View Full Version : Spell-to-Power Erudite: Can someone explain how to get all spells as powers, etc.?

2012-09-28, 07:15 PM
Someone recently mentioned to me something called a "Spell-to-Power Erudite," which, they said, could enable you to get every spell in the game as a power with a couple feats. I am not an expert on Psionics, nor am I an expert like Kalaska'Agathas (referring to the Psionics Tricks Handbook, etc.). can someone please explain how this works, especially the "getting every spell in the game as a power" thing?

2012-09-28, 07:32 PM
The class allows you to learn any 8th-level or lower arcane spell as a power. So the key to getting all spells is to convert any spell into an 8th-level (or lower) arcane spell.

Divines are the easy part: a divine cohort with Alternative Source Spell gets you most divines.

Getting 9ths is the trickier part; every way I've seen is extremely cheesy and dubious. The most common method I've seen was to combine StP Erudite with Favored Discipline (you can do this because Erudites actually get two bonus feats at 1st level instead of one.) StP Erudite says to treat the spell "as a discipline power for the basis of learning it," while FD Erudite says "every power of your chosen discipline, no matter what list they're on, counts as a general power." So you pick "magic" as your discipline and bam, you can learn up to 9th-level spells. Alternatively, you do the same trick but with Mantled Erudite, and choose the Magic Mantle - now you treat psionics and magic as identical ("super-transparency"), and since spells aren't specific to any of the psionic disciplines you can learn them at any level.

Like I said, cheesy. Do not use either of the above at an actual table, lest your DM hurl every psionics sourcebook full-force at your noggin.

2012-09-29, 06:38 AM
There is also debate on how many different powers/spells you can manifest per day as an erudite. One answer is very powerful, another very limiting. Personally, I am confident the limiting answer would hold in a game with the developers themselves, whereas I am not sure what the Playground considers RAW in this case.

2012-09-29, 07:16 AM
There is also debate on how many different powers/spells you can manifest per day as an erudite. One answer is very powerful, another very limiting. Personally, I am confident the limiting answer would hold in a game with the developers themselves, whereas I am not sure what the Playground considers RAW in this case.

What are the two interpretations? I can only read one: that you can only manifest a certain number of different powers per day, once you've "chosen" one by manifesting it you can manifest it as much as you like within PP limits.

2012-09-29, 07:31 AM
What are the two interpretations? I can only read one: that you can only manifest a certain number of different powers per day, once you've "chosen" one by manifesting it you can manifest it as much as you like within PP limits.

IIRC, it's basically powers/day/power level, or just powers/day; the first way is functionally not a limit at all for a higher-level Erudite, since you will pretty much never need to manifest 4 different 1st, 4 different 2nd, 4 different 3rd...etc level powers in a day.

2012-09-29, 07:36 AM
IIRC, it's basically powers/day/power level, or just powers/day; the first way is functionally not a limit at all for a higher-level Erudite, since you will pretty much never need to manifest 4 different 1st, 4 different 2nd, 4 different 3rd...etc level powers in a day.

Now that I'm reading it again, it looks pretty clear that it's powers/day/power level. It probably should be the other way around though.

I like the Erudite because it's the ultimate Schrodinger's Wizard. You don't know what he can cast today until he collapses the waveform by casting it. I think that's really cool.

Big Fau
2012-09-29, 12:27 PM
Now that I'm reading it again, it looks pretty clear that it's powers/day/power level. It probably should be the other way around though.

I like the Erudite because it's the ultimate Schrodinger's Wizard. You don't know what he can cast today until he collapses the waveform by casting it. I think that's really cool.

There's also a powers/day/Erudite class level, which gets ridiculous very quickly.

Just a quick note: There are nearly 300 powers in the XPH alone. Erudites without StP are still Tier 1 material, but StP puts them closer to the top of Tier 1. Only the Psionic Artificer can outmatch an StP Erudite in terms of sheer versatility.

2012-09-29, 03:47 PM
Yes. I believe powers/day was what was intended, and would always rule it like that. However, it would also benefit from a feat like the one presented with the original erudite in IIRC Dragon 315 or 325, which gave you an additional unique power per day slot each time you took it.