View Full Version : Multiple attacks + Slashing Flurry?

Siege Tower
2012-09-28, 09:14 PM
I am making my very first high level character (woot) and I'm really having a problem understanding how multiple attacks a turn work. I'm multiclassing and thus my BAB goes to +6 from the combination of class BABs. Do I just subtract 5 for the second attack and keeping adding the BABs as normal? Also, the character is going to end up taking the feat slashing flurry (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-handbook-ii--80/slashing-flurry--2644/) and I don't know how that works for someone who attacks four times a turn.

Can anyone help me with this?

P.S. My BAB as far as I understand it is 16/10/5/0.

2012-09-28, 09:54 PM
Let's assume your bab is +16. You would normally have 4 attacks at +16/+11/+6/+1. With Slashing flurry, you get 5 attacks at +11/+11/+6/+1/-4 (before factoring in other attack bonuses).

Attack penalties can never cause you to lose extra attacks from a high bab.

2012-09-28, 09:58 PM
I am making my very first high level character (woot) and I'm really having a problem understanding how multiple attacks a turn work. I'm multiclassing and thus my BAB goes to +6 from the combination of class BABs. Do I just subtract 5 for the second attack and keeping adding the BABs as normal? Also, the character is going to end up taking the feat slashing flurry (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-handbook-ii--80/slashing-flurry--2644/) and I don't know how that works for someone who attacks four times a turn.

Can anyone help me with this?

P.S. My BAB as far as I understand it is 16/10/5/0.

Actually, if you have a net BAB of 16, your routine would look like this, before adding any modifiers: +16/+11/+6/+1. Slashing Flurry adds an extra attack at full BAB and penalizes all of them by -5, so it becomes +11/+11/+6/+1/-4 (again before modifiers). If, say, you had 26 Str, Weapon Focus, and a +4 weapon, the result would be either +29/+24/+19/+14 or +24/+24/+19/+14/+9 (Slashing Flurry).

You generally get attack actions from one of three sources: attacks of opportunity, standard actions made to attack, or full-round actions made to attack. Slashing Flurry does not modify AoOs at all; standard action attacks are doubled and take a penalty, and full attacks are incremented and take a penalty.

Adding TWF, Snap Kick, or other attack generators further complicates things of course. :smalltongue:

Edit: Bah, partially swordsaged.

2012-09-28, 10:00 PM
When multi-classing, start by considering only the 1st Bab number of each class (i.e. a 7th level Fighter has 7 Bab, a 6th level Cleric has 4 Bab).
Add these numbers together. Fighter 7/Cleric 6 would have 11 Bab.
You get 1 Iterative attack for each time you can subtract 5 from the number.
So 11 - 5 = 6
6 - 5 = 1
So a Fighter 7/Cleric 6 has 3 attacks, 11/6/1
Note: You cannot have a 0 Bab iterative attack. If you total Bab is 10, then you only have a 10/5 Full-Attack, not a 10/5/0 Full-Attack.
There are always modifiers that can apply, but they do not change your BASE-attack-bonus. Example: Two Weapon Fighting means you take (at least) a -2 on all of your attacks, so a 6 Bab with Two-weapon fighting would have attacks of 4/4/-1, but it still has 6 Bab.

As for Slashing Flurry...it's a bad feat.
A REALLY bad feat.
It is only ever worth it if your Bab is MUCH higher than your Opponents AC. MUCH higher.
If it was a -2 Penalty, it would be a good feat, on par with Two-Weapon Fighting. Heck, if it was a -3 penalty, it would be decent. But a MINUS FIVE?? Heck no.

Assume a Bab of 11.
On a Standard attack you would normally get 1 swing at 11 Bab.
With Slashing Flurry you get 2 swings at 6/1.

On a Full Attack you would normally get 3 swings at 11/6/1.
With Slashing Flurry you get 4 swings at 6/6/1/-4.
Canceling out the matches you have 11 vs. 6/-4. So you are trading a "sure hit" for a "maybe" and a "heck no".
I'll keep the "sure hit" thank you.

Siege Tower
2012-09-28, 10:10 PM
Thank you all. That makes it much clearer.