View Full Version : Kingdoms of Kalamar stealth and style errata?

2012-09-30, 12:07 AM
So a player of mine is looking to use a few options out of the kingdoms of Kalamar stealth and style book, but another player is whining that its 3.0 and not 3.5. So to settle this debate I'm looking to see if there was an errata to update. So far my Google fu has yet to yield any results. Thus I turn to the almighty giants for an answer. Does any know if they updated this book?

2012-09-30, 12:15 AM
I don't know if this helps, but 3.0 material is officially legal in 3.5

2012-09-30, 12:19 AM
I don't know if this helps, but 3.0 material is officially legal in 3.5

As the dm, that was my argument. But the player seems hellbent on denying the first character these options because its 3.0. After nearly half an a hour of argument I finally got a compromise; if I cannot find an update for the book, then the material is legal and he can use it. If there is an update then he has to use the updated material. Sadly even the "I'm the dm I can houserule it" didn't work.

2012-09-30, 12:23 AM
The only times 'it's 3.0' is officially a reason not to use something is if the content had an official 3.5 update to replace the 3.0 version (a lot of the first set of the Complete books are dedicated to updating their 3.0 versions, for example) or if the mechanism it used was one of the ones that changed or was removed in the transition.

That said, I'd be a bit leery of Kalamar material; it's functionally third party, and tends to be even more hit-and-miss than normal WotC-developed stuff. Also, there's a *lot* of 3.5 material; if you know what the player is wanting to use from the book, perhaps we could find some solid 3.5 options to cover the same result?

2012-09-30, 12:29 AM
So a player of mine is looking to use a few options out of the kingdoms of Kalamar stealth and style book, but another player is whining that its 3.0 and not 3.5. So to settle this debate I'm looking to see if there was an errata to update. So far my Google fu has yet to yield any results. Thus I turn to the almighty giants for an answer. Does any know if they updated this book?

I don't think S&S was ever a 3.0 release. Some of kenzerco stuff was, but I don't think this is one of them. I believe I bought mine 'hot off the press' and it is a 2003 release stating on the back cover that it utilizes material from the v.3.5 revision of the D&D system. If you have a 3.0 S&S I might like to purchase it from you. If you do please contact me by PM. :smallcool:

Edit: Wait, the player told the DM what was allowed... huh?

Edit 2: I can't find a 3.0 version of this book. Your player should allow, you as a DM, to move foward with the game.

Edit 3: It should also be noted that any Kenzerco product that carries the D&D logo had to go through a WotC vetting process per the terms of the license. No other 3rd party publisher had to submit their material as such to Wotc as far as I'm aware.

2012-09-30, 01:22 AM
Sadly even the "I'm the dm I can houserule it" didn't work.

You pulled Rule Zero and he said "no"? Well, he gets an A for effort, I suppose...

It kind of sounds like there's some personal issue going on between these two players; I don't know what else would lead a man to reject his DM pulling rank. Does this kind of thing happen often?

2012-09-30, 01:28 AM
Sadly, no 4th edit for me. This (http://www.kenzerco.com/forums/showthread.php?5939-Stealth-amp-Style-errata) is the only errata I'm aware of.

2012-09-30, 01:35 AM
You pulled Rule Zero and he said "no"? Well, he gets an A for effort, I suppose...

It kind of sounds like there's some personal issue going on between these two players; I don't know what else would lead a man to reject his DM pulling rank. Does this kind of thing happen often?

Yes there are personal issues between these players, and I keep trying to get them to leave them at the door to little luck. But since it has been proven thy this material is indeed 3.5, then the issue has been solved and I will put an end to this fight. Honestly I'm tired of having my Authority undermined and if he persists this character will sit out of this campaign.

2012-09-30, 05:11 AM
Yes there are personal issues between these players, and I keep trying to get them to leave them at the door to little luck. But since it has been proven thy this material is indeed 3.5, then the issue has been solved and I will put an end to this fight. Honestly I'm tired of having my Authority undermined and if he persists this character will sit out of this campaign.

Ouch, that's never a fun position to be in. Good luck, buddy.