3.5, or even less likely, homebrew/3rd party, as an extreme last resort. My DM doesn't trust me to bring in 3.5 stuff after I essentially dominated the whole game once by playing a beguiler. : ( We tend to be a mid to low op group.

For a comparison on the other characters and their power levels, we've got

A cavalier archer. Arguably the best at single-target damage.
A 3rd party "swashbuckler" class, basically functions as a multiclass rogue/fighter. He tends to focus in disarm. Even when it doesn't help him much.
A two-weapon crit fighter, a bit of a tank and secondary damage.
The guy who's here about 1 every 5 games (so far) is a simple barbarian build.
Lastly, our good captain is a strength-rogue emphasizing in wacky shenanigans, rope-swinging, one-handed weapon fighting, tanking, and dirty trick. Trying to embody Jack Sparrow. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
(On a related note, our captain's the least powerful out of us when he's not using his high AC to tank. Any tips to make the way he wants to play more efficient would be cool. Big problem is his lack of being able to hit things, which is why he doesn't want to try taking power attack even though he's got 16 strength.)

2012-09-27, 10:21 AM
How to be Vriska Serket:

Epic Gestalt. (She has allllllll of the levels. ALLLLLLLL OF THEM)

Divine Ranks. She is a god.

Cheat. (She never rolls lower than a natural 20, and she does it by cheating reality.)

2012-09-27, 10:29 AM
Maybe a drow Oracle of Time? That gives you spider-theme, aversion to sunlight, the odd reroll, and anything on the cleric spell list that suits your fancy. For bonus points, take the Seer ACF, become the Seer of Time, and generally confuse people.

2012-09-27, 10:46 AM
How to be Vriska Serket:

Epic Gestalt. (She has allllllll of the levels. ALLLLLLLL OF THEM)

Divine Ranks. She is a god.

Cheat. (She never rolls lower than a natural 20, and she does it by cheating reality.)

Hahaha. Brilliant.

Although I suppose I should have specified that I suppose I'm really shooting for pre-god tier. Pre-sgrub, really.

papr_weezl8472: Brilliant ideas, I'll start looking into them. Thanks much.

Edit: While the drow is definitely a good idea (I don't know why I didn't think of that right away. I'm apparently waaayyy too used to playing humans.), I'm not feeling the oracle. I don't see the charm/other enchantment spells there that I need.

2012-09-27, 11:04 AM
Hahaha. Brilliant.

Although I suppose I should have specified that I suppose I'm really shooting for pre-god tier. Pre-sgrub, really.

papr_weezl8472: Brilliant ideas, I'll start looking into them. Thanks much.

She had allllllll of the levels Pre-Sgrub. From her Flarping days.

Finally, just being a power gamer is really enough to be Vriska. She represents the competitive gamer in all of us. :smallsmile:

That being said. MINDBENDER! Allllllll of the mind control! Or jsut be an Enchanter Wizard/Gish. Mindbender Clawlock Might work here, as well.

2012-09-27, 11:24 AM
Unfortunately, Mindbender will probably be right out. First, I can't seem to find my copy of complete arcane, second because my DM doesn't want to bring in much 3.5 stuff, third because I believe he mentioned at one point he thinks the class is too powerful, and fourth... I think I had a fourth reason. I forget.

Enchanter gish seems like the most obvious route to go... but... I'm just worried as a build it wouldn't compete well. Especially if I go drow and take that level adjustment hit, AND have one less feat to work with since I wouldn't be going human. (Wait. Apparently they got rid of the level adjustment in pathfinder? UGH. PF gives me headaches.) But this does seem like the best route to go. Any tips on how to make this viable? I think I'd want to focus more on the casting side of the gish because of how powerful her mind control could be.

I almost wanted to go with the Chelish Diva bard archetype, but you can't silence bard spells. Which is lame.

I was wondering if there would be a psionic class that would fit, but I know jack all about psionics.

2012-09-27, 11:55 AM
To jump right into your extreme last resort, the Nagual from Aztecs: Empire of the Dying Sun (by Avalanche Press, continuing their tradition of giving third-party publishers a bad rep) gets to spontaneously cast spells from any list (Beguiler-style) and to decide the outcome of any die roll. Add Unseelie Half-Fey, stock up on luck feats, and you've nailed it.

2012-09-27, 11:57 AM
I was wondering if there would be a psionic class that would fit, but I know jack all about psionics.

Here's the Psionics section of the SRD (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed) Wilder or Psionic Warrior might work - her mind-control is REALLY powerful, but that seems to be her only schtick.

2012-09-27, 12:04 PM
To jump right into your extreme last resort, the Nagual from Aztecs: Empire of the Dying Sun (by Avalanche Press, continuing their tradition of giving third-party publishers a bad rep) gets to spontaneously cast spells from any list (Beguiler-style) and to decide the outcome of any die roll. Add Unseelie Half-Fey, stock up on luck feats, and you've nailed it.



((AAAAAAAALLLLLLLL Of the spells! (8888 ))

Arbane: Ahh, I was wondering if psionics were on the SRD. I believe that might work. What I know of psionics is they don't quite have spell levels, but amplify their base powers with points? Welp. Time to learn a whole new magic system. Psychic warrior seems like the immediate fit, so I might do that if I decide against the gish build.

2012-09-27, 02:03 PM
GUYS GUYS GUYS. I think I figured it out, actually. Assuming my DM lets me, I could go with Drow noble - they have a plus 1 level adjustment, but they get suggestion 1/day. And then I could take a melee class, and bam. Kicking ass while doing mind control, without getting into the silly versatile casting stuff that would come with a sorcerer or gish build.

2012-09-27, 05:54 PM
Don't know the comic you speak of (though I will check it out), but I have a recommendation based on your description: There is a bard archetype that gives you the bardic song bonus just to yourself, allowing for your refluff to luck manipulation

my 2cp

2012-09-27, 07:19 PM
GUYS GUYS GUYS. I think I figured it out, actually. Assuming my DM lets me, I could go with Drow noble - they have a plus 1 level adjustment, but they get suggestion 1/day. And then I could take a melee class, and bam. Kicking ass while doing mind control, without getting into the silly versatile casting stuff that would come with a sorcerer or gish build.

Vriska could use her powers a lot more than 1/day though.

You could try Melee Class 5/Witch 5/Eldritch Knight 10. You only lose 3 points of BAB and you can use your spells known on enchantments and take some hexes that replicate Vriska's abilities, like Charm, Evil eye (refluff as stealing luck), flight, fortune and misfortune, to give a few examples. You could get a spider familiar, too.

lord pringle
2012-09-27, 07:28 PM
Does Vriska really have much com8at a8ility though? If this was a 3.5 gestalt I'd suggest a Rogue//8eguiler 8uild which fits her very well. May8e a generic pir8y prestige class in there somewhere. It might 8e easier to 8uild her pre-SGRUB where she has none of the luck. None of it.

2012-09-27, 07:41 PM
Can't type well on phone, will elaborate later.

Suggest Feyblood sorcerer 4, rogue3, arcane trickster PrC.
Plenty of thief feel and maybe swashbuckler archetype rogue, AT scales sneak attack and spells, pick up enchant buffs for self and debuff enemies to show luck theft. Tiefling base race.

2012-09-27, 08:36 PM
Oh crap more people actually posted. o.O

Drothmal: Really bard seems like the easiest fit, but I'm not sure if the DM would grasp reflavoring the performance as luck manipulation. And she isn't a singer.

Randomguy: Drow noble might be out anyway, even though it seemed like such an easy fix. Heard from one of the other players that the DM thinks that drow nobles are overpowered. Something about "PCs shouldn't have spell-like abilities" or something. I'll have to talk to him about it. I'll look into the witch though, that seems like a fairly solid idea.

lord pringle: It's kind of tough to tell just how her combat ability scales. You see her whomp a few imps pretty damn easily, but when she gets her ass kicked its because she's being flung around like a rag doll with telekinesis. And combat ability wouldn't do much either way there. Then there's the fight with bec noir, and killing tavros, but it's difficult to tell how much of that was natural combat ability and how much was god tier shenanigans. I just defaulted to saying that she has high combat ability because she has ALL OF THE LEVELS. ALL OF THEM.

Feralventas: I'll start looking into the fey bloodline and to see if I could make an arcane trickster work well enough. I've never tried it before though, so I'm not sure.

2012-09-28, 02:23 AM
Can't type well on phone, will elaborate later.

Suggest Feyblood sorcerer 4, rogue3, arcane trickster PrC.
Plenty of thief feel and maybe swashbuckler archetype rogue, AT scales sneak attack and spells, pick up enchant buffs for self and debuff enemies to show luck theft. Tiefling base race.

Upon investigation, Feybloodline doesn't do what I thought it did, and Accursed has the debuffs and the like you're looking for.

Then you pick up some enchantment spells.
-Bungle: Fail a will save and take a -20 to your next rolls. Your luck is mine.
-Moment of Greatness: Capitalize on your cleric's Bless or Bard's Song by doubling their bonus for a round.

Things like that. They won't all be enchantment, but that's also where the Charm, Suggestion, and Dominate effects are, so there's that.

Oh, and Sleep.

Now then, Arcane Trickster requires 2d6 of sneak attack and 4 ranks in Disable Device, Escape Artist, and Knowledge Arcana. That's pretty easy to do in 7 levels, and all of them will be class skills. The class advances sneak attack dice at 1/2 your levels as a normal rogue would, and gives full casting progression. You can spend an extra level in Rogue with the Scout archetype so that you deal sneak attack on a charge and then use your spells to augment your mobility so that you can hit-and-move effectively while debuffing enemies if given spare time.

Vivisectionist Alchemist can also grant the sneak attack, and 5 or 6 levels into it will give you Wings with the right discoveries (did this with a build inspired as the Rogue of Heart).

2012-09-28, 04:08 AM
I would 8ctually try to get your DM to relax home8rew rules first (I know you said home8rew only as a last resort, 8ut still), especially since there 8ctually is a Vriska home8rew 8ase class availa8le that is 8asically perfect for your needs:


2012-09-28, 03:25 PM
Feralventas: After a lot of thinking last night I ended up going with your original idea. I'm a little worried about being able to hit things effectively, but I should be able to work with it. I'll still go with the fey bloodline though. Since I'm going tiefling, I'm going to neeeeeeeed the +2 to my compulsion DCs.

She's level 7 right now, (since that's the level we're playing at right now), with everything ready to go into arcane trickster next level.

Felyndiira: That looks pretty brilliant actually. But I decided to go with the pre-Sgrub version of Vriska (complete with eyepatch and mechanical arm) And I think I'd have even less leeway with homebrew than anyone else in my group, since I tend to be the best at optimizing stuff in our group.