View Full Version : The Pathfinder's New Groove and Other Working Titles (IC)

Nefarion Xid
2012-09-27, 03:44 PM
Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Rova, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

~ Ioseph Sellemius, Lord Mayor of Restov ~

Moonday, Lamashan 1st, 4712


It's an hour to sundown when the party arrives at Oleg's trading post. The first chill of autumn is in the air and the smell of a distant rain washes over the knee-high grass surrounding the reclaimed wooden fort. With any luck, the northern winds will push storm clouds will miss the Greenbelt on their way. Restov could do with a last rain before the harvest. This summer was a long, dry one.

The fortress is situated a mile off the main road on a little spit of a hill with a gentle slope. Not very defensible, but the land here is so flat and bare that you could see for miles from atop the palisade. The gates have been left open, just wide enough for a horse to slip through. The Levetons must be expecting you, likely tipped off by the spry, long-legged hunter you met on the road this morning. There's a whiff of baking bread as you pass through the gates.

An Ulfen man is at work patching the stable roof. He's almost comically stout with no real neck to speak of and a jaw like an anvil. His bushy blond mutton chops curl all the way down to the edges of his permanent scowl. He grunts towards the part and only waves after he's finished hammering in his nail, but says nothing to you.

"Svetty!" he bellows, starting down the ladder, "They're here!"

Stomping towards the party, he offers up a meaty hand and finally looks you in the eyes. "Ioseph promised mercenary guards. Are they far behind?"

"Manners, Oleg!" chirps the comely woman in an apron who's just dashed out from the kitchen. "Please, come inside and rest yourselves. Supper's nearly ready."

Oleg merely scowls further and goes to shut the front gate as Svetlana beckons the party into the quaint wooden keep. Once seated in the cozy dining hall, about a round table with mismatched chairs, she hurries to serve everyone a shallow glass of port. Shortly after, Oleg enters and lands with a great thud in his extra wide chair and stares into the fire.

2012-09-27, 09:25 PM

Today was a good day, as was the day before and the day before that and even before that - or so Caydan daily insisted. The days had been good since Caydan and company left Restov for the Stolen Lands, and Caydan saw nothing but good days stretching out before him. Nothing could dampen his spirits today (or yesterday or likely tomorrow), not even the looming storm clouds, and with the first sniff of baking bread he was almost trotting to the wooden fort ahead of his companions with a boyish grin on his face. The contents of his backpack, his armour, his sword and his shield jostling about as he did.

Once inside Caydan, a young faced man of twenty years and a soldier of the forces of good, found himself staring up at a bleak-faced man evidently named Oleg - which, given the name of the trading post, meant he was the man who owned the reclaimed fort. Pulling straps and realigning bits and pieces after his short jog had jumbled his pieces and bit and unplaced straps he listened with fascination to the two. At Svetlana's beckoning he smiled and said a quiet 'thank you' while following and taking the backpack off his back.

Dropping the backpack into a corner and pulling off his sword and shield to deposit onto the backpack so he could sit properly turned to his companions. "I told you it would be a good day." He said with the enthusiasm of a puppy. Sitting down with a clunk he relaxed into the seat. "If everyone is as friendly I don't think we'll have any problems at all."

2012-09-28, 07:47 AM
Rathi doesn't take long to make her way inside, and removes the sword belt looped over her shoulder, resting the heavy weapon against the wall behind her chosen seat - the one as far from Caydan as possible. Her avoidance wasn't due to logistics or poor hygiene on the soldier's part - she was just sure that everything within a five foot radius of him would taste like syrup.

She tugs down the scarf covering the lower half of her face so she can eat. While waiting for Svetlana to serve the food, she gives herself a shake and finally processes what Caydan had said. "We're here to fix the 'unrepentant banditry problem, remember?" Her tone is dry, but that was a step up from her usual surly demeanor. Perhaps Oleg had a monopoly on scowls for the evening? "I doubt friendliness is a universal constant in the Greenbelt. But the more important question is - who around here practices repentant banditry? Besides the local temple, I mean?"

2012-09-28, 09:07 AM

Caydan watches with a small look of pain as Rathi picks the seat as far from him as possible. "Anyone who was a bandit, but now isn't - and is still alive." Caydan said. "There's really no course to repentance after death. You're judged and then sent to the reward your life has bought you." He added with sad sigh. "It makes the idea of somebody beyond it in life all the more upsetting."

Caydan seems almost melancholic for a moment before he bounces back with a smile. "But I'm sure, after a while, these 'unreprentent' bandits will see that the right course is to repent." Then, suddenly remembering what Oleg had said, and what Caydan had recalled at that time but promptly forgot, he spoke to the sour man. "Oh, Oleg. Those men should be here in a few days. Problems in Restov have kept them from departing, but things should have been settled by now, I'm sure, and they're probably starting on their way even now." It was said with a smile and a hope that some good news would brighten Oleg's mood.

2012-09-28, 07:03 PM

Bored, Rathi idly toys with the empty lantern dangling from her belt while nursing the port. She wasn't an atheist - refusing to believe in the gods in a world where great enough faith in them could provably and reliably deflect arrows and set cities on fire was sheer obstinacy on a level even Rathi wasn't capable of, to say nothing of her lineage - but she hadn't been cut out for a life of serene reflection or pious crusading, and the entire ritual and dogma aspects of religion seemed like an enormous pain. Or at least, they did as Kezzy had described them.

As a result, she tended to lose interest quickly when conversations turned toward pie-in-the-sky sermonizing. She hoped that the other two would get inside soon so they could eat.

Nefarion Xid
2012-09-28, 07:09 PM
The hard crease in Oleg's brow lessens as Caydan and Rathi banter, ignoring most of it except the first words out of the woman's mouth.

He speaks softly. "I had heard you were commissioned to explore the Stolen Lands. But, you say you'll kill the bandits as well? Good news, if true."

When Svetlana has finished spooning out six bowls of a venison stew, heavy on the potatoes and carrots, she shares a worried glance with her husband before blurting out, "They come every month..."

Oleg looks as if he's about to quiet her, but he only blushes and mutters, "I man should be able to defend his own." He bristles and seems unable to speak of it further without becoming upset.

"First Toilday of every month, bandits arrive for their tribute. Half of our furs, any alcohol we have." Svetlana sighs and forces herself to finish cutting the loaf of black bread. "They'll burn the place down if we don't pay... if we don't have a cartload ready for them when they get here."

Having composed himself, Oleg continues, "Three months ago and every month since. First Toilday, about an hour after dawn. We won't have much left if we have to pay them. If you're here to kill bandits after all, start with them!"

Svetlana touches her husband's shoulder, "Please. I'm afraid we don't have much to offer you but you're welcome to free food and lodging while you explore the Greenbelt if you help us."

Oleg snarls, "And keep whatever you like off their hides, I just want their heads on pikes on my walls."

You have until tomorrow at sunrise to formulate a plan. Further conversation reveals that the bandits are lead by a slender woman with black hair who carried two hatches. Her lieutenant was a man with a longbow who she called Happs. The first time they came with 10 men. The second time only Happs came with 6. And last month Happs with 4 -- indicating that the bandits believe they have the Levetons well under heel. All the bandits ride horses. They bring an empty wagon, which they leave, then quickly hitch up the loaded wagon and ride off. Oleg believes their base to be within a day's ride, though he has no idea where.

2012-09-28, 07:22 PM

Warm, bright amber eyes that were only moments ago full of religious fervour seem, just for a moment, as cold and unfeeling as gold. Standing up Caydan puts his own hand on Svetlana's shoulder. "There's no shame in asking for help. It's a feeling and sentiment those bandits will shout loudly when they come again, I promise." He then smiles. "I'm sure we'll all be grateful for somewhere to sleep and eat warm food." His eyes laugh as she smile widens. "As I'm sure you've noticed we were prepared for a much less comfortable arrangement!"

Then, turning to his companions, he declared loudly that this has to be a good sign, and that tomorrow was also going to be a good day.

2012-09-28, 08:00 PM

"In the event that we oversleep, maybe we should make our plans tonight?" The aasimar picks up her sword and gets up to stretch. "Even if they show up with the fewest they ever have, we'll be outnumbered. It would be good to have an idea of how we're going to handle them."

2012-09-28, 08:17 PM

Caydan looks thoughtful for a moment. "I go out to challenge them to single combat, and then when they refuse they'll all attack me. When they do you all can ambush them. Preferably before they kill me."

2012-09-28, 08:27 PM

"So you're only a part-time optimist." She snarks. "Good to know."

2012-09-28, 08:36 PM

Despite not having bristles Caydan manages to bristle at that comment quite ably. "Not quite." He says casually as he sits back down and starts eating. "Optimism doesn't preclude sensible tactics, as my code of conduct doesn't preclude them either. Or a lot of things people seem to think they do. I hope they will accept my offer, but it's only sensible to expect them not to given that they're bandits - if I weren't an optimist I wouldn't even give them the chance."

"Our Stray has been quiet," Caydan said with a chuckle at the joke he'd been making since they had met. "Anything to say, our Stray?"

Nefarion Xid
2012-09-28, 10:06 PM
Stray, had finished his wine quite quickly and was sipping from the hot tea that had manifested in his water glass. Or rather, the zero calorie, heated, tea colored, tea flavored, syrup sweet, pure water concoction that he'd quietly created when no one was looking.

He glares briefly over the rim of his glass. "Yes, I suppose I should have anticipated the unflattering nicknames when I chose an alias. It's not too late to go by Lord, is it? Oh, no, but if I gain a noble title, I'll be Lord Lord..."

Clearing his throat, he does his best to assure the slightly incredulous looking Levetons that, "Common thugs have weak minds and weaker resolve. They've grown complacent... certainly won't expect an ambush. Just leave someone outside the gates to cut off their retreat. They'll likely run at the first sign of resistance and we don't want their leaders to get wind of our presence in the Greenbelt. I'll wait inside the stables. Oleg, you just greet them and try to be nonchalant, then run inside as soon as Caydan steps out."

He quickly adds, "To protect your wife," sparing the Ulfen man the insulting implication.

Uncharacteristically serious and considerate of the man, as far as his companions had known him. He was normally flippant, scatter-brained and easily exasperated over minor annoyances.

Stray has the look of an Inner Sea sailor. He's a man of ambiguous heritage and mixed features -- a high brow, an upturned nose, a weak chin, green eyes, dirty blond hair and a copper tint to his pale skin. Ulfen, maybe... with a Kelesh grandmother? Handsome, at least, still a bit of boyish good looks about him even in his late twenties. He keeps his wavy hair tied back in a short ponytail and wears a black silk headscarf most days. There's a single, tarnished silver ring in his left ear; he fumbles with it absently when he reads, and he reads often. His open coat would be more fashionable in the south with its blue floral brocade and black lace trim, tied up with a sparkly silver sash and a low slung sword belt. He carries the sword of bravos and dashing privateers, a thick dueling sword with a tapered point, but heavy enough to split open a limb; certainly, he had the swagger and sneer of a man who could use it. His boots look to be the closet thing to armor that he wears: thick, black bull hide with buckles up to his knees. He takes several minutes to get them on each morning and always takes care to blouse his pants neatly into them.

Why, precisely, he went by 'Stray' was anyone's guess. The smart money was on "outlaw", of course, but the truth was far more fun.

Thus far, he'd not revealed to his companions the true nature of his talents. His was a subtle magic at least and something insidious and fearful at worst. Better that his allies learn to trust him first than learn that he cannot be trusted.

2012-09-28, 10:15 PM

"I've been called a 'common thug' myself. We really shouldn't rely on them behaving exactly as we think they will. Suppose that Happs does take our resident choir boy's challenge and wins? Do we give them the fort?" Rathi shakes her head. "I saw four catapults on the walls. Wouldn't the smart thing to do be to invite them into the courtyard for a picnic lunch and then fling a boulder at them?"

Nefarion Xid
2012-09-28, 11:55 PM
Toilday, Lamashan 2st
Early Morning

Oleg mentions that the catapults are all rot held together with rust and figures any one of them would need a week or more of work to function. He doesn't much like the idea of flinging boulders within the confines of his fort anyway. At best, you could push a catapult down on the bandits when they arrive... if they happened to be standing directly beneath one of the towers.

Nor are there the right supplies for a clever trap. The ground is terribly rocky and dry, so digging a workable pit trap would take a day or more, even with backbreaking work. Obscuring it might take another day. Stray rejects the idea of lethal traps out of principle and reminds anyone who suggests it that the bandits' horses would be a great help to the party, and they're worthless with broken legs.

After a hearty meal, Oleg gives the group a the grand tour and allows them to plan their ambush, even letting them climb atop the buildings if they like.

The guest quarters contain four narrow straw beds in a single room. Apart from being slightly dusty, the accommodations are fair. Stray does his nightly reading in the dining hall and retires late, as usual.

The night passes uneventfully and everyone is roused before dawn by a cheerful Svetlana who hopefully offers everyone hot tea, leftover bread from last night's dinner, and boiled eggs to everyone while they dress and arm. She also brings a pot of hot water for washing. Stray goes about his morning habit of plunging his head into near freezing water and slapping himself sharply to wake up.

Everyone has plenty of time to get situated in their desired locations before the bandits arrive. Stray positions himself in the stable.

An hour after sunrise, the outlaws arrive, just as promised. A man in a fine green cloak with the hood down and a longbow slung over shoulder rides in the front, alongside a man with decidedly more weather-worn clothes. An empty cart with two horses and one driver follows. Bringing up the rear are two more men on horses. They all wear ragged leather armor and carry short swords.

If uninterrupted, the bandits ride into the middle of the fort.

(No stealth checks are required if you're reasonably out of sight).

2012-09-29, 12:15 AM

After hearing that every conceivable strategy beyond "run up and hit them" was out of the question, Rathi consents to simply hide in the stable with Stray and wait for Caydan's challenge.

2012-09-29, 03:13 PM

Caydan waited until all the bandits were in the middle of the fort before he stepped out. "Excuse me," he began weakly. "My name is Caydan, and I was wondering if you'd submit to a court of justice and be tried for your crimes." As strange and silly as his request would seem, his six feet and two inches of chain mail, longsword, and metal shield that he wore with ease and comfort contested the bizarre nature of his request. "Or you could submit to the sword of justice."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Nefarion Xid
2012-09-29, 08:01 PM
Happs (the leader) takes a moment to suppress his latent homosexual urges and forces a nervous laugh. His men echo the laugh, now convinced that the paladin is just as dumb as he looks. One reaches for an arrow, but halts when their boss speaks.

"You need a bag of holding for your balls, kid? Ha! We're just here for what's ours, we've got no beef with you or your order. So, how about you just step aside, or better yet, help Oleg load us up."

Oleg, who had just brought out the cart loaded with furs, (so as not to seem conspicuous) takes a step back and looks between the paladin and the bandits.

(Everyone roll initiative. Everyone but Caydan gets a surprise round.)

2012-09-29, 08:45 PM

"I'm sorry, but that's just not going to happen. Maybe after today you'll understand why."

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-09-30, 12:15 AM

Viviane was not an overly talkative sylph, the way some could be. Growing up with strict parents, she had learned it was better to be quiet, to listen, to observe, and to plan.

All of that had flown out the window when she'd had to run for her life. And now she was with a band of merry adventurers--well, adventurers, at least--who had been promised the potential of wealth and a kingdom's share of land if they were able to get rid of a few troublesome interlopers. An experience, to be sure, one she hadn't had...but this smaller bandit problem was first.

Caydan's plan was stupid, but she didn't say so. Rathi did enough of that for the entire group. A simple Warding spell, when they woke in the morning, sufficed. And when the bandits arrived, the sylph was hiding on the roof of the stable. Slight as she was--standing only five feet tall and weighing maybe 100 pounds soaking wet--it was easy to flatten herself on the wood; her bow was at her side, but she didn't want to use it unless she had to. Magic was better...was faster, longer-ranged, easier. And she was more skilled with it.

When the bandits appear to be getting aggressive, Viviane points her finger at Happs and casts Misfortune. Hopefully, that would be useful. Hopefully.

Roll Initiative: [roll0]

2012-09-30, 02:45 AM

Rathi plants her face into her palm for a moment during the paladin/bandit byplay. Cayden could have said literally anything else and it would have been more likely to convince them. He had the voice and demeanor for it, but he really needed a practical lesson in deal-making.

Still, if his last line wasn't an entry cue, then she didn't know what was. With the stable door already ajar, she burst out and ran with remarkable alacrity, hopping up to swing her massive blade in an arc designed to trim the arrow-grasping thug's hair at the level of his hips.

Initiative: [roll0]
Charge (Standard Action Forced): [roll1] (Power Attack)
Damage: [roll2]

Nefarion Xid
2012-09-30, 06:17 PM
The first bandit only managed a confused, "Eh?" before being relieved of his hand and having his side split open. He falls with a wet thud as his horse rears, frightened.

Happs gasps, "Kill them both!" and all reach for their blades, though perhaps not as fast as they should. It strikes you that they're all either hungover or still drunk!

Meanwhile, Stray emerges from the stable, brandishing his rapier in one hand and giving the bandits an elaborately rude gesture with the other. (Casts Daze)

Oleg retreats to safety in the keep.

Stray's Daze vs Mounted Bandit 2 (will save DC 15)
Viviane's Misfortune vs Happs (will save DC 14)

Init -
Cart Driver
Mounted Bandit 2
Mounted Bandit 3


Nefarion Xid
2012-09-30, 06:40 PM
Mounted Bandit 2 grasps at his forehead and looks as if he's about to swoon, it takes all of his energy to stay in the saddle. Happs is oblivious of the hex placed on him, but Viviane knows the spell worked.

Initiative Order
Mounted Bandit 3
Mounted Bandit 2
Cart Driver

Nefarion Xid
2012-09-30, 11:54 PM
Vivi casts Sleep vs Happs, Cart Driver and Unfortunate Horse 1 (DC 14)


Stray casts Sleep vs Mounted Bandits 2 and 3 and Derp Hooves 2 (DC 15)

Viviane smiles coyly to no one in particular from her perch atop the guest house. Touched by invisible forces, Happs slumps in his saddle before tumbling unceremoniously to the ground with a muddled groan and one foot hanging in the stirrup. His horse bristles, but seems to be rid of its ungrateful load.

Caught in the same arcane blast, one of the cart horses snorts and paws at the ground before laying down in place. The one next to it whinnies nervously and nuzzles at its partner.

The cart driver, having just seen one man split half open and his leader apparently pass out cold, shrieks, "Please!" and moves to put up his hands, gawking in mortal terror at Rathi.

At the same time, the two bandits at rear simultaneously collapse forward in a lifeless heap. Unfortunately, one of the horses also goes cold and rolls over on its rider's legs.

Stray stares blankly at the two rear riders for a second before casting away his sword to raise his hands in prayer. "The gods have struck down these men for their wicked ways! Praise be to Erastil! You all saw it! Some of the horses were wicked too, it seems..."

Loot Get!
XP: 350 each (15 XP of that awarded as a small story bonus)

Happ's Cloak (A distinctive new green wool cloak worth 2g)
Composite Longbow +2
Longbow (4)
Short Sword (4)
Alchemist's Fire (2)
Leather armor (5)
100 Arrows
Trail Rations (10)
Silver Amulet (in the shape of a stag's head worth 20g)
75 gold coins

Horses (6)


2012-10-01, 03:36 AM

"Evil Horses." Rathi shoots a look at Stray that makes it clear that she knows he's joking... and yet there's still a trace of uncertainty to it. Shouting at the cart driver and waving a bloody greatsword in his face seem to have the desired effect - the driver doesn't seem to be putting up a fight, the cart isn't going anywhere, and the absorbency of his linens was tested and found wanting.

She uses her free hand to toss Oleg a rope - her knots were frequently mocked by Kezzy when she'd lived with the fey and hadn't improved since - and instructs him to tie the living bandits up.

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-01, 05:12 AM
Quickly, the bandits are stripped of their weapons and bound hand and foot. The ones who escape the spell's duration before being immobilized awake to find a boot on their back and a blade at their neck. More than once in the process, Oleg gives one of the lot a sharp kick in the ribs.

Svetlana greets everyone with a hug or a kiss on the cheek after emerging from the keep. Oleg only blushes and tries to hide his smile. Not only are there five less bandits to worry about in the Greenbelt, but the party has saved him hundreds of gold in the cart of furs that was not purloined. Better yet, Oleg has a mind for business, if not quite the Midas touch.

While Stray and Viviane appraise the loot (nothing is magical, as it turns out) Oleg claps Caydan on the shoulders and announces, "I'd like to offer your company free room and board for as long as you're on your mission in these parts! I'll even put up your horses and we'll give you a bit jerky and hard cheese for your trips out into the wilds. Just our way of saying thanks for what you've done for us. Eh, by the by, you'll eh, need someone to take your eh, supplies off your hands. Bet I can get that blood off that one's armor. Most of it."

(Perk Gained! The Levetons provide the party with a bed each; stabling, feed and care for any horses; and Common Meals OR Trail Rations each day. If the party eats too much, demands alcohol or loafs about, the Levetons' opinion of the PCs changes from Friendly to Indifferent rather quickly.)

Interrogation of Happs goes surprisingly well. After Stray whispers something in his ear, he becomes downright forthcoming with any helpful information (either because of his wish to avoid being executed or because of the Charm Person spell or both). He reveals that the camp he hails from is 24 miles to the south west, in the forest, along the river. The camp is 10 strong, lead by a hatchet wielding woman named Kressle. The cart and 6 horses would leave easy-to-follow tracks. Happs suggests that if he and his men don't return in 3 days time, Kressle will grow suspicious and begin preparing for an attack. Finally, he reveals that the boss of the whole operation is someone known only as the Stag Lord and that the silver stag pendant he wears is a mark of favor given to his lieutenants. Happs then confesses that he's never met the Stag Lord in person and swears he doesn't know his location. Afterward, he asks to be let go in return for his cooperation and swears you'll never catch him in the Greenbelt or Brevoy again.

Decide what to do with the prisoners. Caydan's code would prohibit the execution of the bandits without trial, or allowing anyone else here to put them to death. Oleg suggests one of Happs' fingers for good measure, if you let him go. Fort Sorenko, the nearest place you could take the prisoners, is 2 days ride from here.

2012-10-01, 09:40 PM

Caydan watched impassively as his allies made the bandits regret not surrendering. "I told you," he said quietly, turning to Rathi with a gentle smile as she arranged for the bandits to be tied up. "Today was a good day." Without even drawing his sword the battle was concluded with only a single death - if that wasn't a good day, then Caydan didn't know what was a good day. He accepted the kind kiss from Svetlana with a blush, a smile, and a nod.

He accepted the good-natured slap on the back from Oleg with a little more dignity than he did the kiss, smiling and laughing with the same good-nature. "This is wonderful news," he said radiately to the offer of free beds and free food. "Rathi, Stray, Vivi! Did you hear? Our friend Oleg will be providing us food and beds."

2012-10-02, 07:12 PM

The sylph has remained quiet, bright eyes observing those in her party, those that they helped, and the bandits. At the discussion of what to do with them, she steps forward, slender fingers resting for a moment on Happs' cheek before trailing down to the pendant around his neck.

"I like this pendant. Your 'Stag Lord' has good taste." Her voice is low, a hint of ozone about it, the potential to crackle into electricity; for now, it is soothing, a cool summer breeze in the evening.

"I think we should let him go. Into the hands of whoever passes for law enforcement; that contingent arriving tomorrow, perhaps? He and his men. I am not overly fond of the law, but neither am I fond of brutal and unnecessary murder." Her fingers lift away from Happs, and her eyes meet Stray's, then Caylan's, then Oleg's.

"Thank you for the offer, Oleg. It is...very generous." Uncomfortable, now, with being focused on, she steps back; it is easy to half-hide behind one of the horses.

2012-10-06, 08:06 PM

Some time after the confrontation with the bandits, the unmistakable sound of a dog's barking shatters the serenity of the day. Anyone looking over the walls or past the gate would see a cloaked stranger approaching along the road, followed by a bounding black dog of tremendous size. Reaching down, the stranger scooped up a stick from the muddy ground and sent it flying a short distance, only for it to be pursued and caught by the hound. As it returned the stick, its master went to one knee to scratch its head vigorously, a smile on his face. Eventually, though, their play ended, and they walked into Oleg's trading post.

The man, for it indeed was a man, was fair, his hair black and his eyes golden. Standing just short of six feet tall, he looked like a hero out of stories, his jaw strong, his nose straight, slightly curved eyes shining in the afternoon sun. He had the look of a man not born to hardship who had seen hardship thrust upon him, and though his eyes flickered at the sight of armed men in the post, he nevertheless called to the first person he saw.

"Greetings! I am seeking an adventuring party headed by someone called Stray, perhaps you know of them?"

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-07, 12:34 AM
Stray had secreted away to just outside the palisade to read from that ponderous leather tome of his, sip on his dwindling supply of spiced rum and amuse himself with magical parlor tricks. When he'd heard the dog barking, he'd gone round the corner to steal a glimpse of whomever was approaching. One look told him the newcomer was no bandit and he relaxed.

Marax, coming in view of Stray, is put in mind of a Inner Sea privateer, though one perhaps sensibly dressed for the colder local clime. He smiles lopsidedly and plants his hands on his hips.

"I'm Stray. You must've just come come from Restov?"

He waits on the trail until Marax comes alongside, then nods towards the gate and walks with him into the yard.

2012-10-08, 03:08 AM

"Puppy!" Barely a glance was given to the man with the large dog--who would likely not be considered a "puppy by anyone else--as the diminutive sylph ran up to the animal. The dog was practically as big as she was, but she didn't care...Viviane had never been threatened by animals. People tended to be...alarmed, at her companion, despite its cuteness; people often tended to be alarmed by things they weren't familiar with.

Said companion was currently perched on Viviane's shoulder, short legs holding firmly to the leather of her tunic; it made a chittering noise of curiosity at the dog, and the sylph grinned as she rubbed the dog's ears and scratched its head.

"Hello there, aren't you gorgeous? Who's a good dog? You're a good dog!" The sylph was completely entranced by the animal; it was probably a good thing Marax wasn't a murderer. As far as she knew, anyway.

2012-10-09, 03:44 AM

Hearing Stray's response, Marax's face breaks into a winning smile as he extends his hand. The handshake is as firm as can be, though Stray gets the feeling he shouldn't bet on Marax winning any arm wrestling contests.

"A good day to you, then. I am Marax Than - one of the lords regent hired me soon after you left Restov, and decided your group was likely where I'd fit in best."

Marax passed Stray a document from an inner pocket, a writ nearly identical to the one in Stray's pocket authorizing the carrier to put an end to bandit activity, secure the kingdom, and a dozen other impossibilities adventurers take as challenges. Marax looked as though he was about to say more, but was interrupted by the appearance of Viviane nearly tackling his dog. The big rottweiler looked up at him, brown eyes filled with confusion, only for Marax to give a perplexed, smiling nod of assent. Before Viviane realized what was going on, Mal was attempting to climb into her lap, seeming oblivious to the fact he was larger than her.

"Good to see another dog lover. You'd be surprised how unwelcome Mal was in some of the inns."

Marax waits until Viviane has exhausted herself with Mal before bending down and offering his hand.

"Marax Than, a pleasure to meet you."

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-10, 09:38 PM
(Feel free to RP a bit more at Oleg's. Just trying to get the game on the road... literally.)

Very shortly after introductions are made, Svetlana fetches Marax a cup of water and a hard roll with a slice of venison. He's brought up to speed by the rest of the party and given the reins to the 6th horse (Caydan's new valet, Travis, is riding the 5th).

"You must be tired from the road, but at least you don't have to walk. Pity we don't have a horse for your dog," said Stray.

Svetlana had been getting along famously with Mal and told Marax that her family had a great wooly mastiff when she was a little girl. "I'll be happy to look after him if you think he'll be too tired to make the trip," she offered. "Though, I don't think he wants you out of his sight."

If you leave now, you'll make it to the bandit's camp before nightfall on the second day of travel. That is, as long as you don't encounter any complications along the way. The remaining bandits will quickly grow suspicious and go on the defensive when Happs doesn't return that night.

Before departing, Svetlana mentions that you'll be passing a patch of Moon Radishes in the forest and that if you bring back a basket of radishes, she'll be able to make soup for everyone, and Oleg's favorite dish. She's sure it will lift his spirits.

Oleg mentions quietly that Kressle had taken his wife's wedding band. "It's not worth much, but it means so much to her." It's clear that it's been eating him up inside, and he looks as if he'd have already gone tearing after the bandits if Svetlana hadn't forbade it.

Speaking of complications...

You make camp in the early evening once inside the forest. The weather has been agreeable and there's been no sign of anything hostile. Likewise, the night passes without event.

(Please decide on a marching order. And, if you like, a night watch order and any other standard procedures for making camp.)

2012-10-10, 10:06 PM

The hand is gazed at, warily, then shaken; the sylph backs away almost immediately, murmuring "Viviane" as she goes. It is easy for her to tuck herself behind Stray, because she trusts him--or at least she believes he isn't out to kill her. She supposes if this man was, he would have done so while she was distracted...but then again, perhaps not, not with the others standing so close. Perhaps he would wait. Perhaps he was a danger.

While Marax is brought up to speed, and preparations are made to head out, Viviane hums quietly to herself and acquaints herself with "her" horse. The silver stag pendant, once belonging to Happs, glints from around her slender neck; the horse seems to recognize it, but it does not cause alarm. The sylph gathers fistfuls of grass to feed to the steed while the others are talking; planning does not interest her, nor does recapping events she was a part of.

"Can we go?" She speaks up, a rare occurrence. "It would likely be best for Oleg and Svetlana if we leave very soon. Otherwise, the bandits may bring the fight here, and that could end...poorly."

2012-10-10, 10:49 PM

"I'll second that. We've wasted enough time as it is. Let's hope Happs wasn't blowing smoke when he gave us directions..."

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-12, 07:52 PM
When suddenly!


Nah, you guys are good.

Oathday, Lamashan 4st, 4712

About two hours before sundown, after a slow ride through the forest, Travis holds up his hand, signalling a halt. He leans towards Caydan and speaks softly (though loud enough for the party to hear). "We're close, another five hundred yards."

The signs of habitation become clear quickly enough. Cartwheels have cut ruts in the trail. Ahead you can see the glint of broken glass -- an amber colored bottle hurled against a tree.

(Travis has explained that the bandits are free to come and go from this camp. He knows at least 10 more bandits should be here, including Kressle. he suggests that some may be out hunting.)

What do you do?

2012-10-13, 09:21 PM

"You want to challenge the leader to single combat again?" Rathi asks. "Maybe this bandit will be more honorable than the last six."

2012-10-14, 05:37 PM

Looking around, Marax finally notices the telltale signs of short battle, and the men bound in the yard.

"I see there's been some excitement already. If we have a pressing engagement, it wouldn't do to keep them waiting."

On the Trail

Squinting towards the broken bottle, Marax mutters some indistinct words before turning towards the party.

"I don't suppose one of you is stealthy enough to scout the camp?"

Marax casts Mage Armor

2012-10-14, 05:59 PM

Since setting out all Caydan has had to think about was the bandit camp and the end to the immediate threat to Oleg and Svetlana. It had left him uncharacteristically quiet, but even so he still managed to act annoyingly optimistic despite his naval gazing. By the time they arrived he'd had more time than he was comfortable with to think this through and was dour as a result. Rathi's comment didn't help his mood, but he put on a smile and said that he hoped so.

"Rathi, are you as quick and guileful with your feet as you are with your tongue? If so I think you should scout ahead as best you can, and then make your way back to us with news if all goes well - if things go badly or you're about to be found make a noise like a startled woman skulking in the forest."

2012-10-14, 08:37 PM

"Two steps? My, but your tactical planning has nearly doubled in its complexity." Rathi hops down off the horse and vanishes into the trees. "One scouting run, comin' up."

Stealth: [roll0]

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-14, 08:44 PM

Rathi approached the bandits' camp carefully in a masterful display of stealth. She counted two bandits napping in hammocks, one preparing the evening meal and then the woman who must be Kressle, practicing with her hatchets. By pure luck, she happens to glance Rathi's way as she flits between trees and catches a glimpse of her green cloak.

"Happs? That you? Hells are you doing sneaking around like that?"

2012-10-14, 09:35 PM

Upon realizing that Kressel had spotted her, Rathi waits for the inevitable attack call, and after a moment realizes that it hasn't materialized.

Then it hits her. Happs' cloak! It's time he came back!

Still, she was going to have a hard time explaining why Happs had returned without his longbow, cart, furs, traveling companions, and why he had turned into a woman.

Although that last bit could be corrected. There were advantages to having a bit of angelic blood in your system... advantages that Kezzy had been quick to point out.

Wizards needed to do a little dance and chant to do something like this, but for angels it was all natural. Without so much as a single move or word, Rathi focuses on Happs, and a moment later... she is Happs. She turns to Kressel and makes a beeline for the bandit leader. "I guess I'm a bit paranoid after that trip, boss! Oleg had a whole damn platoon of mercenaries waiting for us at his fort - they've got the catapults fixed and everything! Travis had a bolt between the eyes before we had enough time to say two words, and the rest of us didn't stick around to argue!" (S)he takes a calming breath. "We hit a few travelers on the way back here, though, so it's not a total bust. Got a mighty fine blade out of it too." 'Happs' draws the greatsword and shows it off. "And Travis won't be telling Oleg where we are any time soon. The others will be here with the cart any minute now. You could send a few of the boys up the path to get his horse."

Using racial Alter Self ability to look like Happs - and obtain +2 STR.
Disguise: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-14, 09:58 PM
Kressle shoves her twin hatchets into her belt and ***** her hips, scoffing. "Yeah well wood burns don'it? We'll just have to get a few more lads and burn Lord Oleg's little kingdom to the ground. Shame about Travis though, clever lad."

She rubs her chin, looking something dangerously close to thoughtful for a moment, but she doesn't question why the others need help with the horses or stolen goods.

"Dave! Thatch! Get off your asses and go help unload!" her voice lowers and a skinny finger shoots towards 'Happs', "Your ass is mine though."

Her meaning becomes clear when she pivots on the spot, lets her belt fall and wanders off towards the treeline. The implications are just as unsettling.

Meanwhile, the two napping bandits roll out of their hammocks and start towards the trail and the rest of the party. Rathi also spots one bandit in a watchtower.

2012-10-14, 10:14 PM

"One ass, comin' right up." Rathi follows her into the trees. While being raised by a fey creature of indeterminate pedigree has significantly broadened her horizons concerning all sorts of things, she not only isn't interested, but also can't maintain a foreign form for longer than a minute at a time.

As a result, she waits until the two are into the trees, and indeed until just over ten seconds or so are left, and then runs Kressel through in an entirely non-euphamistic way.

Sneaky Power Attack Roll: [roll0]
Regular Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-14, 10:32 PM
A follow-up strike drops Kressle before she can even turn and give Happs a confused look or cry out. She only has long enough to let out a single gurgle before Rathi hacks into her throat. Windpipe and carotid severed, she hits the ground with a thud.

The rest of the camp remains unaware; they know better than to disturb Kressle while she's having a roll in the hay.


Caydan and Marax spot Dave and Thatcher as they round the bend in the trail. Their eyes go wide and their hands fly to their weapons, having blundered into an adventuring party. The two are standard bandit mooks with longbows and short swords.

(Caydan, Marax and Viv - Roll Initiative)




2012-10-14, 10:46 PM

Rathi feels her features shift back to normal as she wipes the blood off her blade. The bandit leader isn't around to see the transformation - as far as the Kressel knew, her boytoy had betrayed her.

While sad, Rathi isn't too hung up over it - Kezzy had told her repeatedly that to play games of life and death was to gamble with one's own. Apparently it was a common adage among the fair folk, a mirror to the human one about living and dying by the sword.

Still, the adage applies to Rathi as well; Kressel's other thugs might give her trouble. She is, after all, outnumbered four to one at least. She needs more information - and that starts with a better idea of what the camp looks like. She circles the camp, ending as closely as she can get to the watchtower.

Stealth: [roll0]

2012-10-14, 11:11 PM

A run of the camp reveals a second watchtower, even less accessible than the first. With that in mind, she stalks up to the base of the platform, takes careful aim, and lets fly with her dagger...

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2012-10-14, 11:33 PM

AIM-directed Pathfinder is fast! Wooo!

As the guard's body gurgles and hits the platform with a soft thud, Rathi turns and charges the cook. Well, I'm hip-deep in it now! She grips her sword tightly and swings...

Sneaky Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]

Initiative: [roll3]

...right over the cook's head as he bends to check the soup. Rathi stares at him. "What? I just wanted to be first in line for the stew for once."

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-14, 11:43 PM
Rathi's attack sails over the lucky cook's head as he chooses that exact moment to stoop and poke at the firewood beneath his kettle.

Now alerted to the presence of a charging woman with a large sword, the bandit in the second watchtower snaps to attention and looses an arrow!


2012-10-14, 11:46 PM

Rathi reflexively ducks as the arrow sails by. "Wait your turn, there's soup for everyone!" She winds up and brings her sword around and down. No time to be fancy!

Power Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-15, 12:03 AM
The cook makes a grab for his blade, but is cut down by Rathi. A third bandit joins the fray, just rounding the trees about 10 yards north of her.

The watchman in the tower lets out a war cry and looses another arrow.


2012-10-15, 12:11 AM

Rathi keeps her guard up and stalks as quickly as she can toward the newcomer. Steady... you don't have Kezzy watching your back!

Rathi moves - does not charge - 30 feet to the new bandit.

Power Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-15, 12:22 AM

Tactics... The two bandits are shooting at her and both have some fair shots. Time to change that. Rathi moves around to the other side of the bandit and swings again.

Power Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-15, 12:24 AM

As Rathi leaves, Viviane murmurs a few words and casts Ward over Caydan. She then steps back a bit, to take cover behind the men--and her horse. If everything she can do is ranged, no point in being vulnerable...

2012-10-15, 12:34 AM

Rathi snarls as the arrow tears a piece off her arm. She dashes for the best cover available - directly behind the archer's tree.

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-15, 12:52 AM
With Rathi entrenched behind the old oak supporting the watchman's platform, he scrambles for a clear shot, but doesn't find one. After a terrified moment of thought, he calls out, "All right! I'll yield! Swear you won't kill me......"

"Throw down your weapons!"

"Swear it first! By all the gods!"

"Fine! I swear by the gods and their shiny short cloths that I won't kill you."

A bit of a pause "And you'll let me go! I'll run straight north if ya let me live, i swear it!"

"Don't push your luck."

"You're good, but I'm not dead yet and I've hit ya once... let's just go our seperate ways and we'll never see each other again."

"You know what's funny? All the other guys were 'not dead yet' too right before I killed them. And your position isn't as good as you think."
And then Rathi power attacks the tree.

"Wha...what are you doing? Are you crazy!?"

"I'm thinking about taking up a career as a lumberjack! They say I have potential. What do you think?"
Power Attack.

"You're mad!"

"Damn straight! Say, do you think it'll be hard to run north on broken legs?"
Power Attack.

Panicked, the last bandit hops down from his platform in the trees, hoping to catch Rathi off guard and get a clean shot. (He fails his acrobatics check and takes 6 damage)

Init vs Rathi's 7...

2012-10-15, 12:55 AM

Unbalanced, the bandit takes a bit too long to get his bearings from the fall and aim. Rathi rushes him. "Should have surrendered..."

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-15, 01:18 AM

And then there is silence. Rathi leans against the half-ruined tree to catch her breath for a moment, and let the rush of battle fade.

Now, Rathi is a bit older than she looks - about as old as most human grandmothers, to be exact. And while Paladins are not common in Brevoy, she'd worked with one or two of them during her army days. They weren't all as boyishly optimistic, but they did all have the same expectation of accountability, and she really is on her chartered group's side in this...

So Rathi begins cleaning up the camp. She lines the bodies up as neatly as she can, then piles all the gear she can find up near the campfire. When that's done, she drinks the healing potion discovered in Kressel's belt and sighs with relief - she didn't want to be injured if more bandits showed up. With nothing else to do, she makes one more quick search of the camp and then sees to the stew, keeping it from drying out or boiling over. Then she waits.

If/when the party arrives, she takes a look at them and then says, deadpan, "Oh. Oh hey. I found the bandit camp."

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-15, 01:57 AM
Main Party

The sounds someone calling to arms and the yelp of someone else being hacked apart reaches the party. At least, Viviane and Caydan hear it (as well as Mal who whines in anticipation).

Quick on his feet and now aware that their camp is under assault, Dave the Bandit Mook sensibly puts aside any notions of heroism and makes a mad dash for the cover of the trees, heading south.

Everyone else

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-15, 02:49 PM
Dave is already sprinting for his life by the time Mal races forward and makes a lunge for Thatcher's sword arm. Mal misses, tumbling to the side, but quickly regaining his feet and with a viscous snarl.

Initiative Order

Caydan <

2012-10-15, 02:58 PM

Looking to the former bandit whose soul and actions he was now responsible Caydan there was an example of his annoyingly friendly, but insightful, personality in how Travis understood what to do without words being spoken. Moving as one the two pushed forward, Caydan lashing out first with his sword and then bringing his shield cracking into Thatcher's nose while Travis used his short sword to keep Thatcher off-balance.




Nefarion Xid
2012-10-15, 03:30 PM
Bandit Thatcher staggers back from, starry eyed and bleeding from the nose after meeting Caydan's shield face to face. (3 Damage)

2012-10-15, 10:14 PM

With the rest of the party easily able to handle the situation presently in front of them (one fleeing bandit and the one being beat on by Caydan), Viviane swings back atop her horse and heads for the camp. There had been a cry of pain, after all...and though she sincerely doubted it was Rathi, there was always a chance. After all, the woman had been mad enough to go to camp by herself...

The sight that greets her is as bloody as it is ridiculous. Blood is everywhere, staining the grass, the tents, the trees...and while the bodies are lined up neatly, it is clear that they were dragged into formation. And yet, Rathi is simply standing there, casually stirring a pot over the fire. It was a good thing the stew was potent, else the coppery tang of the blood would be nigh-overpowering.

"...Well." The sight--and smell--was making her horse skittish; sliding off the saddle, Viviane wound the reins loosely around a mostly-unbloodied tree.

"Good to see you're taking care of the important things. ...And what finishing school did you attend? I thought they taught manners, not murder. Clearly I have been misinformed." A glance at the pot.

"Since you're clearly all right, mind dishing out a bowl? I might not eat it, but if I don't get some before the boys get here, I won't get any at all. Caydan eats enough for six."

2012-10-15, 11:09 PM

"Kezzy taught me manners: Be effective, be efficient, do what you say you will, and have a plan to best everyone you meet." Sir Oskard had also attempted to teach her manners, but that was one holy crusade that he had utterly failed.

She dishes Viviane's soup without complaint - that was the whole reason she'd seen to it in the first place, after all. Sitting and waiting for the others, she begins work on her own bowl. "Why are you out here, Viviane? The others I can understand, but you don't really seem the type."

Nefarion Xid
2012-10-16, 03:07 AM
Thatcher lets out a gibbering, incoherent squeal, ignoring Marax's coaxing. His eyes are firmly fixed on the dog circling at his legs and just waiting for an opening. He backpedals, tears his short sword from its scabbard and hacks clumsily at Mal, clearly terrified.


Meanwhile, Stray wheels his horse to the left and goes chasing after the spry Dave.

A ride check...

Once a bit out of the way, he casts Sleep.

[roll3] (DC 11)

Dave's Will Save
[roll4] (DC 16)

2012-10-16, 01:02 PM

"...You certainly held to all of those rules." The sylph checks over a log for blood, then gingerly lowers herself down. The advantages of being small, she supposes; she can just fit between two blotches of crimson-stained wood. Stirring the stew idly with a spoon, she is quiet after Rathi's question, eyes flickering.

"Would you believe me if I told you that adventuring in the wilds and setting upon bandit camps gives me a higher likelihood of keeping my head attached to my shoulders? Because it's true. I can be at least mostly sure that none of you are going to outright murder me. Mostly."

2012-10-16, 01:47 PM

Rathi takes her own seat on the other side of the fire. "Huh." The noise isn't a question, but the next bit is. "What is it that makes you so murderable? I'm technically a wanted criminal in some parts of Brevoy and even I don't get that jumpy."

2012-10-16, 10:47 PM

Viviane's eyes skate to the side, and she shifts nervously on her bit of wood. She doesn't trust Rathi, not really...Rathi might just be fishing for information, and looking to hear the right words that could signal her death.

"I don't...think I should tell you that." The sylph shifts again, then takes a small bite of stew, to give herself time.

"I don't trust you, really. So I don't think I should tell you."

2012-10-17, 12:00 AM

Rathi grins. "What? Not trustworthy? Don't I look the type?"

An awkward silence ensues, punctuated only by the buzzing of flies attracted to the nearby corpses. The warrior holds up her hands, "Wait, wait... how about now?" After another moment of nothing, Rathi frowns and raps the side of her head with an open palm, stopping when an honest-to-goodness halo flickers to life above her head. "Ah. There we go."

The woman starts back on her stew. "Mrmph. Shouldn't say it's a secret if you're saying anything at all. Make something up - even better if it's true. Letting people know there's something to find just makes 'em suspicious." She swallows and clears her throat. "Well, have your fun. I'm going to assume it's something outlandish in the meantime, though. Did your witchy powers turn the town Mayor into a cat? Accidentally shot a Unicorn? No?" She chews through some more stew. "Aha! You bedded someone important's significant other, didn't you? Kezzy says that's usually what it is."

2012-10-17, 03:10 AM

As Thatcher's blade sails wide, Mal lunges again. The playful companion of the day before seems to have all but disappeared, replaced by a deadly beast hungry for blood.




2012-10-18, 04:08 PM

Once again the swords (and shield) of Caydan and Travis lash out.




Nefarion Xid
2012-10-19, 01:33 PM
Marax is up. Bandit is bloodied, but not down yet.

2012-10-20, 12:39 AM

Seeing his words have failed to dissuade the bandit, Marax spurs his horse forwards. Spreading his hands in a fan, he unleashes a burst of flames with a few low words, scorching the recalcitrant bandit.

Burning Hands, DC 16


Nefarion Xid
2012-10-20, 05:43 PM
(Close enough)

The last bandit hits the ground, twitching. He's still alive, but badly singed and appears to be going into shock.

Moments later, Stray returns from skinny Dave draped over his shoulder, evidently knocked out cold. Propping him up against a tree, Stray turns to the others and asks for rope.

+52 XP

leather armor x2
longbow x2
short sword x2
arrows x40
trail rations x4
20 gp

2012-10-20, 09:46 PM

With no rope to give and worried about Rathi and Viviane, Caydan motions to Travis to follow as he heads towards the camp.

2012-10-24, 08:25 PM

What Caydan found wasn't what he'd expected, dreaded, or hoped for. The paladin's face dropped with disappointed, not just at their death but at the feeling of relief he felt for not having to deal with more survivors. "Are you two alright?" He managed, tearing his eyes and mind away from the camp and toward the well-being of Rathi and Viviane. "Are you hurt?"

2012-10-26, 05:06 PM

"Yup, we're fine here. Just describing the finer points of boinkin' royalty. What about you?"

2012-10-26, 05:10 PM

"W-what?" The now very surprised man stuttered, a hint of anger behind the surprise. "Why?" He asked, baffled beyond belief.

2012-10-26, 06:04 PM

"Why? Because it's usually expected that when someone asks you how you're doing, you ask them how they're doing. Unless I got that wrong. Kezzy was a little vague with her "high society" lessons..."

2012-10-27, 04:43 PM

"I meant about the first thing," he recriminated with a serious look.