View Full Version : Questions! (from a kinda newbie guy) :)

2012-09-30, 01:13 PM
Hello GitP. I have posted once in the past and got quite a bit of response.
After 3 months I come to ask some questions that im puzzled with. And as my party has broken it's ties for the last 2 months and will regroup in a month or so I have noone to ask about these :/.
So I was just making a build (for funzies or future use). It's a dagger throwing build using PhB I&II, Complete books(not Psionic) and Races books, no Oriental classes and only allowed to have 2 base classes and 2 PrC no more. DM is not flexible about allowing things out of these, accepts errata however.

{table=head]Char.level | Class Progression|Abilities|Feats|Notes
1|Rogue 1|2d6 (0d6 melee) ranged SA (?) , Trapfinding|Point Blank Shot|Halfling Rogue Substitution levels|
2|Fighter 1|Bonus Feat|Weapon Finesse||
3|Fighter 2|Bonus Feat|Weapon Focus (Dagger), TWF||
4|Rogue 2|Evasion||BONUS STAT|
5|Rogue 3|3d6 (1d6 M) SA (?), Death's Ruin, Thief's luck||Halfling Rogue Substitution levels, Death's Ruin = CC p.51|
6|Whisperknife 1|Uncanny Dodge|Precise Shot, Rapid Shot|Must Have by here= Bal. 3, Climb 3, Hide 6, Jump 3, Move 6, Tumble 3|
7|Master Thrower 1|Thrown Weapon Trick: Palm Throw|Quick Draw|Must Have by here= SoH 4|
8|Whisperknife 2|4d6 (2d6 M) SA(?)||BONUS STAT|
9|Whisperknife 3|Defensive Throw, Improved Catch|Improved TWF||
10|Whisperknife 4|Close Defense|||
11|Whisperknife 5|5d6 (3d6 M) SA(?)|||
12|Whisperknife 6|Poison Use, Fast Movement (+10ft)|Greater TWF|BONUS STAT|
13|Whisperknife 7|Vengeful Strike 1/day|||
14|Whisperknife 8|6d6 (4d6 M) SA(?), Superior Catch|||
15|Whisperknife 9|Improved Uncanny Dodge, Ranged Flank|Perfect TWF|MUST HAVE 25 DEX! WUT! (CW p.152)|
16|Master Thrower 2|Evasion (becomes Improved Evasion)||BONUS STAT|
17|Master Thrower 3|Thrown Weapon Trick: Trip Shot|||
18|Master Thrower 4|Snatch Arrows|???|Maybe take Improved Precise Shot?|
19|Master Thrower 5|Thrown Weapon Trick: Weak Spot, Critical Throw|||
20|Whisperknife 10|Vengeful Strike 3/day||BONUS STAT|
32 point-buy. table already affected by Halfling racials.
{table=head]Ability Name |Ability Score |Ability Modifier |Bonus from level up
DEX|17|+3|Everything here all 5!|
{table=head]Char. level| Fort | Red| Will
BAB= 19 at lvl 20 only damage is Rogue 1

My questions are:

How does Halfling rogue substitution levels work. Is rogue level 3 get 3d6 ranged SA and 1d6 melee SA, or is it 2d6 ranged SA and 1d6 melee and the whole idea is to lose 1d6 melee SA for thief's luck? and is it a must to take both lvl 1 and lvl 3 sub level if you want to take them?
Master Thrower's trick Palm throw it effects all your attacks? like if I attack 8 times it makes me attack 16 times? and does the trick stack with the Weak Spot trick?
Let's say I can attack 8 times, With palm throw I can attack 16 times?With Whisperknife's free Rapid shot I gain 2 attacks (one with each hand?), are they affected by palm throw? And Whisperknife's Superior Catch I gain one more attack with each hand, does that get affected by palm throw? If all these are correct I get at lvl 20 I get to attack 24 times?
Can option do I have so I can get my opponent to be able to get sneak attacked? If he is prone does he lose his DEX bonus? And must he lose all his DEX bonus or I could use a poison? Does Hiding and then come out and full attack, do all attacks get SA
Do the returning daggers return to your hands or they can return wherever you like? Like on the place you have for them? If it isnt, then how does it work? (http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/27594529.jpg)I got to do something im not aware of?
Any feats you could suggest? What do you think about my stat choise?

2012-09-30, 02:07 PM
Regarding item 1. There are halfling substitution levels available for the rogue at levels 1, 3, and 10. You can pick and choose which you want, you don't have to take all of them and just because you decline at level 1 doesn't mean you can't take 3rd or 10th. It is important to note that the Ranged Sneak Attack ability includes the words "This substitution feature augments, but does not replace, the standard rogue's sneak attack ability."

1st level grants the normal +1d6 sneak attack and you also apply an additonal +1d6 to ranged sneak attacks but apply -1d6 to melee sneak attacks. Otherwise the level makes no change from a standard rogue.
3rd level grants the Thief's Luck ability, including multiple uses per day at higher rogue levels and loses Trap Sense, including the bonuses to Trap Sense at higher rogue levels. Otherwise the level is the same as a standard rogue.
10th level grants the Sniping Mastery ability in place of a special ability. Otherwise the level is the same as a standard rogue.

With regard to item 2. The ability allows you to palm two small weapons - 2 darts, 2 shuriken, 2 daggers, etc. for which you have weapon focus - and throw them simultaneously. You make 1 attack roll and if successful both do damage, albeit without a strength bonus. It does not specify standard or full attack options, and you already have Quick Draw from the class, so this could be done for every attack until you run out of ammunition. Once you have the Weak Spot trick you should be able to use the two in conjunction as well.

With regard to item 3. The master thrower's palm throw states "a master thrower with this ability may throw two of each weapon with a single attack roll" and Rapid Shot gives you one extra attack each round with a ranged weapon. So you could use a palm throw with the extra attack. Note that Rapid Shot only grants an extra attack with the Primary weapon. Two Weapon fighting grants an attack with the secondary weapon. If you want an extra attack with the secondary weapon you would need Improved Two Weapon fighting. Also, Superior does not actually give you any more attacks than normal. It just allows you to use the same 'returning' weapon on more than one of those attacks. So you don't have to use up as much ammunition.

2012-09-30, 04:03 PM
So if no trap sense then no Death's Ruin :*(.

So with Perfect TWF and 19 bab that would be:
8 attacks
+ 1 (rapid shot)
9 attacks
x2 (palm throw)
18 attacks and only needing 14 returing daggers??

And still kinda curious about the rest 2 questions :confused:

Thanks for the enlightment though :smile:

2012-09-30, 04:29 PM
On 6:
Perfect TWF is an epic feat; you can't take it until ECL 21.

I'd recommend avoiding the TWF line after the first feat or two - the expected damage increase of an attack made at a -14 modifier (after TWF and Rapid Shot) is tiny.

On 4:
Ranged sneak attack doesn't trigger, except by conditions that explicitly deny dex, like Flat-footed, Blinded, Stunned, Grappled, etc. (Not Prone) These are a bit tricky to force with your sources, but they often happen incidentally in a party with a control caster. Normally, Dust Eggshell Grenades from oriental adventures or reptilian Wild Cohorts (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) are somewhat reliable ways to force sneak attackable conditions, but with those sources, the best you'll probably do is a ring of blinking (a very useful item in its own right, but it eats about a third of your attacks).

Improved Precise Shot an Woodland Archer could complement the character's main ability, but adding some failsafes with the Pierce Magical Concealment/Protection feat line probably wouldn't do any harm.

On 5:
The weapons return to either your hands or to the ground in your square, not to sheathes or anything.

2012-09-30, 04:54 PM
Oh didn't notice about the Perfect TWF and neither about Greater TWF needing ambidexterity. Welp, both are out :| .

Ring of Blinking wouldnt force me to only do standard atacks? So like only one main hand attack? Maybe I should support myself with alchemist fires and poisons till I get ranged flank?

And about the dagger: is it a bit disappointment if I have to move from the spot right? I have to come later to pick them up and always have a bunch extra ones. :frown:

Thanks for the answers :smile:!

2012-09-30, 06:06 PM
Greater TWF (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#greaterTwoWeaponFighting)

Ambidexterity is a 3.0 feat, NOT a 3.5 one.

Ed: Eggs point is valid, the higher TWF feats are of diminishing value, because later iteratives can suck. There are mitigating factors though such as wanting to trash someone's precious Mirror Image, somehow making them into touch attacks, etc. Its probably better to spend your feats on something else though.

Fouredged Sword
2012-10-06, 09:27 AM
If you don't want to run down your knives, and are already a halfling rogue, consider whisperknife. It's the class for halfling rogue throwers. You get an ability that returns all thrown weapons to you after the attack.

Also note, you may only apply one set of sneak attack die per attack roll. For more details read the sneak attack rules about volley attacks. Palm throw is useful, but more so for stacking magic effects. Throw two +1 flaming, frost, corrosive, shocking shrunken and deal 8d6 extra damage (and they are bought as ammunition).

2012-10-11, 02:08 PM
Sorry for the late response Fouredged Sword!
Actually in the build that I provided (even tho its faulty) my idea was combining masterthrwer and Whisperknife :).
Nice note for SA thank you but as for shuriken its an Oriental weapon (you are excused as my original post only said about classes :|) so I cant pick them. However I will use your tips they are great. :smallsmile:
Thank you.

2012-10-11, 02:14 PM
Sorry for the late response Fouredged Sword!
Actually in the build that I provided (even tho its faulty) my idea was combining masterthrwer and Whisperknife :).
Nice note for SA thank you but as for shuriken its an Oriental weapon (you are excused as my original post only said about classes :|) so I cant pick them. However I will use your tips they are great. :smallsmile:
Thank you.

Shuriken are in the base PHB, they aren't from Oriental Adventures.

2012-10-11, 02:17 PM
Don't buy 18 +1 Returning knives !!!

That would be a massive waste of cash.
Get, instead, a Gauntlet of Infinite blades! (Magic Item Compendium, page 101)

It provides you with unlimited nonmagical daggers, and has 3 charges/day which you can use to pull better knives. And costs 6500 gp, which is very little compared to 20 +1 Returning knives.

Nothing else to add (Although i'd put the Master Thrower levels as soon as i can)