View Full Version : Clockwork Sentry Assistance?

2012-09-29, 09:54 PM
Clockwork Sentry's are construct that stand in variously strategic places, and stay wound in that area until they're required to move as a result of someone breaking a law/assaulting a citizen/causing mischief.

What I need assistance with is a way to quickly subdue characters of the sentry's level, or lower, rather easily.

My idea was a sort of electric stick, sort of like a cattle prod or picana, that did 1d8 +5 damage to touch, with a fortification save of 18 for only being stunned for 1 round, whereas if you fail, the stun lasts 1d6 rounds, and can be extended by other stuns. (Other clockworks smacking you)

In the process of stunning you, other clockworks would apply manacles and detain you till a Judge Knight (Roughly Cr 10), accompanied by Human Soldiers (Fighter 4 (Cr 3) ) arrived to determine your offenses. Resisting the clockworks in itself is considered a second level offense, which results in a year of prison, unless busted out by friends.

Question at hand, is *is* the stun baton essentially going to do the job well enough? Thoughts?

2012-09-30, 04:22 PM
It's unresistable stun that's pretty much an assured once a round.
The only person with a hope of evading a hit would be the rogue (who won't make the first save it has to make) or the monk (who once hit can be stunlocked at leisure).

Getting a lucky hit in and stunlocking someone is a good way to get books thrown at you, especially considering how dangerous stunned is as a status effect.

Even worse is the probability that a player will get one, or gods help you the entire party kill the constructs en mass to get several each.

Suddenly your encounters are going down like nothing because the party is dual wielding them and the rogue is using dastardly finish to coup de grace them.

It's easier to just give the constructs inbuild wand racks and have them armed with wands of sleep, deep slumber, colour spray, fairie fire and expeditious retreat. Have these wands made of metal and welded into the rack, requiring engineering skill to remove or better yet fueled by small dowels, each scribed with a single charge of wand power of different levels, being filtered through the main wand and changed into the spell being used.

You get all the crowd control you needed, it doesn't appear cheap and you prevent the players hoisting you with your own petard.