View Full Version : Wyrm Wizard......Is it worth it?

2012-10-01, 11:54 AM
As the title asks. Recently I've been invited to a RL! D&D group along with a friend of mine and I plan on making a wizard for their group since thats what they need most right now and I'm most familiar with casters. From what I know of their group, they are fairly high level(Their Cleric already has resurrection effects.) so I wanted to pick up at least one PrC and I love both the fluff and mechanics of the Wyrm Wizard. Since their group is non-evil, I won't be using my first love of Necromancy. However, my second love, Dragons, is more then attainable and as a result I'm striving to make the most dragon-y wizard as possible. Wyrm Wizard seems like the PERFECT class for this character fluff-wise, and crunch wise it gets some VERY strong abilities. I especially love the ability to poach spells from any spell list. However, the class, as a result of it's abilities, loses 3 caster levels and as a result I want to know if the class is worth taking despite that steep loss?

2012-10-01, 12:00 PM
3 CL is a lot, especially when compared to classes that do similar jobs like the Recaster or Fiend-blooded.

It won't stop a caster from doing more powerful things than noncasters, but it's usually a step down in power.

2012-10-01, 12:05 PM
Ehh. Fiend-Blooded is FUN, but sadly is Sorc only. I've never heard of the other but the name makes it sound as if it's fluff is fairly generic and bland. If the GM allows homebrew I'll TRY and convince him to let me use my own PRC known as the Wyrmpriest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=237866&highlight=Wyrmpriest) but if they don't then I'm not sure what to do. Maybe forget taking a"dragon-y" PrC and just use my race(Planning on going Silverbrow Human) and spell selection(Take the Dragon Ally line and such...) to give me my dragon-y fluff?